1,835 research outputs found

    An approach to high speed ship ride quality simulation

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    The high speeds attained by certain advanced surface ships result in a spectrum of motion which is higher in frequency than that of conventional ships. This fact along with the inclusion of advanced ride control features in the design of these ships resulted in an increased awareness of the need for ride criteria. Such criteria can be developed using data from actual ship operations in varied sea states or from clinical laboratory experiments. A third approach is to simulate ship conditions using measured or calculated ship motion data. Recent simulations have used data derived from a math model of Surface Effect Ship (SES) motion. The model in turn is based on equations of motion which have been refined with data from scale models and SES of up to 101 600-kg (100-ton) displacement. Employment of broad band motion emphasizes the use of the simulators as a design tool to evaluate a given ship configuration in several operational situations and also serves to provide data as to the overall effect of a given motion on crew performance and physiological status

    Melt droplet formation in energetic impacts

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    Impacts between rocky bodies at velocities exceeding about 15 km/sec are capable of melting or vaporizing both the impacting object and a portion of the target. Geological materials initially shocked to high pressure approach the liquid-vapor phase boundary from the liquid side as they decompress, breaking up into an expanding spray of liquid droplets. A simple theory is presented for estimating the sizes of these droplets as a function of impactor size and velocity. It is shown that these sizes are consistent with observations of microtektites and spherules found in the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary layer, the Acraman impact structure, Archean beds in South Africa and lunar regolith. The model may also apply to the formation of chondrules

    Production of impact melt in craters on Venus, Earth, and the moon

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    Impact craters imaged by Magellan clearly show large amounts of flow-like ejecta whose morphology suggests that the flows comprise low-viscosity material. It was suggested that this material may be either turbidity flows or very fine-grained ejecta, flows of ejecta plus magma, or impact melts. The last of these hypotheses is considered. If these flows are composed of impact melts, there is much more melt relative to the crater volume than is observed on the moon. The ANEOS equation of state program was used for dunite to estimate the shock pressures required for melting, with initial conditions appropriate for Venus, Earth, and the moon. A simple model was then developed, based on the Z-model for excavation flow and on crater scaling relations that allow to estimate the ratio of melt ejecta to total ejecta as a function of crater size on the three bodies

    Visualization Support for Cognitive Sciences

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    The science of computer graphics and visualization is intertwined in many ways with Cognitive Sciences. On the one hand, computer graphics can lead to virtual environments in which a person is exposed to a virtual scenario. Typically, 3D-capable display technology combined with tracking systems, which are capable of identifying where the person is located at, are deployed to achieve maximal immersion in that the persons point of view is recreated in the virtual scenario. As a result, an impressive experience is created such that that person is navigating the virtual scenario as if it was real. On the other hand, visualization techniques can be utilized to present the results from a cognitive science experiment to the user such that it provides easier access to the data. This could range from simple plots to more sophisiticated approaches, such as parallel coordinates. In addition, results from cognitive sciences can feed back into the visualization to make the visualization more user-friendly. For example, more intuitive input devices, such as cyber gloves which track the position of a users fingers, could be used to intuitively make selections or view modifications. The Appenzeller Visualization Laboratory is in a perfect position to enable research in all of these areas mentioned above. Sophisticated display systems are available which provide full immersion, ranging from single screens and head-mounted displays to full-size CAVE-type displays. This presentation will illustrate some examples for visualizations of data from the cognitive science realm and showcase display systems and some of their use cases

    The Cannabinoid Use in Progressive Inflammatory brain Disease (CUPID) trial: a randomised double-blind placebo-controlled parallel-group multicentre trial and economic evaluation of cannabinoids to slow progression in multiple sclerosis.

