11 research outputs found

    Monitoring of Neuromuscular block during emergency abdominal surgery

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    Relevance. Sixty percent of cases of residual neuromuscular block (rNMB) were recorded globally, yet this issue of rNMB in critically ill patients remains taboo. To predict any leftover NMB, a train-of-four stimulation (TOF) Watch SX was utilized to track the depth of muscle relaxant in emergency patients both during and after surgery, even when they were transported to the intensive care unit. This study aimed to investigate differences in the variability of neuromuscular block between two distinct surgical procedures: laparoscopic cholecystectomy (the control group) and emergency abdominal surgery (the investigation group). Materials and Methods. Using two different muscle relaxants and assessing their depth using accelerometry notably the TOF Watch SX. A total of 140 patients, aged 18-60 years with a BMI of 18-30 kg/m², participated in the study. Group I underwent planned cholecystectomy (control group), while Group II underwent emergency abdominal surgery (investigation group). The muscle relaxants Ridelat-C, generic of atracurium benzilate (Verofarm OOO, Harabovsk, Russia) and Kruaron, generic of rocuronium bromide (Verofarm OOO, Harabovsk, Russia) were administered, with various monitoring methods, including Drager Fabius, ECG, and lab results, Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2021 advanced with graphs and ANOVA. Results and Discussion. The results demonstrated profound skeletal muscle relaxation for planned cholecystectomy, with TOF 0 achieved at 165.9 ± 95 seconds for Kruaron and 183.3 ± 90 seconds for Ridelat-C. In emergency abdominal surgery, it took 207.1 ± 120 seconds with Kruaron and 255.5 ± 109.5 seconds with Ridelat-C at TOF0. Notably, Kruaron exhibited prolonged effects in Group II, leading to residual neuromuscular block in critically ills even 2.5 hours post-surgery. Conclusion . Neuromuscular blocking agents modestly exacerbated neuromuscular dysfunction, potentially contributing to acquired critical illness polyneuropathy/myopathy, severe sepsis/septic shock, and massive blood loss/haemorrhagic shock. In critically ills, a minimal calculated dose of Kruaron is recommended, while Ridelat-C, which metabolized within the blood plasma without involving the kidneys or liver, might be a better choice. Suggamadex was suggested for reversing Kruaron effects due to its rapid effect as compared to proserine

    Tetra­methyl­ammonium dimethyl (phenyl­sulfonyl­amido)phosphate(1−)

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    The title compound, C4H12N+·C8H11NO5PS−, was obtained from tetra­methyl­ammonium hydroxide and dimeth­yl(phenyl­sulfon­yl)amido­phosphate. The tetra­methyl­ammonium cation has a slightly distorted tetra­hedral configuration and the N—C bond lengths lie in the range 1.457 (3)–1.492 (3) Å. In the crystal, no classical hydrogen bonds are observed between the cation and the anion

    Study of the Toxicological Characteristics of Water-soluble Surface-active Substances Obtained Based on Phenol, Formaldehyde and Sodium Sulphite

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    The object of research is the products of the condensation reaction of phenol, formaldehyde and sodium sulfite in an aqueous medium, in order to obtain water-soluble non-toxic products based on it, which can be proposed for use as surfactants. In the course of the study, the effect of the reaction conditions (ratio of components, temperature and process time) on the quality of the products obtained and their toxicological characteristics are studied. The optimal ratio of the starting reagents phenol: formaldehyde: sodium sulfite: water is selected, which allows to obtain a product with surface-active properties and which contains substances that can be harmful to health. It is recommended that the condensation process be carried out within 1 hour, the optimum reaction temperature is selected at 130 °C. The qualitative characteristics of the obtained product allow to recommend its use as an anionic surfactant. For this, the symptomatic and toxicological properties of the newly developed surfactant, the product of the condensation of phenol, formaldehyde and sodium sulfite in an aqueous medium, are studied. Based on the studies, it is found that with the introduction of such surfactants into the stomach of experimental white rats-females, their slightly irritating effect on the mucous membranes and skin is observed. According to the mortality criterion, with a single oral administration (LD50), the harmful effects of the substance on rats are not noted. According to the research results, the product can be attributed to class IV hazard (low hazard substances) according to GOST 12.1.007.According to toxicological findings, the resulting product can be recommended for use as a textile auxiliary substance, in the technological operations of bleaching, dyeing and printing of fabrics in contact with human skin, as well as additives to concrete mixtures used in the construction industry and other industrie

