305 research outputs found

    Nicorandil induced ophthalmoplegic migraine

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    Fisiologia do Exercício para alunos de graduação: uso de estratégias de ensino baseadas na metodologia dialética

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    A metodologia dialética propõe um ensino de dupla mão (professor-aluno) que provoque a aprendizagem por meio de tarefas contínuas dos sujeitos. Para isso, o professor assume o papel de mediador e dirige as diferentes atividades. Nesse contexto, a Fisiologia do Exercício é uma disciplina academicamente orientada que está inserida em um ambiente dinâmico, e a utilização de estratégias de ensino se faz necessária para otimizar a apropriação do conhecimento de forma ativa, além de contribuir para a maior autonomia dos estudantes universitários. Portanto, o objetivo do presente estudo foi o de utilizar diferentes estratégias de ensinagem por meio de atividades propostas aos alunos na disciplina de Fisiologia da Atividade Motora I da Escola de Educação Física e Esporte da Universidade de São Paulo e correlacionar o desempenho do aluno com a sua participação nessas atividades propostas. Nossos principais achados demonstram correlações significativas e positivas entre a presença nas aulas e o desempenho nas avaliações (p < 0,0001; r = 0,84), bem como entre a realização das atividades propostas e o desempenho nas avaliações (p < 0,0001; r = 0,69). Em conjunto, esses dados sugerem que a utilização de diferentes estratégias de ensinagem baseadas na metodologia dialética com a ativa participação dos alunos é essencial para um bom rendimento acadêmico, sendo altamente recomendada para o ensino da Fisiologia do Exercício

    Involving local communities for effective citizen science: determining game species' reproductive status to assess hunting effects in tropical forests

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    1. Involving communities in sustainable wildlife management in tropical forests can ensure food security and livelihoods of millions of forest dwellers that depend on wild meat, but also safeguard hunted species. Mathematical models have been developed to assess hunting sustainability; but these require empirical information on reproductive parameters of the prey species, often challenging to obtain. 2. Here, we suggest that if local people can accurately identify the reproductive status of hunted animals in the field, these data could fill the existing knowledge gap regarding species’ life-history traits and enable better assessments of hunting impacts. 3. We first tested whether local people in 15 rural communities in three Amazonian sites could accurately diagnose, before and after training, the pregnancy status of hunted pacas (Cuniculus paca), which we use as our model. We then applied the results from these tests to correct reproductive status data of hunted specimens, voluntarily collected over 17 years (2002-2018) as part of a citizen science project in one of our study sites. We ran generalized additive models to contrast these corrected reproductive rates with those obtained from the direct analysis of genitalia by researchers, and with indices describing game extraction levels (catch-per-unit-effort, CPUE, and age structure of hunted individuals). 4. Before training, interviewees correctly diagnosed pregnancy in 72.5% of tests, but after training, interviewees accurately diagnosed pregnancy in 88.2% of tests, with high improvements especially for earlier pregnancy stages. Monthly pregnancy rates determined by hunters and by researchers were similar. Reported annual pregnancy Page 3 of 45 Confidential Review copy Journal of Applied Ecology 4 rates were negatively correlated with CPUE, and positively correlated with the percentage of immatures in the hunted population, in accordance to an expected densitydependent response to variations in hunting levels. 5. We showed that the voluntary diagnosis of game species’ reproductive status by local people is a feasible method to obtain accurate life-history parameters for hunted tropical species, and to assess hunting effects on game populations. Given that almost half of the protected areas in the world are co-managed by local people, our results confirm the potential of integrating local communities in citizen science initiatives to ensure faster, low-cost, and more accurate data collection for wildlife management

    Histopathological characterization of experimentally induced cutaneous loxoscelism in rabbits inoculated with Loxosceles similis venom

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    Envenomation by Loxosceles bites is characterized by dermonecrotic and/or systemic features that lead to several clinical signs and symptoms called loxoscelism. Dermonecrotic lesions are preceded by thrombosis of the dermal plexus. Recent studies show that atheromatous plaque is prone to thrombosis due to endothelial cell apoptosis. To the best of our knowledge, there are no reports of microscopic dermal lesion and endothelial cell apoptosis induced by Loxosceles similis venom in the literature. Thus, the aim of the present study is to describe histological lesions induced by L. similis venom in rabbit skin and to elucidate whether apoptosis of endothelial cells is involved in the pathogenesis of loxoscelism. Forty male rabbits were split into two groups: the control group (intradermally injected with 50 µL of PBS) and the experimental group (intradermally injected with 0.5 µg of L. similis crude venom diluted in 50 µL of PBS). After 2, 4, 6 and 8 hours of injection, skin fragments were collected and processed for paraffin or methacrylate embedding. Sections of 5 µm thick were stained by HE, PAS or submitted to TUNEL reaction. Microscopically, severe edema, diffuse heterophilic inflammatory infiltrate, perivascular heterophilic infiltrate, thrombosis, fibrinoid necrosis of arteriolar wall and cutaneous muscle necrosis were observed. Two hours after venom injection, endothelial cells with apoptosis morphology were evidenced in the dermal plexus. Apoptosis was confirmed by TUNEL reaction. It seems that endothelial cell apoptosis and its consequent desquamation is an important factor that induces thrombosis and culminates in dermonecrosis, which is characteristic of cutaneous loxoscelism

    Trauma, poverty and mental health among Somali and Rwandese refugees living in an African refugee settlement – an epidemiological study

