112 research outputs found

    New first trimester crown-rump length's equations optimized by structured data collection from a French general population

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    --- Objectives --- Prior to foetal karyotyping, the likelihood of Down's syndrome is often determined combining maternal age, serum free beta-HCG, PAPP-A levels and embryonic measurements of crown-rump length and nuchal translucency for gestational ages between 11 and 13 weeks. It appeared important to get a precise knowledge of these scan parameters' normal values during the first trimester. This paper focused on crown-rump length. --- METHODS --- 402 pregnancies from in-vitro fertilization allowing a precise estimation of foetal ages (FA) were used to determine the best model that describes crown-rump length (CRL) as a function of FA. Scan measures by a single operator from 3846 spontaneous pregnancies representative of the general population from Northern France were used to build a mathematical model linking FA and CRL in a context as close as possible to normal scan screening used in Down's syndrome likelihood determination. We modeled both CRL as a function of FA and FA as a function of CRL. For this, we used a clear methodology and performed regressions with heteroskedastic corrections and robust regressions. The results were compared by cross-validation to retain the equations with the best predictive power. We also studied the errors between observed and predicted values. --- Results --- Data from 513 spontaneous pregnancies allowed to model CRL as a function of age of foetal age. The best model was a polynomial of degree 2. Datation with our equation that models spontaneous pregnancies from a general population was in quite agreement with objective datations obtained from 402 IVF pregnancies and thus support the validity of our model. The most precise measure of CRL was when the SD was minimal (1.83mm), for a CRL of 23.6 mm where our model predicted a 49.4 days of foetal age. Our study allowed to model the SD from 30 to 90 days of foetal age and offers the opportunity of using Zscores in the future to detect growth abnormalities. --- Conclusion --- With powerful statistical tools we report a good modeling of the first trimester embryonic growth in the general population allowing a better knowledge of the date of fertilization useful in the ultrasound screening of Down's syndrome. The optimal period to measure CRL and predict foetal age was 49.4 days (9 weeks of gestational age). Our results open the way to the detection of foetal growth abnormalities using CRL Zscores throughout the first trimester

    A Long Baseline Neutrino Oscillation Experiment Using J-PARC Neutrino Beam and Hyper-Kamiokande

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    Document submitted to 18th J-PARC PAC meeting in May 2014. 50 pages, 41 figuresDocument submitted to 18th J-PARC PAC meeting in May 2014. 50 pages, 41 figuresDocument submitted to 18th J-PARC PAC meeting in May 2014. 50 pages, 41 figuresHyper-Kamiokande will be a next generation underground water Cherenkov detector with a total (fiducial) mass of 0.99 (0.56) million metric tons, approximately 20 (25) times larger than that of Super-Kamiokande. One of the main goals of Hyper-Kamiokande is the study of CPCP asymmetry in the lepton sector using accelerator neutrino and anti-neutrino beams. In this document, the physics potential of a long baseline neutrino experiment using the Hyper-Kamiokande detector and a neutrino beam from the J-PARC proton synchrotron is presented. The analysis has been updated from the previous Letter of Intent [K. Abe et al., arXiv:1109.3262 [hep-ex]], based on the experience gained from the ongoing T2K experiment. With a total exposure of 7.5 MW ×\times 107^7 sec integrated proton beam power (corresponding to 1.56×10221.56\times10^{22} protons on target with a 30 GeV proton beam) to a 2.52.5-degree off-axis neutrino beam produced by the J-PARC proton synchrotron, it is expected that the CPCP phase δCP\delta_{CP} can be determined to better than 19 degrees for all possible values of δCP\delta_{CP}, and CPCP violation can be established with a statistical significance of more than 3σ3\,\sigma (5σ5\,\sigma) for 7676% (5858%) of the δCP\delta_{CP} parameter space

    Molecular and genetic control of plant thermomorphogenesis

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    Temperature is a major factor governing the distribution and seasonal behaviour of plants. Being sessile, plants are highly responsive to small differences in temperature and adjust their growth and development accordingly. The suite of morphological and architectural changes induced by high ambient temperatures, below the heat-stress range, is collectively called thermomorphogenesis. Understanding the molecular genetic circuitries underlying thermomorphogenesis is particularly relevant in the context of climate change, as this knowledge will be key to rational breeding for thermo-tolerant crop varieties. Until recently, the fundamental mechanisms of temperature perception and signalling remained unknown. Our understanding of temperature signalling is now progressing, mainly by exploiting the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana. The transcription factor PHYTOCHROME INTERACTING FACTOR 4 (PIF4) has emerged as a critical player in regulating phytohormone levels and their activity. To control thermomorphogenesis, multiple regulatory circuits are in place to modulate PIF4 levels, activity and downstream mechanisms. Thermomorphogenesis is integrally governed by various light signalling pathways, the circadian clock, epigenetic mechanisms and chromatin-level regulation. In this Review, we summarize recent progress in the field and discuss how the emerging knowledge in Arabidopsis may be transferred to relevant crop systems

