16 research outputs found

    Sombreamento de clones de Coffea canephora em condições de campo : crescimento vegetativo, produção e qualidade

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    O crescimento, a produção e a qualidade do cafeeiro Conilon (Coffea canephora) estão, dentre outros fatores, relacionados com a quantidade de radiação disponível sobre o seu dossel. Objetivou-se neste trabalho - avaliar o efeito do sombreamento de três clones de Coffea canephora em condições de campo sobre o crescimento, a produção e a qualidade do café. O trabalho foi realizado em uma lavoura de cafeeiro Conilon, no período de agosto de 2013 a julho de 2014, na área experimental do Centro de Ciências Agrárias da Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo (CCA-UFES), em Alegre ES. Foram avaliados três clones da variedade clonal Vitória Incaper 8142 (Conilon Vitória), sendo que, cada um dos clones constituiu um experimento, não sendo estes comparados entre si. O sombreamento no cultivo foi implementado de maneira a compor quatro níveis de sombreamento, denominados: pleno sol (PS), sombreamento baixo (SB), sombreamento moderado (SM) e sombreamento intenso (SI), para tanto, foram empregadas telas de poliolefinas (sombrite) com as seguintes capacidades de retenção de luz: 30, 50 e 70%, caracterizando os sombreamentos baixo, moderado e intenso, respectivamente. Para as avaliações destrutivas, foi montado um delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com quatro níveis de sombreamento (supracitado) e cinco repetições, sendo cada planta uma repetição. Para as avaliações não destrutivas, adotou-se um esquema em parcelas subdivididas 4 x 3, sendo nas parcelas o sombreamento em quatro níveis (supracitado) e, as subparcelas constituídas pelas fases fenológicas em três níveis (início da frutificação, granação e maturação) em um delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com cinco repetições, sendo cada planta uma repetição. O efeito do sombreamento foi avaliado através das taxas de crescimento, morfologia, teor de clorofilas, produção do cafeeiro e qualidade do café. Nos clones 6V e 12V a menor área foliar unitária foi obtida no cultivo a pleno sol, enquanto que no clone 3V o cultivo a pleno sol foi igual aos cultivos com sombreamentos baixo e moderado. Os sombreamentos baixo, moderado e intenso afetaram negativamente a produção dos clones 3V e 12V. Os sombreamentos baixo e intenso, para o clone 6V, mostraram-se tão eficientes para a produção de frutos quanto o cultivo a pleno sol. Frutos de café produzidos a pleno sol apresentaram um menor rendimento seco:beneficiado, independente do clone estudado. Entre os materiais estudados, o clone 6V foi o mais responsivo ao sombreamento, evidenciando variabilidade genética entre os clones.The growth, production and quality of Conilon coffee-tree (Coffea canephora), is related to the amount of available radiation on your canopy, among other factors. The objective of the current study was to evaluate the effect of shading of Coffea canephora clones under field conditions on the growth, production and quality coffee. The work was carried out in a Conilon coffee cultivation area, from August 2013 to July 2014, in an experimental area of Agricultural Sciences Center - Federal University of Espírito Santo (CCA-UFES) in Alegre – ES. Three clonal species of variety Incaper 8142 (Conilon Vitória) were studied and each clone constituted an experiment. The shading was implemented to perform four levels of shading: full sun (FS), low shading (SL), moderate shading (SM) and intense shading (SI). Polyolefins screens (shadow protection) with the following light filtering capabilities were utilized: 30, 50 and 70%, featuring the low, moderate and intense shading, respectively. In the destructive evaluations, a completely randomized design was performed with four shading levels (aforementioned) and five replications, being each plant a repeat. In the destructive evaluations, a scheme in split plot 4 x 3 was adopted, being plots the shading into four levels (aforementioned) and the subplots consisted phenological phases in three levels (beginning of fruiting, graining and maturation) in a completely randomized design with five replications, being each plant a repeat. The effect of shading was evaluated by the growth rates, morphology, chlorophylls content, coffee tree production and quality of coffee. The 6V and 12V clones had the lowest unit leaf area in the full sun cultivation, whereas the clone 3V full sun cultivation was equal the cultivation with low and moderate shading. Low, moderate and intense levels of shading negatively affected the production of 3V and 12V clones. Low and intense levels of shading presented to be effective in the production of fruits for the 6V clone as well as in the full sun cultivation. Coffee fruits produced in full sun had smaller dry yield benefit, regardless of the clone studied. Among the genotypes studied, the 6V clone was responsive to shading, evidencing that there is genetic variability among the clones

