3,124 research outputs found

    Recursive image sequence segmentation by hierarchical models

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    This paper addresses the problem of image sequence segmentation. A technique using a sequence model based on compound random fields is presented. This technique is recursive in the sense that frames are processed in the same cadency as they are produced. New regions appearing in the sequence are detected by a morphological procedure.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Lipschutz ulcers: uncommon diagnosis of vulvar ulcerations

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    Aetiological diagnosis of genital ulcers is still a challenge in clinical practice. The cause is mostly infectious, but it may otherwise be a presentation of a wide variety of pathologies, such as autoimmune (eg, Behçet’s disease), cancer or inflammatory processes. The Lipschütz ulcer is a non-sexually transmitted condition

    Natural Selection of Paths in Networks

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    We present a novel algorithm that exhibits natural selection of paths in a network. If each node and weighted directed edge has a unique identifier, a path in the network is defined as an ordered list of these unique identifiers. We take a population perspective and view each path as a genotype. If each node has a node phenotype then a path phenotype is defined as the list of node phenotypes in order of traversal. We show that given appropriate path traversal, weight change and structural plasticity rules, a path is a unit of evolution because it can exhibit multiplicative growth (i.e. change it’s probability of being traversed), and have variation and heredity. Thus, a unit of evolution need not be a spatially distinct physical individual. The total set of paths in a network consists of all possible paths from the start node to a finish node. Each path phenotype is associated with a reward that determines whether the edges of that path will be multiplicatively strengthened (or weakened). A pair-wise tournament selection algorithm is implemented which compares the reward obtained by two paths. The directed edges of the winning path are strengthened, whilst the directed edges of the losing path are weakened. Edges shared by both paths are not changed (or weakened if diversity is desired). Each time a node is activated there is a probability that the path will mutate, i.e. find an alternative route that bypasses that node. This generates the potential for a novel but correlated path with a novel but correlated phenotype. By this process the more frequently traversed paths are responsible for most of the exploration. Nodes that are inactive for some period of time are lost (which is equivalent to connections to and from them being broken). This network-based natural selection compares favourably with a standard pair-wise tournament-selection based genetic algorithm on a range of combinatorial optimization problems and continuous parametric optimization problems. The network also exhibits memory of past selective environments and can store previously discovered characters for reuse in later optimization tasks. The pathway evolution algorithm has several possible implementations and permits natural selection with unlimited heredity without template replication

    La gestión del agua en España

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    Las políticas y la gestión del agua se encuentran en la actualidad en un momento de transición de un modelo “regeneracionista” basado en la oferta de agua con financiación pública a un nuevo modelo “post industrial” en el que prima la sostenibilidad medioambiental y económica. En el trabajo, se analizan algunas cuestiones que a nuestro juicio son claves para comprender la nueva política y la nueva forma de gestión del agua en nuestro paí

    Agitación al despertar en anestesia pediátrica. Buscando culpable: ¿Anestesia o Cirugía?.

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    La agitación al despertar (AD) es un evento frecuente que surge en los pacientes pediátricos tras haber sido intervenidos quirúrgicamente bajo anestesia general. Su incidencia varía en un rango de un 2% a un 50%. Esta situación tiene un gran impacto y se ha asociado a diversos factores de riesgo como la edad, sexo o ansiedad preoperatoria, aunque su etiología aún se desconoce. El objetivo principal de este trabajo es determinar los factores de riesgo asociados con el desarrollo AD en pacientes pediátricos. Se diseñó un estudio prospectivo observacional en el que se incluyeron 71 pacientes con edades comprendidas entre los 2 y los 12 años, programados para procedimientos quirúrgicos y diagnósticos bajo anestesia general. La presencia de ansiedad preoperatoria se evaluó mediante el empleo de la Escala de Ansiedad Preoperatoria de Yale modificada (m-YPAS), y la agitación al despertar mediante la escala PAED. Los datos fueron analizados utilizando un análisis de regresión logística, considerando un p-valor <0,05 estadísticamente significativo. La incidencia de AD fue del 38%. El análisis de regresión logística demostró que son factores de riesgo independientes para el desarrollo de AD la duración del procedimiento, las horas de ayuno y la ansiedad preoperatoria. La AD es un fenómeno que se presenta con una elevada incidencia en la población pediátrica. La identificación de los factores de riesgo asociados con su aparición resulta fundamental para su prevención.Grado en Medicin


