21 research outputs found

    Drivers and epidemiological patterns of West Nile virus in Serbia

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    Background: West Nile virus (WNV) is an emerging mosquito-borne pathogen in Serbia, where it has been detected as a cause of infection in humans since 2012. We analyzed and modelled WNV transmission patterns in the country between 2012 and 2023. Methods: We applied a previously developed modelling approach to quantify epidemiological parameters of interest and to identify the most important environmental drivers of the force of infection (FOI) by means of statistical analysis in the human population in the country. Results: During the study period, 1,387 human cases were recorded, with substantial heterogeneity across years. We found that spring temperature is of paramount importance for WNV transmission, as FOI magnitude and peak timing are positively associated with it. Furthermore, FOI is also estimated to be greater in regions with a larger fraction of older adult people, who are at higher risk to develop severe infections. Conclusion: Our results highlight that temperature plays a key role in shaping WNV outbreak magnitude in Serbia, confirming the association between spring climatic conditions and WNV human transmission risk and thus pointing out the importance of this factor as a potential early warning predictor for timely application of preventive and control measure

    EGFL7 loss correlates with increased VEGF-D expression, upregulating hippocampal adult neurogenesis and improving spatial learning and memory

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    Correction: Volume: 80 Issue: 8 DOI: 10.1007/s00018-023-04835-3 Article Number: 201 Published: AUG 2023Neural stem cells reside in the subgranular zone, a specialized neurogenic niche of the hippocampus. Throughout adulthood, these cells give rise to neurons in the dentate gyrus, playing an important role in learning and memory. Given that these core cognitive processes are disrupted in numerous disease states, understanding the underlying mechanisms of neural stem cell proliferation in the subgranular zone is of direct practical interest. Here, we report that mature neurons, neural stem cells and neural precursor cells each secrete the neurovascular protein epidermal growth factor-like protein 7 (EGFL7) to shape this hippocampal niche. We further demonstrate that EGFL7 knock-out in a Nestin-CreERT2-based mouse model produces a pronounced upregulation of neurogenesis within the subgranular zone. RNA sequencing identified that the increased expression of the cytokine VEGF-D correlates significantly with the ablation of EGFL7. We substantiate this finding with intraventricular infusion of VEGF-D upregulating neurogenesis in vivo and further show that VEGF-D knock-out produces a downregulation of neurogenesis. Finally, behavioral studies in EGFL7 knock-out mice demonstrate greater maintenance of spatial memory and improved memory consolidation in the hippocampus by modulation of pattern separation. Taken together, our findings demonstrate that both EGFL7 and VEGF-D affect neurogenesis in the adult hippocampus, with the ablation of EGFL7 upregulating neurogenesis, increasing spatial learning and memory, and correlating with increased VEGF-D expression.Peer reviewe

    Neurovascular EGFL7 regulates adult neurogenesis in the subventricular zone and thereby affects olfactory perception

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    Adult neural stem cells reside in a specialized niche in the subventricular zone (SVZ). Throughout life they give rise to adult-born neurons in the olfactory bulb (OB), thus contributing to neural plasticity and pattern discrimination. Here, we show that the neurovascular protein EGFL7 is secreted by endothelial cells and neural stem cells (NSCs) of the SVZ to shape the vascular stem-cell niche. Loss of EGFL7 causes an accumulation of activated NSCs, which display enhanced activity and re-entry into the cell cycle. EGFL7 pushes activated NSCs towards quiescence and neuronal progeny towards differentiation. This is achieved by promoting Dll4-induced Notch signalling at the blood vessel-stem cell interface. Fewer inhibitory neurons form in the OB of EGFL7-knockout mice, which increases the absolute signal conducted from the mitral cell layer of the OB but decreases neuronal network synchronicity. Consequently, EGFL7-knockout mice display severe physiological defects in olfactory behaviour and perception

    Bidrar Internetanvändandet till att forma ungdomars identitet och sociala relationer?

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    Avsikten med denna uppsats har varit att ta reda på vilken betydelse Internet har för ungdomar vad gäller deras formande av identitet och sociala relationer. För att ta reda på vilken effekt Internet har i dessa avseenden behövde vi ta reda på hur mycket tid tonåringar tillbringar på Internet, vad de gör på Internet och hur mycket insyn vuxenvärlden har i deras Internetanvändande. Vår undersökningsgrupp är tonåringar i åldern 13-16. Vi har bedrivit en tvådelad undersökning varav den ena delen utgjorts av en enkätundersökning och den andra delen av en fältstudie på mötesplatsen Lunarstorm. Enkäten, som innehöll frågor kring ungdomarnas Internetvanor, fylldes i av 65 högstadieelever. Lunarstorm granskades genom att vi under en begränsad tidsperiod slumpvis valde ut 20 användare och analyserade de dagböcker och bildkollage dessa ungdomar hade på sina hemsidor på mötesplatsen. Vi tolkar våra resultat med utgångspunkt från psykologiska personlighetsteorier och teorier kring ungdomskulturer, och vi tycker vi oss kunna se att Internet påverkar tonåringar i deras identitetsskapande och skapandet av sociala relationer. Denna påverkan har vi funnit i form av en övergripande sexualisering av ungdomar där unga flickor exponerar sina kroppar, ett frekvent och övergripande experimenterande med roller, kollektiva forum där destruktivt beteende såsom självskadebeteende är den gemensamma nämnaren, avsaknad av integritet på så vis att man berättar oerhört privata saker för en okänd publik, och även en råhet i kommunikationen ungdomar emellan. Vi menar att påverkan är tydlig och att den kan vara väldigt negativ i och med att många tonåringar inte har vuxna omkring sig som engagerar sig i deras Internetanvändande. För att Internetanvändandet inte ska få negativt inflytande över tonåringarnas identitetsformande och deras sätt att skapa sociala relationer, behöver vuxenvärlden ta sitt ansvar och inte lämna barnen helt ensamma med Internet.The purpose of this has been to examine how much adolescents are influenced by the Internet in forming their identities and creating social relations. We have interpreted our results using psychological theories and theories concerning adolescents. We have come to the conclusion that adolescents are influenced by the Internet when forming their identities and creating social relations

    Bidrar Internetanvändandet till att forma ungdomars identitet och sociala relationer?

