81 research outputs found

    Gerar (e gerir) expectativas: novas áreas de pesquisa nos estudos da ciência e da tecnologia │ Making (and managing) expectations: new areas of research in science and technology studies

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    RESUMO Os estudos da ciência e da tecnologia constituem uma área em que novas ferramentas analíticas são constantemente elaboradas. Este artigo propõe usar a sociologia das expectativas, desenvolvida na última década, como uma nova perspectiva a ser usada para analisar debates geralmente explorados por teorias da política científica, e investigar as vantagens e lacunas desta disciplina. Ao fazê-lo, faz-se uso de um conjunto de trabalhos da sociologia das expectativas para sugerir uma re-leitura do caso do sismo de Aquila em 2009 em que, de forma inédita na história da ciência, seis cientistas e um oficial do governo italianos foram acusados e condenados por homicídio involuntário pela occorência de 300 vítimas.Palavras-chave: Comunicação; Expectativas; Política Científica; Sociedade de Risco; Sociologia da Ciência. ABSTRACT Science and technology studies has been an area where new analytical tools are constantly being elaborated. This paper proposes the sociology of expectations, developed in the past decade, as a new perspective to be used when analysing debates usually explored by science policy theories, and investigates the advantages and shortfalls of this discipline. To do so, the author uses an ensemble of work from the sociology of expectations to offer a different reading of the prosecution of six scientists and a government official in Italy, found guilty of involuntary manslaughter after an earthquake left over 300 victims in L’Aquila.   Keywords: Communication; Expectations; Science Policy; Risk Society; Sociology of Science

    Optimização do tratamento volumétrico do hipocampo através de IRM

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    Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia BiomédicaA Volumetria por imagens de ressonância magnética (IRM) é um dos métodos utilizados para medição de estruturas cerebrais. A avaliação do volume do hipocampo é feita em casos de patologias do sistema nervoso, tais como a Epilepsia do Lobo Temporal (TLE), com o intuito de verificar a existência de uma atrofia por esclerose mesial. Este estudo pretende validar um novo método de avaliação e tratamento volumétrico do hipocampo, através da análise da distribuição espacial do volume ao longo desta estrutura cerebral. Neste trabalho comparámos a distribuição média espacial optimizada (com valores corrigidos) de um grupo de controlo de 22 voluntários com as distribuições de 32 doentes com TLE, de modo a relacionar a localização da atrofia com cada uma das três partes da estrutura do hipocampo. Também analisámos medições realizadas por diferentes médicos nos mesmos sujeitos e comparámos essas variações espaciais do volume. Após a optimização do tratamento volumétrico e realizadas as comparações, concluímos que a análise da variação de volume corte a corte dá informações importantes que o valor absoluto do volume total não dá. É um método adequado na comparação de medições feitas entre diferentes médicos, permitindo verificar onde ocorrem as diferenças. Dá a conhecer a parte do hipocampo onde ocorre a atrofia, caso esta exista. Foi realizada uma aplicação em Matlab que calcula automaticamente o valor do volume total do hipocampo com valores corrigidos e compara graficamente a distribuição do sujeito a analisar com a curva média optimizada obtida, permitindo uma aplicabilidade rápida e mais precisa do tratamento volumétrico do hipocampo

    Trabalho e educação em tempos de pandemia: relato de experiência

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    In this experience report, we describe and analyze the activities carried out by the Current Affairs Study Group (GEA) of IFC, with the participation of servers from different campuses and the rectory, throughout 2020. These activities aimed to reflect on the economic, political, social and health situation faced by workers during the Covid-19 pandemic. The research group held virtual meetings and seminars, which, in addition to GEA members, brought together undergraduate and graduate students from other institutions, as well as education workers from different states. Furthermore, we seek in this experience report to demonstrate how the debates and reflections presented during the activities can contribute to the political action of the working class.Neste relato de experiência, descrevemos e analisamos as atividades realizadas pelo Grupo de Estudos em Atualidades (GEA) do IFC, que conta com a participação de servidores de diversos campi e da reitoria, ao longo de 2020. Essas atividades tiveram como objetivo refletir acerca da situação econômica, política, social e sanitária enfrentada pelos trabalhadores durante a pandemia de Covid-19. O grupo de pesquisa realizou reuniões e seminários virtuais, que, além dos membros do GEA, reuniram estudantes de graduação e de pós-graduação de outras instituições, bem como trabalhadores em educação de diversos estados. Ademais, procuramos, neste relato de experiência, mostrar como os debates e reflexões apresentados ao longo das atividades podem contribuir para a ação política da classe trabalhadora