    Modelling mammalian energetics: the heterothermy problem

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    Global climate change is expected to have strong effects on the world’s flora and fauna. As a result, there has been a recent increase in the number of meta-analyses and mechanistic models that attempt to predict potential responses of mammals to changing climates. Many models that seek to explain the effects of environmental temperatures on mammalian energetics and survival assume a constant body temperature. However, despite generally being regarded as strict homeotherms, mammals demonstrate a large degree of daily variability in body temperature, as well as the ability to reduce metabolic costs either by entering torpor, or by increasing body temperatures at high ambient temperatures. Often, changes in body temperature variability are unpredictable, and happen in response to immediate changes in resource abundance or temperature. In this review we provide an overview of variability and unpredictability found in body temperatures of extant mammals, identify potential blind spots in the current literature, and discuss options for incorporating variability into predictive mechanistic models

    Volume III. DUNE far detector technical coordination

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    open966siAcknowledgments This document was prepared by the DUNE collaboration using the resources of the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (Fermilab), a U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, HEP User Facility. Fermilab is managed by Fermi Research Alliance, LLC (FRA), acting under Contract No. DE-AC02-07CH11359. The DUNE collaboration also acknowledges the international, national, and regional funding agencies supporting the institutions who have contributed to completing this Technical Design Report.The preponderance of matter over antimatter in the early universe, the dynamics of the supernovae that produced the heavy elements necessary for life, and whether protons eventually decay-these mysteries at the forefront of particle physics and astrophysics are key to understanding the early evolution of our universe, its current state, and its eventual fate. The Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) is an international world-class experiment dedicated to addressing these questions as it searches for leptonic charge-parity symmetry violation, stands ready to capture supernova neutrino bursts, and seeks to observe nucleon decay as a signature of a grand unified theory underlying the standard model. The DUNE far detector technical design report (TDR) describes the DUNE physics program and the technical designs of the single- A nd dual-phase DUNE liquid argon TPC far detector modules. Volume III of this TDR describes how the activities required to design, construct, fabricate, install, and commission the DUNE far detector modules are organized and managed. This volume details the organizational structures that will carry out and/or oversee the planned far detector activities safely, successfully, on time, and on budget. It presents overviews of the facilities, supporting infrastructure, and detectors for context, and it outlines the project-related functions and methodologies used by the DUNE technical coordination organization, focusing on the areas of integration engineering, technical reviews, quality assurance and control, and safety oversight. Because of its more advanced stage of development, functional examples