546 research outputs found


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    School teachers can experience stress at work and outside of work for a variety of reasons. This study investigated workplace stress and perceived strategies that school leaders use in handling work-related stressors in secondary schools in Anambra state. A descriptive survey research design was used for the study. A total of 1,180 teachers were chosen from a population of 6,887 secondary school teachers. The data collection instrument is a questionnaire separated into three sub-sections: A, B, and C. The data was gathered by delivering the test instruments directly to the respondents, and the data were analysed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) program. The data was analysed using descriptive statistics. Means and standard deviations were used to answer research questions 1 and 2, while percentages were used to answer research question 3. The results indicated among others, that majority of study respondents choose “improved career development” as their top perceived approach that school principals use in handling teachers' work-related stressors. Based on the study, the researcher suggests that school principals strive to incorporate long-term preventive stress control strategies that improve teachers' mental wellness and well-being, such as exploring professional and family support and counselling. JEL: J24; I20; I25 Article visualizations


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    Para contribuir para a construção de um modelo de balanço trófico, as estimativas das relações de consumo de alimentos por unidade de biomassa (Q/B) foram compiladas para 37 espécies de peixes do estuário do Curuçá selecionados no Norte do Brasil usando um modelo empírico. As amostras foram coletadas bimestralmente entre Julho de 2003 e Julho de 2004 no canal principal e áreas intertidais usando uma rede de arrasto modelo “otter trawl” e uma rede “fyke”, respectivamente. O aspect ratio da nadadeira caudal variou entre 0,8 para Poecilia vivipara e 4,6 para Sciades herzbergii e o Q/B variou de 2,3 para Epinephelus itajara para 67,3 para Cetengraulis edentulus. Este estudo representa a primeira referência disponível dos valores de Q/B para 29 espécies de peixes. Esta compilação de Q/B deveria ser utilizada para a construção de modelos de Ecopath específicos para condições tropicais.Palavras-chaves: consumo/biomassa; aspect ratio; modelo trófico; ictiofauna; Ecopath.To contribute to mass balanced trophic model parametrization, estimates of annual food consumption/biomass ratio (Q/B) were compiled for 37 selected fish species of the Curuçá Estuary in Northern Brazil using an empirical model. Samples were taken bimonthly between July 2003 and July 2004 in the main channel and intertidal creeks using an otter trawl and a fyke net, respectively. The aspect ratio of the caudal fin varied between 0.8 for Poecilia vivipara and 4.6 for Sciades herzbergii and the Q/B ranged from 2.3 for Epinephelus itajara to 67.3 for Cetengraulis edentulus. This study represents the first reference available on Q/B values of 29 fish species. This compilation of Q/B ratio presented here should be useful for construction of Ecopath models particularly in tropical conditions.Keywords: consumption/biomass; aspect ratio; trophic models; Ecopath

    Evaluation of Internal Audit Operations and the Efficiency of Educational Performance in Nigerian Universities (A Case Study of Ekiti State University, Nigeria)

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    This project was designed to investigate the relevance of internal audit operations in Nigerian universities to find out the extent to which an effective internal audit role has benefited the performance of the university system and how it could be used as an instrument to improve the management of the university. This was generated off by an unprecedented line up of corporate failures in the university system and how internal auditors have been belittled in the time of policy formulation and project implementation. The research employed survey research design by which data were generated through an administered questionnaire on the staff of the Internal Audit department as well as the review of available documents and records of the Ekiti State University. The data analysis used descriptive statistics and percentage analysis, and the hypotheses were tested using the t-test statistic. The research employed statistical package for social sciences (SPSS) software version 17.0 in the analysis of data and test of hypotheses which showed that internal audit operation has a relationship with the performance of the university system (t-cal = 17.306 > t-crit = 2.353 at 5% level of significance). The research is to contribute to new knowledge by describing the internal audit profile of the Nigerian Universities to assist the university management in policy formulation and execution of projects that will lead to a better chance to maintain world-class educational societies. The research conclusion was based on the findings that there is a significant relationship between the internal audit operations and the performance of the university system, and that the management must always seek the opinion and indulgence of the internal audit department before they engage in the formulation and implementation of any policy and execution of any project

    Cloud Computing and Open Source Software: Issues and Developments

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    Cloud computing is a global paradigm that is offering useful services in virtually all spheres of human endeavor based on infrastructure made available to users on demand. The cloud provides on demand, elastic and scalable resources to meet the needs of users. The cloud has application deployed by cloud service providers that can be accessed by several users at the same time. Cloud computing also offers a programming environment that allows users deploy and run their own in-house applications. Massive storage and computing resources are also available on the cloud. There are currently open source applications that can be used to implement cloud applications. The source code which can be improved on and adapted for use is available to the user online. Such open source software tools allow the deployment of cloud for any type of domain. The study was executed by means of review of some literature available on cloud computing and open source software. This paper examines present trends in cloud computing and open source software and provides a guide for future research. In the present work, the objective is to answer the following question: what is the current trend and development in cloud computing and open source software? The review’s finding is that OpenStack provides the most comprehensive infrastructure in cloud computing and open source software


