150 research outputs found

    Marine Natural Products for Protein Misfolding Modulation

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    Chinas Going Global – Finanzmarktkrise bietet Chancen für chinesische Investoren im Ausland

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    We study the effect of nitrogen on the GaAs0.9-xNxSb0.1 (x = 0.00, 0.65%, 1.06%, 1.45%, and 1.90%) alloy dielectric function by spectroscopic ellipsometry in the energy range from 0.73 to 4.75 eV. The compositional dependences of the critical points energies for the GaAs0.9-xNxSb0.1 are obtained. In addition to the GaAs intrinsic transitions E-1, E-1+ Delta(1), and E-0, the nitrogen-induced Gamma-point optical transitions E-0 and E+, together with a third transition E-#, are identified. We find that with increasing the N content, the E-0 transition shifts to lower energies while the E+ and (E)# transitions shift to higher energies. We suggest that the origin of the E-0, E+, and E-# transitions may be explained by the double band anticrossing (BAC) model, consisting of a conduction BAC model and a valence BAC model.Original Publication:N. Ben Sedrine, C. Bouhafs, J.C. Harmand, R. Chtourou and Vanya Darakchieva, Effect of nitrogen on the GaAs0.9-xNxSb0.1 dielectric function from the near-infrared to the ultraviolet, 2010, Applied Physics Letters, (97), 20, 201903.http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.3518479Copyright: American Institute of Physicshttp://www.aip.org

    Electron effective mass in Sn-doped monoclinic single crystal β\beta-gallium oxide determined by mid-infrared optical Hall effect

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    The isotropic average conduction band minimum electron effective mass in Sn-doped monoclinic single crystal β\beta-Ga2_2O3_3 is experimentally determined by mid-infrared optical Hall effect to be (0.284±0.013)m0(0.284\pm0.013)m_{0} combining investigations on (010010) and (2ˉ01\bar{2}01) surface cuts. This result falls within the broad range of values predicted by theoretical calculations for undoped β\beta-Ga2_2O3_3. The result is also comparable to recent density functional calculations using the Gaussian-attenuation-Perdue-Burke-Ernzerhof hybrid density functional, which predict an average effective mass of 0.267m00.267m_{0} (arXiv:1704.06711 [cond-mat.mtrl-sci]). Within our uncertainty limits we detect no anisotropy for the electron effective mass, which is consistent with most previous theoretical calculations. We discuss upper limits for possible anisotropy of the electron effective mass parameter from our experimental uncertainty limits, and we compare our findings with recent theoretical results

    Exome sequencing identifies nonsegregating nonsense ATM and PALB2 variants in familial pancreatic cancer.

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    We sequenced 11 germline exomes from five families with familial pancreatic cancer (FPC). One proband had a germline nonsense variant in ATM with somatic loss of the variant allele. Another proband had a nonsense variant in PALB2 with somatic loss of the variant allele. Both variants were absent in a relative with FPC. These findings question the causal mechanisms of ATM and PALB2 in these families and highlight challenges in identifying the causes of familial cancer syndromes using exome sequencing

    Effects of 30-, 60-, and 90-Day Bed Rest on Postural Control in Men and Women

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    INTRODUCTION Head-down-tilt bed rest (HDT) has been used as a safe gr ound-based analog to mimic and develop countermeasures for the physiological effects of spaceflight, including decrements in postural stability. The purpose of this investigation was to characterize the effects of 30-, 60-, and 90-day bed rest on postural control in men and women. METHODS Twenty-nine subjects (18M,11F) underwent 13 days of ambula tory acclimatization and were placed in 6? HDT for 30 (n=12), 60 (n=8), or 90 (n=9) days, followed by 14 days of ambulatory recovery. Computerized dynamic posturography (CDP) was used to assess changes in sensory and motor components of postural control, and recovery after HDT. Sensory Organization Tests (SOTs) objectively evaluate one?s ability to effectively use or suppress visual, vestibular, and proprioceptive information for postural control. Stability during the SOTs was assessed using peak-to-peak sway and convergence toward stability limits to derive an equilibrium score. Motor Control Tests (MCTs) evaluate one?s ability to recover from unexpected support surface perturbations, with performance determined by center-of-pressure path length. Whole-body kinematic data were collected to determine body-sway strategy used to maintain stability during each condition. Baselines were determined pre-HDT. Recovery was tracked post-HDT on days 0, 1, 2, and 4. RESULTS Immediately after HDT, subjects showed decreased performance on most SOTs, primarily on sway-referenced support conditions, typically returning to baseline levels within 4 days. MCT performance was not significantly affected. There were no significant gender or duration differences in performance. Kinematic data revealed a tendency to use ankle strategy to maintain an upright stance during most SOT conditions. Interestingly, six subjects (2M,4F) experienced orthostatic intolerance and were unable to complete day 0 testing. CONCLUSION HDT mimics some un loading mechanisms of spaceflight and elicits orthostatic issues present post-spaceflight (contributing to instability); however, it does not sufficiently address the vestibular dysfunction which occurs post-spaceflight

