4,304 research outputs found

    La Bibbia riscritta e illustrata. L’opera di Eugenio Tomiolo

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    L’intervento analizza la figura ed alcuni caratteri dell’opera di Eugenio Tomiolo (1911-2003), artista e poeta in dialetto veneziano. Tutta la sua produzione, sia artistica che lirica, è pervasa da una costante ricerca del trascendente e da una religiosità che incarna il dettame dell’humilitas. La Bibbia rappresenta per Tomiolo una fonte di ispirazione primaria; egli opera una riscrittura originale dei testi sacri, attingendo soprattutto al ricchissimo repertorio dei Salmi e dei Vangeli. Parola poetica ed immagine si compenetrano costantemente varcando i limiti della razionalità, per dar voce e corpo al ciclico ripetersi del miracolo della creazione

    When parliaments’ second chambers are reformed and the implications for democracy

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    In recent years there have been several attempts by Western European governments to reform second chambers, including in the UK, though the majority of proposals have failed to pass. Michelangelo Vercesi assesses the conditions when such reforms are proposed, and finds that they are often instigated during times of democratic strain when the governing party wishes to reduce the number of veto players. However, the reforms tend to fail when there is not a broad consensus for the proposals, which has implications for considering when a democracy is able to instigate reforms

    The Discovery Of An Uncoupling Mitochondrial Protein In Plants

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    This paper describes peculiar properties of plant mitochondria and summarizes the experiments that led to the discovery of an uncoupling protein in these mitochondria. Recent advances in the study of the biochemical and physiological properties as well as on genes encoding plant uncoupling proteins are described in articles by Borecky et al., Jezek et al., and Jarmuszkiewicz et al. in this issue.212195200Nicholls, D.G., Locke, R.M., (1984) Physiol. Rev., 64, pp. 1-64Heaton, G.M., Wagenvoord, R.J., Kemp, A., Nicholls, D.G., (1978) Eur. J. Biochem., 82, pp. 515-522Garlid, K.D., Orosz, D.E., Modrianský, M., Vassanelli, S., Jezek, P., (1996) J. Biol. Chem., 269, pp. 2615-2620Soole, K.L., Menz, R.I., (1995) J. Bioenerg. Biomembr., 27, pp. 397-406Moore, A.L., Umbach, A.L., Siedow, J.N., (1995) J. Bioenerg. Biomembr., 27, pp. 367-377Lambers, H., (1980) Plant Cell Environ., 3, pp. 293-302Kowaltowski, A.J., Vercesi, A.E., (1999) Free Rad. Biol. & Med., 26, pp. 463-471Beavis, A.D., Vercesi, A.E., (1992) J. Biol. Chem., 267, pp. 3079-3087Azzi, A., Azzone, G.F., (1967) Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 135, pp. 444-453Vercesi, A.E., Martins, I.S., Silva, M.A.P., Leite, H.M.F., Cuccovia, I.M., Chaimovich, H., (1995) Nature, 375, p. 24Jezek, P., Costa, A.D.T., Vercesi, A.E., (1996) J. Biol. Chem., 271, pp. 32743-32748Jezek, P., Costa, A.D.T., Vercesi, A.E., (1997) J. Biol. Chem., 272, pp. 24272-2447

    Economic Analysis of Western Corn Rootworm Injury to Continuous Corn in Northeast Nebraska.

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    The most economically significant corn pest in the US Corn Belt is the Western Corn Rootworm (WCR), Diabrotica virgifera virgifera LeConte. This study compares a field experiment outcome of 4 different treatments against WCR, which consist of a rootworm Bt corn pyramid (SmartStax®) and non-rootworm Bt trait hybrid (VT2P), with or without the addition of the rootworm soil insecticide (Aztec®) to identify the risk-reward trade-off for each one of them. Observed prices were used for the years in the study (2020, 2021, and 2022), and low and high price scenarios were simulated for the period, to incorporate different dynamic relations between years. Also, different WCR Bt resistance levels and rootworm densities were accounted for: fields were classified into four groups based on susceptibility (corrected survival ³ 0.5 and \u3c 0.5) and population pressure (root injury for the control treatment ³ 1 and \u3c 1). This study also addresses how crop insurance plays a role in offsetting revenue to farmers from the fields most affected by WCR, at two insurance coverage levels: 70% coverage level – a commonly used level - and 85% coverage level - as a specific strategy with moral hazard implications. We identified that SmartStax® was the most profitable option although adding the insecticide reduces production risk exposure. Also, crop insurance gives an advantage to non-rootworm Bt traits and the 85% coverage level for fields that presented low resistance but high population pressure. Advisor: Cory Walter

    Adaptation of dewey s decimal classification for physical education

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    Dewey’s Decimal Classification for Libraries was conceived for all areas human knowledge. This paper is a suggestion as to how to adapt this classification to the demands of a library specialized in Physical Education and Sport

    Caractérisation des situations hydro-biologiques et potentialités de pêche thonière au Cap Lopez en Juin et Juillet 1972 et 1974

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    Surface temperature was measured by remote sensing through Cape Lopez (Gulf of Guinea) frontal region during the fishing season in June and July 1972 and 1974. Twelve typical situations are analysed through four main directions: surface situation, tendency, hydrobiological structure and availability to fisheries. The tuna behavior is analysed in relation with the frontal zone movements and a mechanism which tends to aggregate important shoals of tunas is presented

    Field evaluation of new plant protection products against Plasmopara viticola

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    One of the most dangerous fungal diseases in viticulture is downy mildew. Copper-based active ingredients have been used for a long time to protect vines against Plasmopara viticola and they have always maintained an important role in the defense of vines especially for organic production. On the other hand, copper accumulates in the soil causing toxicity with negative consequences on plants and soil fauna. For this reason, new formulations with lower copper content have been considered. In recent years, foliar fertilizers have been studied, in particular those based on phosphites that, along with the nutritional function, stimulate the production of phytoalexins. Those metabolites cause the induced systemic resistance and act directly in the break of cell membranes of pathogens. This study aims to investigate the efficacy against downy mildew of a commercial product based on phosphites and of a new copper- based foliar fertilizer, where copper is chelated with gluconic acid and aminoacids of plant origin. Based on present results, phosphites significantly reduced the infection, without anyway achieving the defense effectiveness of the copper-based treatment however they ensure a significant reduction of the doses of copper necessary to achieve adequate levels of vineyard protection

    Important amino acid residues of potato plant uncoupling protein (StUCP)

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    Chemical modifications were used to identify some of the functionally important amino acid residues of the potato plant uncoupling protein (StUCP). The proton-dependent swelling of potato mitochondria in K+-acetate in the presence of linoleic acid and valinomycin was inhibited by mersalyl (Ki = 5 µM) and other hydrophilic SH reagents such as Thiolyte MB, iodoacetate and 5,5'-dithio-bis-(2-nitrobenzoate), but not by hydrophobic N-ethylmaleimide. This pattern of inhibition by SH reagents was similar to that of brown adipose tissue uncoupling protein (UCP1). As with UCP1, the arginine reagent 2,3-butadione, but not N-ethylmaleimide or other hydrophobic SH reagents, prevented the inhibition of StUCP-mediated transport by ATP in isolated potato mitochondria or with reconstituted StUCP. The results indicate that the most reactive amino acid residues in UCP1 and StUCP are similar, with the exception of N-ethylmaleimide-reactive cysteines in the purine nucleotide-binding site.1413142
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