2,036 research outputs found

    Roaring 20s: A Self-Produced Visual EP

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    This project aims to develop a visual EP that will position the creator as a writer, musician, music producer, video producer, engineer & programmer. Through the process of pre- production, production, mixing and creating visuals, a project titled Roaring 20s will be developed that will innovate and push the creative boundaries within the creator. The EP will consist of four songs that will carry a theme, and originally were going to have a visual cohesive story, but due to unforeseen circumstances, evolved to accompanying lyric videos that illustrate and evoke the emotions each song is conveying. The author comes from a background of home studio audiovisuals. Therefore, this project aims to elevate the author’s skills with the goal of developing professional audiovisual production. This will be accomplished through the use of studio knowledge and etiquette applying songwriting, production, engineering and video production/editing learned throughout the year at Berklee College of Music.https://remix.berklee.edu/graduate-studies-production-technology/1204/thumbnail.jp

    Entanglement in a first order quantum phase transition

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    The phase diagram of spins 1/2 embedded in a magnetic field mutually interacting antiferromagnetically is determined. Contrary to the ferromagnetic case where a second order quantum phase transition occurs, a first order transition is obtained at zero field. The spectrum is computed for a large number of spins and allows one to study the ground state entanglement properties which displays a jump of its concurrence at the critical point.Comment: 4 pages, 3 EPS figure

    Use of an EZ-Tn5-Based Random Mutagenesis System to Identify a Novel Toxin Regulatory Locus in Clostridium perfringens Strain 13

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    Background: Although useful for probing bacterial pathogenesis and physiology, current random mutagenesis systems suffer limitations for studying the toxin-producing bacterium Clostridium perfringens. Methodology/Principal Findings: An EZ-Tn5-based random mutagenesis approach was developed for use in C. perfringens. This mutagenesis system identified a new regulatory locus controlling toxin production by strain 13, a C. perfringens type A strain. The novel locus, encoding proteins with homology to the AgrB and AgrD components of the Agr quorum sensing system of Staphylococcus aureus and two hypothetical proteins, was found to regulate early production of both alpha toxin and perfringolysin O (PFO) by strain 13. PFO production by the strain 13 DagrB mutant could be restored by genetic complementation or by physical complementation, i.e. by co-culture of the strain 13 DagrB mutant with a pfoA mutant of either strain 13 or C. perfringens type C CN3685. A similar AgrB- and AgrD-encoding locus is identifiable in all sequenced C. perfringens strains, including type B, C, D, and E isolates, suggesting this regulatory locus contributes to toxin regulation by most C. perfringens strains. In strain 13, the agrB and agrD genes were found to be co-transcribed in an operon with two upstream genes encoding hypothetical proteins. Conclusions/Significance: The new Tn5-based random mutagenesis system developed in this study is more efficient and random than previously reported C. perfringens random mutagenesis approaches. It allowed identification of a novel C. perfringens toxin regulatory locus with homology to the Agr system of S. aureus and which functions as expected of an Agr-like quorum sensing system. Since previous studies have shown that alpha toxin and perfringolysin O are responsible for strain 13-induced clostridial myonecrosis in the mouse model, the new agr regulatory locus may have importance for strain 13 virulence. © 2009 Vidal et al

    Assessment of the spatial variability of soil chemical properties along a transect using multifractal analysis

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    [Abstract]The spatial variability of soil properties can be assessed through concepts of scale invariance, fractals and multifractals. The aim of this study was to characterize the scaling patterns and structural heterogeneity properties of general soil chemical properties along a short (i.e. 52 m large) transect. Field measurements were carried out at the experimental farm of CIAM located in Mabegondo, A Coruña, Spain. The studied transect was marked following land slope, and 66 soil samples were collected at the 0-20 cm depth every 0.8 m. The soil properties analyzed were: pH (H2O ), organic carbon content, exchangeable Ca, Mg and K, exchangeable acidity (H + Al), exchangeable bases (SB), cation exchange capacity (CEC), percent base saturation (V) and extractable P. The soil properties studied showed various degrees of multifractality. The spatial distribution of pH was characterized by quasi-monofractal behaviour; CEC, (H+Al) and OM, presented a relatively low degree of multifractality, and the other soil properties studied showed stronger degrees of multifractality, being the highest one for Olsen extractable P. In general, the scaling features of the properties studied implied a multifractal nature, where the low and high density regions scaled differently

    Sense-antisense pairs in mammals: functional and evolutionary considerations

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    Analysis of a catalog of S-AS pairs in the human and mouse genomes revealed several putative roles for natural antisense transcripts and showed that some are artifacts of cDNA library construction

    Anti-atherogenic properties associated with the antioxidant activity from the hydrophilic extracts of Halimeda incrassata (Chlorophyta, Bryopsidales)

