18 research outputs found

    Dream Boxes

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    Gloria Vanderbilt, a graduate of the Art Students League in New York City, has exhibited widely in the United States. She is the author of two novels and three memoirs, most recently A Mother\u27s Story, all published by Knopf, and a contributor to The New York Times, Vanity Fair, and Elle Decor. Photographs by Kerry Schuss

    The Development of Peptide-Based Tools for the Analysis of Angiogenesis

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    SummaryLimitations to the application of molecularly targeted cancer therapies are the inability to accurately match patient with effective treatment and the absence of a prompt readout of posttreatment response. Noninvasive agents that rapidly report vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) levels using positron emission tomography (PET) have the potential to enhance anti-angiogenesis therapies. Using phage display, two distinct classes of peptides were identified that bind to VEGF with nanomolar affinity and high selectivity. Co-crystal structures of these different peptide classes demonstrate that both bind to the receptor-binding region of VEGF. 18F-radiolabelling of these peptides facilitated the acquisition of PET images of tumor VEGF levels in a HM7 xenograph model. The images obtained from one 59-residue probe, 18F-Z-3B, 2聽hr postinjection are comparable to those obtained with anti-VEGF antibody B20 72聽hr postinjection. Furthermore, VEGF levels in growing SKOV3 tumors were followed using 18F-Z-3B as a PET probe with VEGF levels increasing with tumor size

    Emotion Regulation Ability and Resilience in a Sample of Adolescents from a Suburban Area

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    Earlier research has identified a remarkable number of related factors to resilience during adolescence. Historically, theoretical treatments of resilience have been focused almost exclusively on psychosocial levels of analysis to derive explanatory models. However, there is insufficient understanding of the role of emotion regulation explaining competent functioning despite the experience of adversity (resilience), especially during adolescence. This study explores the relationship between both, emotional regulation abilities and strategies, and resilience in a sample of adolescents from suburbs high-schools (Jerez de la Frontera, Spain). The study also examines how using different emotional regulation strategies may help the development of resilience levels at this stage. Participants of the study were 164 adolescents ranging from 13 to 16 years old (M = 13.98; SD = 0.66). Emotion regulation was measured using the Cognitive Emotional Regulation Questionnaire (CERQ, Garnefski et al., 2001), and sections D and H of Mayer-Salovey-Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test, a performance test (Emotion Regulation Ability sections, MSCEIT, Spanish version, Mayer et al., 2003). Resilience was evaluated with ERE (Educative Resilience Scale for children and adolescents, Saavedra and Castro, 2009). Verbal Intelligence (Yuste, 1997) and personality traits (Cattell and Cattell, 1986) were assessed as two independent variables. Results supported the idea that emotion regulation ability (MSCEIT, D and H sections, Extremera et al., 2006) is a significant predictor of adolescents' resilience. Moreover, cognitive regulation strategies, such as positive reappraisal, predicted perceived resilience among students. Sociability (A factor of HSPQ, sociability) also correlated with resilience levels. Hence, these results are promising, implying that emotion regulation ability may act as a helpful tool preventing adolescents from irrational risky behaviors, commonly assumed at this developmental stage.INDESS (Instituto Universitario del Desarrollo social y Sostenible

    El teatro como estrategia de intervenci贸n para mitigar el bullying en los estudiantes de grado 6掳 de Gimnasio Mi Alegre Infancia (Monter铆a - C贸rdoba)

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    La presente investigaci贸n pretende visualizar la importancia que tiene para los planteles educativos del pa铆s, la implementaci贸n de estrategias de intervenci贸n para mitigar el bullying, con el objetivo de mejorar el clima escolar y potenciar los procesos de formaci贸n integral; haciendo del aula un lugar propicio para la construcci贸n de conocimientos e interacci贸n de saberes, contribuyendo en la formaci贸n de seres sociales y sensibles ante las diferencias de los dem谩s. El tema abordado dirige su mirada a estudiantes de grado sexto del Gimnasio Mi alegre Infancia, enmarcada en un tipo de Investigaci贸n Acci贸n-Participaci贸n y bajo un paradigma cualitativo.The current investigation intends to evoke the importance that has for the country schools the implementation of intervention strategies to mitigate bullying. With the objective of improving the school environment and enhancing the comprehensive training processes, making from the classroom a favorable place for the construction and interaction of the knowledge, contributing to the formation of social and sensitive human beings when facing others differences. The addressed topic in this research is focused on Gimasio Mi Alegre Infancia School sixth graders. Framed in a type of Action-Participation Research under a qualitative approach.Especializaci贸nEspecialista en Investigaci贸n e Innovaci贸n Educativ

