1,019 research outputs found

    Determinants of Survival of Newly Created SMEs in the Brazilian Manufacturing: An Econometric Study

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    The paper investigates the survival of newly created small and medium enterprises in Brazilian manufacturing taking as reference the 1996-2005 period. The econometric analysis relies on time-varying version of the proportional hazard rate model that controls for unobserved heterogeneity. The evidence mostly corroborates previous findings for developed countries. Salient results include the positive role played by firm size, industry size and industry growth on survival and yet the negative influence exerted by industrial concentration and entry rate.survival, small and medium enterprises, manufacturing industry

    Manual de Direito do Trabalho

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    Divulgação dos SUMÁRIOS das obras recentemente incorporadas ao acervo da Biblioteca Ministro Oscar Saraiva do STJ. Em respeito à lei de Direitos Autorais, não disponibilizamos a obra na íntegra. STJ00081718 331:34(81) P331m 13.ed. (2009) / STJ00090705 15.ed. (2011

    Dom Pedro and its internalization to Rio de Janeiro

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    A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and EconomicsThis thesis studies the possible expansion of Dom Pedro Hotels to Rio de Janeiro. Dom Pedro is a successful Portuguese hotel chain with a huge experience in amazing Brazilians guests and with several important connections in Brazil. Rio de Janeiro is one of the most desired destinations by hotel groups and their main “customer” is Brazilians. At first sight, it seems reasonable to say that Dom Pedro should enter in Rio, but in order to make an educated guess about this question I analyzed several factors. In the first part the reasons why Dom Pedro is successful in Portugal are identified and then analyzed, in a posterior phase it is shown that those reasons could be copied in the new market. A deeper analysis of Rio de Janeiro was followed to find out the country macro-economic context and to provide better understanding of the tourism market in Rio de Janeiro. After a careful analysis of the several strategies that Dom Pedro could use to enter in Brazil, it was identified that a management contract is the best option. Taking all the information that I gathered in to account, I concluded that Rio de Janeiro is a market that Dom Pedro shouldn’t pursue

    Phillips curve in Brazil: an unobserved components approach

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    This paper estimates reduced-form Phillips curves for Brazil with a framework of time series with unobserved components, in the spirit of Harvey (2011). However, we allow for expectations to play a key role using data from the Central Bank of Brazil’s Focus survey. Besides GDP, we also use industrial capacity utilization rate and an unexplored time series (IBC-Br), as measures of economic activity. Our findings support the view that Brazilian inflation targeting has been successful in reducing the variance of both the seasonality and level of the inflation rate, at least until before the subprime crisis. Furthermore, inflation in Brazil seems to have responded gradually less to measures of economic activity in recent years. This provides some evidence of a flattening of the Phillips curve in Brazil, a trend previously shown by recent studies for other countries.            Este artigo estima curvas de Phillips para o Brasil com uma abordagem de sériestemporais com componentes não observados, seguindo Harvey (2011). Entretanto, éconferido um papel central a expectativas utilizando dados do Boletim Focus do BancoCentral do Brasil. Além do PIB, empregamos a taxa de utilização da capacidade industriale uma série ainda pouco explorada, IBC-Br, como medidas de atividade econômica.Os resultados apoiam a visão que o sistema de metas no Brasil tem sido bem-sucedidoem reduzir a variância na sazonalidade e no nível da taxa de inflação, ao menos atéo início da crise imobiliária americana. Além disso, a inflação parece ter respondidogradualmente menos a medidas de atividade no período recente. Tal fato constituiuma evidência de achatamento da Curva de Phillips no Brasil, tendência observada emestudos recentes de outros países

    Local Anesthetics Infiltration and Wound Healing Process

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    It is a good practice, nowadays, to infiltrate local anesthetics along the incision to prevent postoperative pain. This can reduce the use of opioids and the side effects they cause. It is known clearly that the surgical trauma causes inflammatory reaction, and this can be the beginning of a bad cicatrization or even a scar. The use of local anesthetics preventing the acute pain is a very simple technique and has proved to be useful. Nevertheless, the reaction that various anesthetics have over the tissues and the cicatrization process is yet controversial and deserves to be investigated deeply. The use of different formulations of these drugs has been stimulated. The duration and secureness have been the goals of many researches. Levobupivacaine, ropivacaine, and bupivacaine for their long action; lidocaine for less toxicity; and liposomal formulation for the longest duration ever seen, all of them have been indicated in the postoperative pain management. The aim of this chapter is to evaluate the role of long duration local anesthetics on the inflammatory reaction and consequently the collagen production and resistance of the tissue to traction

