126 research outputs found
Characterization of novel beta-galactosidase activity that contributes to glycoprotein degradation and virulence in Streptococcus pneumoniae.
The pneumococcus obtains its energy from the metabolism of host glycosides. Therefore, efficient degradation of host glycoproteins is integral to pneumococcal virulence. In search of novel pneumococcal glycosidases, we characterized the Streptococcus pneumoniae strain D39 protein encoded by SPD_0065 and found that this gene encodes a beta-galactosidase. The SPD_0065 recombinant protein released galactose from desialylated fetuin, which was used here as a model of glycoproteins found in vivo. A pneumococcal mutant with a mutation in SPD_0065 showed diminished beta-galactosidase activity, exhibited an extended lag period in mucin-containing defined medium, and cleaved significantly less galactose than the parental strain during growth on mucin. As pneumococcal beta-galactosidase activity had been previously attributed solely to SPD_0562 (bgaA), we evaluated the contribution of SPD_0065 and SPD_0562 to total beta-galactosidase activity. Mutation of either gene significantly reduced enzymatic activity, but beta-galactosidase activity in the double mutant, although significantly less than that in either of the single mutants, was not completely abolished. The expression of SPD_0065 in S. pneumoniae grown in mucin-containing medium or tissues harvested from infected animals was significantly upregulated compared to that in pneumococci from glucose-containing medium. The SPD_0065 mutant strain was found to be attenuated in virulence in a manner specific to the host tissue
Total Marginality: Cumulative Marginality among African American Students at a Predominantly White Institution
This study examines the cumulative nature of marginality felt by African American undergraduates attending a Predominantly White institution (PWI). In-depth semi-structured interviews with ten African American college upperclassmen revealed the need for conceptualization of student marginality at PWIs. The participants detailed their exposure to varying levels of marginality in campus spaces, classrooms, course curriculum, residence halls, the community surrounding the institution, elements of their home environment, and interracial and intraracial interactions with students. This study moves beyond descriptive analyses (Feagin, Vera, & Imani 1996; Davis, Dias-Bowie, Greenberg, Klukken, Pollio, Thomas, & Thompson, 2004; Lewis, Ginsberg, Davis, & Smith, 2004) and offers total marginality as an emergent theory affirming the collective weight of marginality on student development. Recommendations for redressing total marginality are provided
Aspectos morfoanatômicos de Senegalia angico (Mart.) Seigler & Ebinger. (Leguminosae): uma abordagem taxonômica
Este trabalho descreve a morfoanatomia dos nectários extraflorais (NEF), dos tricomas, do pecíolo e da raque das folhas de Senegalia angico, visando encontrar características que auxiliem na sua delimitação dentro do “Complexo Tenuifolia”. Folhas frescas foram coletadas, fixadas, desidratadas, incluídas em historesina e seccionadas para a confecção de lâminas permanentes e semipermanentes. No pecíolo, a epiderme é unisseriada, com tricomas tectores, sendo de uni a multicelulares, e tricomas glandulares capitados localizados no sulco entre os feixes acessórios (FA). A região cortical é constituída de células de parênquima. O sistema vascular é composto por feixes acessórios e sistema vascular central (SVC). A vascularização do único NEF é realizada pelos traços emitidos do SVC. A raque apresenta anatomia semelhante ao pecíolo, porém com feixes acessórios em posição adaxial e periférica ao SVC, formando um sulco. Os sete NEF da raque são vascularizados pelos FA e pelo SVC. O último segmento da raque adquire secção transversal triangular, com apenas um FA. Os NEF do pecíolo e da raque são cupuliformes. Caracteres como tricomas glandulares, número, forma e vascularização dos nectários e a conformação triangular da porção final da raque são peculiares à espécie, sendo úteis para sua distinção dos integrantes do “Complexo Tenuifolia”, no entanto análises complementares são necessárias
Evaluation of glycosylated FlpA and SodB as subunit vaccines against campylobacter jejuni colonisation in chickens
