145 research outputs found

    Pädevuse hindamine kui eneseanalüüs

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    Eesti Arst 2018; 97(8):447–44

    Kuidas diagnoosida ja ennetada rauapuudust imikutel?

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    Rauapuudusaneemia on kõige sagedasem toitumisega seotud haigus kogu maailmas. Rauapuudusaneemia suurendab lastel kognitiivse ja motoorse arengu mahajäämuse tekke riski või põhjustab sagedasemaid haigestumisi infektsioonidesse. Seepärast on lastel vajalik rauapuudust ennetada ja peatada arenemine aneemiaks. Rauapuudust saab vältida, järgides toitmissoovitusi (nn esmane rauapuuduse ennetamine). Teisene rauapuuduse ennetamine on 9–12 kuu vanuste imikute sõeltestimine, määrates seerumi ferritiini ja hemoglobiini kontsentratsiooni, erütrotsüütide keskmise mahu (MCV) ning võimaluse korral seerumis lahustuvate transferriini retseptorite kontsentratsiooni (sTfR). Rauapuuduse diagnoosimisel tuleb kasutada referentsväärtuseid, mis sobivad just sellele vanuserühmale. Eesti Arst 2009; 88(7−8):481−48

    Impact of extreme sea levels and waves in the bay of Lundåkra - present situation and future scenarios

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    This report is a study of the impacts of extreme sea levels and waves on the coastal area of the bay of Lundåkra. The bay is characterized by shallow sea bottoms and a flat topography, particularly in the north. Analyses have been based on historical data. To expand the analyses to apply for a future scenario a change in mean sea level has been considered. Based on general recommendations from the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI) and recent research from the Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Program (AMAP) two future scenarios have been chosen, a sea level rise of 1 m and 1.6 m respectively, for the year of 2100. The bay of Lundåkra is a Natura 2000 area and also contains smaller areas of nature reserves. The bay area holds many conservation values. Some of the most important ones are found in an area of coastal meadows in the northernmost part close to the Saxån estuary. This site is important to many red listed birds. This area is particularly threatened since the highway E6 runs very close to the coast here. The bay area is also of great importance for fish and other animals. Bathymetry and topography data collected by a laser scan method have been obtained from the municipality of Landskrona and Kävlinge and combined with the New National Height Model (NNH) from Lantmäteriet. Modeled wave data (1994-2011) have been extracted for the bay from the company Denmark’s Hydrological Institute, DHI. Sea levels (1992-2012) have been obtained from SMHI and combined with a longer series extracted from a previous study by Karlsson Green and Martinsson (2010). Return periods have been estimated for sea levels and waves by fitting the data to Weibull and Gringorten distribution functions. For the extreme event of the November storm in 2011-11-27 the waves reached 2.2 m, which has the estimated return period of 32.5 years. The sea level reached at the same time 1.47m, with the estimated return period of 27.5 years. Applying the Bruun rule to the future scenarios a risk has been estimated of a coastline retreat of several hundreds of meters along the entire bay area. The northernmost part with the important coastal meadows will likely be flooded already at a sea level rise of 0.75 m. An analysis for calculating the wave runup levels indicate that the highway may be exposed to wave runup at extreme events in the future scenario of a 1 m sea level rise. The wave runup analysis further shows some indications that some sections of the coastline will be more exposed to wave erosion than others