    Allelopathic effect of Passiflora alata Curtis extracts on seed germination

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    Many plant chemical compounds can interfere on seed germination and on the development of other plants. Thus, this research aimed to verify the effect of sweet passion fruit seeds (Passiflora alata Curtis) extracts, under lettuce seed germination and lettuce seedlings growing. The experiment was carried out in a controlled environment. The treatments were: T1-distilled water as a control; T2-embryo extract; T3- tegument extract; T4- whole grain extract; T5- soaking solution. Lettuce seed (Lactuca sativa L.) cv. Babá de Verão, was used as a bioindicator of the allelopathic effect. When the treatment of embryo extract of sweet passion fruit was applied, a lower germination percentage and lower speed emergence rate of lettuce seeds were observed. The largest number of abnormal seedlings was observed from seeds germinated in the embryo extract (T2) and the soaking solution (T5). The sweet passion fruit embryo extract discloses compounds that are able to inhibit the germination and can negatively influence the development of lettuce seedlings.Many plant chemical compounds can interfere on seed germination and on the development of other plants. Thus, this research aimed to verify the effect of sweet passion fruit seeds (Passiflora alata Curtis) extracts, under lettuce seed germination and lettuce seedlings growing. The experiment was carried out in a controlled environment. The treatments were: T1-distilled water as a control; T2-embryo extract; T3- tegument extract; T4- whole grain extract; T5- soaking solution. Lettuce seed (Lactuca sativa L.) cv. Babá de Verão, was used as a bioindicator of the allelopathic effect. When the treatment of embryo extract of sweet passion fruit was applied, a lower germination percentage and lower speed emergence rate of lettuce seeds were observed. The largest number of abnormal seedlings was observed from seeds germinated in the embryo extract (T2) and the soaking solution (T5). The sweet passion fruit embryo extract discloses compounds that are able to inhibit the germination and can negatively influence the development of lettuce seedlings

    Controlled water stress in agricultural crops in brazilian cerrado

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    Considering the scenarios with reduction of water availability, the need to increase water use efficiency and crop yield, the objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of reducing the evapotranspiration of the main irrigated crops on productivity. Data from the years 2005 to 2016 for carrot, garlic, potato, sugarcane, bean, maize, soybean, wheat, coffee and cotton crops grown in the Brazilian states of Bahia, Minas Gerais, São Paulo, Goiás, Distrito Federal and Mato Grosso were collected. The crops were irrigated by central-pivot irrigation and drip irrigation systems, and irrigation management was performed using IRRIGER® software. With the information on potential crop evapotranspiration (ETpc) and crop evapotranspiration (ETc), it was possible to obtain a reduction of ETpc (%) for all crops. For all scenarios, these data were confronted with crop productivity and regression models were fitted. It was concluded that the maximum reductions of ETpc (%) without affecting productivity are 5% for garlic and potato, 12% for maize, 13% for bean, 15% for wheat, 20% for soybean and cotton, 25% for sugarcane and 30% for coffee

    Evapotranspiration mapping of commercial corn fields in Brazil using SAFER algorithm

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    SAFER (Simple Algorithm for Evapotranspiration Retrieving) is a relatively new algorithm applied successfully to estimate actual crop evapotranspiration (ET) at different spatial scales of different crops in Brazil. However, its use for monitoring irrigated crops is scarce and needs further investigation. This study assessed the performance of SAFER to estimate ET of irrigated corn in a Brazilian semiarid region. The study was conducted in São Desidério, Bahia State, Brazil, in corn-cropped areas in no-tillage systems and irrigated by central pivots. SAFER algorithm with original regression coefficients (a = 1.8 and b = –0.008) was initially tested during the growing seasons of 2014, 2015, and 2016. SAFER performed very poorly for estimating corn ET, with RMSD values greater than 1.18 mm d–1 for 12 fields analyzed and NSE values < 0 in most fields. To improve estimates, SAFER regression coefficients were calibrated (using 2014 and 2015 data) and validated with 2016 data, with the resulting coefficients a and b equal to 0.32 and –0.0013, respectively. SAFER performed well for ET estimation after calibration, with r2 and NSE values equal to 0.91 and RMSD = 0.469 mm d–1. SAFER also showed good performance (r2 = 0.86) after validation, with the lowest RMSD (0.58 mm d–1) values for the set of 14 center pivots in this growing season. The results support the use of calibrated SAFER algorithm as a tool for estimating water consumption in irrigated corn fields in semiarid conditions

