3,918 research outputs found

    Thompson-type formulae

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    Let X and Y be two nxn Hermitian matrices. In the article "Proof of a conjectured exponential formula" (Linear and Multilinear Algebra (19) 1986, 187-197) R. C. Thompson proved that there exist two nxn unitary matrices U and V such that eiXeiY=ei(UXU+VBV). e^{i X}e^{i Y}=e^{i (UXU^*+VBV^*)}. In this note we consider extensions of this result to compact operators as well as to operators in an embeddable II1_1 factor

    Caracterización de integrones y casetes de resistencia a antimicrobianos y amino cuaternarios en cepas de Salmonella aisladas en el Estado de México

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    Salmonella spp, is a public and animal health problem, due to the emergence of multiresistant strains to antimicrobials, this multiresistance has been related to resistance genes that are found in the bacterial chromosome or related with plasmids, transposons and recently to integrons resistance; therefore, the first objective of the study was to determine the phenotypic and genotypic resistance to antibiotics of Salmonella spp. isolated from bovine animals carcasses sacrificed in slaughterhouses of the Center-North of Mexico State. The presence of PSE-1, tetG, qnrS, FloR, STR genes was determined. The isolates which identified these genes showed resistance to ampicillin, tetracycline, nalidixic acid, Florfenicol and streptomycin; however, some isolates that presented the resistance genes, did not express phenotypic resistance, this result was associated mainly to the fact that some genes do not contain a promoter in their coding region, which prevents its phenotypic expression; therefore, the second objective of this work was to characterize the class 1 integron of resistance in Salmonella spp. isolates of beef, sheep and poultry carcasses. The class 1 integron is composed of two conserved regions and a variable region where there are various resistance genes called genes cassette. The region 3'CS is composed of qacEΔ1 and sul1 genes, these genes confer resistance to quaternary amino compounds and sulfonamides respectively; however, variants have been identified for this region. We analyzed 77 isolates of Salmonella spp. obtained from pigs, poultry and cattle from slaughterhouses of the State of Mexico, Mexico. Forty percent of the isolates belonged to the class 1 integron, where the majority of these isolates showed “Caracterización de integrones y casetes de resistencia a antimicrobianos y amino cuaternario en cepas de Salmonella aisladas en el Estado de México” M en C. Jorge Antonio Varela Guerrero vi multidrug resistance to antibiotics such as streptomycin, ampicillin, tetracycline, gentamicin, chloramphenicol and trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole. The cassette genes that were found, were dfrA17, dfrA12 of resistance to trimethoprim and genes aaA1, aaA2 and aaA5 of resistance to streptomycin. In the class 1 integron distal portion, we identified qacEΔ1/sul1; however, deletions in one or both of them was observed, the same as an unusual distal region composed of qacH and sul1 genes which confer the same resistance of qacEΔ1 and sul1 genes; but, with different origin that has not yet been explained. The different genotypic structures found in the present study indicate that the evolution of bacteria and their genetic and phenotypic adaptation to survive are factors that help the emergence of variants in the integrons, which could cause the antimicrobial therapy and disinfection does not have the expected results, by which increase the concern in global public health

    A Democracia cognitiva

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    Comunicação apresentada no Congresso Educação e Democracia, Aveiro, 2007 - organizado pela Universidade de Aveiro.As presentes linhas pretendem trazer à luz algumas reflexões sobre a evolução da democracia e a importância do sistema educativo na afirmação de uma cidadania plena. Uma cidadania moderna que traga consigo um novo olhar sobre a forma como lidamos com os direitos, os deveres, a liberdade e a responsabilidade. Até pelo que abaixo se escreve, vimos então afirmar a nossa liberdade em escrever e expor as presentes convicções assumindo a responsabilidade de previamente as termos feito passar pelo crivo da reflexão. Tomando a complexidade como valor a integrar, olharemos de que maneira a democracia cognitiva pode afirmar-se como uma forma de reajustar a sociedade a tal complexidade. O caminho para se chegar a esse novo estádio da democracia apenas poderá ser trilhado por cidadãos de corpo inteiro. Os que assumam a responsabilidade de ver nos direitos alheios uma forma de valorizar um direito que também é seu. Os que entendam que a sua liberdade não se resume à inexistência de grilhões mas antes que deve ser exercida com a responsabilidade de a adjectivar, de lhe acrescentar algo

    Death, Nature and Society in Cormac McCarthy’s The Road, T.S. Eliot’s The Waste Land and F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby

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    [Abstract] In this BA thesis I proceed to the revision of the imagery in The Waste Land (1922) through the intertextual analysis of the modernist imagery present in T.S Eliot's poem and the novel The Great Gatsby by F.S Fitzgerald (1929), as well as its hypothetical projection in contemporary works. The main purpose and motivation that has led me to carry out this multi-textual comparative analysis lies in the will to delve into the themes common to these modernist works, and their influence on contemporary novels of post-apocalyptic culture such as The Road by Cormac McCarthy (2006): the weariness and desolation of the modern individual in the face of the world, the failure of materialistic society, the decay of nature and the pessimistic vision of the future, as well as death as a cathartic process. Through an in-depth examination of the descriptions, images, actions and reflections of the characters and voices found in the works that have been analysed, this study has allowed me to find similarities inherent in two of the most significant modernist works, also offering a possible connection to another novel published in a distant historical and literary context, although somehow intertwined with this cultural current due to various economic, politic and social factors, as has been concluded throughout the thesis. Similarly, this dissertation argues that the disillusionment and hopelessness, the dramatic and terrible vision of modern society and nature, conceived by many authors in the 1920s-30s, is replicated again in the 20th century in an even more explicit manner. The ideas developed throughout my study are the result of extensive research into the biographies of the authors, the socio-economic context in which their works were written and the repercussions they have obtained, as well as a personal interpretation of the texts after an exhaustive analysis of the images, symbols and motifs found in them. The collapse of the capitalist system, the failure of the American dream, myth and religion, life and death as a cyclical movement, or the ecological problems that have been emerging since the last century are studied in detail through their representation in The Waste Land, The Great Gatsby and The Road. This thesis, therefore, uses specific fragments of these works to justify the arguments provided, although I have also drawn on the opinions of literary critics, authors and researchers in the field to support the theories and conclusions offered in this work.Traballo fin de grao (UDC.FIL). Inglés: estudios lingüísticos y literarios. Curso 2020/1202

    Da Arquitectura e de Processos Construtivos Contemporânea em Estrutura de Madeira para Habitações – Da Possibilidade de Aplicação em Países Lusófonos

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    O teor deste trabalho consiste na contribuição conceptual de construção em madeira, inerente á temática “Da Arquitectura e de Processos Construtivos Contemporânea em Estrutura de Madeira para Habitações – Da Possibilidade de Aplicação em País Lusófonas”, empregando um material sustentável e amigo do ambiente. Tal temática, suscitou a minha sensibilidade devido à necessidade de aproveitamento das potencialidades e recursos naturais e humanos nacionais, em benefício do bem-estar social, designadamente, na construção de habitações condignas para todos e a baixo custo. Procedeu-se ao estudo de processos construtivos praticas empregues num país “leader” da construção de madeira, o caso da Finlandia, e ensaiou-se a discussão da aplicação dessas práticas em Portugal para uma sua transposisão para Países lusófonos

    School Variables as a Protective Factor for Violent Behavior.

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    Violent behavior represents a mental health problem for children and adolescents. Yet, the schools can contribute to understand this type of aggressive behavior, but most important, to mediate or moderate different predictors and their negative consequences. In order to examine the role of the school context for the development and maintenance of violent behavior, I conducted 3 studies which examined different features of the school. The first study examined the relationship between school attachment, violent attitudes, and violent behavior over time in a sample of urban adolescents from the Midwest. The final sample consisted of 579 participants, 54.9% female and 81.3% African American. The results indicated that the relationship between school attachment and violent behavior over time is mediated through violent attitude. The second paper examined the importance of peer influence on bullying behavior and the role of teacher-student relatedness as a promotive factor for early aggression and peer rejection during school transition. I used a sample of 264 ethnically diverse students, 52% of whom were female from 5th grade to 7th grade. Results provide evidence that peer rejection and aggression experiences in elementary school, predicted becoming a victim or a bully in 7th grade. In addition teacher-student relatedness during the transition process, protected youth against the negative effects of peer rejection and becoming a victim of bullying in 7th grade. Finally, in the third paper I tested the association between school violence and life satisfaction among youth, considering school satisfaction as a mediating factor. For this purpose I used a sample of 802 7th graders from Chile. Results showed that being a victim of school violence has an indirect effect on life satisfaction through school satisfaction. Being a perpetrator, however, has no indirect effect on life satisfaction. Results of the dissertation studies provide evidence of the role of different school variables that could contribute to understanding school violent behavior and its negative consequences. Researchers have identified several school variables that explain youth adjustment, but few have also considered these school variables to be useful for explaining youth violence over time or in different cultural contexts.PhDEducation and PsychologyUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/120830/1/jjvarela_1.pd