    Educación virtual (TIC) relatoría foro No. 3

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    En el foro de Educación matemática y TIC, se abordaron aspectos centrales respecto a la formación matemática y la virtualidad, en el marco del encuentro de educación Matemáticas en conmemoración a los 20 años del grupo de investigación en Educación matemática e Historia (UdeA - EAFIT) EDUMATH

    Gregarious versus individualistic behavior in Vicsek swarms and the onset of first-order phase transitions

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    The standard Vicsek model (SVM) is a minimal non-equilibrium model of self-propelled particles that appears to capture the essential ingredients of critical flocking phenomena. In the SVM, particles tend to align with each other and form ordered flocks of collective motion; however, perturbations controlled by a noise term lead to a noisedriven continuous order–disorder phase transition. In this work, we extend the SVM by introducing a parameter α that allows particles to be individualistic instead of gregarious, i.e. to choose a direction of motion independently of their neighbors. By focusing on the small-noise regime, we show that a relatively small probability of individualistic motion (around 10%) is sufficient to drive the system from a Vicsek-like ordered phase to a disordered phase. Despite the fact that the α-extended model preserves the O(n) symmetry and the interaction range, as well as the dimensionality of the underlying SVM, this novel phase transition is found to be discontinuous (first order), an intriguing manifestation of the richness of the non-equilibrium flocking/swarming phenomenon.Instituto de Física de Líquidos y Sistemas BiológicosFacultad de IngenieríaFacultad de Ciencias Exacta

    Gregarious versus individualistic behavior in Vicsek swarms and the onset of first-order phase transitions

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    The standard Vicsek model (SVM) is a minimal non-equilibrium model of self-propelled particles that appears to capture the essential ingredients of critical flocking phenomena. In the SVM, particles tend to align with each other and form ordered flocks of collective motion; however, perturbations controlled by a noise term lead to a noisedriven continuous order–disorder phase transition. In this work, we extend the SVM by introducing a parameter α that allows particles to be individualistic instead of gregarious, i.e. to choose a direction of motion independently of their neighbors. By focusing on the small-noise regime, we show that a relatively small probability of individualistic motion (around 10%) is sufficient to drive the system from a Vicsek-like ordered phase to a disordered phase. Despite the fact that the α-extended model preserves the O(n) symmetry and the interaction range, as well as the dimensionality of the underlying SVM, this novel phase transition is found to be discontinuous (first order), an intriguing manifestation of the richness of the non-equilibrium flocking/swarming phenomenon.Instituto de Física de Líquidos y Sistemas BiológicosFacultad de IngenieríaFacultad de Ciencias Exacta

    Rainfall variability in the upper Napo River Basin, Ecuadorian Amazon

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    The purpose of this research was to investigate the influence of elevation and other terrain characteristics over the spatial and temporal distribution of rainfall. A comparative analysis was conducted between several methods of spatial interpolations using mean monthly precipitation values in order to select the best. Following those previous results it was possible to fit an Artificial Neural Network model for interpolation of monthly precipitation values for a period of 20 years, with input values such as longitude, latitude, elevation, four geomorphologic characteristics and anchored by seven weather stations, it reached a high correlation coefficient (r=0.85). This research demonstrated a strong influence of elevation and other geomorphologic variables over the spatial distribution of precipitation and the agreement that there are nonlinear relationships. This model will be used to fill gaps in time-series of monthly precipitation, and to generate maps of spatial distribution of monthly precipitation at a resolution of 1km2

    Gestión de la cadena de suministro para mejorar la productividad en una empresa de helados 2022

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    En la presente investigación “Gestión de la cadena de suministros para mejorar la productividad en una empresa de helados 2022”, lleva como objetivo general en incrementar la productividad utilizando la gestión de cadena de suministro en una empresa de helados 2022. En el estudio abarcamos la metodología de enfoque cuantitativo, tipo aplicable y con diseño experimental; su población son los datos numéricos bajo un estudio variable; con una muestra de 20 trabajadores aludido a la gestión de la cadena de suministro y productividad; en la que aplicaremos una técnica de observación y la herramienta aplicar el MRP, gestionando el requerimiento de materiales con anticipación. Por lo cual, se obtuvo como resultado de la propuesta un incremento del 5.64% de la productividad, además se determinó que por cada sol que la empresa invierte en la propuesta, ésta tendrá una ganancia de S/. 4.64 soles