128 research outputs found

    Contexto demográfico, desigualdad social e inequidad en salud de la niñez en méxico

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    Objetivos Caracterizar demográficamente el presente y futuro de la población infantil en México; relacionar condiciones demográficas y equidad social en la niñez y delinear los desafíos que éstas representan para la población infantil mexicana en los próximos años. Métodos A partir de las proyecciones de población existentes se analizó el escenario presente y futuro de la población infantil en México. Se calcularon tasas de mortalidad por causas evitables en la infancia, por estados, por estados agrupados en cuartiles según nivel de marginación y por municipios agrupados según grado de marginación. Para medir la inequidad, se utilizó el coeficiente de Gini Resultados Aunque disminuirá a futuro, el número absoluto de niños en México seguirá siendo elevado hacia 2025; el mayor número de niños reside en los estados con mayor marginación social. Existe un claro exceso de mortalidad evitable en dichos estados en relación con los de menor marginación. El Coeficiente de Gini alcanza su valor más alto en la tasa de mortalidad por infecciones respiratorias agudas (0,34). El exceso de mortalidad evitable es evidente en los municipios de alta y muy alta marginación. Conclusiones Coexisten en México demandas relacionadas con el envejecimiento demográfico, pero también con el notable peso que mantendrá en los próximos años la población infantil; es notoria la inequidad en salud en la niñez, asociada a los altos niveles de marginación social; para modificar esta situación se necesitan profundos cambios estructurales que permitan reducir las desventajas injustas a las que están expuestos importantes núcleos poblacionales del país


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    RESEÑA 1 de : Goudineau, Christian; Guilaine, Jean. De Lascaux au Grand Louvre. Archéologie et histoire en Franca. Prefacio de Frangois Mitterrand. París : Editions Errance, 1989. RESEÑA 2 de : Guilaine, Jean. La Préhistoire d'un continent á l'autre. París : Editorial Larousse, 1986. RESEÑA 3 de : Ripoll López, Segio. La Cueva de Ambrosio (Almería, Spain) y su posición cronoestratigrafica en el Mediterráneo Occidental. «British Archaeological Reports», Serie Intenracional, n.° 462, 2 vols., Oxford, 1988. RESEÑA 4 de : Bonsall, C. The Mesolithicin Europe. Papers presented at the Third International Symposium. Edinburgh, 1985. RESEÑa 5 de : Fernández Castro, María Cruz. La Edad de los Metales. Historia del Arte n.° 4, Historia 16. Madrid, 1989. RESEÑA 6 de : López-Cuevillas, Florentino. La civilización céltica de Galicia. Parte preliminar por José M. Gómez Tabanera y Antonio Beltrán Martínez. Madrid : Ediciones Istmo, 1988. RESEÑA 7 de : López Monteagudo, Guadalupe. Esculturas zoomorfas celtas de la Península Ibérica. Anejos de Archivo Español de Arqueología, X. Madrid : CSIC, 1989. RESEÑA 8 de : Sordi, Marta. Los Cristianos y el Imperio romano. Madrid : Ed. Encuentro, 1988. RESEÑA 9 de : Fuentes Domínguez, Ángel. La necrópolis tardorromana de Albalate de las Nogueras (Cuenca) y el problema de las denominadas «necrópolis del Duero». Cuenca : Diputación Provincial de Cuenca, 1989

    New chemotherapy regimens and biomarkers for Chagas disease: The rationale and design of the TESEO study, an open-label, randomised, prospective, phase-2 clinical trial in the Plurinational State of Bolivia.