presented in this volume focus primarily on the single-phase (SP) detector module.openAbi B.; Acciarri R.; Acero M.A.; Adamov G.; Adams D.; Adinolfi M.; Ahmad Z.; Ahmed J.; Alion T.; Monsalve S.A.; Alt C.; Anderson J.; Andreopoulos C.; Andrews M.; Andrianala F.; Andringa S.; Ankowski A.; Antonova M.; Antusch S.; Aranda-Fernandez A.; Ariga A.; Arnold L.O.; Arroyave M.A.; Asaadi J.; Aurisano A.; Aushev V.; Autiero D.; Azfar F.; Back H.; Back J.J.; Backhouse C.; Baesso P.; Bagby L.; Bajou R.; Balasubramanian S.; Baldi P.; Bambah B.; Barao F.; Barenboim G.; Barker G.; Barkhouse W.; Barnes C.; Barr G.; Monarca J.B.; Barros N.; Barrow J.L.; Bashyal A.; Basque V.; Bay F.; Alba J.B.; Beacom J.F.; Bechetoille E.; Behera B.; Bellantoni L.; Bellettini G.; Bellini V.; Beltramello O.; Belver D.; Benekos N.; Neves F.B.; Berger J.; Berkman S.; Bernardini P.; Berner R.M.; Berns H.; Bertolucci S.; Betancourt M.; Bezawada Y.; Bhattacharjee M.; Bhuyan B.; Biagi S.; Bian J.; Biassoni M.; Biery K.; Bilki B.; Bishai M.; Bitadze A.; Blake A.; Siffert B.B.; Blaszczyk F.; Blazey G.; Blucher E.; Boissevain J.; Bolognesi S.; Bolton T.; Bonesini M.; Bongrand M.; Bonini F.; Booth A.; Booth C.; Bordoni S.; Borkum A.; Boschi T.; Bostan N.; Bour P.; Boyd S.; Boyden D.; Bracinik J.; Braga D.; Brailsford D.; Brandt A.; Bremer J.; Brew C.; Brianne E.; Brice S.J.; Brizzolari C.; Bromberg C.; Brooijmans G.; Brooke J.; Bross A.; Brunetti G.; Buchanan N.; Budd H.; Caiulo D.; Calafiura P.; Calcutt J.; Calin M.; Calvez S.; Calvo E.; Camilleri L.; Caminata A.; Campanelli M.; Caratelli D.; Carini G.; Carlus B.; Carniti P.; Terrazas I.C.; Carranza H.; Castillo A.; Castromonte C.; Cattadori C.; Cavalier F.; Cavanna F.; Centro S.; Cerati G.; Cervelli A.; Villanueva A.C.; Chalifour M.; Chang C.; Chardonnet E.; Chatterjee A.; Chattopadhyay S.; Chaves J.; Chen H.; Chen M.; Chen Y.; Cherdack D.; Chi C.; Childress S.; Chiriacescu A.; Cho K.; Choubey S.; Christensen A.; Christian D.; Christodoulou G.; Church E.; Clarke P.; Coan T.E.; Cocco A.G.; Coelho J.; Conley E.; Conrad J.; Convery M.; Corwin L.; Cotte P.; Cremaldi L.; Cremonesi L.; Crespo-Anadon J.I.; Cristaldo E.; Cross R.; Cuesta C.; Cui Y.; Cussans D.; Dabrowski M.; Motta H.D.; Peres L.D.S.; David Q.; Davies G.S.; Davini S.; Dawson J.; De K.; Almeida R.M.D.; Debbins P.; Bonis I.D.; Decowski M.; Gouvea A.D.; Holanda P.C.D.; Astiz I.L.D.I.; Deisting A.; Jong P.D.; Delbart A.; Delepine D.; Delgado M.; Dell'acqua A.; Lurgio P.D.; Neto J.R.D.M.; Demuth D.M.; Dennis S.; Densham C.; Deptuch G.; Roeck A.D.; Romeri V.D.; Vries J.D.; Dharmapalan R.; Dias M.; Diaz F.; Diaz J.; Domizio S.D.; Giulio L.D.; Ding P.; Noto L.D.; Distefano C.; Diurba R.; Diwan M.; Djurcic Z.; Dokania N.; Dolinski M.; Domine L.; Douglas D.; Drielsma F.; Duchesneau D.; Duffy K.; Dunne P.; Durkin T.; Duyang H.; Dvornikov O.; Dwyer D.; Dyshkant A.; Eads M.; Edmunds D.; Eisch J.; Emery S.; Ereditato A.; Escobar C.; Sanchez L.E.; Evans J.J.; Ewart E.; Ezeribe A.C.; Fahey K.; Falcone A.; Farnese C.; Farzan Y.; Felix J.; Fernandez-Martinez E.; Menendez P.F.; Ferraro F.; Fields L.; Filkins A.; Filthaut F.; Fitzpatrick R.S.; Flanagan W.; Fleming B.; Flight R.; Fowler J.; Fox W.; Franc J.; Francis K.; Franco D.; Freeman J.; Freestone J.; Fried J.; Friedland A.; Fuess S.; Furic I.; Furmanski A.P.; Gago A.; Gallagher H.; Gallego-Ros A.; Gallice N.; Galymov V.; Gamberini E.; Gamble T.; Gandhi R.; Gandrajula R.; Gao S.; Garcia-Gamez D.; Garcia-Peris M.A.; Gardiner S.; Gastler D.; Ge G.; Gelli B.; Gendotti A.; Gent