2,417 research outputs found

    Graph Algorithm Animation with Grrr

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    We discuss geometric positioning, highlighting of visited nodes and user defined highlighting that form the algorithm animation facilities in the Grrr graph rewriting programming language. The main purpose of animation was initially for the debugging and profiling of Grrr code, but recently it has been extended for the purpose of teaching algorithms to undergraduate students. The animation is restricted to graph based algorithms such as graph drawing, list manipulation or more traditional graph theory. The visual nature of the Grrr system allows much animation to be gained for free, with no extra user effort beyond the coding of the algorithm, but we also discuss user defined animations, where custom algorithm visualisations can be explicitly defined for teaching and demonstration purposes

    Four Wheelchair-User Architects

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    It certainly seems like a fortuitous accident that four wheelchair users have ended up studying at the same school of architecture, at almost the same time. Maybe it is even the same kind of twisted fate that has confined us to a wheelchair in the first place, as none of us was born in it. With different ages, backgrounds, interests and sets of difficulties to master, we committed ourselves to initiate careers in architecture several years ago. Accessibility issues, especially in terms of mobility, have (always) been an intrinsic and fundamental part of our approach to academic projects, and they will most certainly continue to maintain a strong presence in our professional lives. This book reflects a set of principles and motivations that fuel our daily concerns. First and foremost, it is our desire to introduce people to a wide range of viewpoints, other ways of perceiving the environment in general, and architecture in particular. Furthermore, we aspire to break nonsensical stereotypes, particularly those that claim everything dealing with accessibility and universal design is ugly or sad, or that it only exists to assist a ridiculously small chunk of the population that is (un)fortunately affected by some kind of affliction. In terms of academic training, we’d like to voice our concern that very little is being done to approach architecture through anything other than a pure ocularcentric bias that precludes other basic concepts. If anything, architecture is created by means of and for the entire human body. Finally, it is also our wish to present our final theses projects, not because they are particularly extraordinary or look especially nice, but because they were conceived in a unique way: they were created with a view to fostering the closest possible relationship between user and designer

    Proyecto de instalación eléctrica de baja tensión en una industria de fabricación de plásticos ubicada en el PI de Sant Joanet

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    [ES] Se realizará el proyecto de la instalación eléctrica de baja tensión de un edificio industrial de potencia intermedia (desde 50 kW a 1000 kW). Se podrá incluir el proyecto del centro de transformación si el responsable lo considera necesario. Es conveniente haber cursado con aprovechamiento la asignatura Tecnología Eléctrica.Vidal Bataller, N. (2016). Proyecto de instalación eléctrica de baja tensión en una industria de fabricación de plásticos ubicada en el PI de Sant Joanet. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/70247.TFG

    SNP+ to predict dropout rates in SNP arrays

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    Altres ajuts: acords transformatius de la UAB. Altres ajuts: LoupO project (EFA354/19) of the European Interreg Program V-A Spain-France-Andorra (POCTEFA 2014-2020)Genotyping individuals using forensic or non-invasive samples such as hair or fecal samples increases the risk of allelic amplification failure (dropout) due to the low quality and quantity of DNA. One way to decrease genotyping errors is to increase the number of replicates per sample. Here, we have developed the software SNP+ to estimate the dropout probability and the subsequent required number of replicates to obtain the reliable genotype with probability 95%. Moreover, the software predicts the minor allele frequency and compares two competing models assuming equal or allele-specific dropout probabilities by Bayes factor. The software handles data from one SNP to high density arrays (e.g., 100,000 SNPs)

    «Cuerpos perdidos en las morgues»: la indagación (i)rracional en esta novela de detectives

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    Analysis of Cuerpos perdidos en las morgues (2018), by Xaime Martínez.Estudio sobre la novela Cuerpos perdidos en las morgues (2018), de Xaime Martínez

    Análisis de los microRNA en enfermedades cardiovasculares y envejecimiento cardiaco

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    Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) are one of the main causes of death that affect worldwide. Thereare several risk factors for the development of CVD, among them, aging is important, whichimplies the anatomical and functional deterioration of the heart. CVD constitute a great burdenin advanced societies. There is a need for the development of therapies and non-invasiveprognostic and diagnostic biomarkers to effectively tackle them. microRNAs (miRNAs) are smallRNAs known to regulate main biological process. For this reason, miRNAs have been proposedas a powerful therapeutic targets or biomarkers.Here the role of miRNAs in the development of CVD and cardiac aging has been reviewed. Inaddition, the translation level of results in animal models to human has been investigated. Asresult, a complete compilation of miRNAs that contribute to CVD and cardiac aging is offered.This literature compilation points out that the great majority of the described miRNAs remainunstudied in human. Based in the high degree of miRNA sequence conservation between speciesand their target sequences, similar functions could be expected in human. Yet, otherphysiological differences in comparison with animal models could suggest the contrary. Toassess the contribution of miRNA in cardiac related pathophysiology, cardiomyocytes derivedfrom human induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC-CMs) emerge as a model for their studyavoiding this translation difficulties.In addition, the BSICoS group has built a bioinformatic regulatory network controlled by miRNAsassociated with biological age (BIO-AGEmiRNAs) of the human myocardium. Experimentalvalidation of the interactions within this network is required. A new cost-effective validation toolhas been built using fluorescence. Last, luciferase reporter assays (DualGlo assay) are used tostudy interaction of cardiac-related genes with miR-3916. As a result, positive interaction trendshave been observed for CASQ2, ACTN2 and DSP with miR-3916. This fact highlights the potentialof miRNAs in the regulation of genes associated with human cardiac aging and CVD and theirpowerful value as therapeutic targets.<br /