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    Seaweeds are a source of natural antioxidants having potential application in oxidative stress and associated diseases. In this work, anti-atherogenic properties associated with the antioxidant activity from the hydrophilic extracts of Halimeda incrassata were studied. The phenolic content assessed inthe aqueous extract and fraction phenolic acids (FPA) was 0.13 ± 0.05 and 0.47 ± 0.09 mg of gallic acid equivalents (GAE)/g dry seaweed, respectively. In DPPH?, radical scavenging assay fractions exhibited a dependent concentration. The seaweeds extract inhibited the desoxirribose oxidation in the presenceor absence of EDTA (IC50 = 1.91± 0.09 mg/mL) (IC50 = 2.95 ± 0.01 mg/mL). In vivo antioxidant properties of FPA-H.incrassata were investigated in rats with a CCl4-induced liver injury. Pre-treatment with H.incrassata led to approximately 50% reductions in liver TBARS levels. The treatment with H. incrassataFPA also increased the activity of the CAT enzyme, which in turn resulted in an enhanced antioxidantdefense. The expression of Catalase by PCR-RT technique demonstrated a higher gene expression when compared with that which was observed in the CCl 4-treated group. Antiatherogenic properties were studied in the inhibition of lipoprotein oxidation mediated by Cu2+ or HRP/H2O2, free radicalscavenging, and metal ion chelation, and it was dose dependent with a higher concentration needed for the aqueous extract than for the FPA fraction. Antioxidant activity was also improved in macrophages as evaluated in the cell supernatant (by TBARS formation); and by luminol enhanced chemiluminescence after cell activation with zymosan; and a degree of cell lipoperoxidation wasdecreased by the Halimeda incrassata extract. The results of this work add to the antioxidant potential of the seaweed for its application in oxidative stress associated conditions.Fil: Vidal-Novoa, Alexis. Universidad de la Habana. Facultad de Biología; CubaFil: Costa-Mugica, Ariadna. Universidad de la Habana. Facultad de Biología; CubaFil: Zulueta Díaz, Yenisleidy de Las Mercedes. Universidad de la Habana. Facultad de Biología; Cuba. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Centro de Investigaciones en Química Biológica de Córdoba. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Químicas. Centro de Investigaciones en Química Biológica de Córdoba; ArgentinaFil: Diaz-Gutierrez, Daylín. Universidad de la Habana. Facultad de Biología; CubaFil: de Oliveira e Silva, Ana, Mara. Universidade de Sao Paulo; BrasilFil: Vazquez, Ana María. Center For Molecular Inmunology; CubaFil: Claudina, Zaldívar-Munoz. Universidad de la Habana. Facultad de Biología; CubaFil: Dalva, Assuncao Portari de Mancini. Institute Butantan Sao Paulo; BrasilFil: Mancini-Filho, Jorge. Universidade de Sao Paulo; Brasi

    The quorum sensing com system regulates pneumococcal colonisation and invasive disease in a pseudo-stratified airway tissue model.

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    BACKGROUND The effects of the com quorum sensing system during colonisation and invasion of Streptococcus pneumoniae (Spn) are poorly understood. METHODS We developed an ex vivo model of differentiated human airway epithelial (HAE) cells with beating ciliae, mucus production and tight junctions to study Spn colonisation and translocation. HAE cells were inoculated with Spn wild-type TIGR4 (wtSpn) or its isogenic ΔcomC quorum sensing-deficient mutant. RESULTS Colonisation density of ΔcomC mutant was lower after 6 h but higher at 19 h and 30 h compared to wtSpn. Translocation correlated inversely with colonisation density. Transepithelial electric resistance (TEER) decreased after pneumococcal inoculation and correlated with increased translocation. Confocal imaging illustrated prominent microcolony formation with wtSpn but disintegration of microcolony structures with ΔcomC mutant. ΔcomC mutant showed greater cytotoxicity than wtSpn, suggesting that cytotoxicity was likely not the mechanism leading to translocation. There was greater density- and time-dependent increase of inflammatory cytokines including NLRP3 inflammasome-related IL-18 after infection with ΔcomC compared with wtSpn. ComC inactivation was associated with increased pneumolysin expression. CONCLUSIONS ComC system allows a higher organisational level of population structure resulting in microcolony formation, increased early colonisation and subsequent translocation. We propose that ComC inactivation unleashes a very different and possibly more virulent phenotype that merits further investigation

    Manifestaciones de baritina hidrotermal en el batolito de la Costa

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    En el Batolito. de la Costa se ha encontrado manifestaciones de baritina epitermal, generada por la actividad félsica del Batolito. Estos yacimientos son mayormente filonianos, prácticamente monominerálicos y están asociados, la mayor parte de las veces, a aplitas y pegamtitas. Los minerales accesorios principales, asociados a la baritina son cuarzo, calcita, pirita y whiterita; y las alteraciones asociadas son epidotización, propilitización, caolinización y silificación. Las superunidades del Batolito identificadas como responsables de esta mineralización son Tiabaya y Linga

