
What can students learn in the chemistry laboratory?


Practical work (PW) has had, since long ago, a fundament role in the education of Chemistry students (Woolnough, 1991; Miguéns & Garrett, 1991). However, doubts were sometimes raised about its importance as a means for promoting significant learning of Chemistry (Hodson, 1990; 1993). In order to make PW relevant, it is necessary that it can motivate the students and contribute for the development of a set of skills and competencies that are fundamental namely in tertiary education (Figueiredo, Viana & Maia, 2001). The work here presented, developed in that context, is the result of a research project carried out in the University of Évora (Portugal), on the use of PW as an investigative activity of problem solving. This project also had a didactic purpose. It aimed at contributing to the increase in the success of students in chemistry courses included in non-chemistry science degrees, as well as to a revalorization of PW as a privileged strategy for the teaching of chemistry

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