    Abordagens de sensoriamento remoto para estimativas de evapotranspiração e produtividade em plantios de milho irrigado

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    Remote sensing data and applications have been experiencing a revolutionary advancement in various areas in the last fifteen years, including agriculture. These advancements are boosted by a large amount of the satellite sensors in orbit obtaining a large number of images of the Earth's surface every day in different temporal, spatial, spectral and radiometric resolutions. This dynamism is very useful to agriculture, since it is also a very dynamic system. Besides that, faced with the global problems of water and food shortages, climate change, environmental pollution, among others, high-efficiency agriculture will be increasingly required, which can be achieved more easily by means of the remote sensing data and applications. This thesis is divided into three chapters, making use of different satellites (Landsat 7, Landsat 8, Sentinel 2A and Sentinel 2B) with focus on the corn crop plantations irrigated by center pivot system in the western region of Bahia state, Brazil. The general focus was the estimation of evapotranspiration and yield along with vegetation spectral indices and spectral mixture analysis in irrigated corn fields using remote sensing approaches. The first study (chapter one) aimed to evaluate, calibrate and validate the SAFER algorithm for evapotranspiration estimation in irrigated corn fields. Meteorological and crop data were used to calculate corn evapotranspiration by means of the modified FAO method. In order to use SAFER algorithm, images of the sensors ETM+ and OLI/TIRS were acquired. SAFER algorithm with original regression coefficients has low accuracy for corn ET estimation, and after calibration with empirical data it showed a good performance, being a very useful tool for estimating water consumption by corn crop. Chapter two focused on corn yield estimation at farm level in Brazil using a new and simplified remote sensing approach, initially validated for North American corn production conditions. The formulation combines the methodology for biomass determination presented in the FAO-66 manual and a basal crop coefficient based on reflectance data adjusted by water and cold temperature stress. Data of 52 center pivots fields, collected during growing season of 2013 to 2016, were used. ETM+ and OLI surface reflectance images were used for the calculation of SAVI. The difference between predicted yield values and actual ones ranged between 12.2% and 18.8%, but with the majority of estimates between -10 and 10%, considering a single harvest index for all hybrids. After the reanalysis (grouping of similar hybrids and use of a specific HI) the performance of predictions increased, especially for Pioneer hybrids, with the majority of the differences, between predicted yield values and measured, remaining between -5 and 5%. Chapter three had as general objective to investigate the performance of vegetation indices for corn aboveground biomass estimation by means of their comparison with the fraction of photosynthetically active vegetation estimated from Spectral Mixture, defining the three best ones. Nine vegetation indices were calculated using the near infrared and visible bands of OLI sensor. Among the analyzed, VI, EVI, SAVI and OSAVI were considered the first, second and third best ones, respectively, for corn aboveground biomass estimation, based on their comparison with fraction of photosynthetically active vegetation. A second objective of this chapter was to find the best interval of VI accumulation (days) for corn grain yield estimation, using the three best classified in the general objective. For this purpose, field data of center pivots grown with irrigated corn during the season of 2018 were used along with Sentinel 2 images. The intervals that extended up to 120 days after sowing were the best. Finally, this work was a great challenge, mainly due to the use of data belonging to a commercial farm with a large number of cultivated corn hybrids. But, on the other hand, it brings very interesting results, showing the great potential of the remote sensing in agriculture. In turn, these results are useful for both the scientific community and farmers in Brazil, who are constantly being pressured by improvements in production processes, especially in water use.Dados e aplicações de sensoriamento remoto têm tido um avanço revolucionário em várias áreas nos últimos quinze anos, incluindo na agricultura. Esses