76 research outputs found

    Electron-ion coupling in semiconductors beyond Fermi's golden rule

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    In the present work, a theoretical study of electron-phonon (electron-ion) coupling rates in semiconductors driven out of equilibrium is performed. Transient change of optical coefficients reflects the band gap shrinkage in covalently bonded materials, and thus, the heating of atomic lattice. Utilizing this dependence, we test various models of electron-ion coupling. The simulation technique is based on tight-binding molecular dynamics. Our simulations with the dedicated hybrid approach (XTANT) indicate that the widely used Fermi's golden rule can break down describing material excitation on femtosecond time scales. In contrast, dynamical coupling proposed in this work yields a reasonably good agreement of simulation results with available experimental data

    Yorke and Wright 3/2-stability theorems from a unified point of view

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    We consider a family of scalar delay differential equations x(t)=f(t,xt)x'(t)=f(t,x_t), with a nonlinearity ff satisfying a negative feedback condition combined with a boundedness condition. We present a global stability criterion for this family, which in particular unifies the celebrated 3/2-conditions given for the Yorke and the Wright type equations. We illustrate our results with some applications.Comment: 10 pages, accepted for publication in the Expanded Volume of DCDS, devoted to the fourth international conference on Dynamical Systems and Differential Equations, held at UNC at Wilmington, May 2002. Minor changes from the previous versio

    On reducibility of linear quasiperiodic systems with bounded solutions

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    It is proved that nonreducible systems form a dense GδG_{\delta} subset in the space of systems of linear differential equations with quasiperiodic skew-symmetric matrices and fix frequency module. There exists an open set of nonreducible systems in this space


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    Реформирование социально-экономического развития страны во второй половине 1980-х годов вызвало необходимость повышения роли молодого поколения в решении хозяйственных, социально-культурных задач, управлении государственными и общественными делами. Молодежная политика оформляется в самостоятельную сферу деятельности государства. Формируется нормативная правовая база сферы молодежной политики.Цель. Проанализировать процесс разработки и принятия законов о государственной молодежной политике в исследуемый период, определить их значение в развитии сферы молодежной политики.Метод или методология проведения работы. Автор использует исторический, сравнительно-исторический, проблемно-хронологический и сравнительно-правовой методы.Результаты. Автором показана роль комсомола в условиях происходящих социально-экономических преобразований в стране в решении вопроса о разработке и принятии Закона о молодежи, ставшего отправным документом в развитии государственной молодежной политики в СССР и Российской Федерации. Рассмотрен процесс разработки и принятия законов о молодежной политике в Российской Федерации. Выявлены проблемы, повлиявшие на законотворческую деятельность в исследуемый период.Область применения результатов. Результаты исследования могут быть использованы педагогическими и научно-педагогическими работниками, государственными служащими в сфере молодежной политики при разработке нормативных и методических документов, регулирующих данную сферу.Reforming of social and economic development of the country in the second half of the 1980th years has caused the necessity of increase in a role of the younger generation in the solution of economic, welfare tasks, management of the public and public affairs. The youth policy is made out in an independent field of activity of the state. The regulatory legal base of the sphere of youth policy is formed.Purpose. To analyse process of development and adoption of laws on the state youth policy during the studied period, to define their value in development of the sphere of youth policy.Methodology. The author uses historical, comparative-historical, problem and chronological and comparative and legal methods.Results. The author has shown a role of Komsomol in the conditions of the happening social and economic transformations in the country in the solution of the question of development and adoption of law on youth which has become the starting document in development of the state youth policy in the USSR and the Russian Federation. Process of development and adoption of laws on youth policy in the Russian Federation is considered. The problems which have influenced legislative activity during the studied period are revealed.Practical implications. Results of a research can be used by pedagogical and scientific and pedagogical workers, public servants in the sphere of youth policy when developing the normative and methodical documents regulating this sphere

    Thermal - Vacuum dehydration and dispergation of dispersed materials

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    [EN] Scientific and technical studies on the intensification of removal moisture from dispersed materials and their simultaneous dispergation in the hollow heating element of a thermo-vacuum apparatus is researched. Continuous thermo-vacuum dehydration and dispergation process of zirconium hydroxide, brown coal, graphite, sawdust, biological materials is considered. Based on conducted studies was made conclusions about perspective to use this technology. Thermo-vacuum technology is different from the other by low-temperature heating, low time processing, humidity indicators controlling and nano-dispersion grinding.Kutovyi, V.; Tkachenko, V.; Nikolaenko, A. (2018). Thermal - Vacuum dehydration and dispergation of dispersed materials. En IDS 2018. 21st International Drying Symposium Proceedings. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 1831-1838. https://doi.org/10.4995/IDS2018.2018.7798OCS1831183

