81 research outputs found

    Non-functional requirements for real world big data systems: an investigation of big data architectures at Facebook, Twitter and Netflix

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    This research represents a unique contribution to the field of Software Engineering for Big Data in the form of an investigation of the big data architectures of three well-known real-world companies: Facebook, Twitter and Netflix. The purpose of this investigation is to gather significant non-functional requirements for real-world big data systems, with an aim to addressing these requirements in the design of our own unique architecture for big data processing in the cloud: MC-BDP (Multi-Cloud Big Data Processing). MC-BDP represents an evolution of the PaaS-BDP architectural pattern, previously developed by the authors. However, its presentation is not within the scope of this paper. The scope of this comparative study is limited to the examination of academic papers, technical blogs, presentations, source code and documentation officially published by the companies under investigation. Ten non-functional requirements are identified and discussed in the context of these companies' architectures: batch data, stream data, late and out-of-order data, processing guarantees, integration and extensibility, distribution and scalability, cloud support and elasticity, fault-tolerance, flow control, and flexibility and technology agnosticism. They are followed by the conclusion and considerations for future work

    PaaS-BDP a multi-cloud architectural pattern for big data processing on a platform-as-a-service model

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    Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved. This paper presents a contribution to the fields of Big Data Analytics and Software Architecture, namely an emerging and unifying architectural pattern for big data processing in the cloud from a cloud consumer’s perspective. PaaS-BDP (Platform-as-a-Service for Big Data) is an architectural pattern based on resource pooling and the use of a unified programming model for building big data processing pipelines capable of processing both batch and stream data. It uses container cluster technology on a PaaS service model to overcome common shortfalls of current big data solutions offered by major cloud providers such as low portability, lack of interoperability and the risk of vendor lock-in

    The challenging riddle about the janus‐type role of hsp60 and related extracellular vesicles and miRNAs in carcinogenesis and the promises of its solution

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    Hsp60 is one of the most ancient and evolutionarily conserved members of the chaperoning system. It typically resides within mitochondria, in which it contributes to maintaining the organelle’s proteome integrity and homeostasis. In the last few years, it has been shown that Hsp60 also occurs in other locations, intracellularly and extracellularly, including cytosol, plasmacell membrane, and extracellular vesicles (EVs). Consequently, non‐canonical functions and interacting partners of Hsp60 have been identified and it has been realized that it is a hub molecule in diverse networks and pathways and that it is implicated, directly or indirectly, in the development of various pathological conditions, the Hsp60 chaperonopathies. In this review, we will focus on the multi‐faceted role of this chaperonin in human cancers, showing the contribution of intra‐ and extracellular Hsp60 in cancer development and progression, as well as the impact of miRNA‐mediated regulation of Hsp60 in carcinogenesis. There are still various aspects of this intricate biological scenario that are poorly understood but ongoing research is steadily providing new insights and we will direct attention to them. For instance, we will highlight the possible applications of the Hsp60 involvement in carcinogenesis not only in diagnosis, but also in the development of specific anti‐cancer therapies centered on the use of the chaperonin as therapeutic target or agent and depending on its role, pro‐ or anti‐tumor

    Constituintes bioquímicos dos frutos de Solanum americanum Mill., uma PANC em potencial / Biochemical constituents of the fruits of Solanum americanum Mill., a potential non-conventional edible plant

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    Solanum americanum Mill. é uma planta alimentícia não convencional (PANCs) de coloração roxa rotulada como uma berrie, que possui diversos benefícios a saúde humana mediante ingestão, devido a concentração de antioxidades, particularmente antocianinas e polifenóis, na PANC. Em vista da popularidade que as PANCs têm ganhado recentemente e o número limitado de pesquisas realizadas com a Solanum americanum Mill., é de fundamental importância que a caracterização desse alimento seja realizada de modo a incentivar seu consumo e utilização pelo setor alimentício. Para este fim, a composição centesimal, atividade de água, pH, acidez titulável, e cor dos frutos de Solanum americanum Mill. foram avaliados.  Os resultados indicam uma concentração significativa de minerais, particularmente de cálcio, assim como um teor de umidade que promove a rápida deterioração do alimento, implicando a necessidade de avaliar métodos eficazes de conservação, como a liofilização. Análises microbiológicas revelaram que os frutos permaneceram apropriados para consumo durante o período de análise, entretanto a teor de umidade determinado para o alimento indica que os frutos são suscetíveis ao crescimento de leveduras e pesquisas avaliando diferentes condições de armazenamento devem ser realizadas para que o fruto possua mais aplicações dentro do setor alimentício