    Rahvusvahelise temperatuuriskaala esitamine ja edastamine kombineeritud meetodil

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    Väitekirja elektrooniline versioon ei sisalda publikatsioone.Kaasaegse ühiskonna konkurentsivõimeliseks ja jätkusuutlikuks toimimiseks on oluline tagada mõõtetulemuste usaldusväärsus ja rahvusvaheline ekvivalentsus. Usaldusväärsed mõõtmistulemused on vajalikud teadusuuringutes, tööstuses, kaubanduses, riiklikus järelevalves, meditsiiniteenuste osutamisel, keskkonnakaitses ja paljudel teistel erialadel. Lisaks riigisiseste mõõtetulemuste seostatuse kindlustamisele tuleb igal riigil täita ka rahvusvahelisi leppeid, mis soodustavad riikidevahelist kaupade ja teenuste vaba liikumist ning aitavad tugevdada riigi majanduslikku arengut ja konkurentsivõimet. On heaks tavaks, et iga iseseisev riik hoolitseb riikliku mõõtesüsteemi arendamise ja toimimise eest. Enamike riikide mõõtesüsteemide arendamine on kestnud juba rohkem kui sada aastat. Aeg-ajalt tekib uusi iseseisvaid riike, mille arenev majandus vajab suhteliselt kiireid lahendusi usaldusväärsete mõõtetulemuste tagamiseks. Riikliku mõõtesüsteemi ja riigietalonide vajadus Eestis tekkis eelmise sajandi üheksakümnendatel aastatel. Riigietalonide arendamine on aeganõudev ja ressursimahukas protsess, mida tuleb piiratud vahendite optimaalseks kasutamises hoolikalt planeerida. Majandus ja Kommunikatsiooniministeerium kaardistas 2002. aastal mõõteteenuste vajadused, mille tagamiseks oli tarvilik välja arendada etalonibaas Eestis. Vajaduste rahuldamiseks arendati välja riigietalonid rahvusvahelise temperatuuriskaala ITS 90 taasesitamiseks mõõtepiirkonnas (-40 ... +300) °C ligikaudsel laiendmõõtemääramatuse tasemel 10 mK. Antud mõõtemääramatuse tase on üldjuhul suurem kui temperatuuriskaala esitamisel primaartasemel, kuid sellist taset on keeruline saavutada ainult sekundaarseid vahendeid kasutades. Seetõttu on temperatuuriskaala esitamiseks Eesti riigietalonilaboris (Metrosert) arendatud primaar- ja sekundaarmeetodeid kombineeriv meetod. Eesti temperatuuri riigietaloni näitel kirjeldatud meetod on kasutatav ka teistes laborites, mille eesmärgiks on tagada mõõteteenused sarnasel mõõtemääramatuse tasemel. Väljaarendatud meetod toetab laia valikut erinevaid mõõterakendusi sh kõikide teiste Eesti riigietalonide mõõtevõimet.Reliability and international equivalence of measurement results are important issues in sustainable operation and development of the modern society. Discrepancies in measurement results have even been identified as one of the major barriers to trade and innovation. It is a common practice that each independent country has established a national measurement infrastructure. In most countries these infrastructures have been developed in a process of scientific research over more than hundred years. Nevertheless new independent countries with evolving economy and needs for a reliable metrology system are still emerging. This was also the case for Estonia, where the development of national standards and measurement scales started only in the 1990-s. Establishment of a new national measurement standard must be designed carefully for optimal use of limited resources. The study describes establishment and dissemination of the national temperature scale in Estonia with the link to the international temperature scale ITS 90 in the temperature range from 40 °C to +300 °C with approximate expanded measurement uncertainty of 10 mK. The temperature range and uncertainty level originate from the actual needs mapped by a special survey carried out by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications in 2002. The stated uncertainty level is generally larger than usually obtained by primary realizations, but too small to be achieved by secondary methods only. Therefore the temperature scale is established by combining primary and secondary techniques of the ITS 90. The combined method for establishment of the temperature scale is described on the example of Metrosert – the laboratory for national standards in Estonia, but it can be also applied in other laboratories aiming the similar measurement range and capability. The methods described in the study are important as they support wide area of measurement applications including establishment of all officially approved national measurement scales in Estonia


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    Written and Directed by Amanda Gwyndhar Bratton Director of photography: Elizabeth Schroeder Starring: Christopher Ehresman, Timothy Shelton, Amanda Gwyndhar Bratton Set/costumes/makeup: Stephanie Koets, Amanda Gwyndhar Bratton Choreography by: Brittany Morgan Original music by: Daniel Vend

    Lost Horizons

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    Paper Due Today: Score for the Original Film

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    Two Settings: for Clarinet, Viola, and Piano

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