158 research outputs found

    L'Allemagne dans Les Temps modernes (1951-1956)

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    Im Zeitraum von 1951 bis 1956 war Deutschland einer der Themenschwerpunkte der Zeitschrift Les Temps modernes, die damals von Jean-Paul Sartre herausgegeben wurde und etwa zwanzig Artikel sowie literarische Erzählungen veröffentlichte. Diese Schwerpunktsetzung ist umso bemerkenswerter, als die Zeitschrift dem Großraum Europa im Allgemeinen nur wenig Interesse entgegenbrachte. Die Bedeutung, die die Temps modernes deutschen Themen beimaß, ist allerdings weniger der im Entstehen begriffenen deutsch-französischen Partnerschaft geschuldet, als dem Umstand, dass Deutschland Frankreichs Nachbarland war und zu einem der Hauptschauplätze des Kalten Krieges wurde. Auch die Tatsache, dass die Erinnerung an den Zweiten Weltkrieg noch allgegenwärtig war, spielte eine wichtige Rolle. Sowohl die französischen als auch die deutschen Mitarbeiter der monatlich erscheinenden Zeitschrift verfolgten die Frage der Entnazifizierung in der Bundesrepublik mit besonderer Anteilnahme. Die Problematik wurde von der Zeitschrift überwiegend im Hinblick auf die Wiederaufrüstung behandelt, die man als Bedrohung für eine mögliche Wiedervereinigung empfand. Nicht zuletzt interessieren sich die Temps modernes auch für die DDR, die als politischer Misserfolg dargestellt wird, obgleich nur wenige Informationen nach Frankreich gelangen, insbesondere über die Ereignisse vom Juni 1953.During the period 1951-1956 the journal Les Temps modernes, edited by Jean-Paul Sartre, paid special attention to Germany, with some 20 articles along with literary extracts. This interest contrasts sharply with the way the journal dealt generally with Europe, which was ill-served as a geographical area. The emphasis on Germany cannot therefore be explained by the emergence of the Franco-German "couple", but was instead due to three other factors: Germany was a neighbour, Germany was a major theatre of the Cold War, and above all, the Second World War lay fresh in everyone's minds. The French and German contributors to the journal were greatly interested in the issue of West German denazification, which influenced the journal's stance on German rearmament, viewed as a threat to German reunification. Les Temps modernes also watched East Germany, which appeared a political failure, although little information percolated into France, in particular on the events of June 1953.Les Temps modernes, revue dirigée par Jean-Paul Sartre, portent une attention soutenue à l'Allemagne durant la période de compagnonnage de route de leur directeur, de 1951 à 1956, publiant une vingtaine d'articles sur ce pays ainsi que des extraits littéraires. Cela contraste nettement avec le traitement que la revue fait de l'Europe, aire géographique globalement délaissée. L'intérêt des Temps modernes pour l'Allemagne ne s'explique donc pas du fait du " couple " franco-allemand en gestation mais par le fait que ce pays soit un voisin de la France, un des principaux théâtres de la guerre froide et, surtout, par le souvenir encore très présent de la Deuxième Guerre mondiale. Les collaborateurs du mensuel, Français ou Allemands, s'intéressent alors de près à la question de la dénazification de la RFA, question qui a des conséquences sur la position de la revue vis-à-vis du réarmement allemand. Ce dernier est d'ailleurs vu comme une menace pour la réunification. Enfin, Les Temps modernes s'intéressent à la RDA qui apparaît être un échec politique, bien que peu d'informations filtrent en France, notamment sur les évènements de juin 1953

    Mostefa Lacheraf dans Esprit et Les Temps modernes pendant la guerre d'Algérie : la construction d'une histoire nationale