    Challenges of Navigational Queries: Finding Best Paths in Graphs

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    Life science sources are characterized by a complex graph of overlapping sources, and multiple alternate links between sources. A (navigational) query may be answered by traversing multiple alternate paths between an origin and target source. Paths may be characterized by several metrics, including the cardinality of objects of the target source(TOC), the cost of query evaluation of a plan for the path, and the user's preference for specific paths. Our challenge is finding the best paths among the set of all solutions, AllPaths, that meet some user specified ranking criteria. If the user ranking criteria is strict, then the problem is to find the Top K paths. If the user wants a trade-off of several metrics, then the problem is to find the Skyline paths that are not dominated by other paths. {\em NSearch} is a naive solution. {\em BFSrchOpt} is a heuristic best-first search strategy. It uses a metric to rank partial solutions (subpaths) and (local) metrics to guide graph traversal, and produces BFPaths. We compare the precision and recall of BFPaths compared to the Top K\% or Skyline of AllPaths. We study the impact of graph properties on the behavior of {\em BFSrchOpt}. {\em BFSrchOpt} can be orders of magnitude faster than {\em NSearch}

    Cocina y representación: el caso del restaurante ámaZ en Lima

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    La presente tesis busca ilustrar el proceso de representación de la cocina amazónica en Lima, específicamente en el restaurante ámaZ. Se sostiene que el proceso consiste en tres fases que le dan forma a la representación de esta cocina: la fase de investigación y acercamiento, la fase de traducción y producción y finalmente, la fase de consumo y circulación. Se busca desentrañar los temas que están articulando este proceso de representación y la complejidad técnica de cada uno de los elementos que participan. En este sentido esta etnografía, va más allá del estudio de la cocina amazónica y nos invita a pensar en los sistemas de representación y las narrativas e imaginarios asociados a la cocina y la región amazónica en general. Se puede afirmar que el restaurante ámaZ es una forma de promocionar el glamour de la etnicidad y diversidad cultural a través de la seducción de la diferencia como una parte importante del atractivo del restaurante. Sin embargo, cubre las relaciones de poder que se esconden detrás de todo este montaje de la autenticidad. La Amazonía que se representa en ámaZ es resultado de una tensión entre reconocimiento de la variedad culinaria y producción de los estereotipos y narrativas sociales dominantes.Tesi

    Exposición temprana a alimentos como factor de riesgo para asma en niños del distrito 26 de octubre-Piura, 2022

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    The Global Initiative for Asthma (GINA) define al asma bronquial como una inflamación crónica en las vías respiratorias en la que participan componentes celulares. Los factores de riesgo más resaltantes del asma son: antecedentes de familiares asmáticos, prematuridad, uso de fórmula láctea antes de los 6 meses de edad, y bajo nivel socioeconómico. Objetivo: Determinar si la exposición temprana a alimentos es un factor de riesgo para asma bronquial en niños menores de 10 años del distrito 26 de octubre-Piura en el periodo 2022. Métodos: Se utilizó la recolección de datos básicos de los pacientes del Hospital Santa Rosa a través de historias clínicas, para así realizar la encuesta de manera virtual a los apoderados de los niños del distrito de 26 de octubre – Piura. Resultados: Esta investigación nos da como resultado que de 0 a 3 años presentan asma 15.2%, de 4 a 6 un 19.6% y de 7 a 9 años un 19.1%; de estos un 41.3% son mujeres y 13.5% varones. Así mismo la exposición temprana a alimentos en pacientes asmáticos estuvo presente en el 10.9% y en un 7% en aquellos que no. Conclusiones: Dentro de los principales alimentos que están presentes en la exposición precoz tenemos principalmente a cítricos e infusiones, seguido de consumo de huevo, avena y soya

    Determinación de arsénico en aguas de consumo humano en la localidad De Lavaisse (San Luis)

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    La presencia de arsénico en aguas de consumo representa un riesgo para la salud cuando su concentración excede el valor recomendado (0,01 mg/L) por la Organización Mundial de la Salud. Muchas comunidades rurales no tienen acceso a la red de agua potable y sólo disponen de fuentes de aguas subterráneas contaminadas naturalmente con arsénico. Se tomaron muestras de agua de consumo humano en la localidad de Lavaisse y alrededores. Se determinaron las concentraciones de arsénico y flúor, pH, y conductividad. La determinación de arsénico total se realizó mediante el método Vasak-Sedivek, la concentración de fluoruro se hizo por S.M. 4500-D (Método SPADNS). El análisis de los resultados evidencia que las concentraciones de arsénico están entre 0,055 y 0,069 mg/L, entre 5 y 7 veces por encima de los valores recomendados, incrementándose así el riesgo en la salud de los pobladores. Los otros parámetros se encuentran dentro de los valores considerados aptos para consumo humano.The presence of arsenic in drinking water represents a health risk when the concentration exceeds the World Health Organization recommended value (0.01 mg/L). Many rural populations only use As-polluted groundwater sources since they do not have access to potable water distribution systems. Samples of drinking water were collected in Lavaisse and surroundings. Arsenic and fluorine concentrations, pH, and conductivity were determined. The determination of total arsenic was performed by the Vasak-Sedivek method, while the fluoride concentration was determined by S.M. 4500-D (SPADNS Method). The results show that the arsenic concentrations are between 0.055 and 0.069 mg/L, i.e. between 5 and 7 times above the recommended values, increasing the health risk of the inhabitants. The other parameters are within the values considered suitable for human consumption.Fil: Vidal Treber, Juan. Universidad Nacional de San Luis.Fil: Curvale, Daniela. Universidad Nacional de San Luis.Fil: Marchevsky, Natalia J. Universidad Nacional de San Luis.Fil: Barroso Quiroga, María M.. Universidad Nacional de San Luis