185 research outputs found

    Trajectory Reconstruction Techniques for Evaluation of ATC Systems

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    This paper is focused on trajectory reconstruction techniques for evaluating ATC systems, using real data of recorded opportunity traffic. We analyze different alternatives for this problem, from traditional interpolation approaches based on curve fitting to our proposed schemes based on modeling regular motion patterns with optimal smoothers. The extraction of trajectory features such as motion type (or mode of flight), maneuvers profile, geometric parameters, etc., allows a more accurate computation of the curve and the detailed evaluation of the data processors used in the ATC centre. Different alternatives will be compared with some performance results obtained with simulated and real data sets

    El camino de la no maternidad: La experiencia corporal de cinco mujeres colombianas que han decidido no ser madres

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    Hablar de no maternidad resulta complejo pues detrás de esta decisión están presentes estereotipos e ideas preconcebidas que asumen que las mujeres que optan por este modo de vida odian a la niñez, son egoístas e inmaduras. Desde la academia se han desarrollado diferentes conceptos para definir y entender la no maternidad, pero algunos se quedan en el discurso sobre porqué las mujeres optan por esta decisión. El objetivo de esta investigación es analizar cómo la no maternidad no responde solamente a discursos ni se da en un momento específico de la vida, sino que es un proceso que se construye conforme las mujeres atraviesan diferentes ciclos de vida. Muestra que esta decisión responde a las vivencias corporales y emocionales de las mujeres. Así las cosas, la investigación presenta que optar por la no maternidad genera fisuras en las formas en las prácticas e identidades que le son asignadas a las mujeres desde el sistema de género moderno y colonial. Asimismo, presenta cómo se entretejen las relaciones de quienes toman esta decisión con su entorno social (familia, amistades, instituciones

    Responsabilidad contractual de los socios mayoritarios frente a la expropiación a los socios minoritarios

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    This dissertation analyzes whether shareholders can be liable for their behavior towards minority shareholders. To this end, it analyzes both tunneling and the laws on the protection of minority shareholders. It studies the contract for the incorporation of a commercial company and the duty of good faith it imposes on all shareholders...En el presente trabajo de titulación se estudiará la aplicabilidad de la responsabilidad civil contractual como mecanismo para resarcir los daños y perjuicios ocasionados por los accionistas mayoritarios a los minoritarios. Para ello, se hace un estudio de las principales formas de expropiación societaria, así como de las características comunes del régimen de la responsabilidad civil..

    Interaction of antimicrobial peptides with bacterial cell envelopes

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    Antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) are small chains of amino acids with the ability to cause bacterial death. AMPs are usually amphiphilic but diverse in charge and structure. The mechanism or mechanisms that AMPs implement to kill bacteria are still under discussion. Studies in model membranes have widely demonstrated the capacity of AMPs to interact with and disrupt the bacterial cell membrane. There are however, good reasons to suspect that AMP interactions with nonmembrane components of bacteria are important. For instance, there is an enormous discrepancy between the peptide to lipid molar ratio (P:L) necessary to generate membrane disruption in model systems (~ 1:100), and the P:L necessary to stop bacterial growth, i.e. the minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) (~ 10- 100:1). One potential explanation for this discrepancy is that AMPs may interact with non-membrane components of the bacterial cell envelope. The peptidoglycan (PGN) layer is one of the primary non-membrane components of Gram-positive bacterial cell envelopes and is responsible for cell shape and stability. Currently, there is an open discussion about whether PGN can entrap AMPs and prevent them from reaching the cell membrane or, instead promote the accumulation of AMPs on the cell membrane. The primary experimental approach employed in this thesis was ²H NMR spectroscopy of intact bacteria with 2H-labeled membranes. Specifically, since the quadrupolar splittings obtained from the spectra are proportional to the order parameter of the lipid acyl chains, the spectra reflect the structure and dynamics of the membrane. In particular, ²H NMR spectroscopy allows us to characterize the disruption of lipid bilayers caused by AMPs. In this study, different methods to grow ²H-membrane-enriched bacteria were optimized to obtain ²H NMR spectra of E. coli LA8, E. coli JM109 and B. subtilis. Additionally, ²H NMR was used to observe the level of disruption of the cell membrane of B. subtilis caused by the presence of different AMPs, MSI-78 and BP100. Both MSI-78 and BP100 caused the same level of membrane disruption at similar concentrations. Separately, comparison of the ²H NMR spectra of B. subtilis with intact and compromised PGN layers showed no differences. The lack of change in the spectra of PGN-compromised and PGN intact bacteria indicates that there is no change in the dynamics or structure of the lipid bilayer even with a weakened PGN layer. Finally, the disruption caused by MSI-78 and BP100 was measured in B. subtilis with a compromised PGN layer. The results indicate that there is no change in the level of membrane disruption caused by MSI-78 and BP100 when the PGN layer is partially removed

