36 research outputs found

    La ciencia ficción como herramienta pedagógica en un curso de Estudios en Ciencia, Tecnología y Sociedad: descripción de una experiencia docente

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    Science fiction can be used as a pedagogical aid for the teaching, popularizing, critical reflection and promotion of science and technology. A teaching experience is described in which science fiction stories (novels, short stories, movies and short films) were used exclusively to impart a Science, Technology and Society Studies Course for undergraduate students of the Library Science program, in the Interamerican School of Library Science, Antioquia University, during the first semester of 2014. The course was structured as a reading and writing workshop, supplemented with thematical discussions and exercises. The results were satisfactory, showcasing the students creativity and critical thinking. Several recommendations and resources are presented for other teachers who wish to emulate or adapt the experience

    Communicating Testimonial Commitment

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    I argue for the Cooperative Warrant Thesis (CWT), according to which the determinants of testimonial contents in communication are given by the practical requirements of cooperative action. This thesis distances itself from conventionalist views, according to which testimony must be strictly bounded by conventions of speech. CWT proves explanatorily better than conventionalism on several accounts. It offers a principled and accurate criterion to distinguish between testimonial and non-testimonial communication. In being goal-sensitive, this criterion captures the role of weak and robust cooperation in determining the contents to which speakers testify or fail to testify. And, finally, it yields a principled explanation of why testimony entails the epistemic commitments that distinguish it as an epistemic source

    Science fiction as teaching aid in a Science, Technology and Society Studies course: Description of an educational experience

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    La ciencia ficción puede ser utilizada como una herramienta pedagógica para la enseñanza, la divulgación, la reflexión crítica y el fomento de la ciencia y la tecnología. Describimos una experiencia docente en la cual se utilizaron exclusivamente historias de ciencia ficción (novelas, cuentos, películas y cortometrajes) para dictar un curso de Estudios en Ciencia, Tecnología y Sociedad para estudiantes del pregrado en bibliotecología, en la Escuela Interamericana de Bibliotecología de la Universidad de Antioquia, durante el primer semestre de 2014. El curso toma la forma de un taller de lectura y escritura creativa, suplementado con talleres y discusiones temáticas. Los resultados fueron satisfactorios, demostrando la creatividad y reflexividad de los estudiantes. Presentamos varias recomendaciones y recursos para otros docentes que deseen replicar o adaptar la experiencia.Science fiction can be used as a pedagogical aid for the teaching, popularizing, critical reflection and promotion of science and technology. A teaching experience is described in which science fiction stories (novels, short stories, movies and short films) were used exclusively to impart a Science, Technology and Society Studies Course for undergraduate students of the Library Science program, in the Interamerican School of Library Science, Antioquia University, during the first semester of 2014. The course was structured as a reading and writing workshop, supplemented with thematical discussions and exercises. The results were satisfactory, showcasing the students creativity and critical thinking. Several recommendations and resources are presented for other teachers who wish to emulate or adapt the experience

    Prácticas informacionales de los aficionados a la música: el caso del tango y el metal en la ciudad de Medellín

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    Purpose: The following research study is aimed at understanding the information practices of music fans, particularly fans of tango music and metal music in the city of Medellín. Design/methodology/approach: Based on three conceptual starting points, a social practice theory, the serious leisure perspective, and the information transfer model, a qualitative study was designed, with an exploratory and descriptive scope. In-depth interviews and observations were carried out with 18 music fans, 9 of tango music, 9 of metal music. The collected data was analized deductively using categories found on the conceptual models, and comparing it with the findings of a review of 50 previous studies found on the literature. Findings: The studies found on the literature suggest that up to this moment, music information behaviour has not been studied in a comprehensive manner, rather each activity has been viewed as isolated from others. The statements gathered from fans allow us to assert that an information practice is a coherent whole, all its activities are connected to each other and integrated with each person‟s lifestyle. Personal factors sucha as general understandings, values and world view are the ones that have greater incidence upon the practice, more so tan sociodemographic factors. A model for information practice is presented that describes all these elements. Originality/value: This study proposes a new theoretical and practical approach to the subject. The findings are an original and novel description upon which it is posible to conduct further studies

    Prácticas informacionales de los aficionados a la música: el caso del tango y el metal en la ciudad de Medellín

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    Purpose: The following research study is aimed at understanding the information practices of music fans, particularly fans of tango music and metal music in the city of Medellín. Design/methodology/approach: Based on three conceptual starting points, a social practice theory, the serious leisure perspective, and the information transfer model, a qualitative study was designed, with an exploratory and descriptive scope. In-depth interviews and observations were carried out with 18 music fans, 9 of tango music, 9 of metal music. The collected data was analized deductively using categories found on the conceptual models, and comparing it with the findings of a review of 50 previous studies found on the literature. Findings: The studies found on the literature suggest that up to this moment, music information behaviour has not been studied in a comprehensive manner, rather each activity has been viewed as isolated from others. The statements gathered from fans allow us to assert that an information practice is a coherent whole, all its activities are connected to each other and integrated with each person‟s lifestyle. Personal factors sucha as general understandings, values and world view are the ones that have greater incidence upon the practice, more so tan sociodemographic factors. A model for information practice is presented that describes all these elements. Originality/value: This study proposes a new theoretical and practical approach to the subject. The findings are an original and novel description upon which it is posible to conduct further studies

