400 research outputs found

    What can students learn in the chemistry laboratory?

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    Practical work (PW) has had, since long ago, a fundament role in the education of Chemistry students (Woolnough, 1991; Miguéns & Garrett, 1991). However, doubts were sometimes raised about its importance as a means for promoting significant learning of Chemistry (Hodson, 1990; 1993). In order to make PW relevant, it is necessary that it can motivate the students and contribute for the development of a set of skills and competencies that are fundamental namely in tertiary education (Figueiredo, Viana & Maia, 2001). The work here presented, developed in that context, is the result of a research project carried out in the University of Évora (Portugal), on the use of PW as an investigative activity of problem solving. This project also had a didactic purpose. It aimed at contributing to the increase in the success of students in chemistry courses included in non-chemistry science degrees, as well as to a revalorization of PW as a privileged strategy for the teaching of chemistry

    Experimental Work and the Teaching of Chemistry at University

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    Chemistry, the central science for many areas of knowledge, is a compulsory discipline in several University courses. The teaching of chemistry to non-chemists is a difficult challenge that must be overcome, because Chemistry is often a necessary tool in their future activity. However, the failure in General Chemistry courses is an obstacle in the normal academic lives of students. Students’ difficulties are often caused by poor previous chemical knowledge or by lack of motivation, and represent important factors in the lack of success. The work here presented is inscribed in a larger study on the role of experimental work in several different first year Chemistry courses. This study intends to propose answers to several questions often raised by chemistry teachers: - What “Chemistry” should be taught to non-motivated non-chemistry students? - What should be the role of experimental work in the preparation of these students? - What is the influence of the involvement of students in practical classes in their academic success


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    Este artigo apresenta uma análise da criação do curso de Laurea Magistrale in Teatro e Arti Performativena Itália e suas reverberações no modelo de ensino vigente no sistema europeu de ensino universitário, no que condiz à relação das Novas Tecnologias e as Artes Cênicas. A escrita do texto é resultante de um processo de pesquisa realizado em duas Universidades, a Università di Bologna e a Università IUAV di Veneza, ambas na Itália, concomitantemente ao doutorado sanduíche cursado pelo autor, em 2017

    Cochonilhas-farinhentas (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) em cafeeiros (Coffea arabica L.) em Minas Gerais

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    Mealybugs can be found in roots and shoots of coffee trees, producing withering and damaging fruits. The correct identification of species is important to establish a biological control program and other management strategies. The aim of this study was to survey and identify mealybug species present in coffee, Coffea arabica L., in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. Samples were taken in some towns of the South, East, Jequitinhonha and Triângulo region. The citrus mealybug, Planococcus citri (Risso, 1813) and the long tailed mealybug, Pseudococcus longispinus (Targioni Tozzetti, 1867) were found in the aerial part of the plant, while Dysmicoccus texensis (Tinsley, 1900) was present on roots. The presence of these mealybugs is sporadic but occasionally they cause severe damage obliging insecticide spraying to control them. Others mealybugs species mentioned for Brazil were not found is this survey.As cochonilhas da família Pseudococcidae podem ser encontradas em raízes e ramos dos cafeeiros, ocasionando o definhamento das plantas e danos nos frutos. A correta identificação das espécies é importante para o estabelecimento de programas de controle biológico e outras estratégias de manejo. Objetivou-se com este trabalho estudar e identificar as espécies de cochonilhas-farinhentas que colonizam plantas de café, Coffea arabica L. no Estado de Minas Gerais, Brasil. Foram efetuadas coletas em municípios das Regiões Sul, Leste, Jequitinhonha e Triângulo. Na parte aérea, foram constatadas Planococcus citri (Risso, 1813) e Pseudococcus longispinus (Targioni Tozzetti, 1867) e, nas raízes, verificou-se a presença de Dysmicoccus texensis (Tinsley, 1900). Apesar de a ocorrência dessas espécies ser esporádica, por vezes podem causar danos, sendo necessária a adoção de medidas de controle. Outras espécies de cochonilhas relatadas para o Brasil não foram encontradas no presente estudo