    Cross-cultural adaptation and validation of the PRISMA-7 scale for European Portuguese

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    Background. Frailty is an age-associated biological syndrome and a predictor of multimorbidity outcomes, whose early recognition allows for the identification of those older patients at risk. The PRISMA-7 scale allows for the identification of frail older people. Objectives. To make a cross-cultural adaptation and validation of the PRISMA-7 to the European spoken Portuguese language. Material and methods. Cross-cultural adaptation by translation of the PRISMA-7 scale into European Portuguese, debriefing and back-translation to English. Application for intra-observer reliability assessment and validation by simultaneous and concurrent application of the Katz scale. Results. Cronbach’s alpha coefficient was of 0.420 and 0.409 after a re-test. Spearman’s Rank Order Correlation of 0.969 in the re-test operation in a sample of 64 older people (35 female). More than 3 affirmative answers were found for older people (p < 0.001), for a higher number of self-reported drugs taken, (p = 0.001), self-reported years of education (p = 0.001), higher values for those with less years of studies were found in the validation of the translated PRISMA-7 scale, in a purposive sample of 127 older people, 72 (56.7%) female. No differences were found between gender (p = 0.414) and for number of self-reported diseases (p = 0.258). A Spearman correlation of ρ = 0.477 (p < 0.001) between the total of the two scales was found. Discussion. This comprehensive tool enables health care providers to discuss and architect more effective and efficient measures for these patients’ care, regardless of gender, socio-demographic factors, number of self-reported drugs taken and diseases. Conclusions. The PRISMA-7 scale is now recommended to identify frail older people in the Portuguese community.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Use of clobetasol in lacquer for plaque psoriasis treatment

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    Clobetasol benefits to control psoriasis lesions are well defined, but there were not studies about its action when used in lacquer vehicle to control skin lesions. A double-blind study was conducted with 40 patients that utilized clobetasol 0.05% in one hemibody and just the vehicle in the other hemibody. Twenty of them used petrolatum as vehicle and the others used lacquer. An assessment was conducted using the clinical index PASI and a quality of life questionnaire (Dermatological Life Quality Index). There was no statistical difference between groups. There was a trend of favorable response particularly in the hemibody treated with clobetasol911113115CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICO - CNPQFUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO - FAPESPSem informação2008/09433-

    Enfrentamento da violência infligida pelo parceiro íntimo por mulheres em área urbana da região Nordeste do Brasil