    Search-based fault localisation: A systematic mapping study

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    Context. Software Fault Localisation (FL) refers to finding faulty software elements related to failures produced as a result of test case execution. This is a laborious and time consuming task. To allow FL automation search-based algorithms have been successfully applied in the field of Search-Based Fault Localisation (SBFL). However, there is no study mapping the SBFL field to the best of our knowledge and we believe that such a map is important to promote new advances in this field. Objective. To present the results of a mapping study on SBFL, by characterising the proposed methods, identifying sources of used information, adopted evaluation functions, applied algorithms and elements regarding reported experiments. Method. Our mapping followed a defined process and a search protocol. The conducted analysis considers different dimensions and categories related to the main characteristics of SBFL methods. Results. All methods are grounded on the coverage spectra category. Overall the methods search for solutions related to suspiciousness formulae to identify possible faulty code elements. Most studies use evolutionary algorithms, mainly Genetic Programming, by using a single-objective function. There is little investigation of real-and-multiple-fault scenarios, and the subjects are mostly written in C and Java. No consensus was observed on how to apply the evaluation metrics. Conclusions. Search-based fault localisation has seen a rise in interest in the past few years and the number of studies has been growing. We identified some research opportunities such as exploring new sources of fault data, exploring multi-objective algorithms, analysing benchmarks according to some classes of faults, as well as, the use of a unique definition for evaluation measures

    Guidelines for the diagnosis, classification, prophylaxis and treatment of chronic graft-versus-host disease

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    The lack of widely-used standardized diagnostic criteria may impair both the true evaluation of chronic graft-versus-host disease and the correlation of its severity with transplant-related mortality. At the I Consensus of the Brazilian Society of Bone Marrow Transplantation - SBTMO that took place in June 2009, the Group of GVHD Studies Brazil-Seattle (GEDECH), presented the guidelines for diagnosis, classification, prophylaxis and treatment of chronic GVHD as proposed by the National Institutes of Health and based on the reality in Brazilian Centers. These proposals, including standardization of features used in diagnosis and tools to score involved organs and to assess the overall severity, should be used in clinical studies of chronic graft-versus-host disease. These criteria are useful to better analyze the incidence of this disease, in addition to evaluate the extension of the involvement of organs or the site affected and its influence on late transplantation mortality. Prophylaxis and treatment proposed for this important complication of hematopoietic stem cell transplantations were discussed and graded according to the levels of evidence established by the National Institutes of Health.A falta de critérios diagnósticos padronizados, amplamente utilizados, pode comprometer tanto a avaliação real da incidência da doença contra hospedeiro crônica bem como a correlação de sua gravidade com a taxa de mortalidade pós-transplante. Na I Reunião de Diretrizes da Sociedade Brasileira de Transplante de Medula Óssea, realizada em junho de 2009, o Grupo de Estudos de DECH Brasil - Seattle (GEDECH), baseado na realidade dos Centros brasileiros, apresentou as recomendações para diagnóstico, classificação, profilaxia e tratamento da doença enxerto contra hospedeiro crônica propostas pelo National Institutes of Health. Estas propostas incluíram padronização das características utilizadas no diagnóstico e ferramentas para a pontuação dos órgãos envolvidos e avaliação global da gravidade a serem utilizados em estudos clínicos da doença enxerto contra hospedeiro crônica. Estes critérios são úteis para uma melhor análise da incidência desta doença, além de poder avaliar a gravidade do comprometimento de um órgão ou sítio envolvido e a influência na mortalidade tardia do transplante. A profilaxia e os tratamentos propostos para esta importante complicação dos transplantes de células-tronco hematopoéticas foram discutidos e graduados de acordo com níveis de evidência estabelecidos pelo National Institutes of Health.223

    Aequorin-based measurements of intracellular Ca(2+)-signatures in plant cells

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    Due to the involvement of calcium as a main second messenger in the plant signaling pathway, increasing interest has been focused on the calcium signatures supposed to be involved in the patterning of the specific response associated to a given stimulus. In order to follow these signatures we described here the practical approach to use the non-invasive method based on the aequorin technology. Besides reviewing the advantages and disadvantages of this method we report on results showing the usefulness of aequorin to study the calcium response to biotic (elicitors) and abiotic stimuli (osmotic shocks) in various compartments of plant cells such as cytosol and nucleus