146 research outputs found

    Dry supplementary feeding programmes: an effective short-term strategy in food crisis situations.

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    Malnutrition is frequently a predominant problem in disasters, and supplementary feeding programmes (SFPs) are often set up in food emergencies. This review analyses the effectiveness of such programmes in crisis situations in Liberia, Burundi and Goma (Congo), concluding that it is feasible to enrol large numbers of children in SFPs and achieve proportions of recovery above 75% if these programmes are implemented as a short-term measure in emergency situations. However, satisfactory SFP results do not necessarily indicate improved nutritional status of the whole population

    The ambiguous utility of psychometrics for the interpretative foundation of socially relevant avatars

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    Accepted for publication in Theory & PsychologyInternational audienceThe persisting debates that measurement in psychology elicits can be explained by the conflict between two aspiration types. One, the epistemologic aspiration, resting on the search for scientific truth, and two, the social aspiration, resting on the demonstration of a capacity to contribute to psychological assessment problems in particular. Psychometrics answer essentially to psychology's demand for social utility, leading to the quasi-exclusive attribution of importance to quantitative interpretation. For psychology to be considered an empirical science, it has to establish its capacity for the measurement of psychological phenomena, even if this means that it recognizes that these phenomena are essentially qualitative

    Alpine freshwater fish biodiversity assessment: an inter-calibration test for metabarcoding method set up

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    The analysis of environmental DNA (eDNA) by high throughput sequencing (HTS) is proving to be a promising tool for freshwater fish biodiversity assessment in Europe within the Water Framework Directive (WFD, 2000/60/EC), especially for large rivers and lakes where current fish monitoring techniques have known shortcomings. These new biomonitoring methods based on eDNA show several advantages compared to classical morphological methods. The sampling procedures are easier and cheaper and eDNA metabarcoding is non-invasive and very sensitive, allowing for the detection of traces of DNA. However, eDNA metabarcoding methods need careful standardization to make the results of different surveys comparable. The aim of the EU project Eco-AlpsWater is to test and validate molecular biodiversity monitoring tools for aquatic ecosystems (i.e., eDNA metabarcoding) to improve the traditional WFD monitoring approaches in Alpine waterbodies. To this end, an inter-calibration test was performed using fish mock community samples containing either tissue-extracted DNA, eDNA collected from aquaculture tanks and eDNA samples collected from Lake Bourget (France). Samples were analysed using a DNA metabarcoding approach, relying on the amplification and HTS of a 12S rDNA marker, in two separate laboratories, to evaluate if different laboratory and bioinformatic protocols can provide a reliable and comparable description of the fish communities in both mock and natural samples. Our results highlight good replicability of the molecular laboratory protocols for HTS and good amplification success of selected primers, providing essential information concerning the taxonomic resolution of the 12S mitochondrial marker in describing the Alpine fish communities. Interestingly, different concentrations of species DNA in the mock samples were well represented by the relative DNA reads abundance. These tests confirm the reproducibility of eDNA metabarcoding analyses for the biomonitoring of freshwater fish inhabiting Alpine and peri-Alpine lakes and river

    Modification of macroporous titanium tracheal implants with biodegradable structures: tracking in vivo integration for determination of optimal in situ epithelialization conditions.