Campylobacter jejuni is the leading bacterial cause of human gastroenteritis worldwide and the handling or consumption of contaminated poultry meat is the key source of infection. C. jejuni proteins FlpA and SodB and glycoconjugates containing the C. jejuni N-glycan have been separately reported to be partially protective vaccines in chickens. In this study, two novel glycoproteins generated by protein glycan coupling technology-G-FlpA and G-SodB (with two and three N-glycosylation sites, respectively)-were evaluated for efficacy against intestinal colonisation of chickens by C. jejuni strain M1 relative to their unglycosylated variants. Two independent trials of the same design were performed with either a high challenge dose of 107 colony-forming units (CFU) or a minimum challenge dose of 102 CFU of C. jejuni M1. While antigen-specific serum IgY was detected in both trials, no reduction in caecal colonisation by C. jejuni M1 was observed and glycosylation of vaccine antigens had no effect on the outcome. Our data highlight inconsistencies in the outcome of C. jejuni vaccination trials that may reflect antigen-, challenge strain-, vaccine administration-, adjuvant- and chicken line-specific differences from previously published studies. Refinement of glycoconjugate vaccines by increasing glycosylation levels or using highly immunogenic protein carriers could improve their efficacy
Embora a figura do coordenador existisse desde a década de 1960 no ensino superior brasileiro, foi somente a partir da Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação de 1996, a Lei 9.394/96, que o coordenador de curso assumiu um papel fundamental na gestão dos cursos de graduação das instituições de ensino superior (IES) brasileiras. Além da referida lei, outro fator que ressignificou o papel do coordenador de cursos foi a implementação das políticas públicas de avaliação do ensino superior, a partir de meados da década de 1990 e as transformações que levaram a uma diversificação e diferenciação da educação superior no Brasil, configurando a existência de uma reestruturação com viés neoliberal. A partir de pesquisa bibliográfica, análise documental e observação participante, nosso trabalho discute o papel, o perfil e os desafios do coordenador de curso como gestor acadêmico, identificando modelos de gestão em uma universidade pública e em uma universidade privada. O presente trabalho se propõe a discutir esse dois modelos, trazendo os dilemas e desafios do coordenador-gestor que ainda não tem a devida valorização como figura imprescindível para a qualidade dos cursos de graduação
Dilemmas in generic delimitation of Senegalia and allies (Caesalpinioideae, mimosoid clade): how to reconcile phylogenomic evidence with morphology and taxonomy?
Senegalia comprises 219 species distributed in tropical and subtropical regions of North and South America, Africa, Asia and Australia. Two sections are currently recognised within Senegalia and these are most readily distinguished by the differences in disposition of their cauline prickles, i.e. sect. Senegalia with prickles at or near leaf nodes and sect. Monacanthea with mostly internodal prickles. Previous phylogenetic studies, based primarily on small numbers of plastid DNA loci, found Senegalia to be monophyletic with two large subclades corresponding to the sections. Here, we present new phylogenomic evidence from 997 single-copy nuclear gene sequences for a small, but representative set of species. These new analyses show that Senegalia is non-monophyletic, but instead, forms a grade that is paraphyletic with respect to the remainder of the ingoid clade (i.e. Ingeae + Acacia s.s. + Acaciella), comprising two well-supported subclades most likely representing the same clades as found in previous phylogenetic studies of the genus and, interspersed between these, a third, moderately supported clade, comprising the genera Mariosousa, Pseudosenegalia and Parasenegalia. In marked contrast to the nuclear phylogeny, the two Senegalia clades are sister groups in the plastid phylogeny, based on analyses of 72 chloroplast genes, rendering the genus monophyletic, based on plastid data alone. We discuss this new evidence that Senegalia is non-monophyletic in relation to the marked cytonuclear discordance, high gene tree conflict and lack of resolution across this senegalioid grade and review the consistency of the key morphological characters distinguishing the two sections of Senegalia. We conclude that it is likely that Senegalia will need to be split into two (or possibly more) genera: a re-circumscribed Senegalia s.s. that corresponds to the existing Senegalia sect. Senegalia plus the S. ataxacantha group (Senegalia sect. Monacanthea s.s.; future studies may show that this group warrants generic status) and a new genus corresponding to the remainder of sect. Monacanthea (here designated as Senegalia sect. Monacanthea p.p.). However, re-delimiting Senegalia now would be premature given that the key morphological characters are not fully congruent with the two sections and pending denser phylogenetic sampling of taxa. A judiciously selected list of critical taxa is presented to facilitate future phylogenomic studies. Finally, we discuss the identity of Albizia leonardii, which is also placed in this senegalioid grade in these new phylogenomic analyses and place it in synonymy with Parasenegalia vogeliana
Remoção do hábito de sucção de chupeta em pré-escolares: apresentação e avaliação de uma estratégia motivacional