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    Introduction Chagas disease (CD) affects ∼7 million people worldwide. Benznidazole (BZN) and nifurtimox (NFX) are the only approved drugs for CD chemotherapy. Although both drugs are highly effective in acute and paediatric infections, their efficacy in adults with chronic CD (CCD) is lower and variable. Moreover, the high incidence of adverse events (AEs) with both drugs has hampered their widespread use. Trials in CCD adults showed that quantitative PCR (qPCR) assays remain negative for 12 months after standard-of-care (SoC) BZN treatment in ∼80% patients. BZN pharmacokinetic data and the nonsynchronous nature of the proliferative mammal-dwelling parasite stage suggested that a lower BZN/NFX dosing frequency, combined with standard or extended treatment duration, might have the same or better efficacy than either drug SoC, with fewer AEs. Methods and analysis New ThErapies and Biomarkers for ChagaS infEctiOn (TESEO) is an open-label, randomised, prospective, phase-2 clinical trial, with six treatment arms (75 patients/arm, 450 patients). Primary objectives are to compare the safety and efficacy of two new proposed chemotherapy regimens of BZN and NFX in adults with CCD with the current SoC for BZN and NFX, evaluated by qPCR and biomarkers for 36 months posttreatment and correlated with CD conventional serology. Recruitment of patients was initiated on 18 December 2019 and on 20 May 2021, 450 patients (study goal) were randomised among the six treatment arms. The treatment phase was finalised on 18 August 2021. Secondary objectives include evaluation of population pharmacokinetics of both drugs in all treatment arms, the incidence of AEs, and parasite genotyping. Ethics and dissemination The TESEO study was approved by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), federal regulatory agency of the Plurinational State of Bolivia and the Ethics Committees of the participating institutions. The results will be disseminated via publications in peer-reviewed journals, conferences and reports to the NIH, FDA and participating institutions. Trial registration number NCT03981523.We are very grateful to Marcelo Abril, Fundación Mundo Sano, Buenos Aires, Argentina, and Dr. Sergio Sosa-Estani, DNDi, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, for their continuous support during the elaboration and implementation of this trial; Dr. Martin Springsklee (Medical Affairs Anti-Infectives), Dr. Ulrich-Dietmar Madeja (Head, Neglected Tropical Disease Programmes), and Dr. Maria-Luisa Rodriguez (Global Project Leader) at Bayer AG, Berlin, Germany, and this company for the kind donation of the nifurtimox to be used in this study; Dr. Pedro Albajar Viñas, WHO, for the support to the study through the kind advancement of nifurtimox from the WHO stockpile; Ernesto Palma (Business Development and External Markets Manager) and Luis Ferrero (former ELEA’s Especial Business Manager), at Laboratorio ELEA Phoenix S.A., Buenos Aires, Argentina, and this company for the generous donation of the benznidazole to be used in the TESEO study. We also thank Dr. Soyoung Jeon (currently at the New Mexico State University) and Dr. Xiaogang Su, Dept. of Mathematical Sciences, Border Biomedical Research Center (BBRC), University of Texas at El Paso, for the statistical analyses performed during the TESEO project evaluation by NIH. We are very thankful to all the medical, supporting (nurses, social workers, and laboratory staff) and administrative personnel of the three Chagas Platforms in Bolivia for their technical assistance and dedication in the recruitment, treatment, and follow-up of the CCD patients in this study. We would also like to thank all the staff (postdoctoral fellows, technicians, and administrative personnel) and graduate and undergraduate students of the participating institutions involved in this clinical trial and part of the TESEO Study Group

    Exploring the Role of Mutations in Fanconi Anemia Genes in Hereditary Cancer Patients

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    Fanconi anemia (FA) is caused by biallelic mutations in FA genes. Monoallelic mutations in five of these genes (BRCA1, BRCA2, PALB2, BRIP1 and RAD51C) increase the susceptibility to breast/ovarian cancer and are used in clinical diagnostics as bona-fide hereditary cancer genes. Increasing evidence suggests that monoallelic mutations in other FA genes could predispose to tumor development, especially breast cancer. The objective of this study is to assess the mutational spectrum of 14 additional FA genes (FANCA, FANCB, FANCC, FANCD2, FANCE, FANCF, FANCG, FANCI, FANCL, FANCM, FANCP, FANCQ, FANCR and FANCU) in a cohort of hereditary cancer patients, to compare with local cancer-free controls as well as GnomAD. A total of 1021 hereditary cancer patients and 194 controls were analyzed using our next generation custom sequencing panel. We identified 35 pathogenic variants in eight genes. A significant association with the risk of breast cancer/breast and ovarian cancer was found for carriers of FANCA mutations (odds ratio (OR) = 3.14 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.4-6.17, p = 0.003). Two patients with early-onset cancer showed a pathogenic FA variant in addition to another germline mutation, suggesting a modifier role for FA variants. Our results encourage a comprehensive analysis of FA genes in larger studies to better assess their role in cancer risk