S.; Ghorbani-Moghaddam Z.; Gibin D.; Gil-Botella I.; Girerd C.; Giri A.; Gnani D.; Gogota O.; Gold M.; Gollapinni S.; Gollwitzer K.; Gomes R.A.; Bermeo L.G.; Fajardo L.S.G.; Gonnella F.; Gonzalez-Cuevas J.; Goodman M.C.; Goodwin O.; Goswami S.; Gotti C.; Goudzovski E.; Grace C.; Graham M.; Gramellini E.; Gran R.; Granados E.; Grant A.; Grant C.; Gratieri D.; Green P.; Green S.; Greenler L.; Greenwood M.; Greer J.; Griffith C.; Groh M.; Grudzinski J.; Grzelak K.; Gu W.; Guarino V.; Guenette R.; Guglielmi A.; Guo B.; Guthikonda K.; Gutierrez R.; Guzowski P.; Guzzo M.M.; Gwon S.; Habig A.; Hackenburg A.; Hadavand H.; Haenni R.; Hahn A.; Haigh J.; Haiston J.; Hamernik T.; Hamilton P.; Han J.; Harder K.; Harris D.A.; Hartnell J.; Hasegawa T.; Hatcher R.; Hazen E.; Heavey A.; Heeger K.M.; Hennessy K.; Henry S.; Morquecho M.H.; Herner K.; Hertel L.; Hesam A.S.; Hewes J.; Pichardo A.H.; Hill T.; Hillier S.J.; Himmel A.; Hoff J.; Hohl C.; Holin A.; Hoppe E.; Horton-Smith G.A.; Hostert M.; Hourlier A.; Howard B.; Howell R.; Huang J.; Huang J.; Hugon J.; Iles G.; Iliescu A.M.; Illingworth R.; Ioannisian A.; Itay R.; Izmaylov A.; James E.; Jargowsky B.; Jediny F.; Jesus-Valls C.; Ji X.; Jiang L.; Jimenez S.; Jipa A.; Joglekar A.; Johnson C.; Johnson R.; Jones B.; Jones S.; Jung C.; Junk T.; Jwa Y.; Kabirnezhad M.; Kaboth A.; Kadenko I.; Kamiya F.; Karagiorgi G.; Karcher A.; Karolak M.; Karyotakis Y.; Kasai S.; Kasetti S.P.; Kashur L.; Kazaryan N.; Kearns E.; Keener P.; Kelly K.J.; Kemp E.; Ketchum W.; Kettell S.; Khabibullin M.; Khotjantsev A.; Khvedelidze A.; Kim D.; King B.; Kirby B.; Kirby M.; Klein J.; Koehler K.; Koerner L.W.; Kohn S.; Koller P.P.; Kordosky M.; Kosc T.; Kose U.; Kostelecky V.; Kothekar K.; Krennrich F.; Kreslo I.; Kudenko Y.; Kudryavtsev V.; Kulagin S.; Kumar J.; Kumar R.; Kuruppu C.; Kus V.; Kutter T.; Lambert A.; Lande K.; Lane C.E.; Lang K.; Langford T.; Lasorak P.; Last D.; Lastoria C.; Laundrie A.; Lawrence A.; Lazanu I.; Lazur R.; Le T.; Learned J.; Lebrun P.; Miotto G.L.; Lehnert R.; De Oliveira M.L.; Leitner M.; Leyton M.; Li L.; Li S.; Li S.; Li T.; Li Y.; Liao H.; Lin C.; Lin S.; Lister A.; Littlejohn B.R.; Liu J.; Lockwitz S.; Loew T.; Lokajicek M.; Lomidze I.; Long K.; Loo K.; Lorca D.; Lord T.; Losecco J.; Louis W.C.; Luk K.; Luo X.; Lurkin N.; Lux T.; Luzio V.P.; MacFarland D.; MacHado A.; MacHado P.; MacIas C.; MacIer J.; Maddalena A.; Madigan P.; Magill S.; Mahn K.; Maio A.; Maloney J.A.; Mandrioli G.; Maneira J.C.; Manenti L.; Manly S.; Mann A.; Manolopoulos K.; Plata M.M.; Marchionni A.; Marciano W.; Marfatia D.; Mariani C.; Maricic J.; Marinho F.; Marino A.D.; Marshak M.; Marshall C.; Marshall J.; Marteau J.; Martin-Albo J.; Martinez N.; Caicedo D.A.M.; Martynenko S.; Mason K.; Mastbaum A.; Masud M.; Matsuno S.; Matthews J.; Mauger C.; Mauri N.; Mavrokoridis K.; Mazza R.; Mazzacane A.; Mazzucato E.; McCluskey E.; McConkey N.; McFarland K.S.; McGrew C.; McNab A.; Mefodiev A.; Mehta P.; Melas P.; Mellinato M.; Mena O.; Menary S.; Mendez H.; Menegolli A.; Meng G.; Messier M.; Metcalf W.; Mewes M.; Meyer H.; Miao T.; Michna G.; Miedema T.; Migenda J.; Milincic R.; Miller W.; Mills J.; Milne C.; Mineev O.; Miranda O.G.; Miryala S.; Mishra C.; Mishra S.; Mislivec A.; Mladenov D.; Mocioiu I.; Moffat K.; Moggi N.; Mohanta R.; Mohayai T.A.; Mokhov N.; Molina J.A.; Bueno L.M.; Montanari A.; Montanari C.; Montanari D.; Zetina L.M.M.; Moon J.; Mooney M.; Moor A.; Moreno D.; Morgan B.; Morris C.; Mossey C.; Motuk E.; Moura C.A.; Mousseau J.; Mu W.; Mualem L.; Mueller