2,357 research outputs found

    Evaluation of standard monitoring tools(including log analysis) for control systems at Cern

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    Project Specification: The goal of this Openlab Summer Student project was to assess the implications and the benefits of integrating two standard IT tools, namely Icinga and Splunkstorm with the existing production setup for monitoring and management of control systems at CERN. Icinga – an open source monitoring software based on Nagios would need to be integrated with an in-house developed WinCC OA application called MOON, that is currently used for monitoring and managing all the components that make up the control systems. Splunkstorm – a data analysis and log management online application would be used stand alone, so it didn’t need integration with other software, only understanding of features and installation procedure. Abstract: The aim of this document is to provide insights into installation procedures, key features and functionality and projected implementation effort of Icinga and Splunkstorm IT tools. Focus will be on presenting the most feasible implementation paths that surfaced once both software were well understood

    El movimiento social constituido por los barrios del Noroccidente de Quito: organización, estructuras, objetivos y repertorios (Actualidad)

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    El documento presenta una breve historia de los movimientos sociales que surgieron en el Noroccidente de Quito, y que nacieron de los barrios populares que reivindicaron su derecho a la vivienda digna y adecuada como lo prescribe el actual artículo 30 de la Constitución del Ecuador. Este documento realiza un análisis de los objetivos, el espacio que utilizan y los repertorios que se han implementado para cumplir con dichos objetivos. También analiza cómo los barrios del Noroccidente lograron organizarse en lo que se conoce como la Federación de Barrios del Noroccidente como eje principal para fomentar la exigibilidad de derechos a la vivienda y a tener servicios básicos que permiten que la vivienda sea un lugar adecuado y digno para el desarrollo de la vida priva y las relaciones familiares


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    En este trabajo de investigación se logró determinar la huella de carbono de la Universidad Politécnica Salesiana, sede Quito, campus sur; el valor obtenido para el año 2012 fue de 873,88 toneladas de dióxido de carbono equivalente. La metodología aplicada es el “Protocolo de gases de efecto invernadero” que establece el cálculo de tres alcances, denominados Scopes. Para la UPS-Sur, el Scope 1 relacionado con el uso de combustibles es de 16,82 toneladas de CO2 eq, el Scope 2 mismo que tiene que ver con el consumo eléctrico es de 209,07 t CO2 eq y el Scope 3 que considera las emisiones de GEI por la adquisición y utilización de insumos, por la descomposición de residuos sólidos orgánicos y de descargas líquidas, tiene un valor de 647,99 t CO2 eq. Puesto que en el año 2012 había 3870 individuos realizando actividades dentro de las instalaciones de la UPS-Sur, es posible establecer un valor per cápita anual de H-C de 225,81 kg de CO2 eq emitidos hacia la atmosfera. Para verificar estos resultados se empleó el software SimaPro 7.3, con el cual se obtuvo un total de 861,03 t CO2 eq. La diferencia entren los dos valores de huella de carbono se debe a que en el software no se considera los residuos ni las descargas líquidas del campus. // This paper calculates the carbon footprint of the Polytechnic Salesian University, south campus, the value obtained for the year 2012 was 873, 88 tons of equivalent carbon dioxide. The methodology used was the “Greenhouse gas protocol” that calculates three scopes. For UPS-South, Scope 1-related to fuel use—was measured at 16, 82 tons of equivalent CO2; Scope 2-it has to do with power consumption-was 209, 07 tons of equivalent CO2; and, Scope 3-considers GHG emissions for the acquisition and use of inputs, through the decomposition of organic solid waste and liquid discharges—had a value of 647, 99 t CO2 eq. Because in 2012 there were 3870 individuals doing activities in the UPS-South campus, it was possible to establish an annual per capita value for carbon footprint of 225,81 kg CO2 eq emitted to the atmosphere. SimaPro 7.3 software was used to verify this result, in which a total of 861, 03 t CO2 eq were obtained. The difference between the two values of carbon footprint is due to the software’s different treatment for organic solid waste and the liquid waste discharges, which are ignored form the calculations