avanços são estimulados pela grande quantidade de satélites em órbita obtendo uma grande quantidade de imagens da superfície da Terra em diferentes resoluções temporais, espaciais, espectrais e radiométricas. Todo esse dinamismo é muito útil para a agricultura, já que esta é também um sistema muito dinâmico. Além disso, diante dos problemas globais de escassez de água e alimentos, mudanças climáticas, poluição ambiental, entre outros, será demandada a cada vez mais uma agricultura de alta eficiência, a qual pode ser mais facilmente alcançada através de dados e abordagens de sensoriamento remoto. Essa tese está dividia em três capítulos, fazendo o uso de diferentes satélites (Landsat 7, Landsat 8, Sentinel 2A e Sentinel 2B) com foco em plantações de milho irrigadas por pivô central na região Oeste do estado da Bahia, Brasil. O foco geral foi a estimativa de evapotranspiração e produtividade juntamente com índices espectrais de vegetação e análise de mistura espectral em campos de milho irrigado utilizando abordagens de sensoriamento remoto. O primeiro estudo (capítulo um) objetivou avaliar, calibrar e validar o algoritmo SAFER para a estimativa de evapotranspiração em campos de milho irrigado. Foram utilizados dados meteorológicos e da cultura para calcular a evapotranspiração do milho utilizando o método FAO modificado. Para a utilização do algoritmo SAFER, foram obtidas imagens dos sensores ETM+ e OLI/TIRS. O algoritmo SAFER com os coeficientes originais de regressão tem baixa acurácia para estimar ET de milho e, após a calibração com dados empíricos, este algoritmo demonstrou bom desempenho, sendo uma ferramenta muito útil para estimar o uso consumo de água pela cultura milho. O capítulo dois focou em estimar a produtividade do milho ao nível de fazenda no Brasil usando uma nova e simplificada abordagem de sensoriamento remoto, inicialmente validada para condições Norte Americanas de produção de milho. A formulação combina a metodologia para determinação de biomassa apresentada no manual 66 da FAO e um coeficiente basal da cultura baseado nos dados de reflectância ajustados pelos estresses hídrico e de baixa temperatura. Foram utilizados dados de 52 campos de pivôs centrais, coletados durante as safras de 2013 a 2016. Imagens de reflectância dos sensores ETM+ e OLI foram usadas para calcular o SAVI. A diferença entre os valores de produtividade preditos e reais variou entre -12,2% e 18,8%, mas com a maioria das estimativas entre -10 e 10%, considerando somente um índice de colheita para todos os híbridos. Depois da reanálise, considerando o grupamento de híbridos semelhantes e utilização de um índice específico de colheita, o desempenho das predições aumentou, especialmente para o híbrido Pioneer, com a maioria das diferenças, entre os valores de produtividade previstos e medidos, permanecendo entre -5 e 5%. O capítulo três teve como objetivo geral investigar o desempenho de índices de vegetação para estimativa de biomassa seca acima do solo do milho, comparando-os com a fração da vegetação fotossintética derivada da Análise de Mistura Espectral, definindo os três melhores. Foram calculados nove índices de vegetação, utilizando as bandas do vermelho próximo e visível do sensor OLI. Dentro os índices analisados, o EVI, SAVI e OSAVI foram considerados o primeiro, segundo e terceiro melhores, respectivamente, para a estimativa de biomassa seca acima, baseado em sua comparação com a fração de vegetação fotossintética. Um segundo objetivo desse capítulo foi encontrar o melhor intervalo de acúmulo de índice de vegetação (dias) para a estimativa da produtividade de grãos de milho, usando os três melhores classificados no objetivo geral. Para este propósito, foram utilizados dados de campo de pivôs centrais cultivados com milho irrigado durante a safra de 2018, juntamente com imagens do sensor MSI. Os intervalos que se estenderam até 120 dias após a semeadura foram os melhores. Por fim, este trabalho foi um grande desafio, principalmente pelo uso de dados pertencente a uma fazenda comercial com um grande número de híbridos de milho cultivados. Mas por outro lado, ela traz resultados muito interessantes, mostrando o grande potencial do sensoriamento remoto na agricultura. Por sua vez, esses resultados são úteis tanto para a comunidade científica quanto para os agricultores do Brasil, que são constantemente pressionados por melhorias nos processos de produção, principalmente no uso da água

    Influência do condicionador de solo fertium® na germinação e no desenvolvimento de plantulas de Helianthus annuus L.

