375 research outputs found

    Versión española abreviada del cuestionario de ansiedad relacionada con el embarazo

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    The aim of this study is to obtain a Spanish brief version of the Pregnancy Related Anxiety Questionnaire and analyse its psychometric properties. A longitudinal study was carried out on a sample of 569 Spanish pregnant women with normal risk status. Participants were assessed in the first, second, and third trimesters of pregnancy by using a socio-demographic and obstetric-gynaecological questionnaire, the PRAQ-55, the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale, and the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory. PRAQ-55 items with factorial loads > .50 were selected resulting in a final scale of 20 items. A cut-off point ≥ 67 (85th percentile) was used to identify women with high pregnancy-specific anxiety. The findings revealed that PRAQ-20 can be considered a useful screening tool in clinical practice to assess pregnancy-related anxiety in both nulliparous and multiparous pregnant womenEl objetivo de este estudio es obtener una versión breve en español del Cuestionario de Ansiedad Relacionada con el Embarazo y analizar sus propiedades psicométricas. Se realizó un estudio longitudinal en una muestra de 569 mujeres embarazadas españolas con un embarazo de riesgo normal. Se evaluó a las participantes en el primer, segundo y tercer trimestre de embarazo utilizando un cuestionario sociodemográfico y obstétrico-ginecológico, el PRAQ-55, la Escala de Depresión Postparto de Edimburgo y el Inventario de Ansiedad de Estado-Rasgo. Se seleccionaron los ítems de la PRAQ-55 con cargas factoriales > .50, lo que dio como resultado una escala final de 20 ítems. Se utilizó como punto de corte 67 (percentil 85) para identificar a aquellas mujeres con elevada ansiedad específica del embarazo. Los resultados mostraron que el PRAQ-20 puede considerarse una herramienta de cribado útil en la práctica clínica para evaluar la ansiedad relacionada con el embarazo tanto en mujeres embarazadas nulíparas como multíparasS

    Prevalence of Depression during Pregnancy in Spanish Women: Trajectory and Risk Factors in Each Trimester

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    The aims of this research were to determine the trajectories of probable depression and major depression during pregnancy and to identify the associated and predictor variables (sociodemographic, pregnancy-related, and psychological) for both conditions in each trimester of pregnancy. A longitudinal study was carried out with 569 pregnant Spanish women who were assessed in the first, second, and third trimesters of pregnancy. Depression was assessed using the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale and a clinical interview. Measures of anxiety and stress were also included. The prevalence of probable depression in the first, second, and third trimesters was 23.4%, 17.0%, and 21.4%, respectively, and that of major depression was 5.1%, 4.0%, and 4.7%. Thus, the prevalence of both conditions was the highest in the first and third trimesters. The trajectories of probable depression and major depression followed the same pattern throughout pregnancy. All of the psychological variables studied were associated with both conditions in all three trimesters, with perceived stress being a predictor at all times. The association between the other variables and both conditions of depression was similar. Two exceptions stand out: having had previous miscarriages, which was only associated with probable depression and was also a predictor, in the first trimester; and complications during pregnancy, which was only associated with probable and major depression in the third trimester. These findings should be taken into account in routine pregnancy follow-ups, and necessary interventions should be started in the first trimester.S

    Increased Impulsivity following progressive nigral degenereation and chronic pramipexole treatment in an animal model of Parkinson's disease

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    Dopamine agonists (DA) that are widely used to treat motor deficits in patients with Parkinson’s disease (PD) are frequently associated with the development of abnormal-impulsive behaviors (AIB). The pathophysiology of AIB is poorly understood and there is a need for reliable animal models. We have analyzed the behavior of parkinsonian (injection of adeno-associated viral vectors (AAV) encoding for A53T mutated hα-syn in the substantia nigra compacta) and control (AAV- GFP expression) rats under chronic treatment with the D2/D3 receptor DA pramipexole (PPX) during 4 weeks, in OFF and ON medication states, using the 5-Choice Serial Reaction Time-Task (5-CSRTT). Before PPX treatment, the dopaminergic lesion increased the premature responses rate (waiting impulsivity) that was further increased with PPX during the 4 weeks of treatment in ON medication state and that was significantly higher than in control rats. A similar pattern of changes was observed in the variables related to attention (reduced accuracy in the responses and increased omissions). Premature response rate before and after treatment (both in ON and OFF medication) were correlated. In turn, premature responses before treatment and in OFF correlated with the striatal dopaminergic depletion (Dopamine transporter (DAT) immunochemistry). No significant changes were observed in OFF medication state in premature responses rate respect to the pretreatment state. The striatal expression of FosB/ΔFosB inversely correlated with the DAT expression and was higher in the lateral region of both striata and in the shell and core of the nucleus accumbens in parkinsonian than in control rats. In conclusion, these results indicate that the dopaminergic lesion is a risk factor to develop abnormal impulsive behaviors in PD under DA treatment and that this model could be a valid tool to investigate the pathophysiology of AIB in PD (DFG11/019, PI11/02109).Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Psychometric properties of the spanish version of the pregnancy related anxiety questionnaire (PRAQ)

