896 research outputs found

    Requirements of Process Modeling Languages – Results from an Empirical Investigation

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    The majority of large and mid-sized companies are active in BusinessProcess Management (BPM). Documenting business processesis a key task of BPM, but the variety of process modelinglanguages makes it difficult to determine ‘the best’ one. Basically,the suitability of a process modeling language depends on thecompanies’ requirements. In this paper we adopt a bird’s eye viewon the issue: By an empirical investigation of 130 publiccompanies from all over the world and any sector, we gather thecommon requirements of process modeling languages and usethem to assess the most popular ones (i.e., BPMN, UML ActivityDiagrams, Event-driven Process Chains). Our results show thatthese languages are (1) equally expressive and (2) presumablyequally understandable concerning the common core notion of‘business process’; thus, they can be used interchangeably.However, the BPMN is the most complex process modelinglanguage

    Odpreti intervale: soočenje Rancièra in Deleuza v zvezi s politikami umetnosti

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    All of the texts Rancière devotes to Deleuze concentrate on the latter’s conception of art in order to develop a different way of reading works and a different idea of the relationship between art and politics. In this article I propose to analyse the gap between Rancière and Deleuze by way of three examples, three sites of divergence in their approaches: their respective readings of Proust, Melville’s Bartleby, and Vertov’s Man with a Movie Camera. In my analysis I will emphasise the notion of interval and use it to frame their divergent conceptions of art and its political function.Vsi teksti, ki jih Rancière posveča Deleuzu, se osredinjajo na njegovo pojmovanje umetnosti, pri čemer si prizadevajo vzpostaviti določeno distance glede na poseben način branja in posebno predstavo o zvezi med umetnostjo in politico, ki izhaja iz tega pojmovanja umetnosti. V pričujočem članku si avtorica prizadeva analizirati ta razmi, opirajoč se pri tem na tri zglede, ti mesta divergence med Rancièrom in Deleuzom, in sicer: Proustovo Iskanje izgubljenega časa, Melvillovega Bartlebyja in Človekom s kamero Vertova. V svoji analizi avtorica še posebej izpostavi pojem interval, ki ji je za podlago za razjasnitev njunih razhajajočih se pojmovanj umetnosti in njene politične funkcije

    Deleuze et les modes de vie mineurs

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    This article proposes to examine the relation between art and the experience of alterity through the typology of modes of existence which Deleuze extracts from literature and cinema. Through the figures of slavery, automatism, petrification, and exhaustion which characterize this typology, it suggests that these experiences of alterity define "minor" modes of existence and thought which are opposed to that volitional autonomy which, for Kant, defines our maturity (majorité). The hypothesis examined here is that the notion of the minor marks a turning point from which the emancipatory vocation of the Enlightenment is replaced by an idea of resistance – understood here, according to Deleuze and Lyotard, as an ethical category designating an experience of the alterity constitutive of the self. From this common point, the article finally seeks to identify what separates the ethics of Deleuze from that of Lyotard, analyzing how Deleuze's typology fits neither a logic of freedom nor that of the gift, making itself unavailable for morality

    Controle da temperatura corporal no intraoperatório: termômetro esofágico versus termômetro timpânico

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    OBJETIVO Verificar a correlação entre as medidas de temperatura realizadas por meio de um termômetro timpânico por infravermelho e por um termômetro esofágico, durante o período intraoperatório. MÉTODO Realizou-se um estudo longitudinal, de medidas repetidas, incluindo sujeitos com idade igual ou superior a 18 anos, submetidos à cirurgia oncológica eletiva do sistema digestório, com duração da anestesia de, no mínimo, 1 hora. As medidas de temperatura eram realizadas, ao mesmo tempo, por meio de um termômetro esofágico calibrado e por termômetro timpânico por infravermelho calibrado, com precisão de leitura em laboratório de ±0,2ºC. A temperatura da sala operatória permaneceu entre 19 e 21ºC. RESULTADOS Foram incluídos 51 pacientes, em sua maioria homens (51%), brancos (80,4%). Todos os pacientes foram aquecidos com o sistema de ar forçado aquecido, em média por 264,14 minutos (DP = 87,7). As duas medidas de temperatura não tiveram comportamento diferente ao longo do tempo (p = 0,2205), mas a medida timpânica foi consistentemente menor em 1,24°C (p < 0,0001). CONCLUSÃO O termômetro timpânico apresentou resultados confiáveis, mas refletiu temperaturas mais baixas do que o termômetro esofágico.OBJECTIVE To verify the correlation between temperature measurements performed using an infrared tympanic thermometer and an esophageal thermometer during the intraoperative period. METHOD A longitudinal study of repeated measures was performed including subjects aged 18 years or older undergoing elective oncologic surgery of the digestive system, with anesthesia duration of at least 1 hour. Temperature measurements were performed simultaneously by a calibrated esophageal thermometer and by a calibrated infrared tympanic thermometer, with laboratory reading precision of ±0.2ºC. The operating room temperature remained between 19 and 21ºC. RESULTS The study included 51 patients, mostly men (51%), white (80.4%). All patients were kept warm by a forced-air heating system, for an average of 264.14 minutes (SD = 87.7). The two temperature measurements showed no different behavior over time (p = 0.2205), however, tympanic measurements were consistently 1.24°C lower (pOBJETIVO Verificar la correlación entre las medidas de temperatura realizadas por medio de un termómetro timpánico por infrarrojo y por un termómetro esofágico, durante el período intraoperatorio. MÉTODO Se llevó a cabo un estudio longitudinal, de medidas repetidas, incluyendo a sujetos con edad igual o superior a 18 años, sometidos a la cirugía oncológica electiva del sistema digestivo, con duración de la anestesia de, como mínimo, una hora. Las mediciones de temperatura eran realizadas a la vez por medio de un termómetro esofágico calibrado y un termómetro timpánico por infrarrojo calibrado, con precisión de lectura en laboratorio de ±0,2ºC. La temperatura del quirófano permaneció entre 19 y 21ºC. RESULTADOS Fueron incluidos 51 pacientes, en su mayoría hombres (51%), blancos (80,4%). Todos los pacientes se calentaron con el sistema de aire forzado de calefacción, en promedio por 264,14 minutos (DP = 87,7). Ambas mediciones de temperatura no tuvieron comportamiento distinto a lo largo del tiempo (p = 0,2205), pero la medida timpánica fue consistentemente menor en 1,24°C (