    Native Gold and Unique Gold–Brannerite Nuggets from the Placer of the Kamenny Stream, Ozerninsky Ore Cluster (Western Transbakalia, Russia) and Possible Sources

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    We carried out a comprehensive study of native gold (morphology, composition, intergrowths, and microinclusions) from alluvial deposits of the Kamenny stream (Ozerninsky ore cluster, Western Transbaikalia, Russia). The study showed that there were four types of native gold, which differed significantly in their characteristics and probably had different primary sources from which placers were formed: gold–quartz, oxidized gold–sulfide, gold–silver, and zones of listvenites with copper–gold and gold–brannerite (Elkon-type). Particular attention was paid to the study of unique, both in size and in composition, gold–brannerite nuggets of the Kamenny stream. It was established that the gold in the gold–brannerite nuggets (GBNs) had wide variations in chemical composition and mineral features. According to them, there were five different fineness types of native gold: 750–800‰; 850–880‰; 880–920‰; 930–960‰; and 980–1000‰. The data obtained indicated a multistage, possibly polygenic, and probably polychronous formation of GBN gold–uranium mineralization. The first stage was the formation of early quartz–nasturanium–gold–W–rutile–magnetite association (Middle–Late Paleozoic age). The second was the crystallization of brannerite and the replacement of an earlier pitchblende with brannerite (Late Triassic (T3)–Early Jurassic (J1) age). The third was the formation of the hematite–barite–rutile–gold association as a result of deformation–hydrothermal processes, which was associated with the appearance of zones of alteration in brannerite in contact with native gold with 8–15 wt.% Ag. The fourth was hypergene or the low-temperature hydrothermal alteration of minerals of early stages with the development of iron hydroxides (goethite) with impurities of manganese, tellurium, arsenic, phosphorus, and other elements. The carbon isotopic composition of an organic substance indicates the involvement of a biogenic carbon source. In the OOC area, there were signs that the composition of the GBNs and the quartz–chlorite–K–feldspar-containing rocks corresponded to Elkon-type deposits

    The ctenophore genome and the evolutionary origins of neural systems

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    The origins of neural systems remain unresolved. In contrast to other basal metazoans, ctenophores (comb jellies) have both complex nervous and mesoderm-derived muscular systems. These holoplanktonic predators also have sophisticated ciliated locomotion, behaviour and distinct development. Here we present the draft genome of Pleurobrachia bachei, Pacific sea gooseberry, together with ten other ctenophore transcriptomes, and show that they are remarkably distinct from other animal genomes in their content of neurogenic, immune and developmental genes. Our integrative analyses place Ctenophora as the earliest lineage within Metazoa. This hypothesis is supported by comparative analysis of multiple gene families, including the apparent absence of HOX genes, canonical microRNA machinery, and reduced immune complement in ctenophores. Although two distinct nervous systems are well recognized in ctenophores, many bilaterian neuron-specific genes and genes of 'classical' neurotransmitter pathways either are absent or, if present, are not expressed in neurons. Our metabolomic and physiological data are consistent with the hypothesis that ctenophore neural systems, and possibly muscle specification, evolved independently from those in other animals.This work was supported by NSF (NSF-0744649 and NSF CNS-0821622 to L.L.M.; NSF CHE-1111705 to J.V.S.), NIH (1R01GM097502, R01MH097062, R21RR025699 and 5R21DA030118 to L.L.M.; P30 DA018310 to J.V.S.; R01 AG029360 and 1S10RR027052 to E.I.R.), NASA/nNNX13AJ31G (to K.M.H., L.L.M. and K.M.K.), NSERC 458115 and 211598 (J.P.R.), University of Florida Opportunity Funds/McKnight Brain Research and Florida Biodiversity Institute (L.L.M.), Rostock Inc./A.V. Chikunov (E.I.R.), grant from Russian Federation Government 14.B25.31.0033 (Resolution No.220) (E.I.R.). F.A.K., I.S.P. and R.D.were supported by HHMI(55007424),EMBO and MINECO(BFU2012-31329 and Sev-2012-0208). Contributions of AU Marine Biology Program 117 and Molette laboratory 22