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    Avsikten med denna uppsats har varit att ta reda på vilken betydelse Internet har för ungdomar vad gäller deras formande av identitet och sociala relationer. För att ta reda på vilken effekt Internet har i dessa avseenden behövde vi ta reda på hur mycket tid tonåringar tillbringar på Internet, vad de gör på Internet och hur mycket insyn vuxenvärlden har i deras Internetanvändande. Vår undersökningsgrupp är tonåringar i åldern 13-16. Vi har bedrivit en tvådelad undersökning varav den ena delen utgjorts av en enkätundersökning och den andra delen av en fältstudie på mötesplatsen Lunarstorm. Enkäten, som innehöll frågor kring ungdomarnas Internetvanor, fylldes i av 65 högstadieelever. Lunarstorm granskades genom att vi under en begränsad tidsperiod slumpvis valde ut 20 användare och analyserade de dagböcker och bildkollage dessa ungdomar hade på sina hemsidor på mötesplatsen. Vi tolkar våra resultat med utgångspunkt från psykologiska personlighetsteorier och teorier kring ungdomskulturer, och vi tycker vi oss kunna se att Internet påverkar tonåringar i deras identitetsskapande och skapandet av sociala relationer. Denna påverkan har vi funnit i form av en övergripande sexualisering av ungdomar där unga flickor exponerar sina kroppar, ett frekvent och övergripande experimenterande med roller, kollektiva forum där destruktivt beteende såsom självskadebeteende är den gemensamma nämnaren, avsaknad av integritet på så vis att man berättar oerhört privata saker för en okänd publik, och även en råhet i kommunikationen ungdomar emellan. Vi menar att påverkan är tydlig och att den kan vara väldigt negativ i och med att många tonåringar inte har vuxna omkring sig som engagerar sig i deras Internetanvändande. För att Internetanvändandet inte ska få negativt inflytande över tonåringarnas identitetsformande och deras sätt att skapa sociala relationer, behöver vuxenvärlden ta sitt ansvar och inte lämna barnen helt ensamma med Internet.The purpose of this has been to examine how much adolescents are influenced by the Internet in forming their identities and creating social relations. We have interpreted our results using psychological theories and theories concerning adolescents. We have come to the conclusion that adolescents are influenced by the Internet when forming their identities and creating social relations

    Resilience and Vulnerability to Pain and Inflammation in the Hippocampus

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    Increasing evidence demonstrates the importance of hippocampal neurogenesis, a fundamental mechanism of neuroplasticity associated with cognition and emotion, in correlation to neurodegenerative and psychiatric disorders. Neuropsychiatric disorders are often a result of chronic stress or pain followed by inflammation; all these conditions manifest cognitive deficits and impairments in neurogenesis. However, while some individuals are more susceptible to stress, others are able to adapt to new environments via mechanisms of resilience. In light of this emerging field and based on extensive research, the role of neurogenesis is summarized and presented as a potentially powerful therapeutic tool

    Neurodegeneration and Neuro-Regeneration—Alzheimer’s Disease and Stem Cell Therapy

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    Aging causes many changes in the human body, and is a high risk for various diseases. Dementia, a common age-related disease, is a clinical disorder triggered by neurodegeneration. Brain damage caused by neuronal death leads to cognitive decline, memory loss, learning inabilities and mood changes. Numerous disease conditions may cause dementia; however, the most common one is Alzheimer’s disease (AD), a futile and yet untreatable illness. Adult neurogenesis carries the potential of brain self-repair by an endogenous formation of newly-born neurons in the adult brain; however it also declines with age. Strategies to improve the symptoms of aging and age-related diseases have included different means to stimulate neurogenesis, both pharmacologically and naturally. Finally, the regulatory mechanisms of stem cells neurogenesis or a functional integration of newborn neurons have been explored to provide the basis for grafted stem cell therapy. This review aims to provide an overview of AD pathology of different neural and glial cell types and summarizes current strategies of experimental stem cell treatments and their putative future use in clinical settings

    Acute “Pseudoischemic” ECG Abnormalities after Right Pneumonectomy

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    New onset of electrocardiographic (ECG) abnormalities can occur after lung surgery due to the changes in the position of structures and organs in the chest cavity. The most common heart rhythm disorder is atrial fibrillation. So-called “pseudoischemic” ECG changes that mimic classic ECG signs of acute myocardial ischemia are also often noticed. We report the case of a 68-year-old male, with no prior cardiovascular disease, who underwent extensive surgical resection for lung cancer. On a second postoperative day, clinical and electrocardiographic signs of acute myocardial ischemia occurred. According to clinical course, diagnostic procedures, and therapeutic response, we excluded acute coronary syndrome. We concluded that physical lesion of the pericardium, caused by extended pneumonectomy with resection of the pericardium, provoked the symptoms and ECG signs that mimic acute coronary syndrome. Our final diagnosis was postpericardiotomy syndrome after extended pneumonectomy and further treatment with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) was recommended. It is necessary to consider possibility that nature of ECG changes after extended pneumonectomy could be “pseudoischemic.