2,622 research outputs found

    Sedimentation dynamics of triply-twisted M\"obius bands: Geometry versus topology

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    Chiral objects have intrigued scientists across several disciplines, including mathematics, crystallography, chemistry, and biology. A M\"obius band, an emblematic chiral structure, can be made by connecting the ends of a strip after applying an odd number of twists. Traditionally, the direction of the twist governs its rotational behaviour during sedimentation in a fluid. Here, we present experimental and computational investigations of triply-twisted M\"obius bands boasting threefold rotational symmetry that challenge this prevailing understanding. We explore three types of bands with different curvatures, each defined by its construction method. Experimental observations reveal that all three types of bands align axially and exhibit rotational motion during sedimentation. Surprisingly, for only one type of band the spinning direction (chiral hydrodynamic response) departs from expectations; it is not solely determined by the twist direction but changes with the aspect ratio of the band. Numerical simulations corroborate this observation, and an in-depth analysis of the resistance tensors of each type of band sheds light on the possible causes of this transition. We propose that modifications in fluid-induced drag, combined with inertial effects, underpin this phenomenon. Our study challenges existing knowledge of chiral object hydrodynamics, enriching our understanding of complex fluid dynamics. Moreover, it offers transformative potential across diverse fields, promising advancements in mixing, separation processes, and innovative passive swimmers

    Antenna Calibration and Measurement Equipment

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    A document describes the Antenna Calibration & Measurement Equipment (ACME) system that will provide the Deep Space Network (DSN) with instrumentation enabling a trained RF engineer at each complex to perform antenna calibration measurements and to generate antenna calibration data. This data includes continuous-scan auto-bore-based data acquisition with all-sky data gathering in support of 4th order pointing model generation requirements. Other data includes antenna subreflector focus, system noise temperature and tipping curves, antenna efficiency, reports system linearity, and instrument calibration. The ACME system design is based on the on-the-fly (OTF) mapping technique and architecture. ACME has contributed to the improved RF performance of the DSN by approximately a factor of two. It improved the pointing performances of the DSN antennas and productivity of its personnel and calibration engineers

    Composición en una Sociedad de Músicos

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    78 páginas. Maestría en Optimización.En este trabajo, se presenta una nueva metaheurística denominada “Composición en una Sociedad de Músicos" (CSM); la cual basa sus ideas sociológicas sobre el comportamiento colaborativo en el Método de Composición Musical (MMC); CSM incluye además dos nuevos comportamientos sociales: aislamiento y abuso. Por otro lado se incluye el paradigma de reactividad (resultado del aprendizaje, autoadaptación y toma de decisiones) en las metaheurísticas. Con base en los resultados numéricos obtenidos, se puede decir que la CSM ha demostrado tener una buena capacidad de resolver instancias del problema de optimización global continua sin restricciones en comparación con otras técnicas del estado del arte.Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (México)

    Stability of magnetic rings

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    Linear stability of magnetic rings consisting of permanently magnetized particles p of the same magnetization is studied. Employing Lagrange\u27s approach and multipole moments, we determine the stability criterion in closed form. We then apply this criterion to characterize the stability for two scenarios in which the ring is i) compressed by dipolar loading due to a central point dipole and ii) compressed by mechanical loading. In contrast to previous works which show break up of magnetic rings under homogenous external magnetic field when instability occurs, we find that the ring does not break up when instability arises in both situations considered. However, the loading scenario decides instability modes via which the magnetic ring first loses its stability. For the first scenario, the ring deforms into planar but noncircular shapes via in-plane instability modes, regardless of ring sizes. For the other scenario, the ring deforms into planar but noncircular or nonplanar shapes via in-plane or out-of-plane instability modes for, respectively, small ring sizes or sufficiently large ring sizes. Finally, a simple experiment for the case of dipolar loading is proceeded and experimental results show good agreement with theoretical predictions

    Preliminary report on the July 10–11, 2015 explosive eruption at Volcán de Colima: Pyroclastic density currents with exceptional runouts and volume

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    http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2015.11.022Reporte preliminar acerca de una de las últimas etapas eruptivas de Volcán de Colima, análisis realizado a partir de técnicas de percepción remotaOn July 10–11, 2015 an eruption occurred at Colima volcano produced 10.5 km long pyroclastic density currents (PDCs) along the Montegrande, and 6.5 km long along the San Antonio ravines. The summit dome was destroyed and a new crater excavated and breached to the south. This new breach connects to a narrow channel that descends along Colima's southern flank and was used by a subsequent lava flow. The Montegrande PDCs represent the longest and hottest flow of this type recorded during the past 30 years but are still smaller in comparison to the 15-km long PDCs produced during the 1913 Plinian eruption. Data obtained from field reconnaissance, lahar monitoring stations, and satellite imagery suggest that at least six PDCs occurred. The two largest PDCs (H/L 0.2) were able to surmount topographic barriers or bends. Based on field reconnaissance and digital elevation models extracted from SPOT satellite imageries we estimate a minimum volume for the valley-pond and distal fan deposits of 4.5 × 106 m3. After one week, the deposits were still hot with burning trees on the surface and millimeter-sized holes from which fumes were emanating. The juvenile components of the deposits consist of gray dense blocks and vesicular dark-gray blocks and bombs with bread-crust textures and cooling joints. The mineral association of these rocks consists of plagioclase + clinopyroxene + orthopyroxene + FeTi-oxides ± olivine and resorbed hornblende in a dark glassy matrix that corresponds to an andesitic composition.CONACY