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    International audience- في عام 1956 تحول فرنسا الطائرة من قادة جبهة التحرير الوطني إلى تونس ومن بينها مفكر غير معروف في فرنسا على الرغم من أنشطته في مختلف الصحف الفرنسية مصطفى لشرف في الواقع بعد أن كتب في 1949.1948 في > البارزة في الصحف PPA-MTLD في فرنسا . - الناشط للاستقلال يفتح منتديات فكرية جديدة بما في دلك الروح و الوقت الحديث واثنين من المجالات الرائدة في مجال المثقفين و المشاركة في العمليات القتالية المناهضة للاستعمار إن ظهور لهده المقالات سمحت لإعطاء المزيد من الوضوح للقضية الجزائرية في فرنسا . نقترح لدراية الخطاب الديتاكتيكي لمصطفى لشرف و التي هي موجهة للفرنسيين أكتر من الجزائريين حيث نجد مختلف أعماله مثل في الجزائر خلال القرن 19 ويصبح الناطق الرسمي لجبهة التحرير الوطني في فرنسا أوقف عمله السياسي حين اعتقاله و سجنه .ومن أهم <En 1956, la France détourne l'avion des dirigeants du FLN à destination de Tunis. Parmi eux, un intellectuel encore peu connu en France malgré ses activités dans différents journaux français : Mostefa Lacheraf. En effet, après avoir écrit en 1948-1949 dans L'Etoile algérienne, journal du PPA-MTLD diffusé en France, ce militant indépendantiste s'ouvre, en tant qu'intellectuel, de nouvelles tribunes, dont celles d'Esprit et des Temps modernes, deux revues phares de l'intelligentsia française engagées dans le combat anticolonialiste. Ces articles assez précoces pour les premiers permettent de donner une plus grande visibilité à la cause algérienne en France. Nous proposons alors d'étudier le discours didactique de Lacheraf qui, dans ses articles, s'adresse autant aux Français qu'aux Algériens de France, partant de la conquête française et du " patriotisme rural " en Algérie au XIXe siècle pour aboutir à la posture de porte-parole du FLN en France. A travers les quelques articles de Lacheraf - son emprisonnement freinant ses activités - une histoire nationale algérienne se dessine et doit faire émerger une conscience nationale pour l'engagement dans le présent

    Florence DEPREST, Élisée Reclus et l’Algérie colonisée

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    Après avoir publié une étude sur les Géographes en Algérie (1880-1950), Florence Deprest propose une monographie sur un géographe très particulier du fait de son engagement politique anarchiste, Élisée Reclus. Dans ce nouvel ouvrage, la professeure de géographie à l’université Paris 1 questionne le colonialisme de Reclus en mettant en garde contre tout anachronisme intellectuel et se demande ce qu’est une vision libertaire de la colonisation. Pour ce faire, elle s’appuie surtout sur la deuxiè..

    Expression and Differential Responsiveness of Central Nervous System Glial Cell Populations to the Acute Phase Protein Serum Amyloid A

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    Acute-phase response is a systemic reaction to environmental/inflammatory insults and involves hepatic production of acute-phase proteins, including serum amyloid A (SAA). Extrahepatically, SAA immunoreactivity is found in axonal myelin sheaths of cortex in Alzheimer's disease and multiple sclerosis (MS), although its cellular origin is unclear. We examined the responses of cultured rat cortical astrocytes, microglia and oligodendrocyte precursor cells (OPCs) to master pro-inflammatory cytokine tumour necrosis factor (TNF)-\u3b1 and lipopolysaccaride (LPS). TNF-\u3b1 time-dependently increased Saa1 (but not Saa3) mRNA expression in purified microglia, enriched astrocytes, and OPCs (as did LPS for microglia and astrocytes). Astrocytes depleted of microglia were markedly less responsive to TNF-\u3b1 and LPS, even after re-addition of microglia. Microglia and enriched astrocytes showed complementary Saa1 expression profiles following TNF-\u3b1 or LPS challenge, being higher in microglia with TNF-\u3b1 and higher in astrocytes with LPS. Recombinant human apo-SAA stimulated production of both inflammatory mediators and its own mRNA in microglia and enriched, but not microglia-depleted astrocytes. Co-ultramicronized palmitoylethanolamide/luteolin, an established anti-inflammatory/neuroprotective agent, reduced Saa1 expression in OPCs subjected to TNF-\u3b1 treatment. These last data, together with past findings suggest that co-ultramicronized palmitoylethanolamide/luteolin may be a novel approach in the treatment of inflammatory demyelinating disorders like MS