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    Although pregnancy increases the vulnerability to anxiety, no specific assessment instruments are usually used to detect it. The objective of this study was to adapt the Pregnancy Related Anxiety Questionnaire (PRAQ) to Spanish population, as well as analyze its validity and reliability. A sample of 367 nulliparous pregnant women with a normal risk status filled in a socio-demographic and obstetric-gynaecological questionnaire, the PRAQ, the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS) and the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI). After performing a factorial analysis, a five-factor model that explains 53.1% of the variance was obtained. Estimates of internal consistency reliability were adequate (range = .78 to .93) for the five factors included in the final confirmatory factor analysis, and for the total scale (.97). Significant correlation among PRAQ, EPDS, and STAI was found (p < .001). The 85th percentile (score 234 or more) was used as a cut-off point to identify those women with high pregnancy-specific anxiety. In accordance with the results obtained, the PRAQ can be considered a useful screening tool to evaluate pregnancy-related anxiety among the Spanish populationS

    Leisure Time in Natural Environment as a Promoter of Emotional Connection with Nature. An Environmental Study with Teenagers in Pontevedra (Galicia-Spain)

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    Los jóvenes cada vez tienen menos ocio en la naturaleza. Esta realidad se vincula con el despertar de la conciencia ambiental, pues el ocio en estos entornos promueve una mayor conexión emocional con la naturaleza, lo que influye en las actitudes y comportamientos proambientales. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue analizar la influencia que ejerce la experiencia de ocio en espacios naturales en el grado de conexión emocional con la naturaleza en una muestra de alumnos de educación secundaria de la provincia de Pontevedra (Galicia, España). Asimismo, se estudió el rol de variables como el lugar de residencia y el género. A partir de un muestreo por cuotas cruzadas se aplicó un cuestionario elaborado ad hoc con 683 casos válidos. Los datos informan que los adolescentes que tienen más experiencias de ocio en entornos naturales presentan un mayor grado de conectividad; el alumnado del ámbito rural muestra valores más elevados; y que son las estudiantes las que presentan una conectividad más alta. En conclusión, se subraya la necesidad de potenciar en los más jóvenes el ocio en entornos naturales como estrategia para restituir la armonía entre el ser humano y la naturalezaYoung people spend progressively less leisure time in contact with nature. This situation is closely related to the awakening of environmental awareness, since leisure time in natural environments fosters a greater emotional connection with nature, which influences proenvironmental attitudes and behaviors. The objective of this research is to analyze the influence of leisure experiences in natural spaces on the degree of emotional connection with nature among a group of secondary education students in Pontevedra (Galicia, Spain). The role of variables such as place of residence and gender in this emotional connection will also be analyzed. An ad hoc questionnaire was applied based on cross-sectional quota sampling, obtaining a total of 683 valid cases. The data obtained shows that those teenagers who have more leisure experiences in natural environments have a higher degree of emotional connection with nature. Likewise, the place of residence influences the degree of connection with nature, with the highest values being for students from rural areas. In addition, female students have significantly higher connectivity. In conclusion, it is necessary to enhance these leisure experiences in nature among the youngest students as a strategy to restore harmony between human beings and natureFinanciamiento asociado: Ayudas para la Formación del Profesorado Universitario (FPU) financiadas por el Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades del Gobierno de España. Este trabajo emana de la tesis doctoral “Educación, ocio y espacios naturales. Un estudio con el alumnado de educación secundaria de la provincia de Pontevedra” defendida en la Universidad de Santiago de Compostela en el año 2019S