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    OBJECTIVE: To describe the methods of coping adopted by women who have been subject to physical domestic violence. METHODS: A cross-sectional study designed to investigate domestic violence was carried out on the baseline data of a cohort study of 1,120 pregnant women in Recife, Northeastern Brazil. A total of 283 women aged 18 to 49, who reported physical violence by their current or most recent partner before and/or during pregnancy and who were enrolled in the Family Health Program, were eligible for this study. Data were collected through face-to-face interviews, involving a structured questionnaire, conducted between July 2005 and March 2006, and descriptive analysis was carried out. Data were gathered on the women's socio-demographic characteristics, the type and scale of the partners' physical violence, the method in which they dealt with the violence, whether help was sought and from whom, whether they had abandoned home due to violence and, if so, whether they had returned. RESULTS: Of the women who had suffered domestic violence, 57.6% had talked to someone about it, 3.5% had sought help from an official service or a person in position of authority, 17.3% had talked to someone and sought help from an official service, and 21.6% had not sought any help. Those people whose support was most frequently sought were parents (42%), a friend (31.6%) and brother / sister (21.2%). The services most frequently sought by the women were: police (57.6%), healthcare (27.1%) and religious institutions (25.4%). Of the women, 44.8% reported not having received any type of assistance; 32.1% reported having left home, for at least one night, at some point in their lives. Of these, only 5.9% reported that they did not return home. The reasons for leaving the home included the exacerbation of violence and the fear of being killed. Reasons for returning home: the hope that the partner would change and the desire to preserve the family. CONCLUSIONS: Most women who reported domestic violence seek some form of help. The primary social network (family and friends) was that most sought after by women to break the cycle of violence. The results highlight the need for raising awareness of assistance and support services and the importance of increasing and improving public service systems (police, legal, health, psycho-social care) to effectively support women in escaping situations of domestic violence.OBJETIVO: Describir las formas de enfrentamiento a la violencia física adoptadas por mujeres agredidas por pareja íntima. MÉTODOS: Estudio transversal realizado en la línea de base de estudio de cohorte, con gestantes catastradas en el Programa de Salud de la Familia en Brasil, entre julio de 2005 y marzo de 2006, en Recife, PE. Se seleccionaron 283 gestantes de 18 a 49 años con historia de violencia física por la pareja del momento o más reciente antes y/o durante la gestación. Las entrevistas se realizaron cara a cara, con cuestionario estructurado y precodificado y se realizó análisis descriptivo. Se colectó información sobre características sociodemográficas de las mujeres, tipos y gravedad de la violencia física cometida por la pareja, formas de enfrentamiento de la violencia, personas y servicios de apoyo buscados por las mujeres, motivos para que una mujer haya alguna vez abandonado y retornado a casa luego de la violencia. RESULTADOS: De las mujeres que sufrieron violencia física por la pareja intima, 57,6% conversaron con alguien, 3,5% buscaron ayuda institucionalizada, 17,3% conversaron y buscaron ayuda institucionalizada y 21,6% no procuraron ningún tipo de ayuda. Las personas más procuradas fueron los padres (42,0%), amigo/amiga (31,6%) y hermano/hermana (21,2%). Los servicios más buscados por las mujeres fueron: policía/comisaria (57,6%), servicios de salud (27,1%) e instituciones religiosas (25,4%). Relataron no haber obtenido algún tipo de ayuda 44,8% de las mujeres; 32,1% dijeron haber salido de casa alguna vez en la vida, al menos por una noche, de las cuales 5,9% no retornaron. Los motivos para dejar la casa fueron: la exacerbación de la violencia y el miedo de ser asesinada; para el retorno la esperanza de cambio en la pareja y el deseo de preservar la familia. CONCLUSIONES: Gran parte de las mujeres que sufrieron violencia por pareja íntima buscó alguna forma de ayuda. La red social primaria (familiares y amigos) fue la más procurada por las mujeres para romper el ciclo violento. Los resultados apuntan a la necesidad de mayor divulgación de servicios de apoyo y la importancia de la ampliación y calificación de la red de servicios (policía, justicia, salud, asistencia psicosocial) para que estos puedan acoger y apoyar a las mujeres, dándoles soporte efectivo para romper con la situación de VPI.OBJETIVO: Descrever as formas de enfrentamento à violência física adotadas por mulheres agredidas por parceiro íntimo. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal realizado na linha de base de estudo de coorte, com gestantes cadastradas no Programa Saúde da Família, entre julho de 2005 e março de 2006, em Recife, PE. Foram selecionadas 283 gestantes de 18 a 49 anos com histórico de violência física pelo parceiro de então ou mais recente antes e/ou durante a gestação. As entrevistas foram realizadas face a face, com questionário estruturado e pré-codificado, e realizou-se análise descritiva. Foi coletada informação sobre características sociodemográficas das mulheres, tipos e gravidade da violência física cometida pelo parceiro, formas de enfrentamento da violência, pessoas e serviços de apoio procurados pelas mulheres, motivos para a mulher ter alguma vez abandonado e retornado a casa em razão da violência. RESULTADOS: Das mulheres que sofreram violência física pelo parceiro íntimo, 57,6% conversaram com alguém, 3,5% procuraram ajuda institucionalizada, 17,3% conversaram e procuraram ajuda institucionalizada e 21,6% não procuraram nenhuma forma de ajuda. As pessoas mais procuradas foram os pais (42,0%), amigo/amiga (31,6%) e irmão/irmã (21,2%). Os serviços mais procurados pelas mulheres foram: polícia/delegacia (57,6%), serviços de saúde (27,1%) e instituições religiosas (25,4%). Relataram não ter obtido qualquer tipo de ajuda 44,8% das mulheres; 32,1% disseram ter saído de casa alguma vez na vida, pelo menos por uma noite, das quais 5,9% não retornaram a casa. Foram motivos para deixar a casa: a exacerbação da violência e o medo de ser morta; para o retorno: a esperança de mudança do parceiro e o desejo de preservar a família. CONCLUSÕES: Grande parte das mulheres que sofriam violência por parceiro íntimo buscou alguma forma de ajuda. A rede social primária (familiares e amigos) foi a mais procurada pelas mulheres para romper o ciclo violento. Os resultados apontam a necessidade de maior divulgação dos serviços de apoio e a importância da ampliação e qualificação da rede de serviços (polícia, justiça, saúde, assistência psicossocial) para que estes possam acolher e apoiar as mulheres, dando-lhes suporte efetivo para romper com a situação de VPI

    Who Owns the Data? Open Data for Healthcare.

