138 research outputs found

    In vitro characterization of an avian reovirus vaccine strain

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    In vitro studies were performed to characterize the vaccine strain, designated P100, derived from the arthrogenic reovirus isolate, S1133, by vold adaptation. P100 appeared to be temperature sensitive, shown by a marked drop in titer and efficiency of plaquing after incubation at 41[deg]. Studies indicated that genomic double-stranded RNA and protein synthesis were severely restricted at the elevated temperature. Differences in the growth behavior of P100 and S1133 at 37[deg] were also noted. The vaccine strain seemed to be more cell associated than S1133. Three outer coat proteins of P100 grown at 37[deg] displayed mobilities different from those of S1133 by PAGE. It is possible that alterations in these proteins may have some relationship to the growth characteristics observed for the P100 strain.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/25241/1/0000683.pd

    Formación ciudadana : un camino hacia la transformación de la convivencia escolar

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    RESUMEN: En la cotidianidad de los contextos educativos es posible observar que situaciones de trato hostil entre estudiantes, que van desde el maltrato verbal hasta la agresión física, el bullying, matoneo o cyber-bullying, representan una problemática de convivencia que no se logra minimizar de forma significativa, pese a las diferentes acciones y proyectos emprendidos ante ésta en el ámbito institucional, derivadas de las políticas públicas planteadas desde el Ministerio de Educación Nacional en materia de convivencia escolar. En este escenario, cobra vital importancia el papel del docente, quien deberá configurarse como un posibilitador de la mediación entre pares frente a los conflictos cotidianos y contribuir a la formación de los estudiantes como seres críticos de esa realidad que les circunda, estudiantes con la capacidad de reconocerse como actores dentro del conflicto y al mismo tiempo contar con las herramientas necesarias para trasformar su accionar ante éste, favoreciendo la convivencia escolar. Surge así, la FC como una alternativa en la tarea de educar en un ambiente democrático, donde se reconozca, se respete y se valore la diversidad como característica inherente al ser humano, en otras palabras la FC pensada como el camino para educar en el respeto por la diferencia, la misma que frecuentemente, propicia el conflicto con el otro. En este sentido, se desarrolló el presente trabajo de investigación, a la luz del método Investigación - Acción Educativa, con el propósito de identificar las características de la convivencia escolar entre los estudiantes del grado tercero de la Institución Educativa La Milagrosa del municipio de Bello y los grupos Séptimo B y Séptimo Tres de las Instituciones Educativas El Salvador del municipio de Pueblorrico y Santo Tomás de Aquino del municipio de Guarne, respectivamente, para luego diseñar e implementar una propuesta didáctica en Ciencias Sociales sobre FC valorando los resultados que este acompañamiento arrojó en cuanto al mejoramiento de la convivencia escolar.ABSTRACT: In education settings is possible to see hostile treatment between students such as physical aggression, bullying or cyberbullying, they represent a problem of conviviality that is not achieved to minimize totally, in spite of the different actions and projects the Government had taken to remedy the situation. In this area it is important the role of teacher who must be a mediator between students in the daily conflicts and to contribute in their training, because they are critical and they have the aptitude to be recognized themselves inside the conflict and the same time they have tools to transform theirs actions to improve the school conviviality. Citizen Education is an alternative to educate in a democratic environment where it is recognized and is respected the diversity. In others words, the Citizen Education is the way to educate in the respect for other one. In this respect, this research work realized by the Investigation – Educational action method, has the intention of identifying the characteristics of the school conviviality between the students of third and seventh degree of Educational Institutions La Milagrosa (Bello), El Salvador (Pueblorrico) and Santo Tomás (Guarne). Then a didactic offer is designed and implemented in Social Sciences about Citizen Education and finally, to interpret results about the improved of School Socialization

    Food security status in children hospitalized in pediatrics and its association with malnutrition