    Sistema de Informacion que Utiliza Datos del Proceso de Fabricacion de un Controlador Logico Programable

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    En la actualidad, las empresas requieren de la obtención de datos precisos, análisis que apoye en la toma de decisiones y en la mejora continua; estos procesos han llegado a formar parte de la visión de negocios de la gerencia empresarial sobre la cual están orientados los objetivos de negocios para poder ser y permanecer competitivos. Las empresas de manufactura tienen la necesidad de obtener y analizar datos relacionados a los procesos de producción para determinar el nivel de eficiencia de estos y en base a la información obtenida tomar decisiones que ayuden a la empresa a mejorar o corregir situaciones que puedan ser de carácter humano, operativo, procedural o de equipo. En este proyecto de desarrollo de software se ha diseñado e implementado un sistema de información, con el método de cascada, para una empresa de manufactura localizada en la frontera norte de México con Estados Unidos en el sector del cuidado de la salud; el sistema utiliza datos desde un controlador lógico programable, en el cual se obtienen datos para su monitoreo como: alarmas de la máquina, conteo de eventos, duración de cada alarma y velocidad de producción. Dando como resultado información de los códigos de producción, turno, día y hora; además de medir de forma precisa la eficiencia de la máquina, así como la detección de tendencias y la creación de alertas oportunas hacia personas técnicas para la solución de problemas. El sistema consta de un análisis de velocidad y carga de trabajo del procesador del PLC, desarrollo de la conexión entre el procesador y el sistema, preparación del sistema para el traspaso de información, programación de la base de datos en Access y el diseño de la interfaz gráfica en Visual Basic. Net. Entre los logros más importantes obtenidos de la implementación del sistema de información se encuentran: Disponibilidad de la información en tiempo real y obtención de datos históricos de las variables de producción del equipo, mejoramiento de las tareas de supervisión y control de procesos, así como el envío de alertas a usuarios específicos para reacción adecuada a eventos de fallas.   Currently, companies require obtaining accurate data, analysis that supports decision-making and continuous improvement; these processes have become part of the business management vision on which business objectives are oriented to be and remain competitive. Manufacturing companies have the need to obtain and analyze data related to production processes to determine their level of efficiency and based on the information obtained, make decisions that help the company improve or correct situations that may be of human, operational, procedural or equipment. In this software development project, with the cascade method, an information system has been designed and implemented, for a manufacturing company located on the northern border of Mexico with the United States in the health care sector; the system uses data from a programmable logic controller, in which data such as: machine alarms, event count, duration of each alarm, and production speed were obtained for monitoring. Resulting in information on the production codes, shift, day and hour; in addition to accurately measuring the efficiency of the machine, as well as the detection of trends and the creation of timely alerts to technical personnel for troubleshooting. The system consists of an analysis of the speed and workload of the PLC processor, development of the connection between the processor and the system, preparation of the system for the transfer of information, programming of the database and the design of a graphical interface in Visual Basic.Net . Among the most important achievements obtained from the implementation of the information system are: Availability of information in real time and obtaining historical data from production variables, improvement of supervision tasks and process control, as well such as sending alerts to specific users for adequate reaction to failure events

    Infrastructures and Health System Rebuilding after Hurricane Maria

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    Bridget Bojic ’20 Major: Health Policy and Management Lizbeth Santos Cortes ’20 Major: Health Policy and Management Jailene Amari Vazquez ’22 Major: Health Policy and Management and Global Studies Morgan Weiner ’21 Major: Health Policy and Management Faculty Mentor: Dr. Jessica Mulligan, Health Policy & Management Healthcare providers in Puerto Rico creatively improvised emergency solutions to continue delivering care while recovering from Hurricane Maria. In semi-structured interviews, health care providers described the destruction of infrastructure caused by the storm, the slow governmental response, and solutions they implemented to continue working efficiently. Providers described instances of community outreach, networking to obtain supplies, and alternative means of communication which we term ‘emergency infrastructures’ (Ficek 2018). This paper recognizes that the dedication or compromiso of health care workers is critical to the resilience of the healthcare system and hurricane preparedness