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    The stomach contents of 172 individuals of Hypostomus plecostomus and 94 specimens of Hypostomus emarginatus from the Coaracy Nunes reservoir in northern Brazil were analyzed in order to evaluate the feeding ecology of the two fish species from this site. Data were collected in eight campaigns conducted every two months between May, 2010 and July, 2011, four in the dry season and four during the flood period. The analysis of the stomach contents was based on the volumetric frequency (VF%) and frequency of occurrence (FO%), combined with the feeding index (FI). Nine different dietary items were identified: detritus, plant fragments, zooplankton, arthropods, chlorophytes, bacillariophytes, cyanobacteria, dinophytes, and unidentified material. Detritus was the principal component of the diet during both seasons, with all the other items representing only complementary or accidental portions of the diets of both species. Niche breadth was low overall, but slightly greater in H. plecostomus in comparison with H. emarginatus. Niche overlap was accentuated in both seasons, which indicates that seasonality is not a major factor influencing the characteristics of the niches of these species, possibly because of the marked abundance of detritus in the study area, specifically in the impounded sector. The two species can be characterized as detritivores, which share dietary resources with no clear evidence of any negative effects of interspecific competition on the coexistence of the two populations.Keywords: Feeding ecology; niche breadth; Araguarí River; Amazonia.O presente estudo teve como objetivo analisar a ecologia trófica de 172 exemplares de Hypostomus plecostomus e 94 indivíduos de Hypostomus emarginatus do reservatório da UHE Coaracy Nunes, Ferreira Gomes-Amapá, coletados em oito campanhas, bimensalmente de maio de 2010 a julho de 2011, sendo quatro no período seco e quatro no período de cheia. A análise baseou-se nos métodos de freqüência volumétrica (FV%) e de ocorrência (FO%), combinados no índice alimentar (IAi). Foram encontradas nove categorias de alimentos: Detritos, fragmentos vegetais, zooplâncton, artrópodes, chlorophyta, bacillariophyta, cyanobacteria, dinophyta e material não identificado. Nos dois períodos sazonais, detritos foi o item mais consumido, sendo os demais considerados itens de consumo acidental ou de complementação para ambas as espécies. Em geral, a amplitude de nicho foi baixa, porém entre as duas espécies houve pequena diferença, sendo a amplitude de H. plecostomus maior que a de H. emarginatus. Nos dois períodos sazonais, a sobreposição de nicho apresentou valores elevados, indicando que a sazonalidade não é um fator decisivo na alteração de nicho dessas espécies, provavelmente em virtude da alta disponibilidade de detritos, particularmente na região do represamento. Conclui-se que as duas espécies apresentam hábito alimentar detritívoro, realizando a partilha deste recurso, sem existir processos de competição interespecífica evidentes, que comprometam a sua coexistência.Palavras-chave: Ecologia trófica, amplitude alimentar, rio Araguarí, Amazônia

    Role of correlations in spin-polarized neutron matter

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    Background: The possible existence of a phase transition to a ferromagnetic state in neutron matter as origin of the extremely high magnetic fields of neutron stars is still an open issue. Whereas many phenomenological interactions predict this transition at densities accessible in neutron stars, microscopic calculations based on realistic interactions show no indication of it. The existence or non-existence of this transition is a consequence of the different role of nucleon-nucleon correlations in polarized and unpolarized neutron matter. Therefore, to give a definite answer to this issue it is necessary to analyze the behavior of these correlations. Purpose: Using the Hellmann-Feynman theorem we analyze the contribution of the different terms of the nucleon-nucleon interaction to the spin symmetry energy of neutron matter with the purpose of identifying the nature and role of correlations in polarized and unpolarized neutron matter. Methods: The analysis is performed within the microscopic Brueckner-Hartree-Fock approach using the Argonne V18 realistic potential plus the Urbana IX three-body force. Results: Our results show no indication of a ferromagnetic transition as the spin symmetry energy of neutron matter is always an increasing function of density. They show also that the main contribution to it comes from the S = 0 channel, acting only in non-polarized neutron matter, in particular from the S-1(0) and the D-1(2) partial waves. Three-body forces are found to play a secondary role in the determination of the spin symmetry energy. Conclusions: By evaluating the kinetic energy difference between the correlated system and the underlying Fermi sea to estimate the importance of correlations in spin-polarized neutron matter, we conclude that non-polarized neutron matter is more correlated than totally polarized one