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    The objective of this work was to evaluate the influence of soil conditioner fertium® on germination and development of seedlings of Helianthus annuus L. The experimental design was completely randomized, with treatment consisting of four levels, with four replicates of 30 seeds. The levels of treatment consisted of four doses of soil conditioner (0, 1, 2 and 3 g L -1 ) applied to the substrate. We used the soil conditioner Fertium® and standard substrate composed of soil + sand + manure in the ratio 1:1:1 v/v. The use of soil conditioner did not improve germination and emergence rate index. There is an optimum dose of conditioner between the increments of 1 and 2 g L -1 for root growth, fresh and dry weight of seedlings of Helianthus annuus L.Objetivou-se, com este trabalho, avaliar a influência do condicionador de solo fertium® na germinação e no desenvolvimento de plantulas de Helianthus annuus L. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o inteiramente casualizado, com um tratamento constituído de quatro níveis, sendo 4 repetições de 30 sementes. Os níveis do tratamento constitui-se de 4 doses do condicionador de solo (0, 1, 2 e 3 g L-1 ) aplicados ao substrato. Foi utilizado o condicionador de solo Fertium® e substrato padrão, constituído de solo + areia + esterco, na proporção 1:1:1 v/v. O uso do condicionador de solo não proporcionou um aumento da germinação e do índice de velocidade de emergência. Verifica-se uma dosagem ótima do condicionador entre os incrementos de 1 e 2 g L-1 para o crescimento de raiz, massa fresca e seca de plântulas de Helianthus annuus L

    Potential of using spectral vegetation indices for corn green biomass estimation based on their relationship with the photosynthetic vegetation sub-pixel fraction

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    Crop biomass (Bio) is one of the most important parameters of a crop, and knowledge of it before harvest is essential to help farmers in their decision making. Both green and dry Bio can be estimated from vegetation spectral indices (VIs) because they have a close relationship with accumulated absorbed photosynthetically active radiation (APAR), which is proportional to total Bio. The aims of this study were to analyze the potential capacity of spectral vegetation indices in estimating corn green biomass based on their relationship with the photosynthetic vegetation sub-pixel fraction derived from spectral mixture analysis and to analyze the best interval of VI accumulation (days) for corn grain yield estimation. Field data of center pivots cultivated with corn during the irrigation seasons of 2015 and 2018 and Landsat 8 and Sentinel 2 images were used. The EVI produced the best results; Pearson\u27s correlation coefficient, RMSE and Willmott’s index reached 0.99, 6.5%, and 0.948, respectively. Among the nine potential VIs analyzed, the EVI, SAVI and OSAVI were considered the first, second and third best performing for corn green Bio estimation, respectively, based on their comparison to the photosynthetic vegetation sub-pixel fraction (fPV), and the time intervals that extended until 120 days after sowing showed the best results for corn grain yield estimation

    Emergência e crescimento de mudas de maracujá doce em função de substratos e luz

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    The species Passiflora alata Curtis is native from Brazil and provides good growth by finding suitable ecological conditions. The objective of this study was to evaluate the emergence of seeds and growth of seedlings of sweet passion in soils fertilized with sewage sludge under different luminous intensity. The experiment was conducted in Laboratório de Análise de Sementes in a greenhouse at the Center for Agricultural Sciences, Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo (CCA-UFES), AlegreES. The treatments were arranged in a factorial design (6x4) consisting of two soil types (Typic and Oxisol) + sewage sludge: without sludge, with sludge and sludge-amended with limestone under the four luminous intensity [full sun (0,85 μmol m-2 s-1), cover with a black mesh (0,74 μmol m-2 s-1); cover with two black screen (0,70 μmol m-2 s-1) and cover with three black screen (0,40 μmol m-2 s-1). The cultivation of sweet passion fruit in soils treated with sewage sludge, the plants have increased growth. The use of two or three black screens (0.70 and 0.40 μmol m-2 s-1), respectively, provided greater vegetative growth of seedlings of sweet passion fruit.A espécie Passiflora alata Curtis é nativa do Brasil, apresentando bom desenvolvimento por encontrar condições ecológicas adequadas. Objetivou-se com o presente trabalho avaliar a emergência e o crescimento de mudas de maracujazeiro doce, em solo fertilizado com lodo de esgoto e diferentes níveis de sombreamento. O experimento foi conduzido em ambiente protegido, no Laboratório de Análise de Sementes do Centro de Ciências Agrárias da Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo (CCA-UFES), em Alegre-ES. Os tratamentos foram distribuídos num esquema fatorial (2x3x4), constituídos de dois tipos de solo (Latossolo Amarelo e Latossolo Vermelho), tratamento com lodo de esgoto: sem lodo, com lodo e com lodo de esgoto corrigido com calcário e, quatro níveis de sombreamento: sol pleno (0,85 μmol m-2 s-1); cobertura com uma tela sombrite preta (0,74 μmol m-2 s-1); cobertura com duas telas sombrite pretas (0,70 μmol m-2 s-1); e cobertura com três telas sombrite pretas (0,40 μmol m-2 s-1). Houve maior porcentagem de emergência e maior índice de velocidade de emergência das sementes mantidas a sol pleno. No cultivo de maracujazeiro doce em substratos tratados com lodo de esgoto, as plantas apresentam maior crescimento. As mudas de maracujazeiro doce devem ser produzidas sob condições de luminosidade entre 0,74 – 0,70 μmol m-2 s-1

