550 research outputs found

    Estudio de factibilidad para la creación de un cementerio de mascotas para la ciudad de Otavalo

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    Los servicios para mascotas en los últimos años han tenido un crecimiento significativo, puesto a que en la actualidad las familias se interesan en darles atención y cuidados especiales logrando ser un miembro significativo teniendo una posición más en la sociedad. Si bien es cierto que todos los animales deben fallecer en cualquier instante por cualquier motivo pero es doloroso cuando fallece, dejando un vacío a sus dueños o familias después de haber compartido agradables momentos. En vista que el mercado se encuentra desatendido se presenta la oportunidad para la creación de un cementerio exclusivo para mascotas, siendo una gran oportunidad de emprendimiento. Por otro lado, hay que tomar en cuenta que actualmente el Gobierno autónomo descentralizado de Otavalo, está impulsando al cuidado de las mascotas en la ciudad con una ordenanza del manejo responsable de la fauna urbana, al ser Otavalo una de las principales ciudades que tiene un mercado exclusivo de animales domésticos. El estudio de mercado, comprueba la aceptación del cementerio exclusivo para mascotas según el estatus económico de cada persona y cuanto está dispuesto a gastar en ella, obteniendo un análisis de la demanda de mascotas que hay en la ciudad y su proyección en los próximos años, analizando y evaluando a otra empresa que se encuentra en otra ciudad, obteniendo así que el proyecto es factible.Los servicios para mascotas en los últimos años han tenido un crecimiento significativo, puesto a que en la actualidad las familias se interesan en darles atención y cuidados especiales logrando ser un miembro significativo teniendo una posición más en la sociedad. Si bien es cierto que todos los animales deben fallecer en cualquier instante por cualquier motivo pero es doloroso cuando fallece, dejando un vacío a sus dueños o familias después de haber compartido agradables momentos. En vista que el mercado se encuentra desatendido se presenta la oportunidad para la creación de un cementerio exclusivo para mascotas

    Prevalence Of Temporomandibular Disorders In Postmenopausal Women And Relationship With Pain And Hrt

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    The prevalence of temporomandibular disorders (TMD) is higher in females, reaching their high peak during reproductive years, probably because of the action of some female hormones, which alter pain threshold. This study aimed to investigate the prevalence of TMD in postmenopausal women and its relationship with pain and hormone replacement therapy (HRT). In total, 284 patients were evaluated and classified using the Research Diagnostic Criteria for Temporomandibular Disorders (RDC/TMD). Pain was measured using the Visual Analogue Scale (VAS), and patients were also asked about the use of HRT. All data was analyzed using analysis of variance (ANOVA) and chi-square test. In total, 155 subjects did not have TMD and 129 had TMD; TMD group patients were classified according to RDC/TMD axis I classification as follows: muscle disorder group (1.6%), disk displacement group (72.87%), and arthralgia, osteoarthritis, and osteoarthrosis group (37.98%). Pain was registered in 35 patients who belonged to the TMD group, while 48 patients reported the use of HRT. There was a similar percentage of TMD and non TMD patients; moreover, the use of exogenous hormones was no associated with TMD, suggesting that there is no influence on the pain threshold.30

    FragKB: Structural and Literature Annotation Resource of Conserved Peptide Fragments and Residues

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    BACKGROUND: FragKB (Fragment Knowledgebase) is a repository of clusters of structurally similar fragments from proteins. Fragments are annotated with information at the level of sequence, structure and function, integrating biological descriptions derived from multiple existing resources and text mining. METHODOLOGY: FragKB contains approximately 400,000 conserved fragments from 4,800 representative proteins from PDB. Literature annotations are extracted from more than 1,700 articles and are available for over 12,000 fragments. The underlying systematic annotation workflow of FragKB ensures efficient update and maintenance of this database. The information in FragKB can be accessed through a web interface that facilitates sequence and structural visualization of fragments together with known literature information on the consequences of specific residue mutations and functional annotations of proteins and fragment clusters. FragKB is accessible online at http://ubio.bioinfo.cnio.es/biotools/fragkb/. SIGNIFICANCE: The information presented in FragKB can be used for modeling protein structures, for designing novel proteins and for functional characterization of related fragments. The current release is focused on functional characterization of proteins through inspection of conservation of the fragments

    Assessment of Hardness Based on Phase Diagrams

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    This chapter summarizes the methodology and development of a general equation, in order to obtain a series of equations to assess the hardness of different Al-Cu-Zn alloys, based on their chemical composition. This methodology produces an assessment of hardness with a maximal deviation of 5%, in as-cast, homogenized and quenching alloys, for both alloys created in laboratories like commercials. This method entails the generation of linear equations by a linear regression method, obtained from a zone of the phase diagram, when the composition is changed from linear to planar form. Therefore, if the chemical composition of samples varies, the percentage of each phase will also vary, causing a change in mechanical properties in a linear manner. If the heat treatments are the same for all samples, then the changes in mechanical properties are proportional for each of them, maintaining the linear relationship in mechanical properties in accordance with chemical composition. This methodology is applicable for any ternary alloy along with its equilibrium diagram

    Comparación del acompañamiento presencial contra en línea y su relación con el desarrollo infantil en la primera infancia