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    Research on large shared medical datasets and data-driven research are gaining fast momentum and provide major opportunities for improving health systems as well as individual care. Such open data can shed light on the causes of disease and effects of treatment, including adverse reactions side-effects of treatments, while also facilitating analyses tailored to an individual's characteristics, known as personalized or "stratified medicine." Developments, such as crowdsourcing, participatory surveillance, and individuals pledging to become "data donors" and the "quantified self" movement (where citizens share data through mobile device-connected technologies), have great potential to contribute to our knowledge of disease, improving diagnostics, and delivery of -healthcare and treatment. There is not only a great potential but also major concerns over privacy, confidentiality, and control of data about individuals once it is shared. Issues, such as user trust, data privacy, transparency over the control of data ownership, and the implications of data analytics for personal privacy with potentially intrusive inferences, are becoming increasingly scrutinized at national and international levels. This can be seen in the recent backlash over the proposed implementation of care.data, which enables individuals' NHS data to be linked, retained, and shared for other uses, such as research and, more controversially, with businesses for commercial exploitation. By way of contrast, through increasing popularity of social media, GPS-enabled mobile apps and tracking/wearable devices, the IT industry and MedTech giants are pursuing new projects without clear public and policy discussion about ownership and responsibility for user-generated data. In the absence of transparent regulation, this paper addresses the opportunities of Big Data in healthcare together with issues of responsibility and accountability. It also aims to pave the way for public policy to support a balanced agenda that safeguards personal information while enabling the use of data to improve public health

    Who owns the data? Open data for healthcare

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    Research on large shared medical datasets and data-driven research are gaining fast momentum and provide major opportunities for improving health systems as well as individual care. Such open data can shed light on the causes of disease and effects of treatment, including adverse reactions side-effects of treatments, while also facilitating analyses tailored to an individual’s characteristics, known as personalized or “stratified medicine.” Developments, such as crowdsourcing, participatory surveillance, and individuals pledging to become “data donors” and the “quantified self” movement (where citizens share data through mobile device-connected technologies), have great potential to contribute to our knowledge of disease, improving diagnostics, and delivery of ­healthcare and treatment. There is not only a great potential but also major concerns over privacy, confidentiality, and control of data about individuals once it is shared. Issues, such as user trust, data privacy, transparency over the control of data ownership, and the implications of data analytics for personal privacy with potentially intrusive inferences, are becoming increasingly scrutinized at national and international levels. This can be seen in the recent backlash over the proposed implementation of care.data, which enables individuals’ NHS data to be linked, retained, and shared for other uses, such as research and, more controversially, with businesses for commercial exploitation. By way of contrast, through increasing popularity of social media, GPS-enabled mobile apps and tracking/wearable devices, the IT industry and MedTech giants are pursuing new projects without clear public and policy discussion about ownership and responsibility for user-generated data. In the absence of transparent regulation, this paper addresses the opportunities of Big Data in healthcare together with issues of responsibility and accountability. It also aims to pave the way for public policy to support a balanced agenda that safeguards personal information while enabling the use of data to improve public health

    How do companies communicate sustainability? a systematic literature review

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    Sustainability is a topic that is increasingly discussed in society and organizations, leading many companies to adopt communication strategies focused on this theme. The objective of this article was to identify in the literature the ways, means, or tools that companies use to communicate sustainability. This article was based on a systematic review of the literature on the topic, resulting in a final sample of 18 articles from 14 different journals. Seven potential topics were identified in the systematic review: (i) communication strategies, (ii) the relationship between communication and consumer behavior, (iii) communication and health benefits, (iv) sustainability and corporate social responsibility (CSR), (v) sustainable business models, (vi) sustainability and process optimization, and (vii) sustainability and environmental impact. The results obtained allowed us to conclude that the strategies that companies can use to communicate sustainability are as follows: use new technologies (internet, social networks, websites, etc.), make value propositions based on consumer behaviors, disseminate clear and consistent information, and ensure broader work teams, among others. These results contribute to the advancement of scientific literature and to the definition and implementation of more efficient and effective public policies that facilitate communication between companies and consumers. Finally, this paper offers practical suggestions to formulate sustainable communication strategies.F017-F614-4A6B | Susana Isabel Almeida CamposN/