    The Electrolytic Effect of Sida Acuta Leaf Extract on the Kidney Electrolyte of Adult Wistar Rats

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    This study was carried out to assess the effect of ethanolic leaf extract of Sida acuta on the kidney electrolytes of adult Wistar rats. Forty five rats weighing between 140-180g were assigned to three groups (A, B and C) with fifteen animals each. Group A served as the control while groups B and C served as the experimental groups and received 100mg/kgbw and 200mg/kgbw of the extract respectively for fourteen days. All the animals were sacrificed after  fourteen days. Blood was collected by cardiac puncture for biochemical analysis of serum electrolytes. Serum chemistry revealed significantly raised sodium and decreased potassium levels in animals treated with 100mg/kgbw, but chloride, creatinine and potassium not significantly affected (P>0.05). Animals treated with 200mg/kgbw of the extract had significantly raised sodium levels, but reduced potassium, chloride and creatinine relative to control (P<0.05). From the result of this experiment, it is concluded that the administration of ethanolic extract of Sida acuta leaves could have adverse effects on the kidney electrolytes of Adult Wistar rats at the doses and duration used in the course of this experimentation Keywords – Biochemical, Electrolyte, Kidney, Serum, Sida acut

    Primary health care policy and vision for community pharmacy and pharmacists in Australia

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    There is evidence that the Australian Government is embracing a more integrated approach to health, with implementation of initiatives like primary health networks (PHNs) and the Government’s Health Care Homes program. However, integration of community pharmacy into primary health care faces challenges, including the lack of realistic integration in PHNs, and in service and remuneration models from government. Ideally, coordinated multidisciplinary teams working collaboratively in the community setting are needed, where expanding skills are embraced rather than resisted. It appears that community pharmacy is not sufficiently represented at a local level. Current service remuneration models encourage a volume approach. While more complex services and clinical roles, with associated remuneration structures (such as, accredited pharmacists, pharmacists embedded in general practice and residential aged care facilities) promote follow up, collaboration and integration into primary health care, they potentially marginalize community pharmacies. Community pharmacists’ roles have evolved and are being recognized as the medication management experts of the health care team at a less complex level with the delivery of MedChecks, clinical interventions and medication adherence services. More recently, vaccination services have greatly expanded through community pharmacy. Policy documents from professional bodies highlight the need to extend pharmacy services and enhance integration within primary care. The Pharmaceutical Society of Australia’s Pharmacists in 2023 report envisages pharmacists practising to full scope, driving greater efficiencies in the health system. The Pharmacy Guild of Australia’s future vision identifies community pharmacy as health hubs facilitating the provision of cost-effective and integrated health care services to patients. In 2019, the Australian Government announced the development of a Primary Health Care 10-Year Plan which will guide resource allocation for primary health care in Australia. At the same time, the Government has committed to conclude negotiations on the 7th Community Pharmacy Agreement (7CPA) with a focus on allowing pharmacists to practice to full scope and pledges to strengthen the role of primary care by better supporting pharmacists as primary health care providers. The 7CPA and the Government’s 10-year plan will largely shape the practice and viability of community pharmacy. It is essential that both provide a philosophical direction and prioritize integration, remuneration and resources which recognize the professional contribution and competencies of community pharmacy and community pharmacists, the financial implications of service roles and the retention of medicines-supply roles

    Physicochemical comsposition of Kenaf (Hibiscus cannabinus L.) seed under different storage temperature

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    Kenaf is an annual plant grown for its fibre which basically depend on the seed viability, for its maximum growth and production. The seed viability and vigor in turn depend on storage condition. There is insufficient information on physicochemical composition of kenaf seed in relation to seed viability. The present study was performed to know the physicochemical composition of the kenaf seed at different storage temperature in other to improve upon rapid loss of seed viability in kenaf. Four varieties of kenaf seed were obtained from I.A.R. & T seed unit. The seeds were stored at 00C (Unviable seed), 2.20C (Lower temperature), 350C (Ambient temperature), 280C (Cold room temperature which serve as control) for period of 8 months. Seed germination test and weight was performed  before and after the experiment.  Proximate analysis (Crude protein, Moisture, Carbohydrate, Ash, Crude fibre, Crude fat) and Phytochemicals (Total phenolics, Steroid and Total Flavonoids were also determined). The result shows that there is significant difference in all the parameters studied, for all the storage temperatures as compared with the control (280C) among the varieties except from ifeken 100 where the was no significant difference in Crude fibre and Ash  content for seed under ambient temperature as compared with the control. However, the level of tolerance to different storage temperature among the varieties following the order Ifeken 400 >Tianung 2 > Cuba 108>Ifeken 100.Keywords: Kenaf, Storage, Seed germination, Seed weight, Temparature, Seed viability, Proximate, Flavonoid, Phenolics