    Assessment of an IoT platform for data collection and analysis for medical sensors

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    Health facilities produce an increasing and vast amount of data that must be efficiently analyzed. New approaches for healthcare monitoring are being developed every day and the Internet of Things (IoT) came to fill the still existing void on real-time monitoring. A new generation of mechanisms and techniques are being used to facilitate the practice of medicine, promoting faster diagnosis and prevention of diseases. We proposed a system that relies on IoT for storing and monitoring medical sensors data with analytic capabilities. To this end, we chose two approaches for storing this data which were thoroughly evaluated. Apache HBase presents a higher rate of data ingestion, when collaborating with the Kaa IoT platform, than Apache Cassandra, exhibiting good performance storing unstructured data, as presented in a healthcare environment. The outcome of this system has shown the possibility of a large number of medical sensors being simultaneously connected to the same platform (6000 records sent by the second or 48 ECG sensors with a frequency of 125Hz). The results presented in this paper are promising and should be further investigated as a comprehensive system would benefit the patient's diagnosis but also the physicians

    Estrategia y aplicación del Plan de Comunicación para la empresa "Once".

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    ONCE SA is a service enterprise that offers catering and bar drinks at social events. Furthermore, ONCE SA offers its customers a complete experience through the development of customized concepts for each event (client) through the atmosphere of it. Besides, its trained staff and show bar essentially characterize the company. All this guarantees to social events, a touch of originality and creativity. The personal component is the creation of a communication plan, which seeks to reach the consumer and industrial segment, initially broadcasting a message of expectation and then looking to create brand awareness. Thus, what we want in the long term, is to be the number one in the field of entertainment events. The budget used for the communication plan is 14,960.99,whichrepresents16.54 14,960.99, which represents 16.54% of the total initial investment that is 90,476.68. Within the communication plan, the media are magazines, social networks, activations, brochures, mailing, public relations and events. As social networking and website, the media that have a longer range.ONCE S.A es una empresa de servicios, que ofrece servicio de catering de barra y bebidas en eventos sociales. Además, ONCE S.A ofrece a su cliente una experiencia completa a través del desarrollo de conceptos personalizados para cada evento, a través de la ambientación del mismo. A parte de estos servicios, la empresa se caracteriza esencialmente por su staff capacitado de barra en show bar. Todo esto garantiza a los eventos sociales de la ciudad un toque de originalidad y fantasía. El componente personal consiste en la creación de un plan de comunicación, el cual busca llegar al segmento de consumo e industrial, transmitiendo en un inicio un mensaje de expectativa y después buscando crear conocimiento de marca. De esta manera, lo que se quiere en el largo plazo, es ser la número uno en el ámbito de entretenimiento para eventos. El presupuesto utilizado para el plan de comunicación es de 14,960.99,querepresentael16,5414,960.99, que representa el 16,54% del total de la inversión inicial que es 90.476,68. Dentro del plan de comunicación, los medios utilizados son revistas, redes sociales, activaciones, folletería, mailing, relaciones públicas y eventos. Siendo las redes sociales y la pagina web, los medios de comunicación que tienen un un mayor alcance

    Efecto de compuestos orgánicos volátiles verdes sobre el crecimiento de Fusarium verticillioides y acción del trans-2-hexen-1-ol sobre su insecto vector, Sitophilus zeamais.

