3,991 research outputs found

    The initial public offering of high-technology firms: female executive managers and innovation

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    This study addresses how gender diversity in management teams influences the success of the IPO of research-intensive firms, and how critical indicators of innovation capabilities for those types of firms can mediate the gender effect

    Responsabilidad social en el sistema universitario español: compromisos de las universidades

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    Aportación a congresoEste trabajo, es fruto de la investigación desarrollada dentro del Programa de Estudios y Análisis del Ministerio de Educación de España, en el proyecto EA 2011-0027, un grupo de diecisiete investigadores, abogados, economistas, ingenieros y psicólogos, analizó el papel de la Responsabilidad Social en el Sistema Universitario Español (BENAVIDES y col. 2013). Se presenta el marco referencial en el que se desenvuelven las universidades españolas en relación con la denominada Responsabilidad Social Universitaria. Las universidades, tanto públicas como privadas, realizan numerosas acciones que pertenecen a diferentes dimensiones de la responsabilidad social y están conformando unas instituciones que se comprometen con la salud, sostenibilidad y solidaridad, tres ejes a lo largo de los cuales las universidades españolas, cada vez, de una forma más intensa desarrollan su dimensión social y responden a las necesidades y expectativas de sus grupos de interés.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    El desempleo juvenil en España: un análisis estadístico y económico

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    Este trabajo trata sobre la evolución del desempleo juvenil, desde antes de la crisis hasta la actualidad. La población joven es un colectivo minoritario y uno de los más desprotegidos y afectados por la crisis. Los gobiernos, sobre todo en el caso de España, deberían encaminar políticas que incentiven el emprendimiento y la creación de empleo.Grado en Administración y Dirección de Empresa

    Relação entre peso do fígado, tamanho corporal e atividade reprodutiva em Atlantoraja cyclophora (Elasmobranchii: Rajidae: Arhynchobatinae) em águas oceânicas do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil

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    Samples of Atlantoraja cyclophora were obtained by bottom-trawling surveys on the outer continental shelf and upper slope of the Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil, at depths between 100 and 300 m. For a sample of 459 individuals, the total length, eviscerated weight and liver weight were recorded. Liver weight of the males varied between 2.4 and 36 g, and 2.4 and 65 for the females. Females had significantly heavier livers in all total length classes. For the males, the hepatosomatic index varied between 1.5 and 3.5 and for the females between 0.53 and 4.95. Mean hepatosomatic index was significantly higher in the females. Liver weight and total length according to the equations LW=0.00065*TL2.648 for males and LW=0.00309*TL2.171 for females. Key words: egg capsules, sexual dimorphism, yolk, reproductive stages.Amostras de Atlantoraja cyclophora foram obtidas através de cruzeiros de pesquisa com arrasto de fundo na plataforma continental externa e talude superior do estado do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil, em profundidades entre 100 e 300 m. Para 459 indivíduos foram registrados o comprimento total, o peso eviscerado e o peso do fígado. Este último variou nos machos de entre 2.4 a 36 g e nas fêmeas de entre 2.4 a 65 g. As fêmeas tiveram fígados significativamente mais pesados que o dos machos em todas as classes de comprimento total. Nos machos, o índice hepatossomático variou de entre 1.5 e 3.5 e nas fêmeas de entre 0.53 e 4.95. O peso do fígado aumentou com relação ao o peso total segundo a relação LW=0.00065*TL2.648 nos machos e LW=0.00309*TL2.171 nas fêmeas. Palavras-chave: cápsulas ovígeras, dimorfismo sexual, vitelo, estágios reprodutivos

    Muscular imbalance and their effect on the health of the tennis player: Assessments of explosive strength in the lower limbs by means of jumps.

