103 research outputs found

    Kako je epidemija COVID-19 utjecala na upotrebu i tržište droga u Sloveniji?

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    The purpose of our study was to explore the effect of the COVID-19 epidemic on drug use, the drug market and the availability of help and support in Slovenia. Through an online questionnaire, we collected a non-representative sample of 680 people who used drugs before and during the epidemic in 2020. The results showed the use of illicit drugs and alcohol has reduced. A significant increase in the frequency of use has only been detected in marijuana. The most prominent changes in the drug market were the reduced number of drug dealers and lower availability of certain drugs. Accessibility to drug services has been reduced and respondents also had significant financial consequences due to loss of work. Due to decreased availability of sources of support at the time of the epidemic, adjustments to services for drug users are necessary before the end of the COVID-19 pandemic in terms of promoting online interventions and maintaining contact with users when the services are not physically accessible.Svrha našeg istraživanja bila je istražiti kako je epidemija COVID-19 utjecala na upotrebu droga i tržište droga u Sloveniji. Internetskim upitnikom obuhvatili smo nereprezentativni uzorak od 680 ljudi koji su konzumirali droge prije i tijekom epidemije 2020. Upotreba ilegalnih droga i alkohola smanjena je. Značajno povećanje učestalosti upotrebe zabilježeno je samo s marihuanom. Najistaknutije promjene na tržištu droga bile su pad dilera i manja dostupnost odre- đenih droga. Pristup uslugama za korisnike droga smanjen je, a ispitanici su imali i znatne financijske posljedice zbog gubitka posla. Zbog slabe dostupnosti izvora podrške u vrijeme epidemije, prilagodbe pružatelja usluga korisnicima droga potrebne su prije kraja pandemije, u smislu promicanja internetskih intervencija i održavanja kontakta s korisnicima kada usluge nisu fizički dostupne

    Separating groups of uterine electromiographic records with term and pre-term delivery using coherence function

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    In this thesis we present automatic analysis of electromyogram of uterus (electrohysterogram) using coherence function which is one of non-linear signal processing techniques. We used records of international reference database TPEHG DB (Term-Preterm Electrohysterogram DataBase), which contains 300 electrohysterogram records. We preprocessed signals with nine different band-pass Butterworths filters with forward-backward filtering to avoid zero phase shift. Separation of groups took place in two variants, among early recorded and among late recorded records. We calculated coherence function between all pairs of records for each of variants. For calculation we used power spectrum of signals. Coherence estimation for whole frequency range, was made with two techniques - median amplitude and integral. Analysis of variance or ANOVA showed which frequency ranges and signals are useful for preterm - term records separation. For records classification we used frequency intervals and signals with p-value less than 0,05. Evaluation of classification was made on Bayes classifier, decision trees and our own built classifier. We developed it empirically, based on coherence decreasing among term records from frequency range 1-2,5 Hz to 2,5-3,5 Hz. Performance evaluation of classification is done in three ways - on training set, on the principle of training-testing set and with the approach "omitted one". Best results were shown with decision tree at frequency range 0,3-2,5 Hz, where sensitivity was 95 %, specificity and accuracy were 98 %. With our own developed classifier we reach sensitivity between 58 % and 63 % and specificity between 58 % and 63 %. Classification using Bayes classifier did not show good results, having sensitivity close to 0 %

    COVID-19 vaccination intention at the beginning of COVID-19 pandemic in Slovenia

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    Background: With the successful development and introduction of vaccines to protect against COVID-19 disease, the pandemic is expected to end. The success of a vaccination programme depends on the uptake rates in the Slovenian population and especially among healthcare workers (HCWs), who are at higher risk of infection. Recently, several studies have examined the readiness of different population groups worldwide to be vaccinated. This study compares COVID-19 vaccination intentions between lay people and HCWs, and relationships between socio-demographic characteristics, attitudes and beliefs about COVID-19 vaccination, and vaccination intentions reported in the early stages of epidemics. Methods: A cross-sectional study based on an online survey was performed in Slovenia between 13 and 14 March 2020, when the epidemic was officially announced in the country. Data from 2,494 eligible respondents were analysed. Results: The study has shown that 33.2% of all respondents expressed the intention to get vaccinated against COVID-19 disease. This intention was expressed slightly more frequently among HCWs (38.9%) than among lay respondents (30.3%). Men compared to women, older and younger HCWs compared to middle-aged adults, and university graduates compared to HCWs with lower levels of education were more likely to get vaccinated against the disease. More HCWs than lay respondents believed that the COVID-19 vaccine would be safe and effective, and they were also more in favour to support vaccination of high-risk groups than mandatory vaccination of the general population. Conclusion: It is critical to communicate the importance of vaccination against COVID-19 appropriately and on a sound scientific basis through various health education programmes and the media, as only one-third of respondents and less than a half of HCWs indicated that they would be willing to get vaccinated once a vaccine is available

    State-of-the-art three-dimensional analysis of soft tissue changes following Le Fort I maxillary advancement

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    We describe the comprehensive 3-dimensional analysis of facial changes after Le Fort I osteotomy and introduce a new tool for anthropometric analysis of the face. We studied the cone-beam computed tomograms of 33 patients taken one month before and 6-12 months after Le Fort I maxillary advancement with or without posterior vertical impaction. Use of a generic facial mesh for dense correspondence analysis of changes in the soft tissue showed a mean (SD) anteroposterior advancement of the maxilla of 5.9 (1.7) mm, and mean (SD) minimal anterior and posterior vertical maxillary impaction of 0.1 (1.7) mm and 0.6 (1.45) mm, respectively. It also showed distinctive forward and marked lateral expansion around the upper lip and nose, and pronounced upward movement of the alar curvature and columella. The nose was widened and the nostrils advanced. There was minimal forward change at the base of the nose (subnasale and alar base) but a noticeable upward movement at the nasal tip. Changes at the cheeks were minimal. Analysis showed widening of the midface and upper lip which, to our knowledge, has not been reported before. The nostrils were compressed and widened, and the lower lip shortened. Changes at the chin and lower lip were secondary to the limited maxillary impaction