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    This work deals with the development of a new label-free detection technique called Pulsed Streaming Potential (PSP). Its novelty relies on the adaptation of a classical electrokinetic phenomenon (streaming potential) into a tool which can evaluate molecular interplay in label-free fashion. Implementation of PSP to microfluidic platforms allowed the label-free sensing of binding events to plastic (modified and unmodified) surfaces. It was demonstrated the use of real time PSP in plastic microfluidic platforms for determination of kinetic parameters of the interaction of proteins and plastic surfaces. Moreover, initial change of PSP after adsorption of proteins showed to be proportional to the bulk concentration of proteins and it was used for quantification of Lysozyme in the nanomolar range. Several approaches were studied to manipulate the surface of microfluidic channels in order to improve selectivity of PSP through reduction of non-specific adsorption. These approaches included the fabrication of composite surface of polyacrilic acid (PAA) and polyethylene glycol acrylate (PEGA) on cyclic olefin copolymer microchannels, as well as adsorption of nanospheres on COC-PEGA channels

    The impact of the American Civil War on city growth

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    This paper analyzes the persistence of the shock caused by the American Civil War on the relative city size distribution of the United States. Our fi�ndings suggest that the effects of this shock were permanent, which sharply contrasts with previous results regarding World War II for Japanese and German cities. It should be taken into account that the conflict considered in this paper took place at an earlier stage of the industrialization and urbanization processes. Moreover, our results are determined by the fact that the battles were fought in the open �field, not in urban areas. Some related evidence regarding the presence of a safe harbour effect is reported.

    Peace Process and Regional Challenges in Colombia

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    El objetivo del presente artículo es tratar la territorialización del proceso de paz colombiano. Se trata de poner de manifiesto la ineludible necesidad de que para la implementación de los Acuerdos de Paz es necesario tener en cuenta el escenario en el que se van a llevar a cabo las acciones, actuaciones y políticas públicas de paz. Colombia es una realidad conformada por una rica diversidad de realidades socioespaciales y por ello cualquier estrategia de paz que no tenga en cuenta esta pluralidad está condenada al fracaso. El análisis que se presenta en estas páginas está organizado en torno a tres ejes. En primer lugar, desde una perspectiva epistemológica, se aborda la relevancia del territorio como categoría de análisis. En segundo lugar, se describe cuál es el escenario del que estamos tratando, esto es, la configuración del territorio colombiano y su ordenamiento. Una vez establecidas las coordenadas en las que nos desenvolvemos se procederá a una lectura analítica de la agenda de paz en clave territorial, es decir, poner de manifiesto los retos y problemáticas que la aplicación de los acuerdos de paz va a suponer en función de las características territoriales del país. Finalmente, se cierra la reflexión con un apartado de recapitulación y conclusiones.The objective of this article is to deal with the territorialization of the Colombian peace process. It is to highlight the unavoidable need of taking into account the scenario where are the public policies will take place. Colombia is a reality shaped by a rich diversity of socio-spatial realities and therefore any peace strategy that does not take into consideration allow for this plurality is doomed to failure. The analysis presented in these pages is organized around three axes. First, from an epistemological perspective, the relevance of the territory as a category of analysis is addressed. Secondly, it describes what the scenario we are dealing with is, which is the colombian territory configuration. Once the coordinates in which we live are established, an analytical reading of the peace agenda will be carried out in a territorial key which means to highlight the challenges and problems that the implementation of the peace agreements will entail in terms of the territorial characteristics of the country. Finally, the reflexion is closed with recapitulation and conclusions

    Los exempla femeninos en San Ambrosio

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