596 research outputs found

    Vergelijkende studie naar alternatieve vormen van de boomkorvisserij

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    Als onderdeel van het VIP-project “Alternatief visplan duurzame platvisvisserij” is een vergelijkende studie uitgevoerd naar de traditionele boomkorvisserij en twee alternatieve vismethodes: outriggen en sumwing. Tijdens twee visreizen hebben onderzoekers gekeken naar verschillen in aanlandingen (maatse vis) en discards (benthos en (ondermaatse) vis) op drie verschillende schepen. De drie schepen die waren betrokken bij dit onderzoek zijn: de UK47 (outrig), de ST27 (boomkor) en de UK246 (sumwing). Daarnaast is de kwaliteit van schol van de verschillende vismethoden met elkaar vergeleken

    Eye–hand coordination during manual object transport with the affected and less affected hand in adolescents with hemiparetic cerebral palsy

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    In the present study we investigated eye–hand coordination in adolescents with hemiparetic cerebral palsy (CP) and neurologically healthy controls. Using an object prehension and transport task, we addressed two hypotheses, motivated by the question whether early brain damage and the ensuing limitations of motor activity lead to general and/or effector-specific effects in visuomotor control of manual actions. We hypothesized that individuals with hemiparetic CP would more closely visually monitor actions with their affected hand, compared to both their less affected hand and to control participants without a sensorimotor impairment. A second, more speculative hypothesis was that, in relation to previously established deficits in prospective action control in individuals with hemiparetic CP, gaze patterns might be less anticipatory in general, also during actions performed with the less affected hand. Analysis of the gaze and hand movement data revealed the increased visual monitoring of participants with CP when using their affected hand at the beginning as well as during object transport. In contrast, no general deficit in anticipatory gaze control in the participants with hemiparetic CP could be observed. Collectively, these findings are the first to directly show that individuals with hemiparetic CP adapt eye–hand coordination to the specific constraints of the moving limb, presumably to compensate for sensorimotor deficits

    Tussenrapportage onderzoek Effecten van garnalenvisserij - onderdeel bijvangst

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    In juni 2012 is gestart met een uitgebreid onderzoek naar de bijvangsten in de garnalenvisserij. Dit onderzoek is onderdeel van een groter project, een studie naar de effecten van de garnalen visserij in Natura 2000 gebieden. IMARES voert dit project uit in opdracht van het ministerie van EZ en de sector. De resultaten moeten onder andere toeleveren aan de passende beoordeling die in 2013 zal worden uitgevoerd voor de vernieuwing van de vergunning voor de garnalenvisserij in 2014. Onderliggende rapportage beschrijft de resultaten van het eerste halfjaar van het onderzoek naar de bijvangsten

    Investigation of Performance and Cavitation Treatment in a Kaplan Hydro Turbine

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    Cavitation is a phenomenon that occurs in various turbomachinery applications causing drawbacks on the. Some of these downsides are damaging the components of the system, generating noise and vibration, and loss of the turbine efficiency over time. Thus, it is imperative to address issue of cavitation to increase the life span of the equipment in addition to improve the system performance. This thesis introduces a method used to mitigate the cavitation phenomenon in a 3-inch Kaplan hydro turbine via injecting air at the leading edge of the rotor blades. The study is based on modeling the turbine using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) software as well as carrying out experimental tests. The simulations were conducted at different air injection pressures over a spectrum of rotational speeds using Large Eddy Simulation (LES) for turbulence and volume of fluid for multiphase interactions: water, vapor water and air. The cavitation behavior was observed first without aeration, then followed by air injection simulations to investigate the effect of aeration. Each case was simulated for 12 cycles at rotational speeds of 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, and 5000 rpm. The Vapor Volume Fraction (VVF) and the output mechanical power were monitored throughout the simulations. The data acquired from the simulations were compared to the experimental results for verifications. It was observed that the cavitation was mitigated in both the computer simulations and the experiment testing reaching up to 49.7% as an average reduction, while the output power was reduced by 6.6%

    Making justice more accessible

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    From the point of view of the Citizen, Justice is not always readily accessible. Either because it is a lengthy process, potentially expensive, sometimes unclear or simply scary, people will often avoid or withdraw from a judicial process, especially in those cases that involve relatively small amounts. This results in the giving up of a basic right, with the potential loss of rightful benefits. In this paper we briefly analyze the main aspects that impair access to Justice nowadays. We then move on to look at recent technological developments in the field of Online Dispute Resolution to argue that these can, in the near future, have a significant role in improving access to Justice. Specifically, we analyze the UMCourt Conflict Resolution Framework, developed by our research team, and address the different dimensions in which such tools contribute to make Justice more accessible, namely through better access to useful information, support in decision-making or more cost-effective processes.Development Fund through the COMPETE Programme (operational programme for competitiveness) and by National Funds through the FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology) within projects FCOMP-01-0124-FEDER-028980 (PTDC/EEISII/1386/ 2012) and PEst-OE/EEI/UI0752/201

    Effecten van garnalenvisserij in Natura 2000 gebieden

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    De garnalenvisserij is economisch en in aantallen schepen Ă©Ă©n van de belangrijkste visserijen in Nederland en opereert vooral binnen Natura 2000 gebieden. Voor zowel de Noordzeekustzone als de Waddenzee is er binnen de Natura 2000 wetgeving een verbeterdoelstelling geformuleerd voor Habitattype 1110 (permanent overstroomde zandbanken). Het effect van het garnalentuig op het ecosysteem is echter niet goed bekend. Om in dit kennishiaat te voorzien, is er in de periode 2012-2014 onderzoek uitgevoerd naar een aantal aspecten van de mogelijke effecten van de garnalenvisserij. Enerzijds is de bijvangst in kaart gebracht, anderzijds is experimenteel onderzoek verricht naar de korte termijneffecten van het garnalentuig op de bodemfauna
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