    El teatro como estrategia de intervenci贸n para mitigar el bullying en los estudiantes de grado 6掳 de Gimnasio Mi Alegre Infancia (Monter铆a - C贸rdoba)

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    La presente investigaci贸n pretende visualizar la importancia que tiene para los planteles educativos del pa铆s, la implementaci贸n de estrategias de intervenci贸n para mitigar el bullying, con el objetivo de mejorar el clima escolar y potenciar los procesos de formaci贸n integral; haciendo del aula un lugar propicio para la construcci贸n de conocimientos e interacci贸n de saberes, contribuyendo en la formaci贸n de seres sociales y sensibles ante las diferencias de los dem谩s. El tema abordado dirige su mirada a estudiantes de grado sexto del Gimnasio Mi alegre Infancia, enmarcada en un tipo de Investigaci贸n Acci贸n-Participaci贸n y bajo un paradigma cualitativo.The current investigation intends to evoke the importance that has for the country schools the implementation of intervention strategies to mitigate bullying. With the objective of improving the school environment and enhancing the comprehensive training processes, making from the classroom a favorable place for the construction and interaction of the knowledge, contributing to the formation of social and sensitive human beings when facing others differences. The addressed topic in this research is focused on Gimasio Mi Alegre Infancia School sixth graders. Framed in a type of Action-Participation Research under a qualitative approach.Especializaci贸nEspecialista en Investigaci贸n e Innovaci贸n Educativ

    Estrategias de gesti贸n e innovaci贸n para el desarrollo de competencias cient铆ficas de docentes en formaci贸n

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    Esta propuesta de investigaci贸n analiza la importancia de incorporar estrategias de gesti贸n e innovaci贸n para el desarrollo de competencias cient铆ficas de los docentes en formaci贸n con el fin de caracterizar el uso y apropiaci贸n por parte de ellos de 茅stas estrategias, generando espacios de intercambio de ideas, trabajo colaborativo y aprendizaje permanente que conlleven al mejoramiento continuo de su proceso de formaci贸n y lo sensibilicen de la responsabilidad social que asume desde el ejercicio de su profesi贸n. Durante el desarrollo de esta propuesta investigativa se tuvo en cuenta conceptos como las competencias cient铆ficas, las percepciones de los docentes en formaci贸n, estrategias de gesti贸n e innovaci贸n, a partir de una serie de sustentos te贸ricos del modelo pedag贸gico social- cognitivo implementado en La Corporaci贸n Universitaria del Caribe (CECAR), que contrastado con los conceptos previos de los docentes en formaci贸n permitieron caracterizar las estrategias de gesti贸n e innovaci贸n que utilizan en sus pr谩cticas pedag贸gicas. El desarrollo metodol贸gico de la investigaci贸n se ubica dentro del paradigma cualitativo, de tipo acci贸n-participaci贸n el cual permiti贸 la aproximaci贸n del grupo investigativo, la intervenci贸n y participaci贸n de los sujetos de estudio, resaltando a todos los actores de la investigaci贸n como agentes activos en el proceso a trav茅s de talleres, conversatorios, entre otros, lo que gener贸 una propuesta de incorporaci贸n de estrategias de gesti贸n e innovaci贸n para el desarrollo de competencias cient铆ficas.PregradoLicenciado(a) en Educaci贸n B谩sica con 脡nfasis en Ciencias Naturale

    Estrategias de Gesti贸n e Innovaci贸n para el Desarrollo de Competencias Cient铆ficas de Docentes en Formaci贸n /

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    Un CD-ROM (3.453 KB) im谩genes, gr谩ficas, tablas ; 12 cmEsta propuesta de investigaci贸n analiza la importancia de incorporar estrategias de gesti贸n e innovaci贸n para el desarrollo de competencias cient铆ficas de los docentes en formaci贸n con el fin de caracterizar el uso y apropiaci贸n por parte de ellos de 茅stas estrategias, generando espacios de intercambio de ideas, trabajo colaborativo y aprendizaje permanente que conlleven al mejoramiento continuo de su proceso de formaci贸n y lo sensibilicen de la responsabilidad social que asume desde el ejercicio de su profesi贸n.PregradoLicenciado en Educaci贸n B谩sica con 脡nfasis en Ciencias NaturalesTrabajo de grado(Licenciado en Educaci贸n B谩sica - Ciencias Naturales y Educaci贸n Ambiental ) --Corporaci贸n Universitaria del Caribe - CECAR. Facultad de Humanidades y Educaci贸n Licenciatura en Educaci贸n B谩sica con 脡nfasis en Ciencias Naturales y Educaci贸n Ambiental. Monter铆a, 2015