    Spatiotemporal Dynamics of COVID-19 Infections in Mainland Portugal

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    Silva, M., Betco, I., Capinha, C., Roquette, R., Viana, C. M., & Rocha, J. (2022). Spatiotemporal Dynamics of COVID-19 Infections in Mainland Portugal. Sustainability, 14(16), 1-28. [10370]. https://doi.org/10.3390/su141610370------This work was financed by national funds through FCT—Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology, I.P., under the framework of the project ‘TRIAD-Health Risk and Social Vulnerability to Arboviral Diseases in Mainland Portugal’ (PTDC/GES -OUT/30210/2017) and by the Research Unit UIDB/00295/2020 and UIDP/00295/2020. M.S. was supported by ABS-Covid-Anthropogenic Base Factors of Spreading COVID project, CERU, Council of Europe, EUROPA Major Hazards Agreement. C.C. was funded through FCT, I.P., under the program ‘Stimulus of Scientific Employment—Individual Support’ within the contract CEECIND/02037/2017.The World Health Organization declared COVID-19 as a pandemic disease on 12 March 2020. Currently, this disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus remains one of the biggest public health problems in the world. Thus, it is essential to apply methods that enable a better understanding of the virus diffusion processes, not only at the spatial level but also at the spatiotemporal one. To that end, we tried to understand the spatial distribution of COVID-19 pathology in continental Portugal at the municipal level and to comprehend how mobility influences transmission. We used autocorrelation indices such as Getis-Ord (with Euclidian distance and commuting values), Local Moran, and a new hybrid approach. Likewise, aiming to identify the spatiotemporal patterns of the virus propagation by using Man–Kendall statistics, we found that most hotspots of infected individuals occur in the municipalities of metropolitan areas. The spatiotemporal analysis identified most of the municipalities as oscillating hotspots.publishersversionpublishe

    La Facultad de Psicología después de una década Voces y sentidos de estudiantes y egresados

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    Este documento recoge una serie de entrevistas hechas a estudiantes y egresados de la Facultad de Psicología de la Universidad de San Buenaventura, Cali. El objetivo es dar la palabra a nuestros egresados, protagonistas y acreedores de toda esta historia. Se hallará en estas líneas un primer plano de algunas de sus vivencias, y a la vez, un acercamiento de la Facultad desde la perspectiva de quienes en ella se formaron como psicólog

    Estrategias Financieras para mejorar el rendimiento de la Empresa Inversión de Occidente, S.A. de C.V.

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    Desde el punto de vista económico y financiero, las estrategias financieras son una herramienta muy importante para la toma de decisiones, contribuyendo a mejorar el rendimiento económico de una empresa, así también el posicionamiento en el mercado. En nuestra actualidad el sector de industria, ha cobrado una gran importancia en el sector de la construcción, contribuyendo de manera significativa a la economía del país. Cada día con la finalidad de tener una mejor competitividad, las empresas crean sus propias herramientas de trabajo, que les permitan alcanzar sus objetivos, creando nuevas estrategias para obtener una mejor rentabilidad, independientemente de la variedad de productos que ofrece el mercado. La necesidad de mantenerse en el mercado los ha obligado ir incorporando nuevos medios de mercadeo incluyendo los canales tecnológicos y atención al cliente. Siendo necesario crear estrategias de servicio al cliente, lo cual permite fidelizar y poder ser más eficientes y competitivos en el mercado, lo que conlleva a crear ciertas partidas considerables de inversión, por lo tanto la empresa debe encontrar estrategias financieras que le ayuden a obtener mejores beneficios, una mayor rentabilidad, y crear valor a la empresa. Hemos llevado a cabo este trabajo con el tema “Estrategias Financieras para mejorar el rendimiento de la Empresa, Inversión de Occidente, S.A. de C.V.”, desarrollando cada capítulo como se muestra a continuación: CAPITULO I. PLANTEAMIENTO DEL PROBLEMA: En este capítulo se ha integrado por la delimitación del problema, Preguntas de Investigación, Objetivos de la investigación, Justificación, límites y alcances. CAPITULO II. MARCO TEORICO O DE REFERENCIA: Este capítulo contiene los antecedentes del problema, teorías y conceptos, Marco legal y Contextualización. CAPITULO III. DISEÑO METODOLÓGICO: Este capítulo se encuentra integrado por el enfoque de la investigación, tipo de estudio, población y muestra y las técnicas e instrumentos, Hipótesis o supuestos de investigación, operacionalización de las variables. CAPITULO IV. ANALISIS E INTERPRETACIÓN DE RESULTADOS. Este capítulo contiene las generalidades y la propuesta de estrategias financieras para mejorar el rendimiento de la empresa, Inversión de Occidente, S.A. de C.V. mostrando el análisis de la situación financiera y estado de resultados de los periodos 2019, 2020, 2021. Para poder establecer las estrategias financieras que les permita un mejor su rendimiento. Seguidamente encontraremos las Conclusiones y Recomendaciones: donde se describe el logro de los objetivos de la investigación. Y las recomendaciones que podemos dar a la empresa para que puedan ser considerados para un mejor rendimiento