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    La seguridad alimentaria es un determinante de salud y nutrición, pues “todas las personas tienen, en todo momento, acceso físico y económico a suficientes alimentos inocuos y nutritivos para satisfacer sus necesidades dietéticas y preferencias alimenticias para una vida activa y sana”, el objetivo de este estudio es establecer el estado de seguridad alimentaria de los niños que son hospitalizados los servicios de Pediatría y determinar si existe relación son su estado de nutrición. Se realizó una revisión bibliográfica sistemática en bases de datos y bibliotecas electrónicas, que incluyó artículos en inglés y español del 2022 que, contuvieran los tópicos de interés. Se realizó una descripción detallada de los trastornos de seguridad alimentaria en niños hospitalizados en pediatría y su asociación con malnutrición, obteniendo como resultados varios factores, como lo son pacientes que no son atendidos en ambientes hospitalarios y no se contabilizan, pacientes que son diagnosticados, pero no son censados o pacientes que son atendidos en instituciones, pero no son diagnosticados al inicio, estado de seguridad alimentaria en el hogar, estado nutricional; Los niños tenían desnutrición en un 17%, sobrepeso 13%; los mayores porcentajes de niños malnutridos estuvieron en hogares con inseguridad alimentaria; sin embargo, en ningún caso de los revisado, se demostró asociación estadísticamente significativa, de tal forma se concluye que, pese a los altos porcentajes de Inseguridad alimentaria, no se demostró asociación significativa con malnutrición.Food security is a determinant of health and nutrition, since "all people have, at all times, physical and economic access to sufficient safe and nutritious food to meet their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life", the objective of this study is to establish the food safety status of children who are hospitalized in Pediatric services and determine if there is a relationship with their nutritional status. A systematic bibliographic review was carried out in databases and electronic libraries, which included articles in English and Spanish from 2022 that contained the topics of interest. A detailed description of food safety disorders in children hospitalized in pediatrics and their association with malnutrition was made, obtaining as results several factors, such as patients who are not treated in hospital environments and are not counted, patients who are diagnosed, but They are not registered or patients who are cared for in institutions, but are not diagnosed at the beginning, food security status at home, nutritional status; The children had malnutrition in 17%, overweight 13%; the highest percentages of malnourished children were in households with food insecurity; however, in none of the cases reviewed was a statistically significant association demonstrated, thus it is concluded that, despite the high percentages of food insecurity, no significant association with malnutrition was demonstrated

    The other special education : remembrance of a pedagogical journey

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    RESUMEN: La pregunta constante por las múltiples formas de relacionarse entre los seres humanos nos condujo a comprender que la educación y particularmente la educación especial —como nuestro espacio y discurso—, ha traído consigo un desconocimiento por el otro, que no se reduce al mundo exterior, la calle, la familia y la sociedad, sino que convierte también la escuela y sus prácticas en perpetuadoras de esto, revistiendo la educación de fines particulares, homogeneizantes y excluyentes, lo cual nos ha conducido por discursos donde la diversidad y la pluralidad aparecen como una discusión ambigua: teorías que ponen de manifiesto la otredad como una disertación humanista y desvictimizadora, o una realidad que nos confronta y cuestiona sobre eso que no queremos ser. Es, entonces, en medio de la pregunta por la educación, por los otros y nosotras mismas, por nuestras prácticas pedagógicas, que surgen reflexiones, historias, relaciones, sujetos y diferencias, a partir de la tesis de pregrado “Retos y perspectivas del encuentro entre educación indígena y educación especial: ¿narraciones interculturales?”, la cual nos convocó a pensar, contar y vivir este acontecimiento en el presente artículo, donde compartimos la experiencia educativa desde la conceptualización alrededor de la educación especial y el contacto con diferentes contextos educativos indígenas, lo que nos reveló posibles respuestas que significan y resignifican nuestra razón de ser como futuras maestras, viviendo, pensando y sintiendo una educación especial otra.ABSTRACT: The recurring question about the multiple forms of relationships among human beings led us to understand that education—particularly special education, as our realm and discourse—has brought about some forms of ignoring the others. This does not happen only in external environments, such as streets, the family and the society at large, but also inside the school and its practices, which perpetuate this situation, thus providing education with particular homogenizing and excluding ends, and leading to discourses in which diversity and plurality appear as part of an ambiguous discussion: As theories that introduce otherness as a humanistic and un-victimizing reasoning, or as a reality that confronts and questions us about what we don´t want to be. It is therefore amid the question for education, for the others and ourselves, and for our pedagogical practices, that reflections, histories, relationships, individuals, and differences sprung from the undergraduate dissertation “Challenges and perspectives of the encounter of indigenous education and special education: Intercultural narratives?” This work summoned us to think, tell, and live such event in this article, where we share our educative experience from the conceptualization about special education and the contact with different indigenous education contexts, which revealed to us possible responses that make ou