    Peculiarities of Intersystemic Correlation Relationships of M-Response and F-Wave Characteristics in the Forearms Symmetric Muscles Which Participate in the Implementation of Multiple Coordinated Bimanual Movements

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    The organization of combined voluntary goal directed movements of hands has remained a serious scientific problem with a pronounced applicable nature.  Insufficiency of a procedural framework and clear quantitative and qualitative criteria causes gaps and difficulties in professional selection, the effectiveness diagnosis of work-out session in sports and rehabilitation within remedial treatment.  The aim of the investigation is to study the adjustment and co-adjustment of the effector apparatus elements, which are the basis of bimanual coordination, in the groups of male and female trial subjects. In the following study, based on informed consent in accordance with the ethics committee requirements, 75 subjects (39 men and 36 women) at the age of 18-20 took part. F-wave and M-response parameters registration was carried out by means of NMA-4-01 “NEUROMIAN” neuromyoanalyzer (Taganrog, Russia) according to the standard method. It has been established that the nerve centers responsible for the work of homonymous muscles in the right and left forearms, innervating synergists and antagonists, are to a certain extent in the initial adjustment and co-adjustment according to the level of activity, which determines not only the moment of the excitement onset, but also the speed of its irradiation.  The revealed manifestations of adjustment and co-adjustment have pronounced sex differences.  Proceeding from the fact that female trial subjects have a lower level of bimanual movements if compared with men, it can be assumed that the revealed features of correlational relationships determine, to a certain extent, coordination abilities of men and women

    Peculiarities of Intersystemic Correlation Relationships of M-Response and F-Wave Characteristics in the Forearms Symmetric Muscles Which Participate in the Implementation of Multiple Coordinated Bimanual Movements

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    The organization of combined voluntary goal directed movements of hands has remained a serious scientific problem with a pronounced applicable nature.  Insufficiency of a procedural framework and clear quantitative and qualitative criteria causes gaps and difficulties in professional selection, the effectiveness diagnosis of work-out session in sports and rehabilitation within remedial treatment.  The aim of the investigation is to study the adjustment and co-adjustment of the effector apparatus elements, which are the basis of bimanual coordination, in the groups of male and female trial subjects. In the following study, based on informed consent in accordance with the ethics committee requirements, 75 subjects (39 men and 36 women) at the age of 18-20 took part. F-wave and M-response parameters registration was carried out by means of NMA-4-01 “NEUROMIAN” neuromyoanalyzer (Taganrog, Russia) according to the standard method. It has been established that the nerve centers responsible for the work of homonymous muscles in the right and left forearms, innervating synergists and antagonists, are to a certain extent in the initial adjustment and co-adjustment according to the level of activity, which determines not only the moment of the excitement onset, but also the speed of its irradiation.  The revealed manifestations of adjustment and co-adjustment have pronounced sex differences.  Proceeding from the fact that female trial subjects have a lower level of bimanual movements if compared with men, it can be assumed that the revealed features of correlational relationships determine, to a certain extent, coordination abilities of men and women

    Peculiarities of Intersystemic Correlation Relationships of M-Response and F-Wave Characteristics in the Forearms Symmetric Muscles Which Participate in the Implementation of Multiple Coordinated Bimanual Movements

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    The organization of combined voluntary goal directed movements of hands has remained a serious scientific problem with a pronounced applicable nature.  Insufficiency of a procedural framework and clear quantitative and qualitative criteria causes gaps and difficulties in professional selection, the effectiveness diagnosis of work-out session in sports and rehabilitation within remedial treatment.  The aim of the investigation is to study the adjustment and co-adjustment of the effector apparatus elements, which are the basis of bimanual coordination, in the groups of male and female trial subjects. In the following study, based on informed consent in accordance with the ethics committee requirements, 75 subjects (39 men and 36 women) at the age of 18-20 took part. F-wave and M-response parameters registration was carried out by means of NMA-4-01 “NEUROMIAN” neuromyoanalyzer (Taganrog, Russia) according to the standard method. It has been established that the nerve centers responsible for the work of homonymous muscles in the right and left forearms, innervating synergists and antagonists, are to a certain extent in the initial adjustment and co-adjustment according to the level of activity, which determines not only the moment of the excitement onset, but also the speed of its irradiation.  The revealed manifestations of adjustment and co-adjustment have pronounced sex differences.  Proceeding from the fact that female trial subjects have a lower level of bimanual movements if compared with men, it can be assumed that the revealed features of correlational relationships determine, to a certain extent, coordination abilities of men and women