    Fine mapping and conditional analysis identify a new mutation in the autoimmunity susceptibility gene BLK that leads to reduced half-life of the BLK protein

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    OBJECTIVES: To perform fine mapping of the autoimmunity susceptibility gene BLK and identify functional variants involved in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). METHODS: Genotyping of 1163 European SLE patients and 1482 controls and imputation were performed covering the BLK gene with 158 single-nucleotide polymorphisms. Logistic regression analysis was done using PLINK and conditional analyses using GENABEL's test score. Transfections of BLK constructs on HEK293 cells containing the novel mutation or the wild type form were analysed for their effect on protein half-life using a protein stability assay, cycloheximide and western blot. CHiP-qPCR for detection of nuclear factor κ B (NFkB) binding. RESULTS: Fine mapping of BLK identified two independent genetic effects with functional consequences: one represented by two tightly linked associated haplotype blocks significantly enriched for NFκB-binding sites and numerous putative regulatory variants whose risk alleles correlated with low BLK mRNA levels. Binding of NFkBp50 and p65 to an associated 1.2 Kb haplotype segment was confirmed. A second independent genetic effect was represented by an Ala71Thr, low-frequency missense substitution with an OR=2.31 (95% CI 1.38 to 3.86). The 71Thr decreased BLK protein half-life. CONCLUSIONS: These results show that rare and common regulatory variants in BLK are involved in disease susceptibility and both, albeit independently, lead to reduced levels of BLK protein

    Priorities in Cardio-Oncology Basic and Translational Science

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    Despite improvements in cancer survival, cancer therapy–related cardiovascular toxicity has risen to become a prominent clinical challenge. This has led to the growth of the burgeoning field of cardio-oncology, which aims to advance the cardiovascular health of cancer patients and survivors, through actionable and translatable science. In these Global Cardio-Oncology Symposium 2023 scientific symposium proceedings, we present a focused review on the mechanisms that contribute to common cardiovascular toxicities discussed at this meeting, the ongoing international collaborative efforts to improve patient outcomes, and the bidirectional challenges of translating basic research to clinical care. We acknowledge that there are many additional therapies that are of significance but were not topics of discussion at this symposium. We hope that through this symposium-based review we can highlight the knowledge gaps and clinical priorities to inform the design of future studies that aim to prevent and mitigate cardiovascular disease in cancer patients and survivors.</p

    APICAMPUS, a project on Urban beekeeping developed at the University of Malaga

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    Urban beekeeping has ourished in the last years, with many institutions interested in creating colonies on their roofs. Bees and other animal pollinators contribute to increase food production, making bees essential for agriculture and plant life, in general. And, as bee populations decline, the need for secondary sources of pollinators for agricultural production grows. The Vice-rectorate of Smart-Campus of the University of Malaga focuses on two fundamen tal aspects: understanding the UMA campus as a Smart City in itself and marking new lines of action at the academic level that will make the UMA an international benchmark in Sustainability. Framed in the program above mentioned, APICAMPUS is a pilot and interdisciplinary project that involves researchers and students belonging to 4 departments of 2 university faculties together with Bee Garden Malaga, a multi-disciplinary environmental company with thematic areas on beekeeping. The project aims to promote the development of beekeeping in urban environments, raising awareness about the importance of the bees as pollinating insects, as well as the use of the beehive products. For the above mentioned, two beehives Langstroth type, were installed at the roof of the Faculty of Science, a traditional wooden one, and another made of polystyrene. The main interest of this project lies in the monitoring of the hives by means of temperature and humidity sensors, electronic scales for weight control, video cameras located inside and outside of them, together with the use of bee-marking systems. Additionally, analysis for characterizing and study the origin and the properties of the beehive products will be carried out, as well as field monitoring to highlight the situation of pollinators at the University Campus of Teatinos. Although the samplings have barely begun, this communication intends to be the offcial presentation of the project APICAMPUS to the scientific community.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Salud de los trabajadores