    Primary adrenal insufficiency in adult population: a Portuguese multicentre study by the Adrenal Tumours Study Group

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    INTRODUCTION: Primary adrenal insufficiency (PAI) is a rare but severe and potentially life-threatening condition. No previous studies have characterized Portuguese patients with PAI. AIMS: To characterize the clinical presentation, diagnostic workup, treatment and follow-up of Portuguese patients with confirmed PAI. METHODS: This multicentre retrospective study examined PAI patients in 12 Portuguese hospitals. RESULTS: We investigated 278 patients with PAI (55.8% were females), with a mean age of 33.6±19.3 years at diagnosis. The most frequent presenting clinical features were asthenia (60.1%), mucocutaneous hyperpigmentation (55.0%) and weight loss (43.2%); 29.1% of the patients presented with adrenal crisis. Diagnosis was established by high plasma ACTH and low serum cortisol in most patients (43.9%). The most common etiology of PAI was autoimmune adrenalitis (61.0%). There were 38 idiopathic cases. Autoimmune comorbidities were found in 70% of the patients, the most frequent being autoimmune thyroiditis (60.7%) and type 1 diabetes mellitus (17.3%). Seventy-nine percent were treated with hydrocortisone (mean dose 26.3±8.3 mg/day) mostly in three (57.5%) or two (37.4%) daily doses. The remaining patients were treated with prednisolone (10.1%), dexamethasone (6.2%) and methylprednisolone (0.7%); 66.2% were also on fludrocortisone (median dose of 100 g/day). Since diagnosis, 33.5% of patients were hospitalized for disease decompensation. In the last appointment, 17.2% of patients had complaints (7.6% asthenia and 6.5% depression) and 9.7% had electrolyte disturbances. CONCLUSION: This is the first multicentre Portuguese study regarding PAI. The results emphasize the need for standardization in diagnostic tests and aetiological investigation and provide a framework for improving treatment.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Guía de práctica clínica para el tamizaje y manejo de adultos con desnutrición o riesgo de desnutrición en el seguro social del Perú (EsSalud)

