342 research outputs found

    Development of an inline cleaning procedure and a concentration method for analyzing low levels of organophosphate flame retardants and plasticizers in sediment

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    To minimize the background contamination of organophosphate flame retardants and plasticizes (OPFPs) during sediment analysis, an inline cleaning procedure was developed to clean materials (extraction cell, glass fiber filters, diatomic earth, and aluminum oxide) involved in sediment extraction using pressurized liquid extraction (PLE). The materials remain in the extraction cell until sediment extraction takes place, at which time the top 5 grams or so diatomic earth was taken out, sediment was added together with the surrogate standard, and extracted. This inline method minimizes transfer and exposure of diatomic earth and aluminum oxide with possible sources of OPFPs in the laboratory. The recovery efficiency of several concentration methods, including slow evaporation in a fume hood to dryness, fast evaporation to 1-2 mL using a gentle stream of nitrogen gas, and slow evaporation to 1-2 mL in the fume hood, were evaluated. Slow evaporation to 1-2 mL in the fume hood resulted in the least loss of OPFPs among the three evaporation methods examined.OPFPs in 10 surficial sediment samples collected in Long Island Sound (LIS) were analyzed. TCPP (chlorinated) had the highest concentration, consistent with its highest usage and its persistency in the environment. TBEP (non-chlorinated) had the second highest concentrations in LIS sediment. The other chlorinated OPFPs, TCEP and TDCP, were also present in most sediment but with much lower concentrations than TCPP. TBP and TPP (both non-chlorinated) were only detected in one or two sediment samples with very low concentrations, consistent with their high degradability. Generally speaking, western LIS sediment is more contaminated with OPFPs than eastern LIS, possibly due to higher number of wastewater treatment plants in west part of LIS

    Methotrexate-induced biochemical alterations of the folate and methyl-transfer pathway in the CNS

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    Methotrexate (MTX), administered as high-dose infusion (3-5 g/m2) and/or intrathecally (3-12 mg) has been associated with neurotoxicity of unclear pathogenesis. It was investigated if the biochemical alterations of the folate and methyl-transfer pathway in the CSF of cancer patients following MTX treatment may play a role in neurotoxicity. Firstly, analytical methods using HPLC with UV and/or fluorescence detection for the measurement of reduced folates, MTX, S-adenosylmethionine (SAM) and S-adenosylhomocysteine (SAH) were developed and validated. Secondly, CSF samples from adult patients with primary central nervous system lymphoma (PCNSL) and two pediatric ALL populations were collected and analysed. From four PCNSL patients CSF samples were obtained on four or five subsequent days. A massive depletion of the CSF 5-methyl-THF concentration was observed at the end of the high-dose MTX infusion. A repletion occured following the administration of rescue. After intracerebroventricular MTX a gradual decrease of the reduced folate concentrations was observed from day to day. There was no significant alteration of the SAM and SAH concentration in the same time-period. One of the patients had clinical signs of neurotoxicity and lower 5-methyl-THF and SAM concentrations compared to others. In the pediatric ALL collectives sampling was performed one to three weeks after the last MTX therapy. It was observed that the concentrations of 5-methyl-THF and SAM were in the normal range two weeks after treatment with high-dose and intrathecal (i.th.) MTX followed by rescue. In contrast, in protocols with i.th. MTX only the 5-methyl-THF concentrations were significantly decreased 12 days after the first i.th. MTX administration whereas SAM was significantly decreased throughout the protocols. Three ALL patients manifested signs of neurotoxicity and had low levels of 5-methyl-THF and SAM during or shortly after toxicity. In conclusion, the results suggest that the biochemical alterations of the folate and methyl-transfer pathway may play an important role in the genesis of MTX-associated neurotoxicity

    Die Ergebnisse und Perspektiven der Europäischen Nachbarschaftspolitik in den Nachfolgestaaten der ehemaligen Sowjetunion