    Implications of organizational structure: Organizations as a data processing system

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    El artículo de revisión es producto de la investigación “Implicaciones de la estructura organizacional: organizaciones como sistema de procesamiento de información”, desarrollada durante el 2017 en la facultad de ingeniería industrial de la Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas. En las organizaciones se evidencia que las estructuras jerárquicas son el paradigma predominante, a pesar de que investigaciones han mostrado la precariedad de este tipo de estructuras para el procesamiento de información. Identificar los rasgos que permitan comprender la empresa como un sistema de procesamiento de información ágil. Se revisan los rasgos estructurales de los sistemas de procesamiento de información desde diferentes disciplinas. A partir de esta revisión se plantean las implicaciones de comprender a las organizaciones empresariales y en particular el diseño de la estructura como sistemas de procesamiento de información. Se desarrolla una apreciación sobre las implicaciones de diseñar estructuras con mayor agilidad en el procesamiento de información para la ingeniería organizacional. La comprensión de la organización empresarial, y en particular de la estructura como sistemas de procesamiento de información, ofrece una perspectiva ampliamente diferente del paradigma tradicional. La investigación se encuentra en etapas tempranas y no existen modelos o evidencias empíricas frente a los planteamientos realizados. Los altos niveles de agilidad en la toma de decisiones que exhiben las disciplinas estudiadas, permiten proyectar importantes líneas de investigación al respecto. La propuesta se encuentra en la fase conceptual y requieren comprobación experimental.This review article derives from the research “Implications of organizational structure: Organizations as a data processing system”, conducted in 2017 at the school of industrial engineering, Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas. It is noted that hierarchical structures are the predominant paradigm in organizations, although research has shown the precariousness of these structures for data processing. To identify the features that make it possible to understand the company as an agile data processing system. The structural features of data processing systems are reviewed from various disciplines. Based on this review, the implications of understanding business organizations, particularly the structure design, as data processing systems are set out. An assessment is made on the implications of designing more agile structures in data processing for organizational engineering. The understanding of business organization, particularly the structure, as a data processing system offers a widely different perspective of the traditional paradigm. The research is at its early stages and there are no models or empirical evidence regarding the statements made. The high levels of agility in the decision-making of the disciplines studied allow to plan important lines of research in this regard. The proposal is in the conceptual phase and requires experimental verification

    Juegos en el salón de clase: el mercado de los limones

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    Classroom games are a pedagogical tool for the appropriation of concepts and enrich traditional microeconomic classes with the methodology of experimental economics. This article presents an example of participatory research that seeks to collaboratively change the learning process. We propose the lemons-market game: an experimental protocol, programed for laboratory sessions, that motivates students to debate about adverse selection due to information asymmetries, that is, about the extent to which good-quality goods are expelled from the market by inferior-quality goods (lemons.)Los juegos en el salón de clase son una herramienta pedagógica para la apropiación de los conceptos teóricos y enriquecen las clases tradicionales de microeconomía con la metodología de la economía experimental. Este artículo presenta un ejemplo de investigación participativa que busca cambiar colaborativamente el proceso de aprendizaje. El juego del mercado de los limones que aquí se expone es un protocolo experimental, programado para sesiones de laboratorio, que motiva un debate entre los estudiantes sobre la selección adversa provocada por asimetrías de información, es decir, sobre hasta qué punto los bienes de buena calidad son expulsados del mercado por los bienes de calidad inferior (limones)

    Gestión del conocimiento científico en la Universidad de Antioquia: integración de herramientas para la formulación de una estrategia