    Exploración de la conducta pro social en adultos entre los 21 y 28 años con diagnóstico de retraso mental leve y moderado

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    "En el presente estudio se realiza una exploración de la conducta pro social en un grupo de adultos con retraso mental leve y moderado. Se revisan los conceptos generales acerca de la conducta pro social, empatia, altruismo, cooperación y retraso mental. Asimismo, se aplica una tarea réplica del experimento ""comparte"" cuyo objetivo principal radica en la identificación de conductas pro sociales, todo esto con el fin de aportar teóricamente al vació investigative existente acerca de dicho tema en discapacidad cognitiva y en especiTico en el retraso mental, La muestra está conformada por 9 adultos, 2 de sexo femenino y 7 de sexo masculino, de nacionalidad Colombiana, entre las edades de 21 -28 anos, con diagnósticos clínicos de retraso mental leve y moderado, que se encuentran esoolarizadas en procesos de formación para el trabajo, se aplico la tarea replica documentada en medio audiovisual, en donde se encontró que este tipo de población manifiesta conductas pro sociales.""This study presents a pro social behavior exploration in a group of adults with mild to moderate mental retardation. General concepts about the pro social behavior, empathy, altruism, cooperation and mental retardation are reviewed. In addition, a replica task of the experiment ""Sharing"" whose main objective is the identification of pro-social behaviors. All this, in order to contribute to research theoretical vacuum on the cognitive impairment topic and specifically in mental retardation. The sampling consisted of 9 adults, 2 female and 2 male, Colombian nationals, between the ages of 21 and 23 years, with mild and moderate clinical diagnoses of mental retardation, who are educated in the process of training for work. The replica task was applied and documented in audiovisual media where it was found that this population manifest prosocial behavior."Psicólogo (a)Pregrad

    Programa de educación para la salud dirigido a pacientes sanos con factores de riesgo cardiovascular

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    Introducción: las enfermedades cardiovasculares (ECV) han constituido la primera causa de muerte en España. Sufrir de una dependerá de los distintos factores de riesgo cardiovascular (FRCV) de cada individuo como: psicosociales, sedentarismo, nutrición, diabetes mellitus, hipertensión arterial, tabaquismo. Según la OMS con cambios adecuados en el estilo de vida se podría prevenir más de un 75% de la mortalidad. Una dieta saludable es aquella que nos hace mantenerse en el peso adecuado y baja en grasas. También es beneficioso para la salud la práctica regular de ejercicio físico. Una de las funciones de enfermería es la orientación del paciente ayudándole a modificar sus factores de riesgo cardiovasculares y corregirlos a unos hábitos de vida más saludables. Objetivos: conocer los factores de riesgo cardiovascular e identificar a la población con alimentación inadecuada y sedentarismo para poderlo modificar y prevenir futuras enfermedades cardiovasculares.Metodología: la búsqueda bibliográfica se ha realizado en diferentes buscadores y bases de datos sobre cuáles son los factores de riesgo cardiovascular que más influyen en las enfermedades cardiovasculares y cómo puede intervenir enfermería en su prevención. Conclusiones: Los hábitos de la población no son los recomendables por lo que es necesaria la educación para la salud a través de estos programas. Este en comparación con los existentes es más sencillo, más delimitado, y más extenso. Alguno de los aspectos a mejorar sería la participación de un equipo multidisciplinar. <br /

    Prehospital care for ovarian cancer in Catalonia: could we do better in primary care? Retrospective cohort study