    Size Matters: Comparing the MDMA content and weight of ecstasy tablets submitted to European drug checking services in 2012-2021

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    Purpose The 3,4-methylenedioxymetamphetamine (MDMA) content in ecstasy tablets has increased enormously throughout Europe across the past decade. This study aims to determine whether this is caused by the production of “stronger” tablets (more mg MDMA per mg of tablet), or if tablets have simply been getting larger and heavier (more mg of tablet in total). Design/methodology/approach A data set of 31,716 ecstasy tablets obtained in 2012–2021 by 10 members of the Trans European Drug Information (TEDI) network was analysed. Findings The MDMA mass fraction in ecstasy tablets has remained virtually unchanged over the past 10 years, with increased MDMA contents being attributed almost exclusively to increased tablet weight. These trends seem to be uniform across Europe, despite varying sampling and analytical techniques being used by the TEDI participants. The study also shows that while tablet weight correlates perfectly with MDMA content on a yearly basis, wide variations in the MDMA mass fraction make such relations irrelevant for determining the MDMA content of individual tablets. Research limitations/implications These results provide new opportunities for harm reduction, given that size is a tangible and apparently accurate characteristic to emphasise that one tablet does not simply equate to one dose. This is particularly useful for harm reduction services without the resources for in-house quantification of large numbers of ecstasy tablets, although the results of this study also show that chemical analysis remains crucial for accurate personalised harm reduction. Originality/value The findings are both new and pertinent, providing a novel insight into the market dynamics of ecstasy tablet production at a transnational level

    Separating groups of uterine electromiographic records with term and pre-term delivery using coherence function

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    V diplomskem delu predstavimo avtomatično analizo elektromiograma maternice s koherenčno funkcijo, ki je ena izmed nelinearnih tehnik procesiranja signalov. Uporabili smo posnetke mednarodne referenčne baze TPEHG DB, ki vsebuje 300 posnetkov. Signale smo predprocesirali z devetimi različnimi Butterworthovimi pasovno-prepustnimi filtri in v izogib faznemu popačenju uporabili dvosmerno shemo filtriranja. Ločevanje skupin je potekalo v dveh variantah, ločevanje med zgodaj snemanimi in ločevanje med pozno snemanimi posnetki. Izračunali smo koherenčno funkcijo med vsemi pari posnetkov za vsako od variant. Računali smo jo med močnostnima spektroma signalov. Za oceno koherence za celotno frekvenčno območje smo izbrali dve cenilki - mediano amplitude in integral. Enosmerna analiza varianca ali ANOVA je pokazala, katere skupine posnetkov so primerne za ločevanje prezgodnjega in terminskega poroda. Frekvenčna območja in signale, katerih p-vrednosti so manjše od 0,05, smo uporabili za klasifikacijo posnetkov. Za klasifikacijo smo uporabili Bayesov klasifikator, odločitvena drevesa in klasifikator, ki smo ga empirično sestavili sami. Opazili smo, da se koherenca med terminskimi porodi med frekvenčnima območjema 1-2,5 Hz in 2,5-3,5 Hz znatno zmanjša, medtem ko se koherenca prezgodnjih porodov znatno ne spremeni. Ocenjevanje zmogljivosti klasifikacije je potekalo na tri načine - na učni množici, po principu učna-testna množica in s pristopom "izpusti enega". Najboljšo oceno klasifikacije smo dobili z uporabo odločitvenih dreves na učni množici, na frekvenčnem območju 0,3-2,5 Hz, kjer je bila občutljivost 95 %, specifičnost in natančnost pa 98 %. Malo slabše rezultate smo dobili z uporabo lastnega klasifikatorja. Občutljivost je bila med 58 % in 63 %, specifičnost pa med 61 % in 65 % za izbrane filtre in kanale. Klasifikacija z Baysovim klasifikatorjem pa ni pokazala vzpodbudnih rezulatov, z občutljivostjo blizu 0 %.In this thesis we present automatic analysis of electromyogram of uterus (electrohysterogram) using coherence function which is one of non-linear signal processing techniques. We used records of international reference database TPEHG DB (Term-Preterm Electrohysterogram DataBase), which contains 300 electrohysterogram records. We preprocessed signals with nine different band-pass Butterworths filters with forward-backward filtering to avoid zero phase shift. Separation of groups took place in two variants, among early recorded and among late recorded records. We calculated coherence function between all pairs of records for each of variants. For calculation we used power spectrum of signals. Coherence estimation for whole frequency range, was made with two techniques - median amplitude and integral. Analysis of variance or ANOVA showed which frequency ranges and signals are useful for preterm - term records separation. For records classification we used frequency intervals and signals with p-value less than 0,05. Evaluation of classification was made on Bayes classifier, decision trees and our own built classifier. We developed it empirically, based on coherence decreasing among term records from frequency range 1-2,5 Hz to 2,5-3,5 Hz. Performance evaluation of classification is done in three ways - on training set, on the principle of training-testing set and with the approach "omitted one". Best results were shown with decision tree at frequency range 0,3-2,5 Hz, where sensitivity was 95 %, specificity and accuracy were 98 %. With our own developed classifier we reach sensitivity between 58 % and 63 % and specificity between 58 % and 63 %. Classification using Bayes classifier did not show good results, having sensitivity close to 0 %