1,194 research outputs found

    Estudio de factibilidad en el mercado con el fin de implementar bodegas para guardar cascos y objetos de motociclistas en los parqueaderos de la Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira

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    En el presente estudio se presenta la factibilidad de crear un servicio de guarda cascos en la Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira, a partir de una necesidad encontrada en la población universitaria que tiene como principal medio de transporte la moto. Para desarrollar un adecuado estudio de mercados se emplearon una serie de instrumentos investigativos como la encuesta, análisis de información, revisión de antecedentes, identificación del problema y observación participativa entre otros; buscando así determinar si dicho planteamiento si era una necesidad latente en la población universitaria. También se realizó un análisis financiero en el cual se presentan costos de inversión, de sostenimiento, de cobro y de rentabilidad todos estos buscando la viabilidad del proyecto teniendo en cuenta los beneficios que esto va generar para los diferentes involucrados en este: universidad, población estudiantil y propietarios del servicio

    ¿Cómo una ideología de género puede impactar nuestros derechos como personas y como familias?

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    Metodologías en el estudio de la violencia sexual en el marco del conflicto armado Colombiano

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    In order to do an accurate legal research on sexual violence in the context of armed conflict it is essential to determine the appropriate methodologies to identify and understand this phenomenon. Since the 2000s, national and international NGOs and activists have approached sexual violence in the context of the Colombian internal armed conflict through the documentation of specific cases and the identification of relevant national and international laws. The Colombian Constitutional Court followed suit, and in 2008 issued Writ 092 (Auto 092) using that very same methodology. In 2009, Consultoría para los Derechos Humanos y el Desplazamiento (CODHES) applied a new methodology to study sexual violence in armed conflict context using the category of analysis 'massacre'. After testing the usefulness of that category of analysis in three continuous researches, it was evident that this new category also has conceptual downsides. This article elaborates on those disadvantages and proposes a new category to analyze sexual violence in the context of the Colombian armed conflict: Giorgio Agamben's theorisations of the camp


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    En el siguiente texto se pretende evidenciar el análisis y desarrollo de diferentes ideas que nos llevan a dar solución a una problemática actual como lo es la movilidad; lo que se pretende es ofrecer un servicio innovador dirigido especialmente a mujeres quienes pertenecen en un alto porcentaje a la población que habita en la ciudad de Bogotá D.C, de esta manera pretendemos reflejar todo el proceso que llevamos a cabo tales como la generación, valoración y evaluación de servicios, análisis de la industria, prueba de concepto y análisis financiero entre otras, lo cual nos permitió definir la viabilidad del proyecto, el nivel de innovación en el mercado, así como sus implicaciones financieras.In the following text is intended to evidence the analysis and development of different ideas that lead us to solve a current problem as is mobility, The aim is to offer an innovative service aimed especially at women who belong in a high percentage to the population that lives in the city of Bogotá DC, in this way we intend to reflect the whole process that we carry out such as the generation, valuation and Evaluation of services, industry analysis, proof of concept and financial analysis among others, which allowed us to define the feasibility of the project, the level of innovation in the market, as well as its financial implications.Universidad del Rosari

    Azúcar: entre la invención del mestizaje y la puesta en escena de lo negro en Colombia

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    This article analyzes the television series Azúcar (Sugar) (1989-1991), directed by Carlos Mayolo, approaching the issues of representation from developments of postcolonial studies, Afro-colombian studies and media analysis theories. The study concludes, in general terms, that in the Azúcar narrative the miscegenation covers or hides the racial problem, as well as the white bourgeoisie agency on the reproduction of class racialization in the Cauca Valley. Although the series tries to not marginalizing the stereotype of the black, by carrying it out through the exoticization, it conforms a link in the stereotype reproduction from the external construction of the representation.En este artículo se analiza la serie Azúcar (1989-1991), de Carlos Mayolo, estudiando las representaciones de lo afrocolombiano, sobre la base de los aportes de los estudios poscoloniales y de los estudios afrocolombianos, así como de las teorías sobre análisis de medios audiovisuales. Del estudio resulta que en Azúcar el mestizaje encubre tanto el problema racial como la agencia de la burguesía blanca en la reproducción de la racialización de la clase en el Valle del Cauca y que, si bien en la serie hay una lucha por desmarginalizar el estereotipo del negro, al llevarla a cabo a través de la exotización, termina constituyendo un eslabón más en la reproducción del estereotipo a partir de la construcción externa de la representación

    Dynamic Voltage Stability Comparison of Thermal and Wind Power Generation with Different Static and Dynamic Load Models

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    This paper presents a static and dynamic voltage stability analysis of a power network with thermal and wind generation considering static and dynamic load models. The thermal plant was modeled as a synchronous machine and the wind farm as a variable speed induction generator based on a doubly-fed induction generator. The load considered the ZIP, exponential recovery, induction motor, and frequency-dependent load models. The bifurcation points were found by continuation power flow and sensitivity analyses. In addition, dynamic voltage stability assessments were performed considering changes in the moment of inertia and the frequency parameters. All simulations were carried out in a 4-bus power system and using the power system analysis toolbox (PSAT) and MATLAB script code. The results show that the thermal generator had difficulties to maintain stability under dynamic load variations and frequency changes, the wind generator had difficulties to maintain voltage for the load with induction motors, and both generators had difficulties when the moment of inertia is increased