J.; Muether M.; Mufson S.; Muheim F.; Muir A.; Mulhearn M.; Muramatsu H.; Murphy S.; Musser J.; Nachtman J.; Nagu S.; Nalbandyan M.; Nandakumar R.; Naples D.; Narita S.; Navas-Nicolas D.; Nayak N.; Nebot-Guinot M.; Necib L.; Negishi K.; Nelson J.K.; Nesbit J.; Nessi M.; Newbold D.; Newcomer M.; Newhart D.; Nichol R.; Niner E.; Nishimura K.; Norman A.; Northrop R.; Novella P.; Nowak J.A.; Oberling M.; Campo A.O.D.; Olivier A.; Onel Y.; Onishchuk Y.; Ott J.; Pagani L.; Pakvasa S.; Palamara O.; Palestini S.; Paley J.M.; Pallavicini M.; Palomares C.; Pantic E.; Paolone V.; Papadimitriou V.; Papaleo R.; Papanestis A.; Paramesvaran S.; Parke S.; Parsa Z.; Parvu M.; Pascoli S.; Pasqualini L.; Pasternak J.; Pater J.; Patrick C.; Patrizii L.; Patterson R.B.; Patton S.; Patzak T.; Paudel A.; Paulos B.; Paulucci L.; Pavlovic Z.; Pawloski G.; Payne D.; Pec V.; Peeters S.J.; Penichot Y.; Pennacchio E.; Penzo A.; Peres O.L.; Perry J.; Pershey D.; Pessina G.; Petrillo G.; Petta C.; Petti R.; Piastra F.; Pickering L.; Pietropaolo F.; Pillow J.; Plunkett R.; Poling R.; Pons X.; Poonthottathil N.; Pordes S.; Potekhin M.; Potenza R.; Potukuchi B.V.; Pozimski J.; Pozzato M.; Prakash S.; Prakash T.; Prince S.; Prior G.; Pugnere D.; Qi K.; Qian X.; Raaf J.; Raboanary R.; Radeka V.; Rademacker J.; Radics B.; Rafique A.; Raguzin E.; Rai M.; Rajaoalisoa M.; Rakhno I.; Rakotondramanana H.; Rakotondravohitra L.; Ramachers Y.; Rameika R.; Delgado M.R.; Ramson B.; Rappoldi A.; Raselli G.; Ratoff P.; Ravat S.; Razafinime H.; Real J.; Rebel B.; Redondo D.; Reggiani-Guzzo M.; Rehak T.; Reichenbacher J.; Reitzner S.D.; Renshaw A.; Rescia S.; Resnati F.; Reynolds A.; Riccobene G.; Rice L.C.; Rielage K.; Rigaut Y.; Rivera D.; Rochester L.; Roda M.; Rodrigues P.; Alonso M.R.; Rondon J.R.; Roeth A.; Rogers H.; Rosauro-Alcaraz S.; Rossella M.; Rout J.; Roy S.; Rubbia A.; Rubbia C.; Russell B.; Russell J.; Ruterbories D.; Saakyan R.; Sacerdoti S.; Safford T.; Sahu N.; Sala P.; Samios N.; Sanchez M.; Sanders D.A.; Sankey D.; Santana S.; Santos-Maldonado M.; Saoulidou N.; Sapienza P.; Sarasty C.; Sarcevic I.; Savage G.; Savinov V.; Scaramelli A.; Scarff A.; Scarpelli A.; Schaffer T.; Schellman H.; Schlabach P.; Schmitz D.; Scholberg K.; Schukraft A.; Segreto E.; Sensenig J.; Seong I.; Sergi A.; Sergiampietri F.; Sgalaberna D.; Shaevitz M.; Shafaq S.; Shamma M.; Sharma H.R.; Sharma R.; Shaw T.; Shepherd-Themistocleous C.; Shin S.; Shooltz D.; Shrock R.; Simard L.; Simos N.; Sinclair J.; Sinev G.; Singh J.; Singh V.; Sipos R.; Sippach F.; Sirri G.; Sitraka A.; Siyeon K.; Smargianaki D.; Smith A.; Smith A.; Smith E.; Smith P.; Smolik J.; Smy M.; Snopok P.; Nunes M.S.; Sobel H.; Soderberg M.; Salinas C.J.S.; Soldner-Rembold S.; Solomey N.; Solovov V.; Sondheim W.E.; Sorel M.; Soto-Oton J.; Sousa A.; Soustruznik K.; Spagliardi F.; Spanu M.; Spitz J.; Spooner N.J.; Spurgeon K.; Staley R.; Stancari M.; Stanco L.; Steiner H.; Stewart J.; Stillwell B.; Stock J.; Stocker F.; Stokes T.; Strait M.; Strauss T.; Striganov S.; Stuart A.; Summers D.; Surdo A.; Susic V.; Suter L.; Sutera C.; Svoboda R.; Szczerbinska B.; Szelc A.; Talaga R.; Tanaka H.; Oregui B.T.; Tapper A.; Tariq S.; Tatar E.; Tayloe R.; Teklu A.; Tenti M.; Terao K.; Ternes C.A.; Terranova F.; Testera G.; Thea A.; Thompson J.L.; Thorn C.; Timm S.; Tonazzo A.; Torti M.; Tortola M.; Tortorici F.; Totani D.; Toups M.; Touramanis C.; Trevor J.; Trzaska W.H.; Tsai Y.T.; Tsamalaidze Z.; Tsang K.; Tsverava N.; Tufanli S.; Tull C.; Tyley E.; Tzanov M.; Uchida M.A.; Urheim J.; Usher