    Joint estimation of relaxation and diffusion tissue parameters for prostate cancer with relaxation-VERDICT MRI

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    This work presents a biophysical model of diffusion and relaxation MRI for prostate called relaxation vascular, extracellular and restricted diffusion for cytometry in tumours (rVERDICT). The model includes compartment-specific relaxation effects providing T1/T2 estimates and microstructural parameters unbiased by relaxation properties of the tissue. 44 men with suspected prostate cancer (PCa) underwent multiparametric MRI (mp-MRI) and VERDICT-MRI followed by targeted biopsy. We estimate joint diffusion and relaxation prostate tissue parameters with rVERDICT using deep neural networks for fast fitting. We tested the feasibility of rVERDICT estimates for Gleason grade discrimination and compared with classic VERDICT and the apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) from mp-MRI. The rVERDICT intracellular volume fraction fic discriminated between Gleason 3 + 3 and 3 + 4 (p = 0.003) and Gleason 3 + 4 and ≥ 4 + 3 (p = 0.040), outperforming classic VERDICT and the ADC from mp-MRI. To evaluate the relaxation estimates we compare against independent multi-TE acquisitions, showing that the rVERDICT T2 values are not significantly different from those estimated with the independent multi-TE acquisition (p > 0.05). Also, rVERDICT parameters exhibited high repeatability when rescanning five patients (R2 = 0.79–0.98; CV = 1–7%; ICC = 92–98%). The rVERDICT model allows for accurate, fast and repeatable estimation of diffusion and relaxation properties of PCa sensitive enough to discriminate Gleason grades 3 + 3, 3 + 4 and ≥ 4 + 3

    Use of polimerase chain reaction for sexing south american camelids

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    Se reporta el desarrollo y optimizaciones de técnicas moleculares (PCR simple, múltiple y semi-anidada) para determinar el sexo de camélidos sudamericanos (CSA) amplificando la secuencia del gen Zinc Finger Protein (ZF). La técnica utilizó ADN obtenido de 28 muestras de sangre de alpacas, llamas y vicuñas, 20 muestras de heces de vicuñas y guanacos conservadas en etanol al 96%, y 22 embriones de alpaca colectados entre 72 y 96 horas postmonta y preservados en etanol. Las muestras de ADN de sangre y heces fueron extraídas usando kits comerciales, y las de embriones aplicando tres métodos (ebullición, proteinasa K y fenol-cloroformo). Una vez optimizada la PCR simple para la detección de los genes ZFY y ZFX, se implementó la PCR múltiple para ADN de sangre y heces y la PCR semi-anidada para ADN de embriones. La técnica de PCR múltiple determinó el sexo correctamente en el 100% de las muestras de ADN sanguíneo, en el 87.5% de muestras de ADN de heces colectadas en 2008 y en el 50% de las muestras de ADN de heces colectadas en 2004 y preservadas durante cuatro años antes del análisis. La prueba de PCR semi-anidada, sin embargo, no pudo ser optimizada.The objective of this study was to develop a PCR technique to determine the sex of South American camelids (CSA) using Zinc Finger Protein (ZF) sequences from blood and fecal samples, as well as cells from alpaca embryos. A total of 28 alpaca, llama and vicuña blood samples, 20 vicuña and guanaco fecal samples, and 22 alpaca embryos collected between 72 and 96 hours postcopula were used. The fecal and embryo samples were preserved in 96% and 70% ethanol respectively. DNA was extracted from blood and feces using commercial kits. Three methods (boiling, proteinase K and phenol-cloroform) were used to extract DNA from alpaca embryos. Two PCR techniques were developed to analyze DNA: multiplex (for fecal and blood sample DNA) and heminested PCR (for embryo cell DNA). The multiplex PCR accurately determined the sex in 100% of the DNA samples extracted from blood, in 87.5% of the samples extracted from fresh feces and in 50% of the 4-year old fecal samples. The heminested PCR, however, could not be optimized