The objective of this paper was to present and to evaluate a motivational strategy for the removal of the sucking habit pacifier in preschool matriculate in schools of infantile education in the Pelotas/RS and evaluate prevalence and frequency of the sucking habit, characterizing these children according to sex, relative with whom it lives, brothers' presence and with who passes most of the time when is not in the school. The study it involved 150 children between 4 and 6 years old, of the three public schools and one private. The motivational strategy was developed in three stages: I) conversation with the parents and application of questionary, II) presentation of the problem to the child, III) development of playful activities with employment of slides, puppets and motivational appeal (pacifier tree) and IV) evaluation. The prevalence of sucking pacifier was of 24%, and the most of the children that was made use belonging to the feminine sex, it was living with the parents and was passing most of the time with them when they was not in the school, was presenting brothers and used pacifier only to sleep. Too, 63,6% of the families account told to have tried to removal of the habit. The success of the strategy was observed in (66.7%) of sample, because the abandonment the habit was established by parents or teachers relate. It was concluded that the motivational strategy proposal to was effective in the studied population and can constitute one implement in the development of education in buccal health in the school. However, it is suggested that experimental papers are conducted to confirm this hipothesis and that include more involvement of the parents and/or carers.O objetivo deste trabalho foi apresentar e avaliar uma estratégia motivacional para a remoção do hábito de sucção de chupeta em pré-escolares matriculados em escolas de educação infantil de Pelotas/RS e avaliar prevalência e freqüência do hábito de sucção, caracterizando as crianças segundo sexo, familiar com quem mora, presença de irmãos e com quem passa a maior parte do tempo quando não está na escola. O estudo envolveu 150 crianças, entre 4 e 6 anos, de três escolas públicas e uma particular. A estratégia motivacional foi desenvolvida em quatro etapas: I) conversa com os pais e aplicação de questionário, II) apresentação do problema à criança, III) desenvolvimento de atividades lúdicas com a utilização de slides, fantoches e recurso motivacional (árvore de bicos) e IV) avaliação. A prevalência de sucção de chupeta foi de 24% e a maioria das crianças que fazia uso pertencia ao sexo feminino, morava com os pais e passava a maior parte do tempo com eles quando não estava na escola, tinha irmãos e faziam uso de chupeta apenas para dormir. Ainda, 63,6% das famílias relataram ter tentado a remoção do hábito. O sucesso da estratégia foi observado em 66,7% da amostra, já que o abandono do hábito foi comprovado através do relato dos pais e professores. Concluiu-se que a estratégia motivacional proposta foi efetiva na população estudada e pode constituir uma ferramenta no desenvolvimento de educação em saúde bucal na escola. Sugere-se que outros trabalhos contemplem amostras maiores, com maior envolvimento dos pais nas atividades educativas
Composição Florística do Componente Herbáceo do Jardim Botânico da UFSM, Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul
The district of Santa Maria is located in the northern region of theCentral Depression of Rio Grande do Sul and its vegetation is characterized by floras of phytoecological regions such as Savanna and Seasonal Forest.The Campus of the Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM) has a totalarea of 1906.57 hectares, including the Botanical Garden (JB-UFSM), whichhas an area of approximately 14.5 hectares and it is located between thecoordinates 29°43’22'’S and 53°43’47'’W. Its vegetation has changed andbecame quite different from the characteristic vegetation of the Santa Mariaregion, mainly as a result of farming and the introduction of plant species.This work aimed to perform a floristic study of the herbaceous componentof the UFSM Botanical Garden, providing data for help in the cultivation,in the species conservation and the recovery of the area. Specimens werecollected seasonally, from March 2006 to March 2007, carried out duringwalks along the study area. The species were collected during the fertilestage and taken to the laboratory of Plant Taxonomy for identification andherborization and then deposited in the SMDB Herbarium. A total of 201species in 128 genera and 34 families were identified, with Poaceae,Asteraceae, Fabaceae and Cyperaceae being the most representative families.The data obtained with the identification of the material was used to drawup a list of all species, as well as an analytical key to the families.Este trabalho realizou um estudo florístico do componente herbáceo do JB-UFSM, visando a fornecer dados para serem utilizados no cultivo, na conservação das espécies e na recuperação da área
