275 research outputs found

    Vida interrompida, mas desempenho melhorado : repensando a influência das interrupções mediadas pela tecnologia no trabalho e na vida pessoal

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    Purpose: This paper aims to analyze the effects of the technology-mediated interruptions on the conflicts and the performance of individuals during their work and non-work time. Theoretical framework: This work is based on the Conservation of Resources Theory, focusing on conflict and quality of life in the digital age. Design/methodology/approach: To evaluate the influence of technology interruptions on conflicts and performance, we applied a survey to management and accounting professionals and obtained 399 valid questionnaires. We analyzed the data through Partial Least Squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM). Findings: The data analysis demonstrates that interruptions – as expected – contribute to increasing conflicts both at work and at non-work. However, contrary to previous research, interruptions can also increase performance in both instances. Research, Practical & Social implications: The proposed approach has a practical value for teachers and students of human-computer interaction and IT practitioners in any other professional environment where the technology represents a channel between personal and professional life. Originality/value: This research measured and analyzed the effects of technology-mediated interruptions on conflict and individual performance in Brazil. The results showed that technology-mediated interruptions are related to the quality of life and leisure time, showing that conflicts due to technology are not a buzzword. Also, research findings present a new research path as interruptions that positively influence the individual’s performance are not fully understood.Objetivo: Este artigo tem por objetivo analisar os efeitos das interrupções mediadas pela tecnologia nos conflitos e no desempenho dos indivíduos durante o seu trabalho e o tempo em que não trabalham Método: Para avaliar a influência das interrupções tecnológicas nos conflitos e no desempenho, aplicou-se uma survey a os profissionais de gestão e contabilidade e obtivemos 399 questionários válidos. Analisou-se os dados através da modelação da equação estrutural Partial Least Squares(PLS-SEM). Originalidade/Relevância: Esta investigação mediu e analisou os efeitos das interrupções mediadas pela tecnologia no conflito e no desempenho individual no Brasil. Os resultados mostraram que as interrupções mediadas pela tecnologia estão relacionadas com a qualidade de vida e o tempo de lazer, mostrando que os conflitos devidos à tecnologia não são predominantes. Além disso, os resultados da investigação a presentam um novo caminho de investigação, uma vez que a sinterrupções que influenciam positivamente o desempenho do indivíduo não são totalmente compreendidas. Resultados: Análise dos dados demonstra que a s interrupções -como esperado - contribuem para aumentar os conflitos, tanto no trabalho como no não-trabalho. No entanto, ao contrário de investigações anteriores, as interrupções também podem aumentar o desempenho em ambas as instâncias. Contribuições teóricas/metodológicas: A a bordagem proposta tem um valor prático para professores e estudantes de interação homem-computador e profissionais de TI em qualquer outro ambiente profissional onde a tecnologia representa um canal entre a vida pessoal e profissional

    Isolamento e seleção de actinobactérias promotoras do crescimento de plantas de solo rizosférico de Araucaria angustifolia

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    Actinobacteria are capable of playing several different roles in soil ecosystems. These microorganisms affect other organisms by producing secondary metabolites and are responsible for the degradation of different complex and relatively recalcitrant organic compounds. In our survey of actinobacteria isolated from the rhizosphere of Araucaria angustifolia, five culture media (AI, WYE, YCED, MSSC and LNMS) were compared for their effectiveness in isolating these microorganisms. When summing up all the isolates randomly obtained, we got 103 isolates. After isolation, the phosphate-solubilizing ability and the in vitro production of indole-acetic acid and chitinases were evaluated. The AI medium was ineffective for actinobacteria isolation, when it was compared with the other four culture media. Indole-acetic acid and chitinase were produced by respectively 36% and 24% of the strains tested. However, only 2% of the 103 strains presented some phosphate-solubilizing ability. These results demonstrate the biotechnological potential of these microorganisms.Actinobactérias são capazes de desenvolver diferentes funções no ecossistema edáfico. Esses microrganismos, além de interagir com outros grupos de microrganismos e plantas, ao produzir metabólitos secundários, são responsáveis pela degradação de diferentes compostos orgânicos. Com intuito de facilitar os estudos envolvendo actinobactérias encontradas em sistemas florestais, cinco meios de cultura (AI, WYE, YCED, MSSC e LNMS) foram avaliados quanto à eficiência em isolar estes microrganismos. Além disso, foi analisada a capacidade dos diferentes isolados em solubilizar fosfato de cálcio, produzir ácido indol-acético e quitinases. Dos cinco meios de cultura testados, somente o AI foi ineficiente em isolar actinobactérias. A produção de ácido indol-acético e quitinases foi observada em 36% e 24% dos isolados analisados, respectivamente. Contudo, apenas 2% dos 103 isolados foram capazes de solubilizar fosfato de cálcio. Estes resultados comprovam o potencial biotecnológico desses microrganismos

    Impact of telemedicine on the management of heart failure patients during coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic

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    Aims: Chronic heart failure (HF) is a major comorbidity accounting for an increased severity and mortality related to coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). To reduce the risk of COVID-19 in HF patients, telemedicine has been encouraged. Methods and results: During the COVID-19 pandemic, telemedical management with mainly over-the-phone appointments became a major strategy of follow-up of our HF clinic patients. Previously, the large majority of patients have been seen in the hospital with direct patient-provider contact. We compared both strategies of follow-up, in pre-pandemic (PPP) and pandemic (PP) periods, regarding total mortality and hospitalizations/emergency department (ED) visits due to HF exacerbation. We prospectively studied a cohort of 196 patients. The mean follow-up time in PPP was 1.4 years. In this period, 20 patients died. In PP (follow-up of 71 days), there was one additional death. Total mortality in the first year of follow-up was 12.0%, matching the mortality predicted by the Meta-Analysis Global Group in Chronic Heart Failure score. Considering hospitalizations/ED visits due to decompensated HF, there was no statistically significant difference between PPP and PP. Only one patient was diagnosed with COVID-19. Conclusions: In the light of an increase in telemedical management of this cohort of HF patients, we were able to maintain a low rate of admissions due to HF decompensation, without an increment in mortality. Regarding these results, we encourage the incremental use of telemedicine in HF patients in the context of this or future pandemics and also in situations in which physical consultation might not be possible due to logistic issues.publishersversionpublishe