    Road Network: Resource Management for its Maintenance

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    Reliable data and sound analysis are necessary to manage a road network in a costeffective manner. Nowadays, adequate systems and equipment are available for gathering data and analysis. Grounded on sound analysis, properly financed roadimprovement plans can be estimated. It is possible to outline different improvement scenarios on the basis of given priorities, say reduction of mortal accidents, and financial constraints. The process should blend the managerial and technical perspectives, as is shown with an empirical illustration from the road network of the Madrid region in Spain

    Beliefs about educational technology: a view from a preservice teacher biography in school and university

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    Se presenta una investigación que analiza las creencias sobre tecnología educativa construidas por futuros profesores a lo largo de su historia de vida a través de estudio de casos. Los datos se recogieron a través de entrevistas en profundidad realizadas en dos etapas, la primera, antes de que asuman las prácticas preprofesionales y la segunda, inmediatamente después de las mismas. El trabajo permite recuperar una serie de creencias que se derivan de la biografía. Las conclusiones aluden a la impronta de los procesos biográficos, sobre todo en relación a las creencias construidas en los primeros años de escolarización que no son relativizadas durante la formación inicial. Estas creencias mantienen su vigencia en la formación inicial y predominan sobre los conocimientos adquiridos cuando se llevan adelante actividades de enseñanza. En este trabajo se analiza la biografía escolar y universitaria del caso de Emma.We present a research on beliefs about educational technology built by preservice teachers throughout life story with case study. Data were collected through indepth interviews in two stages, first, before they take the preprofessional practices and second, immediately after them. The work on biographies has allowed identify a variety of beliefs. The conclusions show the importance of the biographical processes, especially in relation to the beliefs constructed in the early years of schooling are not relativized during initial training. These beliefs are still valid in the teacher education process and predominate over the knowledge acquired when teaching activities are carried out. In this paper is analyzed Emma's biography in relation to school and university.peerReviewe

    A guide and two untime chronicles to contemplate Rothko's work

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    The experience offered by a museum to a visitor can have different nature and importance for everyone. Each artwork is perpetually sending a message to the viewer, possibly creating an art-person link. This link can provide experiences of great significant power to the visitor. The article below aims to delve into the facilitation of these experiences in the case of the paintings created by the artist Mark Rothko work (1903-1970). Their special characteristics mean that they can be called "Rothko experiences". As a result, a guide to viewing the work, based on the artist's recommendations, has been developed which can facilitate the emergence of these so-called "Rothko experience". Specifically, some of the multiple "realityaesthetical-art" connections experienced between Rothko's work and people whom observation incorporate an aesthetical and metaphysical dimension of reality are presented. To help in the understanding of these profound experiences and the aesthetical education of sensibility, the narrative method is used through two chronicles that gather the experiences lived by the authors in their contemplation of Rothko's work. These chronicles are examples that can help to understand the possibilities of Rothko's contemplative painting. The result is a synthetic study of Rothko work conceptualization, through one guide and the narrative dialectics between two "Rothko experiences" to show his aesthetical way of thinking, represented in his paintings

    The concept of collaborative engineering: a systematic literature review

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    Collaborative engineering is not a new subject but it assumes a new importance in the Industry 4.0 (I4.0). There are other concepts frequently mismatched with collaboration. Thus, the main objective of this paper is to put forward a collaborative engineering concept, along its sub concepts, supported by an extensive systematic literature review. A critical analysis and discussion about the fundamental importance of learning, and the central human role in collaboration, in the I4.0, is presented, based on the main insights brought through the literature review. This study also enables to realize about the importance of collaboration in the current digitalization era, along with the importance of recent approaches and technology for enabling or promoting collaboration. Main current practices of human centered and autonomous machine-machine approaches and applications of collaboration in engineering, namely in manufacturing and management, are presented, along with main difficulties and further open research opportunities on collaboration.This work was supported by the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia [UIDB/00319/2020, UIDB/50014/2020, and EXPL/EME-SIS/1224/2021]

    Robert Castel, el sociólogo que diagnosticó el presente

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    Formes de Pfaff, classe et perturbations

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    International audienc