    Дослідження опору руху залізничних екіпажів, пов’язаного із спрямуванням колісних пар рейковою колією

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    Energy saving direction on railway transport is substantiated based on reducing the motion resistance related to directing the undercarriages by a rail track. This motion resistance is defined as the kinematic resistance to motion. We clarified the nature of motion resistance associated with directing the rolling stock by a rail track. This opens up certain prospects in terms of reducing the kinematic motion resistance through design parameters of the trucks and the track. The kinematic resistance to motion could become an additional criterion for the optimal choice of characteristics of mechanical part of the undercarriages. The same applies to the permissible deviations in parameters of the rolling stock and the track.We model steady motion of a semi-wagon’s truck in a circular curve at constant velocity under the action of contact track forces, tractive force from the locomotive, and the unsuppressed centrifugal or centripetal forces of inertia. The kinematic motion resistance is determined as the longitudinal force applied to the truck’s pivot in order to balance all external forces.The dependences were obtained of specific kinematic resistance to motion on the motion velocity, base of the truck, radius of the curve, clearances of the wheelset in a rail track, and elevation of the outer rail. In particular, we derived a value of the motion velocity at which the minimum of resistance is observed. As we established, this speed does not match the equilibrium velocity and is 15−20 % lower.The study showed the possibility to predict resistance related to directing the undercarriages by a rail track. This opens up the prospect for choosing rational parameters of undercarriage gear of the rolling stock from the point of view of motion resistanceВыполнен анализ направления энергосбережения на железнодорожном транспорте, основанного на уменьшении составляющей сопротивления движению, связанной с потерями мощности на направление экипажей рельсовой колеей. На основе математического моделирования движения грузового полувагона уточнена зависимость сопротивления движению в кривой от скорости. Получены зависимости удельного сопротивления движению в кривой от параметров пути и ходовой части экипажаВиконано аналіз нового напрямку енергозбереження на залізничному транспорті, основаного на зменшенні складової опору руху, пов'язаної з втратами потужності на спрямування екіпажів рейкової колією. На основі математичного моделювання руху вантажного напів-вагона уточнено залежність опору руху в кривій від швидкості. Отримано залежності питомого опору руху в кривій від параметрів колії і ходової частини екіпаж

    A similarity criterion for spherical fuel elements free fall velocity in cylindrical channels with viscous liquid

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    The introduction of nuclear high-temperature gas-cooled reactors (HTGR) with an active zone based on spherical fuel elements (SFE) poses the task of determining the velocity of their free fall in cylindrical channels with a viscous liquid. To solve it, the experimental data of other researchers are generalized, and for a certain range of Reynolds numbers the criterion of similarity for the velocity of free fall of spheres in cylindrical channels with water is found. The criterion is formulated on the basis of the Freud number. It is shown that from the dependence of the velocity of falling of the model sphere in a cylindrical vessel with water on the dimensionless diameter of the sphere, it is possible to determine the velocity of falling of the sphere in water, arbitrary.Впровадження атомних високотемпературних газоохолоджуваних реакторів (ВТГР) з активною канальною зоною на основі кульових твелів (КТ) ставить задачу з визначення швидкості їх вільного падіння в циліндричних каналах з в'язкою рідиною. Для її рішення узагальнені експериментальні дані інших дослідників, і для певного діапазону значень числа Рейнольдса знайдено критерій подібності для швидкості вільного падіння сфер у циліндричних каналах з водою. Зроблено висновок про те, що із залежності швидкості падіння модельної сфери в циліндричному каналі з водою від співвідношення діаметра сфери до діаметра каналу можна визначити залежність швидкості падіння у воді сфери довільного радіуса від співвідношення її діаметра до діаметра каналу.Внедрение атомных высокотемпературных газоохлаждаемых реакторов (ВТГР) с канальной активной зоной на основе шаровых твэлов (ШТ) ставит задачу по определению скорости их свободного падения в цилиндрических каналах с вязкой жидкостью. Для ее решения обобщены экспериментальные данные других исследователей, и для определенного диапазона изменения числа Рейнольдса найден критерий подобия для скорости свободного падения сфер в цилиндрических каналах с водой. Сделан вывод о том, что из зависимости скорости падения модельной сферы в цилиндрическом канале с водой от соотношения диаметра сферы с диаметром канала можно определить зависимость скорости падения в воде сферы произвольного радиуса от соотношения ее диаметра к диаметру канала