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    Se realiza un análisis cuasi-experimental a través de la metodología del análisis de varianza y multivariantes de varianza. La hipótesis nula establece que las variables de edad, sexo y diferencia de acompañamiento online vs. presencial no influyen en los resultados obtenidos en las pruebas de desarrollo de quienes se encuentran en su primera infancia.\nLas variables fueron seleccionadas a partir de lo establecido por Bowlby (1969). Se encontró que la diferencia de acompañamiento online vs. presencial influye en los resultados obtenidos en la prueba SDQ: CAS.Fil: De la Torre, Fátima . Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey. MéxicoFil: Botas Rocha, María . Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey. MéxicoFil: Chiñas Merlin, Victor Gonzalo. Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey. MéxicoFil: Ramos, Mónica María. Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey. Méxic

    Insulin allergy and resistance successfully treated by desensitisation with Aspart insulin

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    A 25-year-old, with type I Diabetes Mellitus with a previous diagnosis of Protamine Allergy but not to human Insulin, started to notice anaphylactic reactions inmmediatly after bolus with Insulin. Skin prick and intradermal test were positive to all insulins. Skin tests to other potential allergens resulted negative. Examination after bolus of Human Insulin revealed urticaria. Daily insulin requirement were around 2-2,4 U/Kg/day. Slow desensitisation with Aspart insulin, the insulin with lowest size of skin test, was performed using subcutaneous insulin pump. Six months after the end of desensitisation his daily insulin requirement decreased to 0.8 U/Kg/day and oral corticosteroids are being reduced with no symptoms

    Characterization of Nanoparticle Batch-To-Batch Variability

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    A central challenge for the safe design of nanomaterials (NMs) is the inherent variability of NM properties, both as produced and as they interact with and evolve in, their surroundings. This has led to uncertainty in the literature regarding whether the biological and toxicological effects reported for NMs are related to specific NM properties themselves, or rather to the presence of impurities or physical effects such as agglomeration of particles. Thus, there is a strong need for systematic evaluation of the synthesis and processing parameters that lead to potential variability of different NM batches and the reproducible production of commonly utilized NMs. The work described here represents over three years of effort across 14 European laboratories to assess the reproducibility of nanoparticle properties produced by the same and modified synthesis routes for four of the OECD priority NMs (silica dioxide, zinc oxide, cerium dioxide and titanium dioxide) as well as amine-modified polystyrene NMs, which are frequently employed as positive controls for nanotoxicity studies. For 46 different batches of the selected NMs, all physicochemical descriptors as prioritized by the OECD have been fully characterized. The study represents the most complete assessment of NMs batch-to-batch variability performed to date and provides numerous important insights into the potential sources of variability of NMs and how these might be reduced

    Native Bacillus paralicheniformis isolate as a potential agent for phytopathogenic nematodes control

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    Phytopathogenic nematodes (PPNs) are responsible for substantial damages within agricultural crops worldwide which can be controlled employing beneficial microorganisms and/or their metabolites in an ecofriendly way. Nevertheless, the success of the control regards not only on the virulence of the strains or the toxicity of their metabolites but also on their ability to colonize and remain in the rhizospheric environment, particularly in those crops affected by abiotic stresses promoted by the climate change. Consequently, the bioprospection of beneficial microorganisms able to control PPNs and to thrive in adverse conditions has attracted attention. On this way, deserts are perfect ecological niches to isolate microorganisms adapted to harsh enviroments. The purpose of this research was to isolate and characterize bacteria from rhizospheric soil samples collected in the Northwestern Desert of Mexico with potential for PPNs control. As first screening, secretomes of each isolate were tested in vitro for nematicidal activity (NA). Then, activities from secretomes and endospores from the selected isolate were confirmed in vivo assays. From 100 thermotolerant isolates, the secretome of the isolate identified as Bacillus paralicheniformis TB197 showed the highest NA (>95%) against Meloidogyne incognita, both in vitro and in vivo tests, suppressing infections caused by M. enterolobii in tomato crops, too. In open field tests, the endospores of TB197 strain showed a reduction of 81% in the infection severity caused by M. enterolobii (p ≤ 0.05), while the galling index (GI) was reduced 84% (p ≤ 0.05) in tomato greenhouse-tests. Also, a reduction of the root necrosis (81%) caused by Radopholus similis in banana plantations (p ≤ 0.05), compared to the control was observed. Owing to their efficacy in controlling PPNs infections, the endospores and secondary metabolites of B. paralicheniformis TB197 strain could be used in bionematicidal formulations

    Analysis of the pathogenic potential of nosocomial Pseudomonas putida strains

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    Pseudomonas putida strains are ubiquitous in soil and water but have also been reported as opportunistic human pathogens capable of causing nosocomial infections. In this study we describe the multilocus sequence typing of four P. putida strains (HB13667, HB8234, HB4184 and HB3267) isolated from in-patients at the Besançon Hospital (France). The four isolates (in particular HB3267) were resistant to a number of antibiotics. The pathogenicity and virulence potential of the strains was tested ex vivo and in vivo using different biological models: human tissue culture, mammalian tissues and insect larvae. Our results showed a significant variability in the ability of the four strains to damage the host; HB13667 did not exhibit any pathogenic traits, HB4184 caused damage only ex vivo in human tissue cultures, and HB8234 had a deleterious effect in tissue culture and in vivo on rat skin, but not in insect larvae. Interestingly, strain HB3267 caused damage in all the model systems studied. The putative evolution of these strains in medical environments is discussed

    Investigamos los fenómenos astronómicos

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    Forma part de la col·lecció : Petits talents científics ; 03Podeu consultar la versió en català a: http://hdl.handle.net/11703/11741