T.; Vagins M.; Vahle P.; Valdiviesso G.; Valencia E.; Vallari Z.; Valle J.W.; Vallecorsa S.; Berg R.V.; De Water R.G.V.; Forero D.V.; Varanini F.; Vargas D.; Varner G.; Vasel J.; Vasseur G.; Vaziri K.; Ventura S.; Verdugo A.; Vergani S.; Vermeulen M.A.; Verzocchi M.; De Souza H.V.; Vignoli C.; Vilela C.; Viren B.; Vrba T.; Wachala T.; Waldron A.V.; Wallbank M.; Wang H.; Wang J.; Wang Y.; Wang Y.; Warburton K.; Warner D.; Wascko M.; Waters D.; Watson A.; Weatherly P.; Weber A.; Weber M.; Wei H.; Weinstein A.; Wenman D.; Wetstein M.; While M.R.; White A.; Whitehead L.H.; Whittington D.; Wilking M.J.; Wilkinson C.; Williams Z.; Wilson F.; Wilson R.J.; Wolcott J.; Wongjirad T.; Wood K.; Wood L.; Worcester E.; Worcester M.; Wret C.; Wu W.; Wu W.; Xiao Y.; Yang G.; Yang T.; Yershov N.; Yonehara K.; Young T.; Yu B.; Yu J.; Zalesak J.; Zambelli L.; Zamorano B.; Zani A.; Zazueta L.; Zeller G.; Zennamo J.; Zeug K.; Zhang C.; Zhao M.; Zhivun E.; Zhu G.; Zimmerman E.D.; Zito M.; Zucchelli S.; Zuklin J.; Zutshi V.; Zwaska R.Abi B.; Acciarri R.; Acero M.A.; Adamov G.; Adams D.; Adinolfi M.; Ahmad Z.; Ahmed J.; Alion T.; Monsalve S.A.; Alt C.; Anderson J.; Andreopoulos C.; Andrews M.; Andrianala F.; Andringa S.; Ankowski A.; Antonova M.; Antusch S.; Aranda-Fernandez A.; Ariga A.; Arnold L.O.; Arroyave M.A.; Asaadi J.; Aurisano A.; Aushev V.; Autiero D.; Azfar F.; Back H.; Back J.J.; Backhouse C.; Baesso P.; Bagby L.; Bajou R.; Balasubramanian S.; Baldi P.; Bambah B.; Barao F.; Barenboim G.; Barker G.; Barkhouse W.; Barnes C.; Barr G.; Monarca J.B.; Barros N.; Barrow J.L.; Bashyal A.; Basque V.; Bay F.; Alba J.B.; Beacom J.F.; Bechetoille E.; Behera B.; Bellantoni L.; Bellettini G.; Bellini V.; Beltramello O.; Belver D.; Benekos N.; Neves F.B.; Berger J.; Berkman S.; Bernardini P.; Berner R.M.; Berns H.; Bertolucci S.; Betancourt M.; Bezawada Y.; Bhattacharjee M.; Bhuyan B.; Biagi S.; Bian J.; Biassoni M.; Biery K.; Bilki B.; Bishai M.; Bitadze A.; Blake A.; Siffert B.B.; Blaszczyk F.; Blazey G.; Blucher E.; Boissevain J.; Bolognesi S.; Bolton T.; Bonesini M.; Bongrand M.; Bonini F.; Booth A.; Booth C.; Bordoni S.; Borkum A.; Boschi T.; Bostan N.; Bour P.; Boyd S.; Boyden D.; Bracinik J.; Braga D.; Brailsford D.; Brandt A.; Bremer J.; Brew C.; Brianne E.; Brice S.J.; Brizzolari C.; Bromberg C.; Brooijmans G.; Brooke J.; Bross A.; Brunetti G.; Buchanan N.; Budd H.; Caiulo D.; Calafiura P.; Calcutt J.; Calin M.; Calvez S.; Calvo E.; Camilleri L.; Caminata A.; Campanelli M.; Caratelli D.; Carini G.; Carlus B.; Carniti P.; Terrazas I.C.; Carranza H.; Castillo A.; Castromonte C.; Cattadori C.; Cavalier F.; Cavanna F.; Centro S.; Cerati G.; Cervelli A.; Villanueva A.C.; Chalifour M.; Chang C.; Chardonnet E.; Chatterjee A.; Chattopadhyay S.; Chaves J.; Chen H.; Chen M.; Chen Y.; Cherdack D.; Chi C.; Childress S.; Chiriacescu A.; Cho K.; Choubey S.; Christensen A.; Christian D.; Christodoulou G.; Church E.; Clarke P.; Coan T.E.; Cocco A.G.; Coelho J.; Conley E.; Conrad J.; Convery M.; Corwin L.; Cotte P.; Cremaldi L.; Cremonesi L.; Crespo-Anadon J.I.; Cristaldo E.; Cross R.; Cuesta C.; Cui Y.; Cussans D.; Dabrowski M.; Motta H.D.; Peres L.D.S.; David Q.; Davies G.S.; Davini S.; Dawson J.; De K.; Almeida R.M.D.; Debbins P.; Bonis I.D.; Decowski M.; Gouvea A.D.; Holanda P.C.D.; Astiz I.L.D.I.; Deisting A.; Jong P.D.; Delbart A.; Delepine D.; Delgado M.; Dell'acqua A.; Lurgio P.D.; Neto J.R.D.M.; Demuth D.M.; Dennis S.; Densham C.; Deptuch G.; Roeck A.D.; Romeri V.D.; Vries J.D.; Dharmapalan R.; Dias M.; Diaz