    An approach for analysing and segmenting messages about the SDGs on Twitter from the perspective of social marketing

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    Se ha publicado una corrección de este artículo en: International Review on Public and Nonprofit Marketing, (2023), 20, 3, (635-658), DOI: 10.1007/s12208-023-00369-3This descriptive study aims to identify the most published SDGs by @GlobalGoalsUN, the United Nations' official account for sustainable development goals, and elaborate the segmentation profiles of these messages that promote a more significant impact from the perspective of social marketing and happiness. With more than 345 million active users in 2022, Twitter is a relevant social media tool for researching and knowing public reactions. In order to identify the most relevant SDGs, we have downloaded tweets from January 1, 2021, to September 30, 2022. The segmentation profiles have been elaborated with the classification tree using the division method called CHAID (Chi-square automatic interaction detector), which allows the automatic detection of interactions through Chi-square. This technique has made it possible to identify four homogeneous sub-samples corresponding to the segmentation profiles of messages based on impact, social marketing and happiness. The results of these profiles show the categories of the variables that best distinguish the messages. In addition, it has been verified that the most published SDGs do not coincide with those that have achieved the greatest impact. The climate has been the most published SDG (SDG 13 Climate action), but the one that has obtained the most significant reaction from the public has been the SDG related to well-being (SDG 3 Health and well-being). The most popular format has been video, the most recurrent emotional tone has been neutral, and, about social marketing, a category of action messages stands out, unlike behavioural ones, which do not specify the indications to carry out a specific initiative.24 página

    The local public media as thermometers of the quality of democracy in Andalusia

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    En el actual contexto de crisis y de recortes en políticas públicas que se vive en España, los medios públicos locales pueden ser considerados como termómetros de la calidad democrática de las localidades en las que se ubica cada uno de ellos. Los medios públicos locales, también denominados medios del Tercer Sector, se sitúan en un juego de fuerzas que amplia o limita las posibilidades de participación y de deliberación de la ciudadanía. Los resultados preliminares de la investigación recogida en este artículo apuntan a un predominio de las fuerzas del mercado a la hora de orientar las prácticas comunicativas de los medios públicos locales de Andalucía y a una escasa apropiación de ellos por parte de la ciudadaníaIn the current context of crisis and cutbacks in public policy experienced in Spain, the local public media can be considered as a thermometer of the democratic quality of the localities in which each of these media are located. Local public media, also known as the Third Sector Media, are placed in a kind of interplay of forces that broaden or limit the possibilities of participation and deliberation of the citizenry. The preliminary results of the research in this article point to a predominance of the forces of the market when it comes to guiding policies and communicative practices of the local public media of Andalusia and to a limited communication appropriation of the citizenship

    Artificial Neural Networks Manipulation Server: Research on the Integration of Databases and Artificial Neural Networks

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    The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s005210200011This paper proposes a new whole and distributed integration approach between Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) and Databases (DBs) taking into account the different stages of the former’s lifecycle (training, test and running). The integration architecture which has been developed consists of an ANN Manipulation Server (AMS) based on a client-server approach, which improves the ANNs’ manipulation and experimentation capabilities considerably, and also those of their training and test sets, together with their modular reuse among possibly remote applications. Moreover, the chances of integrating ANNs and DBs are analysed, proposing a new level of integration which improves the integration features considerably. This level has not been contemplated yet at full reach in any of the commercial or experimental tools analysed up to the present date. Finally, the application of the integration architecture which has been developed to the specific domain of Environmental Impact Assessments (EIAs) is studied. Thus, the versatility and efficacy of that architecture for developing ANNs is tested. The enormous complexity of the functioning of the patterns which rule the environment’s behaviour, and the great number of variables involved, make it the ideal domain for experimenting on the application of ANNs together with DBs

    Análisis estadístico de los trabajos incluidos en el Volumen 2 de Tesinas : Licenciatura en Sociología (publicación digital)

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    En este informe se presentan las características generales de la totalidad de los trabajos finales y tesinas (246) aprobados para la obtención del título de Licenciado en Sociología de la UNLP (Plan 1985, Plan 1991 y Plan 2001) hasta el año 2010 -inclusive -.Departamento de Sociologí