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    Tesina (Grado en Ciencias Biológicas)--Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Lugar de Trabajo: Cátedra de Química Orgánica. Área de Aromas y Pigmentos ICTA- IMBIV-CONICET-U.N.C. 2017. 60 h.; ils.; grafs.; tabls. Contiene Referencia Bibliográfica.Actualmente se conoce los riesgos ambientales y a la salud que generan los pesticidas sintéticos, por tal motivo es necesario buscar alternativas naturales para combatir las plagas que dañan los cultivos y producen importantes pérdidas económicas. Sitophilus zeamais y Fusarium verticillioides son dos plagas que interaccionan entre si y atacan al maíz almacenado. En el presente trabajo se estudió el efecto fungicida de diez compuestos orgánicos volátiles (COVs) verdes, sobre Fusarium verticillioides M3125, en cultivo en placa con agar Czapek-Dox. Si bien todos los compuestos ensayados mostraron actividad sobre el desarrollo fúngico, geraniol, nerol, isovaleraldehído y linalool presentaron mayor actividad antimicótica afectando significativamente a los parámetros de crecimiento de F. verticillioides. A partir de los resultados del ensayo e investigaciones previas sobre el efecto insecticida de COVs verdes en S. zeamais, se seleccionó el trans-2-hexen-1-ol para evaluar su efecto sobre Fusarium verticillioides y su insecto vector, Sitophilus zeamais, en un sistema abierto, húmedo y con presencia de granos de maíz. Para este ensayo se determinó diferencia de peso seco del grano de maíz, porcentaje de infección fúngica en grano de maíz, porcentaje de infección fúngica en insecto, porcentaje de mortalidad en insecto, biomasa fúngica através de la cuantificación de ergosterol y biosíntesis de fumonisina B1. El trans-2-hexen-1-ol debido a su actividad antifúngica contra F. verticillioides M3125 y el efecto sobre la mortalidad en el insecto vector, S. zeamais, evitó también la aparición de fumonisina B1 (FB1), la dispersión de las esporas y la ruptura de granos en un sistema que se aproxima al procedimiento real de almacenamiento de maíz: el silo. El trans-2-hexen-1-ol es una potencial herramienta para controlar dos importantes plagas del maíz de una manera más natural, constituyendo una alternativa a los fungicidas sintéticos

    Ações do Serviço de Inspeção Federal em Frigorífico de Bovinos situado em Araguaína

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    The curricular supervised work experience was done in December 1st, 2016 to February 10, 2017, In Federal Inspection Service (SIF) with number 723 at Meat factory - Boi Forte with a capacity of 700 cattle slaughter per day, located in Araguaína city of Tocantins state Brazil. The total hours of the working experience was 416 hours under Federal Auditor Dagoberto Machado Prata supervision the Veterinary Inspector Fredson Ronei Cândido and teacher’s orientation Doctor Cátia Maria de Oliveira Lobo. During this period, stages of pre-slaughtering, slaughtering and processing of meat were monitored, observing inspection actions service at all stages. Therefore, the internship allowed the insertion of the practice in the professional daily life, being an essential tool for good qualification of the graduate since it is the exclusive responsibility of the veterinarian, for example the inspection of products of animal origin.O estágio curricular supervisionado foi realizado no período de 01 de dezembro de 2016 a 10 de fevereiro de 2017, no Serviço de Inspeção Federal (SIF) sob o nº 723 locado no Frigorífico – Boi Forte localizado na cidade de Araguaína no estado do Tocantins, cuja capacidade de abate é de 700 bovinos por dia. A carga horária total de estágio foi de 416 horas sob supervisão do Auditor Federal Dagoberto Machado Prata e do Inspetor Veterinário Fredson Ronei Cândido e orientação da professora Doutora Cátia Maria de Oliveira Lobo. Durante este período realizou-se acompanhamento das etapas de pré-abate, abate e beneficiamento da carne, observando-se as ações do serviço de inspeção em todas as etapas. Portanto, o estágio permitiu a inserção da prática no cotidiano profissional, sendo uma ferramenta essencial para boa capacitação do graduando uma vez que é responsabilidade exclusiva do médico veterinário a exemplo da inspeção em produtos de origem animal

    Cloud-based privacy-preserving medical imaging system using machine learning tools

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    Healthcare environments are generating a deluge of sensitive data. Nonetheless, dealing with large amounts of data is an expensive task, and current solutions resort to the cloud environment. Additionally, the intersection of the cloud environment and healthcare data opens new challenges regarding data privacy.With this in mind, we propose MEDCLOUDCARE (MCC), a healthcare application offering medical image viewing and processing tools while integrating cloud computing and AI. Moreover, MCC provides security and privacy features, scalability and high availability. The system is intended for two user groups: health professionals and researchers. The former can remotely view, process and share medical imaging information in the DICOM format. Also, it can use pre-trained Machine Learning (ML) models to aid the analysis of medical images. The latter can remotely add, share, and deploy ML models to perform inference on DICOM images.MCC incorporates a DICOM web viewer enabling users to view and process DICOM studies, which they can also upload and store. Regarding the security and privacy of the data, all sensitive information is encrypted at rest and in transit. Furthermore, MCC is intended for cloud environments. Thus, the system is deployed using Kubernetes, increasing the efficiency, availability and scalability of the ML inference process.This work is financed by National Funds through the Portuguese funding agency, FCT -Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, within the project LA/P/0063/2020, and through a PhD Fellowship (SFRH/BD/146528/2019 Cláudia Brito)