    Impact of the throat sizing on the operating parameters in an experimental fixed bed gasifier: Analysis, evaluation and testing

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    The aim of this research is to contribute into the diffusion of biomass power systems by analyzing and testing the throat sizing influence on the operation of a gasification plant coupled with an internal combustion engine. In order to do this, the assessment of the proper operation range for some of the driving process parameters has been carried out. The analysis has been focused on such parameters as pressure drop of the fixed bed reactor, the inlet air flow, the syngas production, electrical power production and efficiency, looking for improving the performance and guaranteeing the proper system operation. Two different campaigns of tests have been carried out for figuring out the best design on the reactor. Based on this analysis, the most convenient throat diameter has been determined (in this case, around 10 cm), producing an increment in the production of syngas of about 31%. This modification has demonstrated also an increment of the electrical power produced by the gasification plant of about 40%, which means an increment in the motor generator efficiency of 35%.Montuori, L.; Vargas Salgado, CA.; Alcázar-Ortega, M. (2015). Impact of the throat sizing on the operating parameters in an experimental fixed bed gasifier: Analysis, evaluation and testing. Renewable Energy. 83:615-625. doi:10.1016/j.renene.2015.04.068S6156258

    Steam gasification behavior of tropical agrowaste: A new modeling approach based on the inorganic composition

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    ReviewInternational audienceThe steam gasification and co-gasification reactivity and kinetics of coconut shells, oil palm shells and bamboo guadua were studied from an isothermal thermogravimetric analysis, with temperatures ranging from 750 °C to 900 °C, and steam partial pressures from 3 to 10 kPa. In the analyzed experimental range, inorganics were identified as the most influential parameter in biomass reactivity and kinetics. Accordingly, a new modeling approach is proposed to predict the gasification behavior of lignocellulosic agrowaste based on their inorganic composition. A good agreement between the experimental and modeled data was found, showing that the proposed approach is suitable for the description and prediction of the gasification behavior of biomasses with different macromolecular structure and within a wide range of inorganic composition, and H/C and O/C ratios near 1.5 and 0.8 respectively. This kinetic model could constitute a valuable tool for reactor design and scale-up of steam gasification facilities using tropical lignocellulosic feedstocks

    La tragedia del amor: estudio desde la antropología histórica de Tristán e Isolda

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    111 páginas : ilustraciones, fotografías.Estudio sobre un mito de un tipo de amor, propio de Occidente. Desde el mito de Tristán e Isolda se explica un tipo de amor que dialoga entre lo pasional, la enfermedad y la tragedia. Para explorar el mito, se estudiaron algunas de las versiones escritas en la baja Edad Media Occidental, y el Romanticismo (1800-1900) como las de Béroul, Thomas, Godofredo de Estrasburgo, entre otras. para la primera, o las de Richard Wagner, Algernon Swinburne, Matthew Arnold para la segunda. Aparte, se exploran temas como el entendimiento de la literatura como objeto de estudio y como lugar donde se representa la realidad, y la búsqueda de mitos de Occidente retratados en la literatura.Study about a myth of a type of love, typical of the West. From the myth of Tristan and lsolda a type of love is explained, that dialogues between the passionate, the illness and the tragedy. To explore the myth, I studied some of the versions written in the \ate Western Middle Ages, .and the Romanticism (1800-1900) such as Beroul, Thomas, Gottfried van Strassburg, among others, for the first one, or those of Richard Wagner, Algernon Swinburne, Matthew Arnold for the second one. Besides, topics such as the understanding of literature as an object. of s.tudy and as a place where reality is. represented, and the search for Western myths portrayed in literature are explored. .Antropologo(a)Pregrad

    Memoirs in dispute. The monuments to Joaquín Cayzedo y Cuero, SimónBolívar, Maria and the Monument to the Fallen Students during the dictatorship of Rojas Pinilla, Cali 1910-1958

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    (Spa) Este artículo problematiza la práctica de erigir monumentos, a partir de la construcción de memorias que tienen lugar en el acontecer de la vida cotidiana. Para ello, se presentan y estudian los monumentos de dos espacios de la ciudad, a saber: el monumento a los Estudiantes caídos durante la dictadura de Rojas Pinilla ubicado en el barrio Siloé y los monumentos a Joaquín Cayzedo y Cuero, Simón Bolívar y a la novela de Jorge Isaacs, María, ubicados en el Centro Histórico de Cali. El trabajo analiza la constitución de memorias en relación con las disputas y conflictos que desde la vida cotidiana conllevan a una reapropiación y resignificación de las huellas del pasado, en este caso, de los monumentos.(Eng) This article problematizes the practice of erecting monuments, based on the construction of memories that take place in the everyday life events. For this purpose, the monuments of two city locations are presented and studied, namely: the monument to the Fallen students during the dictatorship of Rojas Pinilla, located in the Siloé district; and the monuments to Joaquín Cayzedo and Cuero, Simón Bolívar, and to the Jorge Isaac ́s novel “María”, all located in the Cali ́s Historic downtown. This work analyzes the creation of memories in relation to the disputes and conflicts that from the daily life lead to a re-appropriation and re signification of the remnants of the past, in this case, of the monument