Perfil do uso de medicamentos por idosos da Estratégia Saúde da Família de Porto Alegre
Objetive: To evaluate the pharmacological profile of the elderly attended by the Family Health Strategy (FHS). Methods: Cross-sectional study prospectively collected in a random sample of the elderly population registered in the FHS of Porto Alegre / RS. The elderly were interviewed by community health workers in homes who applied a general questionnaire containing information on drugs. The pharmacotherapeutic data were used to identify the active substances classified by the Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical Classification System. Results: Were included 761 participants with mean age of 77.1 ± 10.3 years, most of them by females (63.9%), white (64.7%) and incomplete primary school (66.8%). The medication average was 4.1 ± 3.1 and the prevalence of use was 85.0%. The most frequently used anatomical groups were: cardiovascular system (80.1%), digestive system and metabolism (56.9%) and nervous system (46.8%). Regarding the prescription understanding, 75.4% recognized the drug by the characteristics of the packaging and 53.4% acquired in the public system. Pharmacological treatment was not adhered by 66.8%. Conclusion: As the elderly are the most used drugs, studies with this approach can contribute to the formulation of strategies attention to this population.Objetivo: Avaliar o perfil farmacológico dos idosos atendidos pela Estratégia Saúde da Família (ESF). Métodos: Estudo transversal, coletado de forma prospectiva em uma amostra aleatória da população idosa cadastrada na ESF de Porto Alegre/RS. Os idosos foram entrevistados nas residências pelos agentes comunitários de saúde que aplicaram um questionário geral, contendo informações sobre medicamentos. Os dados farmacoterapêuticos foram utilizados para identificar os princípios ativos, classificados pela Anatomical Therapeutical Chemical Classification System. Resultados: Foram incluídos 761 participantes com idade média de 77,1±10,3 anos, representados na sua maioria por mulheres (63,9%), cor branca (64,7%) e primeiro grau incompleto (66,8%). A média de medicamentos utilizados foi de 4,1±3,1 e a prevalência 85,0%. Os grupos anatômicos mais utilizados foram: sistema cardiovascular (80,1%), sistema digestivo e metabolismo (56,9%) e sistema nervoso (46,8%). Em relação ao entendimento, 75,4% dos idosos reconheciam o medicamento pelas características da embalagem e 53,4% adquiriam na rede pública. Não aderiam ao tratamento farmacológico 66,8%. Conclusão: Como os idosos são os que mais utilizam medicamentos, estudos com essa abordagem podem contribuir para formulação de estratégias de atenção a essa população
Comunicação efetiva na atenção primária sob a ótica de discentes de enfermagem: estudo qualitativo
The aim was to characterize effective communication actions in the teaching of Patient Safety aimed at primary care in an Undergraduate Nursing Course, from the student's perspective. Descriptive-exploratory and qualitative research, whose data were collected between December 2020 and March 2021, through an online questionnaire and addressed by the Thematic-Categorial Content Analysis. Participated 31 students who pointed out the teaching of Patient Safety still concentrated in theoretical classes, with a focus on hospital care and little addressed in primary care. Students' understanding of effective communication in primary care was related to user-accessible and interprofessional communication through electronic medical records. Students understand effective communication as a Patient Safety action. Its approach goes beyond hospital care and in practical scenarios to promote the quality of care and Patient Safety also in primary care.Objetivou-se caracterizar as ações de comunicação efetiva no ensino da Segurança do Paciente voltadas à atenção primária em um Curso de Graduação em Enfermagem, sob a ótica discente. Pesquisa descritiva-exploratória e qualitativa, cujos dados foram coletados entre dezembro de 2020 e março de 2021, por meio de questionário online e abordados pela Análise de Conteúdo Temático-Categorial. Participaram 31 discentes que apontaram o ensino da Segurança do Paciente ainda concentrado em aulas teóricas, com foco na atenção hospitalar e pouco abordado na atenção primária. A compreensão discente sobre comunicação efetiva na atenção primária relacionou-se à comunicação acessível ao usuário e interprofissional pelo prontuário eletrônico. Os discentes compreendem a comunicação efetiva como uma ação de Segurança do Paciente. Pontua-se a sua abordagem para além da atenção hospitalar e em cenários práticos para o fomento da qualidade do cuidado e Segurança do Paciente também na atenção primária
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