371 research outputs found


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    Since the mid-1980s, bean research in Honduras has focused on the development of improved varieties resistant to key diseases, principally Bean Golden Yellow Mosaic Virus (BGYMV), one of the main constraints to bean production in the country. This paper presents evidence of recent adoption rates of improved bean varieties, the farm-level economic impact of adoption, and the ex post rate of return to bean research in Honduras from 1982-2010. Results from a 2001 farm-level survey in the two principal bean-producing regions in Honduras show that 46 to 51% of bean farmers (depending upon the season) have adopted an improved variety, and that adoption is scale-neutral with respect to farm-size and market orientation. Due to the potential problem of sample selection bias in the adoption of disease-resistant varieties, the farm-level impact of the new varieties was estimated using experimental data to approximate the yield differential between resistant and non-resistant varieties under disease pressure, and survey data was used to approximate the frequency of disease incidence in farmers' fields. An expected utility framework assuming risk neutrality demonstrates that adopters gain an average of 20% in bean income from increased yield stability under disease pressure, although these gains are reduced by 7 to 16% due to market price discounts for the resistant varieties. Under base-level assumptions, the economic rate of return bean research in Honduras during the period 1982-2010 is 40 %.Crop Production/Industries, Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies,

    Acciones docentes prácticas en Derecho penal, Derecho penitenciario y Criminología: experiencias didácticas fuera del aula

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    Con la implantación del Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior se han venido operando cambios importantes en los métodos y técnicas aplicados en la docencia del Derecho y, más concretamente, en las disciplinas jurídicas que conforman las Ciencias penales. Así, se ha ido avanzando en la dirección de promover una participación más activa del estudiante, mediante el empleo de herramientas y métodos innovadores que han contribuido a proporcionar una formación más integral, comprensiva de competencias genéricas, transversales y específicas. En esta línea de cambio del modelo educativo, la Red de Investigación sobre acciones docentes prácticas en Derecho penal, Derecho penitenciario y Criminología ha desarrollado nuevos recursos que giran en torno a la realización de salidas didácticas de los alumnos a instituciones y organizaciones directamente relacionadas con el sistema penal, fundamentalmente las que componen la judicatura, el aparato policial y el sistema penitenciario

    Reliability and validity of a questionnaire for physical activity assessment in South American children and adolescents: The SAYCARE Study

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    ABSTRACT: The objective of this article is to test the reliability and validity of the new and innovative physical activity (PA) questionnaire. Methods: Subsamples from the South American Youth/Child Cardiovascular and Environment Study (SAYCARE) study were included to examine its reliability (children: n 5 161; adolescents: n 5 177) and validity (children: n 5 82; adolescents: n 5 60). The questionnaire consists of three dimensions of PA (lei-sure, active commuting, and school) performed during the last week. To assess its validity, the subjects wore accelerometers for at least 3 days and 8 h/d (at least one weekend day). The reliability was analyzed by correlation coefficients. In addition, Bland-Altman analysis and a multilevel regression were applied to estimate the measurement bias, limits of agreement, and influence of contextual variables. Results: In children, the questionnaire showed consistent reliability (q 5 0.56) and moderate validity (q 5 0.46), and the contextual variable variance explained 43.0% with 222.9 min/d bias. In adolescents, the reliability was higher (q 5 0.76) and the validity was almost excellent (q 5 0.88), with 66.7% of the variance explained by city level with 16.0 min/d PA bias. Conclusions: The SAYCARE PA questionnaire shows acceptable (in children) to strong (in adolescents) reliability and strong validity in the measurement of PA in the pediatric population from low- to middle-income countries

    Plan de auditoría para el programa de auditoría interna en base a la norma ISO 22000:2018 de productos alimenticios estrella gourmet

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    ANEXO 1 - Programa de auditoria para el Sistema de Gestión de calidad e Inocuidad basado en la norma ISO 22000:2018Este trabajo describe como se realiza una auditoria basándose en los lineamientos de la norma ISO 22000:2018 en la empresa Productos Alimenticios Estrella Gourmet dedicada a la producción de salsas y encurtidos que ha venido implementando y ajustándose en el Plan HACCP - Norma ISO 22000:2018 y el tema ambiental con la norma ISO 14001:2015. Al desarrollar la actividad se logran observar algunos hallazgos de la organización que se deben tener en cuenta para garantizar la inocuidad de los productos allí elaborados. Para ello, se han realizado auditorías las cuales se han soportado en el diseño de programas de auditoría, teniendo en cuenta acciones de verificación del estado del sistema de gestión y así lograr la implementación del sistema ISO 22000:2018 en Productos Alimenticios Estrella Gourmet. Palabras clave: Auditoria, producción, inocuidad, gestión, calidad.This work describes how an audit is carried out based on the guidelines of the ISO 22000:2018 standard in the company Productos Alimenticios Estrella Gourmet dedicated to the production of sauces and pickles that has been implementing and adjusting to the HACCP Plan - ISO 22000:2018 Standard and the environmental issue with the ISO 14001:2015 standard. When developing the activity, it is possible to observe some findings of the organization that must be taken into account to guarantee the safety of the products produced there. For this, audits have been carried out which have been supported in the design of audit programs, taking into account actions to verify the status of the management system and thus achieve the implementation of the ISO 22000:2018 system in Estrella Gourmet Food Products. Keywords: Audit, production, safety, management, quality