    Biologic therapy-induced pemphigus

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    Univ Fed Sao Paulo Unifesp, Dept Dermatol, Sao Paulo, SP, BrazilUniv Fed Sao Paulo Unifesp, Dept Pathol, Sao Paulo, SP, BrazilUniv Fed Sao Paulo Unifesp, Dept Dermatol, Sao Paulo, SP, BrazilUniv Fed Sao Paulo Unifesp, Dept Pathol, Sao Paulo, SP, BrazilWeb of Scienc

    Nassarius foveolatus (Gastropoda, Nassariidae), a new record of an exotic species in Brazil

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    Exotic species are those that occur in an area beyond their natural limit and they are considered invasive when they cause harm to the economy, environment, or human health. In coastal environments, ballast water and inlays on the hull and other parts of vessels are the main ways of introducing invasive aquatic alien species. Nassarius foveolatus (Dunker, 1847) is native from the Central and East Indian Ocean to the East China Sea. The first specimens (empty shells) of N. foveolatus were collected manually on November 11, 2017 on the Rocio footbridge, located in the Paranaguá Estuarine Complex, on the coast of the State of Paraná, southern Brazil. Posteriorly, live specimens were collected in other localities of this bay. It is already possible to infer that the specimens of N. foveolatus occur together with the native specimens of N. vibex (Say, 1822), having the same niche. As previously only N. vibex existed in that place, at least a displacement of this native species has been occurred. However, certainly future ecological studies may confirm this displacement and additional consequences to the local ecosystem, as nassariids can be predators and scavengers. Control procedures should be also greatly implemented

    Dualidad monetaria y cambiaria. Su efecto en el capital de trabajo necesario de una empresa pesquera

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    Se mostró el efecto de la eliminación de la dualidad monetaria y la devaluación del tipo de cambio en el cálculo del capital de trabajo necesario, en la empresa pesquera PESCASPIR de Sancti Spíritus, Cuba. Se calculó el capital de trabajo necesario a partir de la Resolución 19/2014 del Ministerio de Finanzas y Precios, con varias tasas de cambio y el índice reformador de precios mayoristas propuesto por dicho ministerio. Con esto se demostró que la unificación monetaria y la devaluación del CUP en la empresa provocarán un incremento del capital de trabajo necesario en la entidad

    Tecendo conexões entre feminismo e alternativas sociotécnicas

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    Neste artigo fazemos uma releitura, com lentes feministas, de duas infl uências históricas do pensamento latino-americano sobre a tecnologia social. Em um primeiro momento, olhamos para o movimento independentista da Índia, na primeira metade do século xx, que incorpora à sua causa uma política de disseminação da charkha, uma espécie de roca de fi ar. Difundida no período em que Gandhi liderou o movimento, a fi ação passou a ser símbolo da luta nacionalista, e é tida como exemplo emblemático de alternativa sociotécnica. Em um segundo momento, analisamos o “movimento de tecnologia apropriada”, como um conjunto de refl exões e iniciativas que se popularizam nos anos 1970 para a disseminação de tecnologias supostamente adequadas à realidade das regiões empobrecidas do sul. Ocupando-nos de preencher as lacunas analíticas de gênero, destacamos as contribuições de autoras que desvelaram o caráter androcêntrico de tais políticas, explicando como se produzem tecnologias inadequadas a partir da oclusão do trabalho das mulheres e das demandas comunitárias de cuidados no meio rural africano e asiático. Por fi m, tecemos conexões entre o gênero e a construção de alternativas sociotécnicas e argumentamos que é na invisibilidade do caráter feminizado do cuidar e na incorporação acrítica da lógica produtivista que a tecnologia social encarna o androcentrismoIn this article we read, with feminist lens, two historical infl uences of Latin American thinking on Social Technology. At fi rst, we look at the independence movement of India in the fi rst half of the twentieth century, which fostered a policy of dissemination of the Charkha, a kind of spinning wheel. Widespread in the period in which Gandhi led the movement, the wheel has become a symbol of the nationalist struggle, and is seen as an emblematic example of a socio-technical alternative. In a second step, we analyze the Appropriate Technology Movement, as a set of ideas and initiatives that popularize in the 1970s the dissemination of technologies supposedly appropriate to the reality of the impoverished regions of the “south”. In order to fi ll in the analytical gender gaps, we highlight the contributions of authors who unvail the androcentric character of such policies, and explain how inadequate technologies were produced because women’s work and community care needs in rural Africa and Asia were hidden. Finally, we weave connections between gender and the construction of socio-technical alternatives, and argue that it is in virtue of the invisibility of the feminized character of care, and of an uncritical incorporation of productivist logic that Social Technology embodies androcentris

    Haskell Type System Analysis

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    Types systems of programming languages are becoming more and more sophisticated and, in some cases, they are based on concepts from Logic, Type Theory and Category Theory. Haskell is a language with a modern type system and it is often singled out as an example using such theories. This work presents a small formalization of the Haskell type system and an analysis based on the mentioned theories, including its relation with the Intuitionist Propositional Second Order Logic and its logical characteristics, if there is a category in its type system and how monads are just monoids in the category of Haskell's endofunctors