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    Die vorliegende Diplomarbeit beschäftigt sich mit dem Ablauf und den Ergebnissen der Europäischen Nachbarschaftspolitik (ENP) in den Nachfolgestaaten der ehemaligen Sowjetunion. Die ENP, die eine alternative zu zukünftigen EU-Erweiterungen darstellen soll, hat zum Ziel einen Ring stabiler und mit der Union befreundeter Staaten um die EU herum herzustellen. Dies soll durch die externe Förderung der Modernisierung und Demokratisierung in diesen Ländern erreicht werden. Im Gegensatz zu den nordafrikanischen und asiatischen ENP- Teilnehmern wird jedoch eine zukünftige Mitgliedschaft für die osteuropäischen ENP-Länder nicht explizit ausgeschlossen, diese Frage wird offengelassen. Die vorliegende Arbeit stellt zunächst die Frage nach der Finalität der EU sowohl in politischer als auch in geografischer Hinsicht. Ausgehend vom Art. 49 EGV, nach dem der Beitritt zur EU jedem europäischen Staat offensteht, wird untersucht, wo die Grenze Europas liegt, und ob der Beitritt der sechs osteuropäischen ENP-Teilnehmer prinzipiell möglich wäre und warum diese in der Praxis gegenwärtig nicht möglich ist, obwohl einige dieser Länder den Beitritt zur EU wünschen. Die zweite Frage mit der sich diese Arbeit beschäftigt ist die Frage nach den Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der ENP für die Erfüllung des oben genannten Zieles. Es werden die Formen der Zusammenarbeit und die verschiedenen Aspekte dieser Politik dargelegt. Danach folgt die Untersuchung der konkreten Auswirkungen der ENP in den betreffenden Ländern. Weiters beschäftigt sich die Arbeit mit den Auswirkungen der russischen und US-amerikanischen Politik gegenüber dieser Region und deren Einfluss auf die Annährung der sechs östlichen ENP-Partnerländer an die EU.This thesis deals with the process and the results of the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) in the states of the former Soviet Union. The ENP, one alternative to the future enlargements of the EU, aims to produce a group of states with sympathies for the EU. This will happen through the external promotion of modernization and democratization achieved in these countries. Unlike the North African and Asian ENP participants, however, a future member of the Eastern European ENP countries is not explicitly excluded, this question is left open. This paper first presents the question of the finality of the EU, both politically and geographically. Based on Article 49 EC Treaty, after the opening to the accession to the EU each European state is studied. It will be important to know where the borders of Europe are, and whether membership of the six Eastern European ENP participants would be possible in principle and why it is not currently possible in practice although some of these countries want to join the EU. The second question with which this work is concerned is the question about the possibilities and limits of the ENP for the fulfillment. It sets out the forms of cooperation and the various aspects of this policy. Thereafter, the investigation of the actual impact of the ENP follows in the countries concerned. Furthermore, the work deals with the impact of Russian and U.S. policy towards the region and their influence on the rapprochement of the six Eastern ENP partner countries to the EU

    Design of alternating-current electrical servodrive based on Mitsubishi Electric control hardware