    The cold-sensing ion channel TRPM8 regulates central and peripheral clockwork and the circadian oscillations of body temperature

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    [Abstract] Aim: Physiological functions in mammals show circadian oscillations, synchronized by daily cycles of light and temperature. Central and peripheral clocks participate in this regulation. Since the ion channel TRPM8 is a critical cold sensor, we investigated its role in circadian function. Methods: We used TRPM8 reporter mouse lines and TRPM8-deficient mice. mRNA levels were determined by in situ hybridization or RT-qPCR and protein levels by immunofluorescence. A telemetry system was used to measure core body temperature (Tc). Results: TRPM8 is expressed in the retina, specifically in cholinergic amacrine interneurons and in a subset of melanopsin-positive ganglion cells which project to the central pacemaker, the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) of the hypothalamus. TRPM8-positive fibres were also found innervating choroid and ciliary body vasculature, with a putative function in intraocular temperature, as shown in TRPM8-deficient mice. Interestingly, Trpm8-/- animals displayed increased expression of the clock gene Per2 and vasopressin (AVP) in the SCN, suggesting a regulatory role of TRPM8 on the central oscillator. Since SCN AVP neurons control body temperature, we studied Tc in driven and free-running conditions. TRPM8-deficiency increased the amplitude of Tc oscillations and, under dim constant light, induced a greater phase delay and instability of Tc rhythmicity. Finally, TRPM8-positive fibres innervate peripheral organs, like liver and white adipose tissue. Notably, Trpm8-/- mice displayed a dysregulated expression of Per2 mRNA in these metabolic tissues. Conclusion: Our findings support a function of TRPM8 as a temperature sensor involved in the regulation of central and peripheral clocks and the circadian control of Tc.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (España); RT2018-099995-B100Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (España); AEI/10.13039/501100011033Generalitat Valenciana; PROMETEO/2021/031Ministerio de Asuntos Económicos y Transformación Digital (España); BES-2011-04706

    Associations between neighborhood-level violence and individual mental disorders: results from the World Mental Health surveys in five Latin American cities

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    Rapidly urbanizing areas of Latin America experience elevated but unevenly distributed levels of violence. Extensive research suggests that individual exposure to violence is associated with higher odds of both internalizing (anxiety and mood) and externalizing (substance and intermittent explosive) mental disorders. Less research, however, has focused on how neighborhood-level violence, as an indicator of broader neighborhood contexts, might relate to the mental health of residents, independently of an individual’s personal exposure. We used multilevel analyses to examine associations of neighborhood-level violence with individual-level past-year mental disorders, controlling for individual-level violence exposure. We used data from 7,251 adults nested in 83 neighborhoods within five large Latin American cities as part of the WHO World Mental Health Surveys. Accounting for individual-level violence exposure, living in neighborhoods with more violence was associated with significantly elevated odds of individual-level internalizing disorders, but not externalizing disorders. Caution should be exercised when making causal inferences regarding the effects of neighborhood-level violence in the absence of experimental interventions. Nevertheless, neighborhood context, including violence, should be considered in the study of mental disorders. These findings are particularly relevant for rapidly urbanizing areas with high levels of violence, such as Latin America

    O efeito do ácido ascórbico tópico na cicatrização cutânea

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    Introdução: A ferida cirúrgica apresenta altos níveis de radicais livres em resposta ao dano cutâneo, o que gera a hipótese de um possível benefício do uso de antioxidantes no reparo destas feridas, tal como a aplicação tópica do ácido ascórbico. No entanto, pesquisas recentes obtiveram conclusões discrepantes para este tipo de tratamento. O objetivo é avaliar o efeito do ácido ascórbico tópico na cicatrização cutânea por meio de uma revisão de escopo. Métodos: A revisão de escopo foi realizada na base de dados Medline, Lilacs e Cochrane, com os descritores: ácido ascórbico, creme para a pele e cicatrização de feridas. Foram definidos como critérios de inclusão: ensaios clínicos randomizados, observacionais e revisões sistemáticas, em humanos, com data de publicação de até 5 anos, nas línguas inglesa, portuguesa ou espanhola. Foram excluídas: revisões narrativas, dissertações, teses, editoriais, estudos in vitro e em animais. Por fim, foi realizada a classificação dos estudos através da metodologia GRADE. Resultados: Foram encontrados 83 estudos e, após triagem, seis artigos foram selecionados. Destacou-se o uso do ácido ascórbico na concentração de 5 a 20% e de seus derivados (0,075% a 9,55%). Apresentaram a qualidade GRADE moderada os desfechos: aumento da firmeza cutânea e redução da vermelhidão, e alta qualidade: melhora na hidratação, elasticidade, colorometria das manchas e melhora do fechamento das feridas. Conclusão: O ácido ascórbico promove melhor elasticidade cutânea, diminuição do eritema e melhor fechamento das feridas. Apesar destes fortes indícios, ensaios clínicos randomizados com menor risco de viés de aferição e com maior casuística ainda se fazem necessários