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    This is a freely-available open access publication. Please cite the published version which is available via the DOI link in this record.The Cannabinoid Use in Progressive Inflammatory brain Disease (CUPID) trial aimed to determine whether or not oral Δ(9)-tetrahydrocannabinol (Δ(9)-THC) slowed the course of progressive multiple sclerosis (MS); evaluate safety of cannabinoid administration; and, improve methods for testing treatments in progressive MS.The National Institute for Health Research Health Technology Assessment programmeMedical Research Council Efficacy and Mechanism Evaluation programmeMultiple Sclerosis SocietyMultiple Sclerosis Trus

    London governance and the politics of neighbourhood planning: a case for investigation

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    The Localism Act 2011 has successfully devolved planning powers to over 2,500 English communities, involving 14 million people, with over 700 ‘made’ neighbourhood plans legitimised by referendum. In London, however, there are less than one-tenth of the made plans than in the rest of England. Institutional resistance and policy choices may be implicated. Two national studies of neighbourhood planning are reviewed. The role of the local authority is found to be a crucial factor in determining progress, and issues of social deprivation and unequal access are highlighted. Theorisation is considered by reference to a range of academic studies of localism and neighbourhood planning. Distinctions made between ‘representative’ and ‘community’ localism, and objections to anti-political effects, are noted. There has been remarkably little research into borough governance and neighbourhood planning in the capital. Based upon evidence of anomalous and differentiated governance practice, a study in London is called for

    ‘If independence goes, the planning system goes’: New Political Governance and the English Planning Inspectorate

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    Radical restructuring of 'arms-length' government bodies following the 2010 UK national election signalled a change in relations between government and the civil service. This was seen as a major shift in modes of governance from 'new public management' to a more politicised mode of 'new political governance'. This paper presents an analysis of the impacts of these shifts on the English Planning Inspectorate, an executive agency central to the land-use planning system. It identifies measures by ministers to increase control over the Inspectorate that represent a shift in governance culture and a shift in the planning system itself

    Standing up in Multiple Sclerosis (SUMS): Protocol for a multi-centre randomised controlled trial evaluating the clinical and cost effectiveness of a home-based self-management standing frame programme in people with progressive multiple sclerosis.

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    This study is funded by the NIHR Health Technology Assessment Programme (14/176/12), United Kingdom.Background:  Impaired mobility is a cardinal feature of multiple sclerosis (MS) and is rated by people with MS as their highest priority. By the secondary progressive phase, balance, mobility and physical activity levels are significantly compromised; an estimated 70% of people with secondary progressive MS fall regularly. Our ongoing research has systematically developed ‘Balance Right in MS’ (BRiMS), an innovative, manualised 13-week guided self-management programme tailored to the needs of people with MS, designed to improve safe mobility and minimise falls. Our eventual aim is to assess the clinical and cost effectiveness of BRiMS in people with secondary progressive MS by undertaking an appropriately statistically powered, multi-centre, assessor-blinded definitive, randomised controlled trial. This feasibility study will assess the acceptability of the intervention and test the achievability of running such a definitive trial. Methods/design:  This is a pragmatic multi-centre feasibility randomised controlled trial with blinded outcome assessment. Sixty ambulant people with secondary progressive MS who self-report two or more falls in the previous 6 months will be randomly allocated (1:1) to either the BRiMS programme plus usual care or to usual care alone. All participants will be assessed at baseline and followed up at 15 weeks and 27 weeks post-randomisation. The outcomes of this feasibility trial include: • Feasibility outcomes, including trial recruitment, retention and completion • Assessment of the proposed outcome measures for the anticipated definitive trial (including measures of walking, quality of life, falls, balance and activity level) • Measures of adherence to the BRiMS programme • Data to inform the economic evaluation in a future trial • Process evaluation (assessment of treatment fidelity and qualitative evaluation of participant and treating therapist experience) Discussion:  The BRiMS intervention aims to address a key concern for MS service users and providers. However, there are several uncertainties which need to be addressed prior to progressing to a full-scale trial, including acceptability of the BRiMS intervention and practicality of the trial procedures. This feasibility trial will provide important insights to resolve these uncertainties and will enable a protocol to be finalised for use in the definitive trial.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe
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