48 research outputs found

    Hydrographic and Chemical measurements during the R/V L’Atalante BIOZAIRE III Cruise in the Atlantic Ocean (14 December, 2003 - 7 January 2004)

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    http://cdiac.esd.ornl.gov/ftp/oceans/BIOZAIRE3. Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis CenterOak Ridge National LaboratoryUS Department of Energy, Oak Ridge, Tennesseecruise repor

    Anomalies of oxygen measurements performed with Aanderaa optodes

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    Four sets of measurements performed between 2005 and 2010 in the deep central Atlantic, the deep north-western Mediterranean Sea, and in the Arctic Ocean revealed strange anomalies in the performance of the Aanderaa optode 3830 sensors mounted on RCMI I current meters in low current regimes (current speeds > 10 cm s(-1)). All oxygen datasets collected during these deployments showed significant drops of oxygen (50-100 mu mol) affecting the data stability of the optode sensors in low hydrodynamic conditions. High correlations between all acquired parameters (temperature, turbidity, speed and direction of currents) verified that no unusual event occurred in the mooring areas during the periods of acquisition, although natural events responsible for such abrupt, short and intense oxygen variations cannot be easily identified. Despite the well-known performance of the Aanderaa optodes, these experiments demonstrate that the data acquired by those installed on RCMI I s cannot be always reliable, especially in low energy systems (typical for the deep ocean), and that current speeds should always be considered in order to verify the reliability of the data recorded

    Deep currents in the Gulf of Guinea: along slope propagation of intraseasonal waves

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    In the Gulf of Guinea, intraseasonal variability is large at the equator and along the coast. Current data on the continental slope near 7.5° S show very energetic biweekly oscillations at 1300 m depth. A high resolution primitive equation numerical model demonstrates that this deep variability is forced by equatorial winds, through the generation of equatorial Yanai waves that propagate eastward and at depth, and then poleward as coastally-trapped waves upon reaching the coast of Africa. Intraseasonal variability is intensified along the coast of the Gulf of Guinea, especially in the 10–20 day period range and at depths between 500 and 1500 m. The kinetic energy distribution is well explained at first order by linear theory. Along the equator, eastward intensification of energy and bottom intensification are in qualitative agreement with vertically propagating Yanai waves, although the signal is influenced by the details of the bathymetry. Along the coast, baroclinic modes 3 to 5 are important close to the equator, and the signal is dominated by lower vertical modes farther south. Additional current meter data on the continental slope near 3° N display an energy profile in the 10–20 day period band that is strikingly different from the one at 7.5° S, with surface intensification rather than bottom intensification and a secondary maximum near 800 m. The model reproduces these features and explains them: the surface intensification in the north is due to the regional wind forcing, and the north-south asymmetry of the deep signal is due to the presence of the zonal African coast near 5° N. A 4 years time series of current measurements at 7.5° S shows that the biweekly oscillations are intermittent and vary from year to year. This intermittency is not well correlated with fluctuations of the equatorial winds and does not seem to be a simple linear response to the wind forcing

    A benthic Si mass balance on the Congo margin: Origin of the 4000 m DSi anomaly and implications for the transfer of Si from land to ocean

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    International audienceTo elucidate the origin of the silicic acid (DSi) anomaly observed along the 4000 isobath on the Congo margin, we have established a benthic Si mass balance and performed direct measurements of biogenic silica (bSiO2) dissolution in the deep waters and in the sediments. Results strongly suggest that the anomaly originates from the sediments; the intensity of DSi recycling is consistent with the degradation of organic matter, as observed from Si:O2 ratios in the benthic fluxes compared to that ratio observed in the anomalies. Strong imbalances, observed in both the Si and C mass balances, suggest that the biogenic matter that degrades and dissolves in these sediments near 4000 m does not come from pelagic sedimentation. It is probably not coming also from the deep channel, because observations were similar in the deep channel vicinity (site D) and further south, far from its influence (site C). The composition of the sediments, with an Si:C ratio close to that observed on continental shelves, suggests that this matter is coming from downslope transport. A first estimate of the magnitude of this flux at global scale, close to 12 T mol Si yr−1, suggests that it may be an important path for transferring Si from land to ocean

    The influence of Congo River discharges in the surface and deep layers of the Gulf of Guinea

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    The main feature of the Congo-Angola margin in the Gulf of Guinea is the Congo (ex-Zaire) deep-sea fan composed of a submarine canyon directly connected to the Congo River, a channel and a [sediment] lobe area. During the multi-disciplinary programme called BIOZAIRE conducted by Ifremer from 2000 to 2005, two CTD-O-2 sections with discrete water column samples were performed (BIOZAIRE3 cruise: 2003-2004) to study the influence of the Congo River discharges, both in the surface layer and in the deep and near-bottom layers. The surface layer water is greatly diluted with river water that has a heavy particle load. The deep layer is affected by episodic turbidity currents that flow in the deep Congo channel and reach deep areas far from the coast. Previous studies revealed deep anomalies in oxygen (deficit) and nutrient (excess) concentrations at similar to 4000 m depth and assumed that they resulted from mineralisation of the particulate organic matter from the Congo River. The BIOZAIRE3 sections were designed to explore these phenomena in more detail near the Congo channel. Oxygen and nutrients were measured as well as additional parameters, including stable isotopes of oxygen and carbon, dissolved inorganic carbon and pH. For the surface layer, the effect of the Congo River was studied with reference to salinity. Deviations from the theoretical dilution of various inorganic solutes suggested the occurrence of mineralisation and consumption processes. For the deep layer, the network of CTD-O-2 stations gave a more detailed description of the deep anomalies than in previous studies. From the east-west section, anomalies appeared on the bottom at 4000m depth and became slightly shallower when they spread to the west. They were also present north and south on the bottom along the 4000 m isobath. In these deep waters, the decrease in the VC values of dissolved inorganic carbon confirmed that the mineralisation of organic matter plays a role in generating these anomalies. The location of the origin of this deep anomaly is debated. Here, arguments are given in favour of mineralisation of the particulate organic matter input that overflows from the Congo channel at similar to 4000 m depth during turbidity current events. Other authors suggest that this input comes from downslope particle transport. Anomalies of the same origin, but weaker, also occurred deeper on the Congo lobe, where the Congo channel ends, but with a significant pH decrease on the bottom which was not seen at 4000 m depth