F.; Diaz J.; Domizio S.D.; Giulio L.D.; Ding P.; Noto L.D.; Distefano C.; Diurba R.; Diwan M.; Djurcic Z.; Dokania N.; Dolinski M.; Domine L.; Douglas D.; Drielsma F.; Duchesneau D.; Duffy K.; Dunne P.; Durkin T.; Duyang H.; Dvornikov O.; Dwyer D.; Dyshkant A.; Eads M.; Edmunds D.; Eisch J.; Emery S.; Ereditato A.; Escobar C.; Sanchez L.E.; Evans J.J.; Ewart E.; Ezeribe A.C.; Fahey K.; Falcone A.; Farnese C.; Farzan Y.; Felix J.; Fernandez-Martinez E.; Menendez P.F.; Ferraro F.; Fields L.; Filkins A.; Filthaut F.; Fitzpatrick R.S.; Flanagan W.; Fleming B.; Flight R.; Fowler J.; Fox W.; Franc J.; Francis K.; Franco D.; Freeman J.; Freestone J.; Fried J.; Friedland A.; Fuess S.; Furic I.; Furmanski A.P.; Gago A.; Gallagher H.; Gallego-Ros A.; Gallice N.; Galymov V.; Gamberini E.; Gamble T.; Gandhi R.; Gandrajula R.; Gao S.; Garcia-Gamez D.; Garcia-Peris M.A.; Gardiner S.; Gastler D.; Ge G.; Gelli B.; Gendotti A.; Gent S.; Ghorbani-Moghaddam Z.; Gibin D.; Gil-Botella I.; Girerd C.; Giri A.; Gnani D.; Gogota O.; Gold M.; Gollapinni S.; Gollwitzer K.; Gomes R.A.; Bermeo L.G.; Fajardo L.S.G.; Gonnella F.; Gonzalez-Cuevas J.; Goodman M.C.; Goodwin O.; Goswami S.; Gotti C.; Goudzovski E.; Grace C.; Graham M.; Gramellini E.; Gran R.; Granados E.; Grant A.; Grant C.; Gratieri D.; Green P.; Green S.; Greenler L.; Greenwood M.; Greer J.; Griffith C.; Groh M.; Grudzinski J.; Grzelak K.; Gu W.; Guarino V.; Guenette R.; Guglielmi A.; Guo B.; Guthikonda K.; Gutierrez R.; Guzowski P.; Guzzo M.M.; Gwon S.; Habig A.; Hackenburg A.; Hadavand H.; Haenni R.; Hahn A.; Haigh J.; Haiston J.; Hamernik T.; Hamilton P.; Han J.; Harder K.; Harris D.A.; Hartnell J.; Hasegawa T.; Hatcher R.; Hazen E.; Heavey A.; Heeger K.M.; Hennessy K.; Henry S.; Morquecho M.H.; Herner K.; Hertel L.; Hesam A.S.; Hewes J.; Pichardo A.H.; Hill T.; Hillier S.J.; Himmel A.; Hoff J.; Hohl C.; Holin A.; Hoppe E.; Horton-Smith G.A.; Hostert M.; Hourlier A.; Howard B.; Howell R.; Huang J.; Huang J.; Hugon J.; Iles G.; Iliescu A.M.; Illingworth R.; Ioannisian A.; Itay R.; Izmaylov A.; James E.; Jargowsky B.; Jediny F.; Jesus-Valls C.; Ji X.; Jiang L.; Jimenez S.; Jipa A.; Joglekar A.; Johnson C.; Johnson R.; Jones B.; Jones S.; Jung C.; Junk T.; Jwa Y.; Kabirnezhad M.; Kaboth A.; Kadenko I.; Kamiya F.; Karagiorgi G.; Karcher A.; Karolak M.; Karyotakis Y.; Kasai S.; Kasetti S.P.; Kashur L.; Kazaryan N.; Kearns E.; Keener P.; Kelly K.J.; Kemp E.; Ketchum W.; Kettell S.; Khabibullin M.; Khotjantsev A.; Khvedelidze A.; Kim D.; King B.; Kirby B.; Kirby M.; Klein J.; Koehler K.; Koerner L.W.; Kohn S.; Koller P.P.; Kordosky M.; Kosc T.; Kose U.; Kostelecky V.; Kothekar K.; Krennrich F.; Kreslo I.; Kudenko Y.; Kudryavtsev V.; Kulagin S.; Kumar J.; Kumar R.; Kuruppu C.; Kus V.; Kutter T.; Lambert A.; Lande K.; Lane C.E.; Lang K.; Langford T.; Lasorak P.; Last D.; Lastoria C.; 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Oberling M.; Campo A.O.D.; Olivier A.; Onel Y.; Onishchuk Y.; Ott J.; Pagani L.; Pakvasa S.; Palamara O.; Palestini S.; Paley J.M.; Pallavicini M.; Palomares C.; Pantic E.; Paolone V.; Papadimitriou V.; Papaleo R.; Papanestis A.; Paramesvaran S.; Parke S.; Parsa Z.; Parvu M.; Pascoli S.; Pasqualini L.; Pasternak J.; Pater J.; Patrick C.; Patrizii L.; Patterson R.B.; Patton S.; Patzak T.; Paudel A.; Paulos B.; Paulucci L.; Pavlovic Z.; Pawloski G.; Payne D.; Pec V.; Peeters S.J.; Penichot Y.; Pennacchio E.; Penzo A.; Peres O.L.; Perry J.; Pershey D.; Pessina G.; Petrillo G.; Petta C.; Petti R.; Piastra F.; Pickering