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    Previously, we showed that macroporous titanium implants, colonized in vivo together with an epithelial graft, are viable options for tracheal replacement in sheep. To decrease the number of operating steps, biomaterial-based replacements for epithelial graft and intramuscular implantation were developed in the present study. Hybrid microporous PLLA/titanium tracheal implants were designed to decrease initial stenosis and provide a surface for epithelialization. They have been implanted in New Zealand white rabbits as tracheal substitutes and compared to intramuscular implantation samples. Moreover, a basement membrane like coating of the implant surface was also designed by Layer-by-Layer (LbL) method with collagen and alginate. The results showed that the commencement of stenosis can be prevented by the microporous PLLA. For determination of the optimum time point of epithelialization after implantation, HPLC analysis of blood samples, C-reactive protein (CRP), and Chromogranin A (CGA) analyses and histology were carried out. Following 3 weeks the implant would be ready for epithelialization with respect to the amount of tissue integration. Calcein-AM labeled epithelial cell seeding showed that after 3 weeks implant surfaces were suitable for their attachment. CRP readings were steady after an initial rise in the first week. Cross-linked collagen/alginate structures show nanofibrillarity and they form uniform films over the implant surfaces without damaging the microporosity of the PLLA body. Human respiratory epithelial cells proliferated and migrated on these surfaces which provided a better alternative to PLLA film surface. In conclusion, collagen/alginate LbL coated hybrid PLLA/titanium implants are viable options for tracheal replacement, together with in situ epithelialization.journal articleresearch support, non-u.s. gov't2012 Aug2012 03 02importe

    Microbial ligand costimulation drives neutrophilic steroid-refractory asthma

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    Funding: The authors thank the Wellcome Trust (102705) and the Universities of Aberdeen and Cape Town for funding. This research was also supported, in part, by National Institutes of Health GM53522 and GM083016 to DLW. KF and BNL are funded by the Fonds Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek, BNL is the recipient of an European Research Commission consolidator grant and participates in the European Union FP7 programs EUBIOPRED and MedALL. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Dimensionality and measurement invariance in the Satisfaction with Life Scale in Norway

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    Purpose Results from previous studies examining the dimensionality and factorial invariance of the Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS) are inconsistent and often based on small samples. This study examines the factorial structure and factorial invariance of the SWLS in a Norwegian sample. Methods Confirmatory factor analysis (AMOS) was conducted to explore dimensionality and test for measurement invariance in factor structure, factor loadings, intercepts, and residual variance across gender and four age groups in a large (N = 4,984), nationally representative sample of Norwegian men and women (15–79 years). Results The data supported a modified unidimensional structure. Factor loadings could be constrained to equality between the sexes, indicating metric invariance between genders. Further testing indicated invariance also at the strong and strict levels, thus allowing analyses involving group means. The SWLS was shown to be sensitive to age, however, at the strong and strict levels of invariance testing. Conclusion In conclusion, the results in this Norwegian study seem to confirm that a unidimensional structure is acceptable, but that a modified single-factor model with correlations between error terms of items 4 and 5 is preferred. Additionally, comparisons may be made between the genders. Caution must be exerted when comparing age groups

    Molecular dynamics simulation of the early stages of the synthesis of periodic mesoporous silica

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    We present results of detailed atomistic modeling of the early stages of the synthesis of periodic mesoporous silica using molecular dynamics. Our simulations lead to the proposal of a mechanism that validates several previous experimental and modeling studies and answers many controversial issues regarding the synthesis of mesoporous silicas. In particular, we show that anionic silicates interact very strongly with cationic surfactants and, significantly adsorb on the surface of micelles, displacing a fraction of previously bound bromide counterions. This induces an increase in micelle size and also enhances silica condensation at the micelle surface. The presence of larger silica aggregates in solution further promotes the growth of micelles and, by binding to surfactant molecules in different micelles, their aggregation. This work demonstrates the crucial role played by silica in influencing, by way of a cooperative templating mechanism, the structure of the eventual liquid-crystal phase, which in turn determines the structure of the porous material

    Додатковий том «Словника української мови»

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    У статті подано історію роботи над Додатковим томом «Словника української мови» в 11-ти томах, описано джерела наповнення реєстру, структуру словникових статей, наведено приклади розробки статей різного типу – як нововведених слів, так і таких, що були в «Словнику української мови» і зазнали доповнення. Завдання лексикографів, які працювали над Додатковим томом, – відобразити динаміку лексичного шару української мови 1980-их рр. ХХ ст. – початку ХХІ ст. з акцентуванням її інноваційних й актуалізованих аспектів