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    La investigación que dio origen al presente artículo tuvo como propósito el diseñar de una estrategia de gestión de conocimiento científico (las actividades investigativas) para una universidad pública. Para las instituciones universitarias con énfasis en investigación, es necesario incluir la gestión del conocimiento científico como un enfoque estratégico a fin de marcar la diferencia, generar ventajas competitivas, mejorar la posición en su campo de acción y en el entorno en que se desenvuelve. Para poder definir una estrategia se requieren ciertas condiciones previas que faciliten el proceso. Se presenta la integración de tres herramientas de gestión del conocimiento dirigidas a proveer la información necesaria e incentivar la creación de una cultura al interior de los grupos de investigación, que permita definir una estrategia. Estas herramientas comprenden la medición del nivel de madurez, la identificación de brechas de conocimiento y la construcción de Mapas Topográficos de Conocimiento. Las herramientas fueron aplicadas a una muestra representativa de los grupos de investigación de la Universidad de Antioquia, a través de una metodología cuali-cuantitativa y un análisis interpretativo, utilizando una encuesta electrónica. Los resultados permitieron demostrar la aplicabilidad y pertinencia al contexto universitario de las herramientas, además de proveer información valiosa acerca de la situación del caso particular, que servirá de insumo para formular la estrategia.The research for the construction of this article had the purpose of designing a strategy for scientific knowledge management (research activities) in a public university. For university institutions with an emphasis on research it is necessary to include scientific knowledge management as a strategic approach for making a difference, generating competitive advantages, and improving their position in their field of expertise and within the environment where they operate. Certain preconditions are required in order to make the process of defining a strategy easier. The integration of three knowledge management tools aimed at providing the necessary information and encourage the creation of a culture within the research groups is presented for this purpose. These tools include the measuring of the maturity level, the identification of knowledge gaps and the construction of Topographic Knowledge Maps. Tools were applied to a representative sample of research groups at the University of Antioquia through a qualitative-quantitative methodology and an interpretative analysis, by means of an electronic survey. The results allowed demonstrating the applicability and relevance of these tools in the university context, as well as providing valuable information on the situation of that particular case, which will serve as an input to formulate the required strategy.A pesquisa que deu origem a este estudo teve como propósito elaborar uma estratégia de gestão de conhecimento científico (atividades de pesquisa) numa universidade pública. Para as instituições universitárias com ênfase em pesquisa, é necessário incluir a gestão do conhecimento científico com uma abordagem estratégica a fim de marcar a diferença, gerar vantagens competitivas, melhorar o posicionamento em seu campo de ação e no contexto no qual se desenvolve. Para poder definir uma estratégia, requerem-se condições prévias que facilitem o processo. Apresentase a integração de três ferramentas de gestão do conhecimento dirigidas a fornecer a informação necessária e incentivar a criação de uma cultura no interior dos grupos de pesquisa para definir uma estratégia. Essas ferramentas compreendem a medição do nível de maturidade, a identificação de brechas de conhecimento e a construção de mapas topográficos de conhecimento. As ferramentas foram aplicadas a uma amostra representativa dos grupos de pesquisa da Universidad de Antioquia (Colômbia) por meio de uma metodologia quali-quantitativa e uma análise interpretativa, utilizando um questionário eletrônico. Os resultados permitiram demonstrar a aplicabilidade e a pertinência ao contexto universitário das ferramentas, além de fornecer informação valiosa sobre a situação do caso particular, o que servirá de insumo para formular a estratégia

    Antifungal evaluation of TiO2 nanoparticles that inhibit Fusarium solani in African oil palm

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    The ability of titanium dioxide nanoparticles (TiO2 NPs) to attenuate and control several microorganisms was studied, especially for a disease that affects the health and productiveness of crops. For this purpose, the antifungal capacity of TiO2 nanoparticles obtained from two synthesis procedures was evaluated: the first procedure involved green chemistry using an aqueous extract prepared from African palm oil (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) leaves; the second procedure followed the Pechini sol-gel method. The nanoparticles obtained by the green chemistry method and the Pechini sol-gel technique had average sizes of 14.60±0.44 nm and 12.30±0.54 nm as determined by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), respectively. The antifungal properties of TiO2 NPs were evaluated on the fungus Fusarium solani Mart. isolated on Sabouraud culture medium. A factorial experimental design was implemented with two variables: (1) exposure time ranging from 24, 48, and 72 h; (2) nanoparticle concentration between 100 and 400 mg L-1. All measurements were performed in quintuplicate. The results show that the TiO2 nanoparticles synthesized by the Pechini method inhibited the fungus by 96.16±0.85% with a nanoparticle concentration of 400 mg L-1, while the TiO2 nanoparticles obtained from the green chemistry method generated a high inhibitory activity of approximately 98.51±0.02% at the four experimental concentrations

    Propuesta en Supply Chain Management y Logística en la empresa productos Familia S.A

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    Este proyecto muestra el diseño de la cadena de suministros de la empresa productos familia, en la línea de producción para el cuidado de la familia, encargados de la fabricación de papel higiénico, servilletas, Toallas de cocina y pañuelos, revisando las conexiones entre cada enlace con empresas proveedores y empresas cliente en varios niveles, con la meta de lograr objetivos corporativos en búsqueda del desarrollo integral en cada fase de logística que implique movilización de productos, insumos e información bilateralmente dentro de la red, con eficiencia y utilizando la menor cantidad de recursos, en el mercado local y pasando por la exportación; analizando las ventajas y desventajas que desde Colombia se puede presentar para llevar el producto a mercados internacionales, haciendo una mirada critica a las necesidades de nuestro país en materia de comercio internacional para de esta forma diseñar estrategias que compitan ante los titanes de la industria en el mundo entero y de como penetrar con precios competitivos que sean transmitidos directamente al producto por medio de una inteligente gestión logística y de la cadena de suministros.This project shows the design of the supply chain of the family products company, in the production line for family care, responsible for the manufacture of toilet paper, napkins, kitchen towels and handkerchiefs, checking the connections between each link with supplier companies and client companies at various levels, with the goal of achieving corporate objectives in search of comprehensive development in each phase of logistics that involves mobilization of products, supplies and information bilaterally within the network, efficiently and using the least amount of resources, in the local market and through export; analyzing the advantages and disadvantages that Colombia can present to take the product to international markets, taking a critical look at the needs of our country in terms of international trade in order to design strategies that compete against the titans of the industry in the around the world and how to penetrate with competitive prices that are transmitted directly to the product through intelligent logistics and supply chain management