    Scintillation light detection in the 6-m drift-length ProtoDUNE Dual Phase liquid argon TPC

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    DUNE is a dual-site experiment for long-baseline neutrino oscillation studies, neutrino astrophysics and nucleon decay searches. ProtoDUNE Dual Phase (DP) is a 6  ×  6  ×  6 m 3 liquid argon time-projection-chamber (LArTPC) that recorded cosmic-muon data at the CERN Neutrino Platform in 2019-2020 as a prototype of the DUNE Far Detector. Charged particles propagating through the LArTPC produce ionization and scintillation light. The scintillation light signal in these detectors can provide the trigger for non-beam events. In addition, it adds precise timing capabilities and improves the calorimetry measurements. In ProtoDUNE-DP, scintillation and electroluminescence light produced by cosmic muons in the LArTPC is collected by photomultiplier tubes placed up to 7 m away from the ionizing track. In this paper, the ProtoDUNE-DP photon detection system performance is evaluated with a particular focus on the different wavelength shifters, such as PEN and TPB, and the use of Xe-doped LAr, considering its future use in giant LArTPCs. The scintillation light production and propagation processes are analyzed and a comparison of simulation to data is performed, improving understanding of the liquid argon properties

    Physics Potentials with the Second Hyper-Kamiokande Detector in Korea

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    We have conducted sensitivity studies on an alternative configuration of the Hyper-Kamiokande experiment by locating the 2nd Hyper-Kamiokande detector in Korea at \sim1100 -\ 1300 km baseline. Having two detectors at different baselines improves sensitivity to leptonic CP violation, neutrino mass ordering as well as nonstandard neutrino interactions. There are several candidate sites in Korea with greater than 1 km high mountains ranged at an 1-3 degree off-axis angle. Thanks to larger overburden of the candidate sites in Korea, low energy physics, such as solar and supernova neutrino physics as well as dark matter search, is expected to be improved. In this paper sensitivity studies on the CP violation phase and neutrino mass ordering are performed using current T2K systematic uncertainties in most cases. We plan to improve our sensitivity studies in the near future with better estimation of our systematic uncertainties

    Supernova neutrino burst detection with the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment

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    The Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE), a 40-kton underground liquid argon time projection chamber experiment, will be sensitive to the electron-neutrino flavor component of the burst of neutrinos expected from the next Galactic core-collapse supernova. Such an observation will bring unique insight into the astrophysics of core collapse as well as into the properties of neutrinos. The general capabilities of DUNE for neutrino detection in the relevant few- to few-tens-of-MeV neutrino energy range will be described. As an example, DUNE's ability to constrain the νe spectral parameters of the neutrino burst will be considered

    Effects of acute and chronic temperature changes on the functional responses of the dogfish Scyliorhinus canicula (Linnaeus, 1758) towards amphipod prey Echinogammarus marinus (Leach, 1815)

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    Predation is a strong driver of population dynamics and community structure and it is essential to reliably quantify and predict predation impacts on prey populations in a changing thermal landscape. Here, we used comparative functional response analyses to assess how predator-prey interactions between dogfish and invertebrate prey change under different warming scenarios. The Functional Response Type, attack rate, handling time and maximum feeding rate estimates were calculated for Scyliorhinus canicula preying upon Echinogammarus marinus under temperatures of 11.3 °C and 16.3 °C, which represent both the potential daily variation and predicted higher summer temperatures within Strangford Lough, N. Ireland. A two x two design of “Predator Acclimated”, “Prey Acclimated”, “Both Acclimated”, and “Both Unacclimated” was implemented to test functional responses to temperature rise. Attack rate was higher at 11.3 °C than at 16.3 °C, but handling time was lower and maximum feeding rates were higher at 16.3 °C. Non-acclimated predators had similar maximum feeding rate towards non-acclimated and acclimated prey, whereas acclimated predators had significantly higher maximum feeding rates towards acclimated prey as compared to non-acclimated prey. Results suggests that the predator attack rate is decreased by increasing temperature but when both predator and prey are acclimated the shorter handling times considerably increase predator impact. The functional response of the fish changed from Type II to Type III with an increase in temperature, except when only the prey were acclimated. This change from population destabilizing Type II to more stabilizing Type III could confer protection to prey at low densities but increase the maximum feeding rate by Scyliorhinus canicula in the future. However, predator movement between different thermal regimes may maintain a Type II response, albeit with a lower maximum feeding rate. This has implications for the way the increasing population Scyliorhinus canicula in the Irish Sea may exploit valuable fisheries stocks in the future