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    Introduction: This article summarizes the clinical practice guide (CPG) for the screening and management of malnourished patients or patients at risk of malnutrition in the Social Security of Peru (EsSalud). Objective: To provide clinical recommendations based on evidence for the screening and management of malnourished patients or patients at risk of malnutrition in EsSalud. Methods: A CPG for the screening, management and monitoring of malnourished patients or patients at risk of malnutrition in EsSalud was developed. To this end, a guideline development group (local GDG) was established, including medical specialists and methodologists. The local GDG formulated 9 clinical questions to be answered by this CPG. Systematic searches of systematic reviews and -when it was considered pertinent- primary studies were conducted in Pubmed and CENTRAL during 2021. The evidence to answer each of the posed clinical questions was selected. The quality of the evidence was evaluated using the Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development, and Evaluation (GRADE) methodology. In periodic work meetings, the local GDG used the GRADE methodology to review the evidence and formulate the recommendations, points of good clinical practice, and the flowchart of screening and management. Finally, the CPG was approved with Resolution No. 128-IETSI-ESSALUD-2021. Results: This CPG addressed 9 clinical questions, divided into three topics: screening, management and monitoring of malnourished patients or patients at risk of malnutrition. Based on these questions, 6 recommendations (3 strong recommendations and 3 weak recommendations), 39 points of good clinical practice, and 2 flowcharts were formulated. Conclusion: This article summarizes the methodology and evidence-based conclusions from the CPG for the screening, management and monitoring of malnourished patients or patients at risk of malnutrition in EsSalud.Introducción: El presente artículo resume la guía de práctica clínica (GPC) para el tamizaje y manejo de los pacientes desnutridos o en riesgo de desnutrición del Seguro Social del Perú (EsSalud). Objetivo: Proveer recomendaciones clínicas basadas en evidencia para el tamizaje y manejo de pacientes desnutridos o en riesgo de desnutrición en EsSalud. Métodos: Se conformó un grupo elaborador de la guía (GEG) que incluyó profesionales de la salud y metodólogos. El GEG formuló 9 preguntas clínicas a ser respondidas por la presente GPC. Se realizó búsquedas sistemáticas de revisiones sistemáticas y cuando fue considerado pertinentes estudios primarios. Se seleccionó la evidencia para responder cada una de las preguntas clínicas planteadas. La certeza de la evidencia fue evaluada usando la metodología Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development, and Evaluation (GRADE). En reuniones de trabajo periódicas, el GEG usó la metodología GRADE para revisar la evidencia y formular las recomendaciones, los puntos de buenas prácticas clínicas y los flujogramas de tamizaje y manejo. Finalmente, la GPC fue aprobada con Resolución N° 128-IETSI-ESSALUD-2021. Resultados: La presente GPC abordó 9 preguntas clínicas, divididas en tres temas: tamizaje, manejo y monitoreo de pacientes desnutridos o en riesgo de desnutrición. En base a dichas preguntas se formularon 6 recomendaciones (3 recomendaciones fuertes y 3 condicionales), 39 puntos de buena práctica clínica, y 2 flujogramas. Conclusión: El presente artículo resume la metodología y las conclusiones basadas en evidencias de la GPC para el tamizaje, manejo y monitoreo de pacientes desnutridos o en riesgo de desnutrición en EsSalud

    SARS-CoV-2 introductions and early dynamics of the epidemic in Portugal

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    Genomic surveillance of SARS-CoV-2 in Portugal was rapidly implemented by the National Institute of Health in the early stages of the COVID-19 epidemic, in collaboration with more than 50 laboratories distributed nationwide. Methods By applying recent phylodynamic models that allow integration of individual-based travel history, we reconstructed and characterized the spatio-temporal dynamics of SARSCoV-2 introductions and early dissemination in Portugal. Results We detected at least 277 independent SARS-CoV-2 introductions, mostly from European countries (namely the United Kingdom, Spain, France, Italy, and Switzerland), which were consistent with the countries with the highest connectivity with Portugal. Although most introductions were estimated to have occurred during early March 2020, it is likely that SARS-CoV-2 was silently circulating in Portugal throughout February, before the first cases were confirmed. Conclusions Here we conclude that the earlier implementation of measures could have minimized the number of introductions and subsequent virus expansion in Portugal. This study lays the foundation for genomic epidemiology of SARS-CoV-2 in Portugal, and highlights the need for systematic and geographically-representative genomic surveillance.We gratefully acknowledge to Sara Hill and Nuno Faria (University of Oxford) and Joshua Quick and Nick Loman (University of Birmingham) for kindly providing us with the initial sets of Artic Network primers for NGS; Rafael Mamede (MRamirez team, IMM, Lisbon) for developing and sharing a bioinformatics script for sequence curation (https://github.com/rfm-targa/BioinfUtils); Philippe Lemey (KU Leuven) for providing guidance on the implementation of the phylodynamic models; Joshua L. Cherry (National Center for Biotechnology Information, National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health) for providing guidance with the subsampling strategies; and all authors, originating and submitting laboratories who have contributed genome data on GISAID (https://www.gisaid.org/) on which part of this research is based. The opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not reflect the view of the National Institutes of Health, the Department of Health and Human Services, or the United States government. This study is co-funded by Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia and Agência de Investigação Clínica e Inovação Biomédica (234_596874175) on behalf of the Research 4 COVID-19 call. Some infrastructural resources used in this study come from the GenomePT project (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-022184), supported by COMPETE 2020 - Operational Programme for Competitiveness and Internationalisation (POCI), Lisboa Portugal Regional Operational Programme (Lisboa2020), Algarve Portugal Regional Operational Programme (CRESC Algarve2020), under the PORTUGAL 2020 Partnership Agreement, through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), and by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio