1,247 research outputs found

    Gastric and Enteric Metastization of Invasive Lobular Breast Carcinoma

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    O carcinoma lobular invasivo (CLI) representa 5-15% dos casos de cancro invasivo da mama, diferindo do carcinoma ductal invasivo(CDI), o tumor invasivo mais frequente da mama, quer na forma de apresentação clínica, quer nos aspectos imagiológicos e histológicos, assim como no padrão de metastização. O objectivo deste artigo passa pelo relato clínico de um padrão atípico de metastização de cancro da mama. Mulher de 80 anos, que apresentava queixas de dor abdominal, com 6 meses de evolução, de carácter generalizado, com maior intensidade nos quadrantes direitos, associada a episódios de sub-oclusão. O exame objectivo revelou volumosa hérnia incisional paramediana direita sem sinais de sofrimento e uma lesão ulcerada da mama esquerda nunca antes revelada pela doente. Realizou uma mamografia que mostrou uma lesão T4 e a biópsia da mesma revelou Carcinoma Ductal Invasivo. Por apresentar anemia microcítica hipocrómica de 7 g/dL realizou também uma Endoscopia Digestiva Alta que demonstrou uma úlcera da pequena curvatura gástrica cuja biópsia revelou um carcinoma difuso. Optou-se pela intervenção cirúrgica com ideação paliativa. Foi efectuada mastectomia simples esquerda e correcção de hérnia incisional com enterectomia segmentar. Os resultados histológicos das peças operatórias foram surpreendentes: Carcinoma lobular invasivo da mama e metástase do mesmo no segmento de intestino ressecado. Foram revistas as lâminas referentes à biópsia gástrica previamente realizada, tendo sido feito estudo imunohistoquímico que mostrou positividade para os receptores hormonais o que favorecia tratar-se de metástase de carcinoma lobular da mama no estômago. Como conclusão temos a referir que o CLI apresenta um padrão distinto de metastização em relação ao CDI, com diferentes órgãos-alvo, realçando o papel fundamental da suspeição clínica e de uma histologia exigente para o seu diagnóstico

    Crucial elements that maintain the interactions between the regulatory TnaC peptide and the ribosome exit tunnel responsible for Trp inhibition of ribosome function

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    Translation of the TnaC nascent peptide inhibits ribosomal activity in the presence of l-tryptophan, inducing expression of the tnaCAB operon in Escherichia coli. Using chemical methylation, this work reveals how interactions between TnaC and the ribosome are affected by mutations in both molecules. The presence of the TnaC-tRNAPro peptidyl-tRNA within the ribosome protects the 23S rRNA nucleotide U2609 against chemical methylation. Such protection was not observed in mutant ribosomes containing changes in 23S rRNA nucleotides of the A748–A752 region. Nucleotides A752 and U2609 establish a base-pair interaction. Most replacements of either A752 or U2609 affected Trp induction of a TnaC-regulated LacZ reporter. However, the single change A752G, or the dual replacements A752G and U2609C, maintained Trp induction. Replacements at the conserved TnaC residues W12 and D16 also abolished the protection of U2609 by TnaC-tRNAPro against chemical methylation. These data indicate that the TnaC nascent peptide in the ribosome exit tunnel interacts with the U2609 nucleotide when the ribosome is Trp responsive. This interaction is affected by mutational changes in exit tunnel nucleotides of 23S rRNA, as well as in conserved TnaC residues, suggesting that they affect the structure of the exit tunnel and/or the nascent peptide configuration in the tunnel

    Rice Molecular Breeding Laboratories in the Genomics Era: Current Status and Future Considerations

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    Using DNA markers in plant breeding with marker-assisted selection (MAS) could greatly improve the precision and efficiency of selection, leading to the accelerated development of new crop varieties. The numerous examples of MAS in rice have prompted many breeding institutes to establish molecular breeding labs. The last decade has produced an enormous amount of genomics research in rice, including the identification of thousands of QTLs for agronomically important traits, the generation of large amounts of gene expression data, and cloning and characterization of new genes, including the detection of single nucleotide polymorphisms. The pinnacle of genomics research has been the completion and annotation of genome sequences for indica and japonica rice. This information—coupled with the development of new genotyping methodologies and platforms, and the development of bioinformatics databases and software tools—provides even more exciting opportunities for rice molecular breeding in the 21st century. However, the great challenge for molecular breeders is to apply genomics data in actual breeding programs. Here, we review the current status of MAS in rice, current genomics projects and promising new genotyping methodologies, and evaluate the probable impact of genomics research. We also identify critical research areas to “bridge the application gap” between QTL identification and applied breeding that need to be addressed to realize the full potential of MAS, and propose ideas and guidelines for establishing rice molecular breeding labs in the postgenome sequence era to integrate molecular breeding within the context of overall rice breeding and research programs

    Decision tools for bacterial blight resistance gene deployment in rice-based agricultural ecosystems

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    Attempting to achieve long-lasting and stable resistance using uniformly deployed rice varieties is not a sustainable approach. The real situation appears to be much more complex and dynamic, one in which pathogens quickly adapt to resistant varieties. To prevent disease epidemics, deployment should be customized and this decision will require interdisciplinary actions. This perspective article aims to highlight the current progress on disease resistance deployment to control bacterial blight in rice. Although the model system rice-Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae has distinctive features that underpin the need for a case-by-case analysis, strategies to integrate those elements into a unique decision tool could be easily extended to other crops

    Effect of the intra-alveolar administration of dexamethasone on swelling, trismus, and pain after impacted lower third molar extraction:a randomized, double-blind clinical trial

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    To evaluate the efficacy of intra-alveolar administration of dexamethasone 4 mg in the control of edema, trismus, and pain resulting from the extraction of impacted lower third molars and the drug permeability through the oral mucosa by in silico prediction. The randomized, double-blind, split-mouth clinical trial included patients who had both impacted lower third molars in equivalent positions. Hemiarches were divided into control side when dexamethasone was administered orally and experimental side when dexamethasone was administered using the intra-alveolar route. Patients were evaluated considering edema, trismus, and pain. The permeability of dexamethasone through the oral mucosa was assessed by in silico prediction. Student?s t-test was selected for comparative analysis of edema and trismus, and the chi-square test analyzed the distribution of postoperative pain between the sides. There were no significant differences between the routes of administration in measuring symptoms between the pre and postoperative times (p>0.05). In silico prediction suggested that dexamethasone molecular characteristics facilitate intra-alveolar administration. Intra-alveolar administration had similar efficacy to oral administration in controlling symptoms of post-surgical inflammation of impacted lower third molars

    Genetic comparison of sickle cell anaemia cohorts from Brazil and the United States reveals high levels of divergence

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    Genetic analysis of admixed populations raises special concerns with regard to study design and data processing, particularly to avoid population stratification biases. The point mutation responsible for sickle cell anaemia codes for a variant hemoglobin, sickle hemoglobin or HbS, whose presence drives the pathophysiology of disease. Here we propose to explore ancestry and population structure in a genome-wide study with particular emphasis on chromosome 11 in two SCA admixed cohorts obtained from urban populations of Brazil (Pernambuco and Sao Paulo) and the United States (Pennsylvania). Ancestry inference showed different proportions of European, African and American backgrounds in the composition of our samples. Brazilians were more admixed, had a lower African background (43% vs. 78% on the genomic level and 44% vs. 76% on chromosome 11) and presented a signature of positive selection and Iberian introgression in the HbS region, driving a high differentiation of this locus between the two cohorts. The genetic structures of the SCA cohorts from Brazil and US differ considerably on the genome-wide, chromosome 11 and HbS mutation locus levels9CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICO - CNPQCOORDENAÇÃO DE APERFEIÇOAMENTO DE PESSOAL DE NÍVEL SUPERIOR - CAPESFUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO - FAPESP8367/2011-1; 150398/2013-1; 304455/2012-1; 310938/2014-7; 305218/2017-48367/2011-1; 150398/2013-1; 304455/2012-1; 310938/2014-7; 305218/2017-42008/57441-0; 2014/00984-3; 2012/06438-5; 2015/13152-9; 2008/10596-

    Minigene-like inhibition of protein synthesis mediated by hungry codons near the start codon

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    Rare AGA or AGG codons close to the initiation codon inhibit protein synthesis by a tRNA-sequestering mechanism as toxic minigenes do. To further understand this mechanism, a parallel analysis of protein synthesis and peptidyl-tRNA accumulation was performed using both a set of lacZ constructs where AGAAGA codons were moved codon by codon from +2, +3 up to +7, +8 positions and a series of 3–8 codon minigenes containing AGAAGA codons before the stop codon. β-Galactosidase synthesis from the AGAAGA lacZ constructs (in a Pth defective in vitro system without exogenous tRNA) diminished as the AGAAGA codons were closer to AUG codon. Likewise, β-galactosidase expression from the reporter +7 AGA lacZ gene (plus tRNA, 0.25 μg/μl) waned as the AGAAGAUAA minigene shortened. Pth counteracted both the length-dependent minigene effect on the expression of β-galactosidase from the +7 AGA lacZ reporter gene and the positional effect from the AGAAGA lacZ constructs. The +2, +3 AGAAGA lacZ construct and the shortest +2, +3 AGAAGAUAA minigene accumulated the highest percentage of peptidyl-tRNAArg4. These observations lead us to propose that hungry codons at early positions, albeit with less strength, inhibit protein synthesis by a minigene-like mechanism involving accumulation of peptidyl-tRNA