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    This paper discusses the existence of asymmetry in tennis players lower limbs, if these asymmetries impact on determining capabilities as Explosive Strength and Elastic Explosive Strength, and if so, how they are affected by fatigue. This paper holds the hypothesis that there exist differences in the capabilities of useful strength in the lower limb muscles, and that these muscular differences or asymmetries are the source of injury for developing tennis players

    Generación de conocimiento tecnológico y políticas de innovación : dimensiones e interrelaciones

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    Existen diferencias significativas en la evolución de la competitividad y el progreso tecnológico en el contexto internacional. Ello se puede explicar en gran medida por la desigual estructura de los Sistemas Nacionales de Inno-vación de los países cuyo estudio constituye el principal objetivo del presente artículo. Para su consecución, proponemos y seguiremos un marco de análisis integrado por cuatro dimensiones básicas de los sistemas de innovación: ad-ministraciones públicas, interacción sistema público de I+D-industria/compor-tamiento empresarial, sistema de financiación y movilidad de personal/sistema de educación. Cada una de ellas representa elementos clave para explicar la intensidad de generación y flujo de conocimiento tecnológico entre los agen-tes implicados en los procesos de innovación, determinando la tasa y dirección del aprendizaje tecnológico. ____________________________________________There are prominent differences in the evolution of the competitiveness and technological progress in the international context. This is a consequence of a dissimilar structure of National Systems of Innovation, which analysis is the main aim of this paper. For this purpose, we propose and take into account an analysis framework that is built up by four dimensions: public administra-tions, interaction between public system of R&D and industry/entrepreneurial behavior, finance system and mobility of skill labor/education system. Each dimension represents a key factor to explain the intensity of the technologi-cal knowledge generation and flow between the agents involved in innovation processes, and the impact on the route of technological learning

    Online Teaching Readiness of the Faculty of Aurora State College of Technology, Baler, Aurora, Philippines

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    The online teaching readiness of the faculty of Aurora State College of Technology in Baler, Aurora, Philippines was surveyed from April to May 2020. A survey research design using a questionnaire was employed where quantitative data were obtained. The respondents were all ASCOT faculty except those who were on study leave. The sociodemographic profile of the respondents revealed that most of respondents were male (55.1%) from the age range of 20-29 (34.6%).  Mostly from the Department of Arts and Sciences (32.1%) living within Baler, Aurora (53.8%), and had 0-9 years of teaching experience (47.4%). Perceived readiness of faculty in online teaching revealed that faculty are ready but needs improvement for online teaching based on technological readiness (3.871) and cultural readiness (3. 788). Using ANOVA at 5% level of significance and Independent sample t-test, it was found out that faculty readiness in online teaching is significantly different when grouped according to their academic department, age group and sex. On the other hand, the result revealed that there is no significant difference among faculty when grouped according to place of residence and years of teaching. Post hoc comparisons using the Tukey HSD test showed that faculty from the Information Technology Department has higher level of readiness for online teaching with a mean score of 4.414 compared to 3.470 and 3.579 scores of Education Department and Agriculture and Aquatic Sciences, respectively

    Valuing research-intensive firms going public and gender diversity in management

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    This paper examine the influence of gender diversity in top management teams on the success of the IPO of research-based firms, and how critical indicators of innovation capabilities for those types of firms can mediate the gender effect. We conducted a longitudinal study of a sample of dedicated biotechnology firms that that completed an initial public offering (IPO) in the United States during 1983-2009. This study shows that female executive managers have a negative and significant effect on IPO success, although the effect of innovation capabilities attenuates and causes no significant influence of such type of demographic diversity in management teams.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Historias de aprendizaje: una herramienta para el desarrollo organizacional

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    El presente artículo parte de una reflexión acerca de la importancia del aprendizaje al interior de las organizaciones en función de su desarrollo organizacional. Presenta una reseñade la metodología de historias de aprendizaje desarrollada por los profesores Art Kleiner y George Roth, en el Center for Organizational Learning y el Reflection Learning Associates de MIT, como una herramienta de tipo administrativo, utilizada para promover el aprendizaje y el desarrollo organizacional