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    U ovom završnom radu opisuju se regulacije pozicije, brzine i momenta servo motora pomoću digitalnih i analognih izlaza programabilnog logičkog kontrolera. Dan je uvid u načine rada i arhitekturu servo pojačala i servo motora. Navedeni su izrazi za izvode matematičkih modela regulacija brzine i momenta motora sa stalnim magnetima na rotoru te je provedena simulacijska analiza u programskom paketu Matlab i programskom alatu Simulink. Opisani izvod temelji se na Clarkeovim i Parkovim transformacijama iz statorskog troosnog koordinatnog sustava u rotirajući dvoosni koordinatni sustav. Nadalje, objašnjena je konfiguracija sustava sa opremom iz Mitsubishi Electric asortimana opreme za automatizaciju. Projektiranje je redom objašnjeno, od kabliranja sustava, izrade programa za programabilni logički kontroler, povezivanje kontrolera sa servo pojačalom, izrade zaslona za operaterski terminal i samog upravljanja pomoću navedenog terminala. Navedene su dodatne mogućnosti koje su dostupne za korištenje i opisana je maketa koja je izrađena kao eksperimentalni postav. Eksperimentalni postav sastoji se od servo pojačala MR-JE-10A, servo motora HG-KN13J, programabilnog logičkog kontrolera FX5U sa tranzistorskim izlazima i GS2107-WTBD operaterskog terminala. Plan je da se završni rad, uz službenu literaturu, koristi u edukaciji sadašnjih i budućih generacija studenata mehatronike i robotike na području mikroprocesorskog upravljanja i energetske elektornike.In this final paper the position control, speed control and torque control of a servo motor using the digital and analog outputs of a programmable logic controller are described. Insights into the modes and architecture of servo amplifiers and servo motors are given. The expressions for mathematical models are stated for the speed control and torque control of the motor with permanent magnets on the rotor. Furthermore the simulation analysis was performed in the Matlab software package and the Simulink software tool. The excerpts described are based on Clarke and Park transformations from a stator three-axis coordinate system to a rotating two-axis coordinate system. In addition, the system configuration with equipment from the Mitsubishi Electric automation equipment is explained. The design is explained in sequence, from cabling the system, designing a programmable logic controller, connecting the controller to a servo amplifier, creating a screen for the operator terminal, and operating the terminal itself. Additional features that are available for use are listed and experimental setup layout is described. The experimental setup consists of the MR-JE-10A servo amplifier, the HG-KN13J servo motor, the FX5U programmable logic controller with transistor outputs, and the GS2107-WTBD operator terminal. The plan is to utilize this final paper, along with the official literature, to educate current and future generations of mechatronics and robotics students in the field of microprocessor control and power electronics

    Partizanska štampa u Lici 1941–1945. godine

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    The role and authority of appeal judge in administrative dispute

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    U radu se razmatraju uloga i nadležnost prizivnog suca u hrvatskom upravnom sporu tako da se ukazuje na posebnosti drugostupanjskog upravnog spora pri čemu se otvaraju određena pitanja oko tumačenja pojma reformacijske presude, što je jedna od primarnih dužnosti prizivnog suca budući da se radi o nužnom preduvjetu za dopuštenost žalbe protiv presude.This paper analyses the role and authority of the appellate court in Croatian administrative dispute in order to point out the specifities of second instance administrative dispute. Certain issues are raised regarding the interpretation of concepts of reformative court decisions which is one of the primary duties of the appellate court given that it involves an essential prerequisite for allowing appeals against decisions