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    Actividad f&iacute;sica y su relaci&oacute;n con los factores de riesgo cardiovascular de carteros chilenosAn&aacute;lisis de resultados: riesgos psicosociales en el trabajo Suceso-Istas 21 en Cesfam Quell&oacute;nAusentismo laboral por enfermedades oftalmol&oacute;gicas, Chile 2009Brote de diarreas por norovirus, posterremoto-tsunami, Constituci&oacute;n, Regi&oacute;n del MauleCalidad de vida en profesionales de la salud p&uacute;blica chilenaCaracterizaci&oacute;n del reposo laboral en personal del SSMN durante el primer semestre de 2010Concentraci&oacute;n de nicotina en pelo en trabajadores no fumadores expuestos a humo de tabaco ambientalCondiciones de trabajo y bienestar/malestar docente en profesores de ense&ntilde;anza media de SantiagoDisfunci&oacute;n auditiva inducida por exposici&oacute;n a xilenoErgonom&iacute;a aplicada al estudio del s&iacute;ndrome de dolor lumbar en el trabajoEstimaci&oacute;n de la frecuencia de factores de riesgo cardiovascular en trabajadores de una empresa mineraExposici&oacute;n a plaguicidas inhibidores de la acetilcolinesterasa en Colombia, 2006-2009Factores de riesgo y da&ntilde;os de salud en conductores de una empresa peruana de transporte terrestre, 2009Las consecuencias de la cultura en salud y seguridad ocupacional en una empresa mineraPercepci&oacute;n de cambios en la pr&aacute;ctica m&eacute;dica y estrategias de afrontamientoPercepci&oacute;n de la calidad de vida en la Universidad del Biob&iacute;oPesos m&aacute;ximos aceptables para tareas de levantamiento manual de carga en poblaci&oacute;n laboral femeninaRiesgo coronario en trabajadores mineros seg&uacute;n la funci&oacute;n de Framingham adaptada para la poblaci&oacute;n chilenaTrastornos emocionales y riesgo cardiovascular en trabajadores de la salu

    Servicios ecosistémicos de la cuenca alta del río Fucha

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    112 páginasEl presente estudio, desarrollado por un grupo de estudiantes del Colegio Técnico José Félix Restrepo IED, busca reinterpretar los servicios ecosistémicos de las coberturas vegetales de la cuenca alta del río Fucha, entre las carreras sexta y sexta Este. Este fue el tema principal de la investigación. Contiene información de los recursos naturales que nos ofrecen y que nos benefician no solo a los seres humanos, sino a toda a la biodiversidad que se encuentra sobre la cuenca del río. Entre los servicios se encuentran, por ejemplo, el agua potable limpia y los procesos de descomposición de desechos. Estos se pueden dividir en cuatro categorías amplias como aprovisionamientos (es decir la producción de agua y de alimentos), regulación (el control del clima y de las enfermedades), polinización de cultivos de aves e insectos y, finalmente, la cultural, de la que nos beneficiamos los estudiantes, vecinos y demás personas que hacemos uso de los servicios ecosistémicos que nos ofrece la cuenca. Con esta investigación se busca, por otra parte, conocer un poco más de los grandes beneficios que podemos recibir de la naturaleza y que hacen que la vida humana sea posible

    Sexual Relationships in Hispanic Countries: a Literature Review

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    This is a pre-print of an article published in Current Sexual Health Reports. The final authenticated version is available online at: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11930-020-00272-6Purpose of Review: Sexuality is a complex dimension for which culture seems to play an important role, particularly in countries that are more traditional. This review summarizes the knowledge about sexual relationships in Hispanic countries, considering sexual debut, attitudes, behaviors, and satisfaction. Recent Findings: In line with the literature reviewed, the sexual double standard seems to be continuing to influence sexual relationships. Some countries show more open expressions of sexuality based on the level of gender inequality or sexualized context, and within countries, variables such as religious commitment, family characteristics, and access to resources may play important roles in sexuality. Summary: Future research, policies, and interventions should consider these specific characteristics, including these forms of expression of sexuality, in the adjustment of cross-cultural and cross-national strategies