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    Onyut LP, Neuner F, Ertl V, Schauer E, Odenwald M, Elbert T. Trauma, poverty and mental health among Somali and Rwandese refugees living in an African refugee settlement – an epidemiological study. Conflict and Health. 2009;3(1):6.Background: The aim of this study was to establish the prevalence of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and depression among Rwandese and Somali refugees resident in a Ugandan refugee settlement, as a measure of the mental health consequences of armed conflict, as well as to inform a subsequent mental health outreach program. The study population comprised a sample from 14400 (n = 519 Somali and n = 906 Rwandese) refugees resident in Nakivale refugee settlement in South Western Uganda during the year 2003. Methods: The Posttraumatic Diagnostic Scale (PDS) and the Hopkins Symptom Checklist 25 were used to screen for posttraumatic stress disorder and depression. Results: Thirty two percent of the Rwandese and 48.1% of the Somali refugees were found to suffer from PTSD. The Somalis refugees had a mean of 11.95 (SD = 6.17) separate traumatic event types while the Rwandese had 8.86 (SD = 5.05). The Somalis scored a mean sum score of 21.17 (SD = 16.19) on the PDS while the Rwandese had a mean sum score of 10.05 (SD = 9.7). Conclusion: Mental health consequences of conflict remain long after the events are over, and therefore mental health intervention is as urgent for post-conflict migrant populations as physical health and other emergency interventions. A mental health outreach program was initiated based on this study

    Lung Epithelial Injury by B. Anthracis Lethal Toxin Is Caused by MKK-Dependent Loss of Cytoskeletal Integrity

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    Bacillus anthracis lethal toxin (LT) is a key virulence factor of anthrax and contributes significantly to the in vivo pathology. The enzymatically active component is a Zn2+-dependent metalloprotease that cleaves most isoforms of mitogen-activated protein kinase kinases (MKKs). Using ex vivo differentiated human lung epithelium we report that LT destroys lung epithelial barrier function and wound healing responses by immobilizing the actin and microtubule network. Long-term exposure to the toxin generated a unique cellular phenotype characterized by increased actin filament assembly, microtubule stabilization, and changes in junction complexes and focal adhesions. LT-exposed cells displayed randomly oriented, highly dynamic protrusions, polarization defects and impaired cell migration. Reconstitution of MAPK pathways revealed that this LT-induced phenotype was primarily dependent on the coordinated loss of MKK1 and MKK2 signaling. Thus, MKKs control fundamental aspects of cytoskeletal dynamics and cell motility. Even though LT disabled repair mechanisms, agents such as keratinocyte growth factor or dexamethasone improved epithelial barrier integrity by reducing cell death. These results suggest that co-administration of anti-cytotoxic drugs may be of benefit when treating inhalational anthrax

    Intracameral bevacizumab and mitomycin C Trabeculectomy for eyes with neovascular glaucoma: a case series

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    The purpose of this study was to describe the surgical outcomes and safety of intracameral bevacizumab during trabeculectomy in eyes with neovascular glaucoma. Pilot study included four eyes (four patients) with refractory neovascular glaucoma submitted to fornix-based trabeculectomy with adjunctive use of bevacizumab in the anterior chamber during the procedure. Patients were previously treated with panretinal photocoagulation as standard therapy. Variables evaluated were intraocular pressure, bleb appearance, iris neovascularization, intraoperative/postoperative complications, and visual outcomes. No intraoperative complication was observed. The mean follow-up period was 12.75 (range, 12–15 months). All eyes showed significant intraocular pressure control postoperatively. Iris neovascularization reduced significantly within 1 month after surgery. Mild anterior chamber inflammation was observed during follow-up in all eyes. No significant postoperative complication was observed, and no patient presented visual acuity deterioration. Intracameral bevacizumab may be used as an adjunctive therapy during trabeculectomy in eyes with neovascular glaucoma

    Taxonomic and Functional Microbial Signatures of the Endemic Marine Sponge Arenosclera brasiliensis

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    The endemic marine sponge Arenosclera brasiliensis (Porifera, Demospongiae, Haplosclerida) is a known source of secondary metabolites such as arenosclerins A-C. In the present study, we established the composition of the A. brasiliensis microbiome and the metabolic pathways associated with this community. We used 454 shotgun pyrosequencing to generate approximately 640,000 high-quality sponge-derived sequences (∼150 Mb). Clustering analysis including sponge, seawater and twenty-three other metagenomes derived from marine animal microbiomes shows that A. brasiliensis contains a specific microbiome. Fourteen bacterial phyla (including Proteobacteria, Cyanobacteria, Actinobacteria, Bacteroidetes, Firmicutes and Cloroflexi) were consistently found in the A. brasiliensis metagenomes. The A. brasiliensis microbiome is enriched for Betaproteobacteria (e.g., Burkholderia) and Gammaproteobacteria (e.g., Pseudomonas and Alteromonas) compared with the surrounding planktonic microbial communities. Functional analysis based on Rapid Annotation using Subsystem Technology (RAST) indicated that the A. brasiliensis microbiome is enriched for sequences associated with membrane transport and one-carbon metabolism. In addition, there was an overrepresentation of sequences associated with aerobic and anaerobic metabolism as well as the synthesis and degradation of secondary metabolites. This study represents the first analysis of sponge-associated microbial communities via shotgun pyrosequencing, a strategy commonly applied in similar analyses in other marine invertebrate hosts, such as corals and algae. We demonstrate that A. brasiliensis has a unique microbiome that is distinct from that of the surrounding planktonic microbes and from other marine organisms, indicating a species-specific microbiome
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