    Allelopathic effect of Passiflora alata Curtis extracts on seed germination

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    Many plant chemical compounds can interfere on seed germination and on the development of other plants. Thus, this research aimed to verify the effect of sweet passion fruit seeds (Passiflora alata Curtis) extracts, under lettuce seed germination and lettuce seedlings growing. The experiment was carried out in a controlled environment. The treatments were: T1-distilled water as a control; T2-embryo extract; T3- tegument extract; T4- whole grain extract; T5- soaking solution. Lettuce seed (Lactuca sativa L.) cv. Babá de Verão, was used as a bioindicator of the allelopathic effect. When the treatment of embryo extract of sweet passion fruit was applied, a lower germination percentage and lower speed emergence rate of lettuce seeds were observed. The largest number of abnormal seedlings was observed from seeds germinated in the embryo extract (T2) and the soaking solution (T5). The sweet passion fruit embryo extract discloses compounds that are able to inhibit the germination and can negatively influence the development of lettuce seedlings.Muitas substâncias químicas presentes nos vegetais podem apresentar capacidade de interferir na germinação de sementes e no desenvolvimento de outras plantas. Assim, objetivou-se com esta pesquisa verificar o efeito de extratos de sementes de maracujá doce (Passiflora alata Curtis), sob a germinação de sementes e crescimento de plântulas de alface. O experimento foi conduzido em ambiente controlado. Os tratamentos consistiram em: T1: água destilada como testemunha; T2: extrato de embrião; T3: extrato do tegumento; T4: extrato das sementes inteiras; T5: solução de embebição. Utilizou-se como bioindicadores do efeito alelopático dos extratos sementes de alface (Lactuca sativa L.) cv. Babá de Verão. O extrato do embrião das sementes maracujá doce reduziu a porcentagem de germinação e o índice de velocidade de germinação das sementes de alface. O maior número de plântulas anormais foi observado a partir de sementes germinadas no extrato do embrião (T2) e na solução de embebição (T5). O extrato do embrião das sementes de maracujá doce apresenta compostos capazes de inibir a germinação e influenciar negativamente o crescimento inicial das plântulas de alface

    Comparison between observations and gridded data sets over complex terrain in the Chilean Andes: Precipitation and temperature

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    This study describes the performance of five gridded data sets in reproducing precipitation and/or temperature over the complex terrain in the high Chilean Andes. The relationship of instrumental observations and the gridded data sets with climate modes of variability and the trends of indices of climate extremes are also explored between the period 1980-2015. The mismatches between gridded data sets are larger in northern and southern regions in relation to precipitation, while for temperature, disagreement is higher in central region. However, better results are delivered by the Climatic Research Unit and Global Precipitation Climatology Centre followed by Re-Analysis Interim Project. The El Nino Southern Oscillation and Pacific Decadal Oscillation indices are well correlated with precipitation in North and South Chile. Additional, trend analyses reveal a significant downward (upward) tendency for precipitation (temperature), especially in central region, delivered by observed and the majority of gridded data sets. Furthermore, the consecutive number of dry days is increasing in all regions at the annual scale. This study allows a better understanding of the capacity of global data sets and thus contributes to further climate research within this Andean region.CAPES Comision Nacional de Investigacion Cientifica y Tecnologica (CONICYT) CONICYT FONDECY