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    Objective To assess the impact of prehospital factors (diagnostic pathways, first presentation to healthcare services, intervals, participation in primary care) on 1-year and 5-year survival in people with epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC). Design Retrospective quasi-population-based cohort study. Setting Catalan Integrated Public Healthcare System. Participants People with EOC who underwent surgery with a curative intent in public Catalan hospitals between 1 January 2013 and 31 December 2014. Outcome measures Data from primary and secondary care clinical histories and care processes in the 18 months leading up to confirmation (signs and symptoms at presentation, diagnosis pathways, referrals, diagnosis interval) of the EOC diagnosis (stage, histology type, treatment). Diagnostic process intervals were based on the Aarhus statement. 1-year and 5-year survival analysis was undertaken. Results Of the 513 patients included in the cohort, 67.2% initially consulted their family physician, while 36.4% were diagnosed through emergency services. In the Cox models, survival was influenced by advanced stage at 1 year (HR 3.84, 95% CI 1.23 to 12.02) and 5 years (HR 5.36, 95% CI 3.07 to 9.36), as was the type of treatment received, although this association was attenuated over follow-up. Age became significant at 5 years of follow-up. After adjusting for age, adjusted morbidity groups, stage at diagnosis and treatment, 5-year survival was better in patients presenting with gynaecological bleeding (HR 0.35, 95% CI 0.16 to 0.79). Survival was not associated with a starting point involving primary care (HR 1.39, 95% CI 0.93 to 2.09), diagnostic pathways involving referral to elective gynaecological care from non-general practitioners (HR 0.80, 95% CI 0.51 to 1.26), or self-presentation to emergency services (HR 0.82, 95% CI 0.52 to 1.31). Conclusions Survival in EOC is not associated with diagnostic pathways or prehospital healthcare, but it is influenced by stage at diagnosis, administration of primary cytoreduction plus chemotherapy and patient age

    Med-arb, arb-med y arb-med-arb a la luz de la legislación Ecuatoriana

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    Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) mechanisms arise in response to society’s need to find means other than litigation for the resolution of their disputes. To harmonize the advantages of mediation and arbitration, some legal cultures have developed med-arb, arb-med and arb-med-arb. This article seeks to analyze the possible implementation of these mechanisms in Ecuador. For this purpose, the present article studies, in the first place, the figures of mediation and arbitration in the Ecuadorian legislation. In the second place, through a comparative analysis, it identifies the legislations that have contemplated such alternative mechanisms. Finally, the article determines the possibility of implementing these methods in Ecuador. After making these precisions, it will be possible to conclude that the principle of freedom of choice, contemplated in the LAM, is not always guaranteed when it comes to ADR.Los mecanismos alternativos de solución de disputas (en adelante, MASC) surgen como respuesta a la necesidad de la sociedad por encontrar una vía alternativa a la justicia ordinaria para la resolución de sus controversias. En este sentido, con el fin de emplear las ventajas de la mediación y del arbitraje, algunas culturas jurídicas han desarrollado las figuras del med-arb, el arb-med y el arb-med-arb. El presente artículo busca analizar la posible implementación de estos mecanismos en Ecuador. Para tal fin, en primer lugar, se analizarán las figuras de la mediación y el arbitraje en la legislación ecuatoriana. En segundo lugar, a través de un análisis comparado, se identificarán las legislaciones que han contemplado dichos mecanismos alternativos. Finalmente, se determinará la posibilidad de utilizar estos métodos en el sistema procesal del Ecuador. Luego de realizar dichas precisiones, será posible concluir que la autonomía de la voluntad, principio rector de la Ley de Arbitraje y Mediación (en adelante, LAM), no siempre se garantiza cuando se trata de MASC

    Bias Estimation for Evaluation of ATC surveillance systems

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    This paper describes an off-line bias estimation and correction system for air traffic control related sensors, used in a newly developed Eurocontrol tool for the assessment of ATC surveillance systems. Current bias estimation algorithms are mainly focused in radar sensors, but the installation of new sensors (especially automatic dependent surveillance-broadcast and wide area multilateration) demands the extension of those procedures. In this paper bias estimation architecture is designed, based on error models for all those sensors. The error models described rely on the physics of the measurement process. The results of these bias estimation methods will be exemplified with simulated data
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