    Free association norms for a sample of Croatian words

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    Ovim istraživanjem nastojali smo proučiti asocijativnu strukturu riječi kod govornika hrvatskog jezika kreiranjem normi slobodnih asocijacija za hrvatski jezik. Metodom diskretnih slobodnih asocijacija prikupljene su asocijacije za 700 hrvatskih riječi. U istraživanju je ukupno sudjelovao 971 govornik hrvatskog jezika, stariji od 18 godina. Svakom sudioniku prezentirano je 100 podražajnih riječi, a na svaku je riječ bilo potrebno dati jednu asocijaciju. Prikupljeni odgovori su lematizirani i uniformirani. Svaka je podražajna riječ u prosjeku normirana 137 puta. Za svaki par riječi podražaj - odgovor izračunata je asocijativna snaga unaprijed (FAS), a prikupljene riječi zajedno s izračunatim FAS-om tvore usmjereni težinski graf koji ocrtava asocijativnu strukturu riječi. Graf sadrži 3113 različitih riječi te 11215 direktnih veza među riječima. Osim FAS-a, za parove riječi izračunate su i povratna (BAS), medijacijska (MAS) i preklapajuća (OAS) snaga. Za svaku riječ priloženi su i sljedeći podaci: oznaka je li riječ normirana, broj sudionika koji ju je normirao te ukupan broj različitih asocijacija na tu riječ. Prikupljeni podaci primjenjivi su u različitim granama psihologije – poglavito kognitivnoj psihologiji i psiholingvistici. Vjerojatnosti pojavljivanja pojedinih odgovora prikupljenih postupkom slobodnih asocijacija značajne su za objašnjavanje mehanizama pronalaženja informacija u pamćenju te za predviđanje izvedbe u raznim zadacima vezanima uz pamćenje, kao što su zadaci za proučavanje lažnog sjećanja. U tom kontekstu, norme mogu poslužiti za konstruiranje lista riječi u DRM paradigmi.The aim of this paper is to study the associative structure of words for Croatian language speakers by creating free association norms for the Croatian language. We collected associations for 700 Croatian words using the discrete association method. A total of 971 Croatian language speakers, older than 18, participated in the study. Each participant was presented with 100 cue words and instructed to give one association for each cue word. The answers were lemmatized and normalized. On average, each stimulus was normed 137 times. For each stimulus-response pair, the forward (cue-to-target) associative strength (FAS) was calculated. The collected associations, combined with the calculated FAS, form a weighted directed graph that outlines the associative structure of the words. The graph contains 3113 unique words and 11215 direct edges between them. In addition to the FAS, the backward (BAS), mediated (MAS) and overlapping (OAS) strengths were calculated for each word pair. Additionally, the following information is included: whether the target word is normed, the number of participants that normed the cue, and the total number of different associations of that cue. The constructed norms are applicable in various subfields of psychology - primarily cognitive psychology and psycholinguistics. The probabilities of individual responses collected in the free association task are significant in explaining memory retrieval mechanisms and in predicting performance in various memory-related tasks, such as in false memory tasks. In this latter context, the norms can be used to construct word lists in the DRM paradigm

    The role of the High Administrative Court of the Republic of Croatia in time the Covid-19 pandemic

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    U radu se pojašnjava nadležnost Visokog upravnog suda Republike Hrvatske i upravnih sudova u odnosu na mjere koje nadležna tijela donose u vezi s pandemijom COVID-a 19 te se iznose neki problemi s kojima se zbog navedenih okolnosti taj Sud susreo u svakodnevnom radu. Iznose se i rješenja konkretnih procesnih situacija prouzročenih pandemijom na koje je Sud naišao u predmetima koji se pred njim vode.In this paper, the authority of the High Administrative Court and administrative courts of the Republic of Croatia is explained in relation to the measures authoritative bodies reach concerning the COVID 19 pandemic. Also, some problems are presented with which, due to the afore stated situation, the Court has been faced daily. Solutions to concrete situational processes caused by the pandemic are presented, which the Court has encountered while holding previous cases

    Getting the balance right: Established and emerging therapies for major depressive disorders

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    Major depressive disorder (MDD) is a common and serious illness of our times, associated with monoamine deficiency in the brain. Moreover, increased levels of cortisol, possibly caused by stress, may be related to depression. In the treatment of MDD, the use of older antidepressants such as monoamine oxidase inhibitors and tricyclic antidepressants is decreasing rapidly, mainly due to their adverse effect profiles. In contrast, the use of serotonin reuptake inhibitors and newer antidepressants, which have dual modes of action such as inhibition of the serotonin and noradrenaline or dopamine reuptake, is increasing. Novel antidepressants have additive modes of action such as agomelatine, a potent agonist of melatonin receptors. Drugs in development for treatment of MDD include triple reuptake inhibitors, dual-acting serotonin reuptake inhibitors and histamine antagonists, and many more. Newer antidepressants have similar efficacy and in general good tolerability profiles. Nevertheless, compliance with treatment for MDD is poor and may contribute to treatment failure. Despite the broad spectrum of available antidepressants, there are still at least 30% of depressive patients who do not benefit from treatment. Therefore, new approaches in drug development are necessary and, according to current research developments, the future of antidepressant treatment may be promising
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