    Ántrax cutáneo en Lima, Perú: análisis retrospectivo de 71 casos, incluyendo cuatro con complicación meningoencefálica

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    Anthrax is a zoonosis produced by Bacillus anthracis, and as an human infection is endemic in several areas in the world, including Peru. More than 95% of the reported naturally acquired infections are cutaneous, and approximately 5% of them can progress to meningoencephalitis. In this study we review the clinical and epidemiological characteristics of the patients with diagnosis of cutaneous anthrax evaluated between 1969 and 2002 at the Hospital Nacional Cayetano Heredia (HNCH) and the Instituto de Medicina Tropical Alexander von Humboldt in Lima, Peru. Seventy one patients were included [49/71 (69%) of them men], with a mean age of 37 years. The diagnoses were classified as definitive (44%) or probable (56%). The most common occupation of the patients was agriculture (39%). The source of infection was found in 63 (88.7%) patients. All the patients had ulcerative lesions, with a central necrosis. Most of the patients (65%) had several lesions, mainly located in the upper limbs (80%). Four patients (5.6%) developed meningoencephalitis, and three of them eventually died. In conclusion, considering its clinical and epidemiological characteristics, cutaneous anthrax must be included in the differential diagnosis of skin ulcers. A patient with clinical suspicion of the disease should receive effective treatment soon, in order to avoid neurological complications which carry a high fatality rate.El ántrax es una zoonosis producida por el Bacillus anthracis y la infección humana es endémica en diversas partes del mundo, incluyendo el Perú. Más del 95% de las infecciones adquiridas naturalmente son cutáneas y aproximadamente 5% de ellas pueden evolucionar para meningoencefalitis. En este estudio revisamos las características clínicas y epidemiológicas de los pacientes con diagnóstico de ántrax cutáneo evaluados entre 1969 y 2002 en el Hospital Nacional Cayetano Heredia (HNCH) y en el Instituto de Medicina Tropical Alexander von Humboldt, en Lima, Perú. Se incluyeron 71 pacientes [49/71 (69%) del sexo masculino], con edad media de 37 años. Los diagnósticos fueron clasificados como definitivos (44%) o probables (56%). La ocupación más frecuente fue la agricultura (39%). La fuente de infección fue identificada en 63 (88.7%) pacientes. Todos presentaron lesiones ulcerativas con necrosis central. La mayoría de ellos (65%) tuvieron lesiones múltiples, principalmente localizadas en miembros superiores (80%). Cuatro pacientes (5.6%) desarrollaron meningoencefalitis y tres de ellos fallecieron. En conclusión, considerando sus particulares características clínicas y epidemiológicas, el ántrax cutáneo debe ser siempre incluido en el diagnóstico diferencial de las lesiones cutáneas ulcerativas. Los pacientes con sospecha clínica de la enfermedad deben recibir tratamiento precoz con el objetivo de evitar complicaciones neurológicas, las cuales presentan elevados índices de fatalidad

    Increased Nasopharyngeal Density and Concurrent Carriage of Streptococcus Pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae, and Moraxella catarrhalis Are Associated with Pneumonia in Febrile Children.

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    We assessed nasopharyngeal (NP) carriage of five pathogens in febrile children with and without acute respiratory infection (ARI) of the upper (URTI) or lower tract, attending health facilities in Tanzania. NP swabs collected from children (N = 960) aged 2 months to 10 years, and with a temperature ≥38°C, were utilized to quantify bacterial density of S. pneumoniae (Sp), H. influenzae (Hi), M. catarrhalis (Mc), S. aureus (Sa), and N. meningitidis (Nm). We determined associations between presence of individual species, densities, or concurrent carriage of all species combination with respiratory diseases including clinical pneumonia, pneumonia with normal chest radiography (CXR) and endpoint pneumonia. Individual carriage, and NP density, of Sp, Hi, or Mc, but not Sa, or Nm, was significantly associated with febrile ARI and clinical pneumonia when compared to febrile non-ARI episodes. Density was also significantly increased in severe pneumonia when compared to mild URTI (Sp, p<0.002; Hi p<0.001; Mc, p = 0.014). Accordingly, concurrent carriage of Sp+, Hi+, and Mc+, in the absence of Sa- and Nm-, was significantly more prevalent in children with ARI (p = 0.03), or clinical pneumonia (p<0.001) than non-ARI, and in children with clinical pneumonia (p = 0.0007) than URTI. Furthermore, Sp+, Hi+, and Mc+ differentiated children with pneumonia with normal CXR, or endpoint pneumonia, from those with URTI, and non-ARI cases. Concurrent NP carriage of Sp, Hi, and Mc was a predictor of clinical pneumonia and identified children with pneumonia with normal CXR and endpoint pneumonia from those with febrile URTI, or non-ARI episodes