    Projections of multi-morbidity in the older population in England to 2035: estimates from the Population Ageing and Care Simulation (PACSim) model

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    Background models projecting future disease burden have focussed on one or two diseases. Little is known on how risk factors of younger cohorts will play out in the future burden of multi-morbidity (two or more concurrent long-term conditions). Design a dynamic microsimulation model, the Population Ageing and Care Simulation (PACSim) model, simulates the characteristics (sociodemographic factors, health behaviours, chronic diseases and geriatric conditions) of individuals over the period 2014–2040. Population about 303,589 individuals aged 35 years and over (a 1% random sample of the 2014 England population) created from Understanding Society, the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing, and the Cognitive Function and Ageing Study II. Main outcome measures the prevalence of, numbers with, and years lived with, chronic diseases, geriatric conditions and multi-morbidity. Results between 2015 and 2035, multi-morbidity prevalence is estimated to increase, the proportion with 4+ diseases almost doubling (2015:9.8%; 2035:17.0%) and two-thirds of those with 4+ diseases will have mental ill-health (dementia, depression, cognitive impairment no dementia). Multi-morbidity prevalence in incoming cohorts aged 65–74 years will rise (2015:45.7%; 2035:52.8%). Life expectancy gains (men 3.6 years, women: 2.9 years) will be spent mostly with 4+ diseases (men: 2.4 years, 65.9%; women: 2.5 years, 85.2%), resulting from increased prevalence of rather than longer survival with multi-morbidity. Conclusions our findings indicate that over the next 20 years there will be an expansion of morbidity, particularly complex multi-morbidity (4+ diseases). We advocate for a new focus on prevention of, and appropriate and efficient service provision for those with, complex multi-morbidity

    Mitoxantrone, pixantrone, and mitoxantrone (2-hydroxyethyl)piperazine are toll-like receptor 4 antagonists, inhibit NF-κB activation, and decrease TNF-alpha secretion in primary microglia

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    Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) recognizes various endogenous and microbial ligands and is an essential part in the innate immune system. TLR4 signaling initiates transcription factor NF-κB and production of proinflammatory cytokines. TLR4 contributes to the development or progression of various diseases including stroke, neuropathic pain, multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis and cancer, and better therapeutics are currently sought for these conditions. In this study, a library of 140 000 compounds was virtually screened and a resulting hit-list of 1000 compounds was tested using a cellular reporter system. The topoisomerase II inhibitor mitoxantrone and its analogues pixantrone and mitoxantrone (2-hydroxyethyl)piperazine were identified as inhibitors of TLR4 and NF-κB activation. Mitoxantrone was shown to bind directly to the TLR4, and pixantrone and mitoxantrone (2- hydroxyethyl)piperazine were shown to inhibit the production of proinflammatory cytokines such as tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNFα) in primary microglia. The inhibitory effect on NF-κB activation or on TNFα pro-duction was not mediated through cytotoxity at ≤ 1 μM concentration for pixantrone and mitoxantrone (2- hydroxyethyl)piperazine treated cells, as assessed by ATP counts. This study thus identifies a new mechanism of action for mitoxantrone, pixantrone, and mitoxantrone (2-hydroxyethyl)piperazine through the TLR4.Peer reviewe

    Treating age-related multimorbidity:the drug discovery challenge

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    Patients with multimorbidities have shorter life expectancy and their clinical management is more complex and expensive for healthcare systems currently focused on treating single diseases. Given that age is the major risk factor for multimorbidity, the challenge of treating these patients will only increase in coming years. Here, we review the case for targeting the core processes that drive the ageing phenotype as a novel pharmaceutical approach to multimorbidity. There is growing evidence that targeting ageing mechanisms can reduce or delay age-related diseases in animal models, and the first reports of clinical trials are now appearing. Although these trials currently focus on repurposed drugs, we propose several novel targets that would more specifically target ageing processes and thereby reduce multimorbidity and polypharmacy in future generations