3,284 research outputs found

    Unsupervised deep learning-based reconfigurable intelligent surface aided broadcasting communications in industrial IoTs

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    This paper presents a general system framework which lays the foundation for Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface (RIS)-enhanced broadcast communications in Industrial Internet of Things (IIoTs). In our system model, we consider multiple sensor clusters co-existing in a smart factory where the direct links between these clusters and a central base station (BS) is blocked completely. In this context, an RIS is utilized to reflect signals broadcast from BS toward cluster heads (CHs) which act as a representative of clusters, where BS only has access to the statistical distribution of the channel state information (CSI). An analytical upper bound of the total ergodic spectral efficiency and an approximation of outage probability are derived. Based on these analytical results, two algorithms are introduced to control the phase shifts at RIS, which are the Riemannian conjugate gradient (RCG) method and the deep neural network (DNN) method. While the RCG algorithm operates based on the conventional iterative method, the DNN technique relies on unsupervised deep learning. Our numerical results show that the both algorithms achieve satisfactory performance based on only statistical CSI. In addition, compared to the RCG scheme, using deep learning reduces the computational latency by more than 10 times with an almost identical total ergodic spectral efficiency achieved. These numerical results reveal that while using conventional RCG method may provide unsatisfactory latency, DNN technique shows much promise for enabling RIS in ultra reliable and low latency communications (URLLC) in the context of IIoTs

    Percutaneous pulmonary valve implantation alters electrophysiologic substrate

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    BACKGROUND: Percutaneous pulmonary valve implantation (PPVI) is first‐line therapy for some congenital heart disease patients with right ventricular outflow tract dysfunction. The hemodynamics improvements after PPVI are well documented, but little is known about its effects on the electrophysiologic substrate. The objective of this study is to assess the short‐ and medium‐term electrophysiologic substrate changes and elucidate postprocedure arrhythmias. METHODS AND RESULTS: A retrospective chart review of patients undergoing PPVI from May 2010 to April 2015 was performed. A total of 106 patients underwent PPVI; most commonly these patients had tetralogy of Fallot (n=59, 55%) and pulmonary insufficiency (n=60, 57%). The median follow‐up time was 28 months (7‐63 months). Pre‐PPVI, 25 patients (24%) had documented arrhythmias: nonsustained ventricular tachycardia (NSVT) (n=9, 8%), frequent premature ventricular contractions (PVCs) (n=6, 6%), and atrial fibrillation/flutter (AF/AFL) (n=10, 9%). Post‐PPVI, arrhythmias resolved in 4 patients who had NSVT (44%) and 5 patients who had PVCs (83%). New arrhythmias were seen in 16 patients (15%): 7 NSVT, 8 PVCs, and 1 AF/AFL. There was resolution at medium‐term follow‐up in 6 (86%) patients with new‐onset NSVT and 7 (88%) patients with new‐onset PVCs. There was no difference in QRS duration pre‐PPVI, post‐PPVI, and at medium‐term follow‐up (P=0.6). The median corrected QT lengthened immediately post‐PPVI but shortened significantly at midterm follow‐up (P<0.01). CONCLUSIONS: PPVI reduced the prevalence of NSVT. The majority of postimplant arrhythmias resolve by 6 months of follow‐up

    Virtual and Soft Pair Corrections to Polarized Muon Decay Spectrum

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    Radiative corrections to the muon decay spectrum due to soft and virtual electron--positron pairs are calculated.Comment: 10pp, 2 PS figs, details of calculations are adde

    Relativistic dynamical polarizability of hydrogen-like atoms

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    Using the operator representation of the Dirac Coulomb Green function the analytical method in perturbation theory is employed in obtaining solutions of the Dirac equation for a hydrogen-like atom in a time-dependent electric field. The relativistic dynamical polarizability of hydrogen-like atoms is calculated and analysed.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figures (not included, but hard copies are available upon request

    Vitrification of a monatomic 2D simple liquid

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    A monatomic simple liquid in two dimensions, where atoms interact isotropically through the Lennard-Jones-Gauss potential [M. Engel and H.-R. Trebin, Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 225505 (2007)], is vitrified by the use of a rapid cooling technique in a molecular dynamics simulation. Transformation to a crystalline state is investigated at various temperatures and the time-temperature-transformation (TTT) curve is determined. It is found that the transformation time to a crystalline state is the shortest at a temerature 14% below the melting temperature Tm and that at temperatures below Tv = 0.6 Tm the transformation time is much longer than the available CPU time. This indicates that a long-lived glassy state is realized for T < Tv.Comment: 5pages,5figures,accepted for publication in CEJ

    Radio observations of the double-relic galaxy cluster Abell 1240

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    We present LOFAR 120 − 168 MHz images of the merging galaxy cluster Abell 1240 that hosts double radio relics. In combination with the GMRT 595 − 629 MHz and VLA 2 − 4 GHz data, we characterised the spectral and polarimetric properties of the radio emission. The spectral indices for the relics steepen from their outer edges towards the cluster centre and the electric field vectors are approximately perpendicular to the major axes of the relics. The results are consistent with the picture that these relics trace large-scale shocks propagating outwards during the merger. Assuming diffusive shock acceleration (DSA), we obtain shock Mach numbers of M = 2.4 and 2.3 for the northern and southern shocks, respectively. For M â‰Č 3 shocks, a pre-existing population of mildly relativistic electrons is required to explain the brightness of the relics due to the high (> 10 per cent) particle acceleration efficiency required. However, for M ≳ 4 shocks the required efficiency is ≳ 1% and ≳ 0.5%, respectively, which is low enough for shock acceleration directly from the thermal pool. We used the fractional polarization to constrain the viewing angle to ≄ 53 ± 3° and ≄ 39 ± 5° for the northern and southern shocks, respectively. We found no evidence for diffuse emission in the cluster central region. If the halo spans the entire region between the relics (∌1.8 Mpc) our upper limit on the power is P1.4 GHz = (1.4 ± 0.6) × 1023 W Hz−1 which is approximately equal to the anticipated flux from a cluster of this mass. However, if the halo is smaller than this, our constraints on the power imply that the halo is underluminous

    Deep LOFAR observations of the merging galaxy cluster CIZA J2242.8+5301

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    Previous studies have shown that CIZA J2242.8+5301 (the 'Sausage' cluster, z = 0.192) is a massive merging galaxy cluster that hosts a radio halo and multiple relics. In this paper, we present deep, high-fidelity, low-frequency images made with the LOw-Frequency Array (LOFAR) between 115.5 and 179 MHz. These images, with a noise of 140 ÎŒJy beam- 1 and a resolution of Ξbeam = 7.3 arcsec × 5.3 arcsec, are an order of magnitude more sensitive and five times higher resolution than previous low-frequency images of this cluster. We combined the LOFAR data with the existing Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope (GMRT) (153, 323, 608 MHz) and Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope (WSRT) (1.2, 1.4, 1.7, 2.3 GHz) data to study the spectral properties of the radio emission from the cluster. Assuming diffusive shock acceleration (DSA), we found Mach numbers of Mn=2.7{}_{-0.3}^{+0.6} and Ms=1.9_{-0.2}^{+0.3} for the northern and southern shocks. The derived Mach number for the northern shock requires an acceleration efficiency of several percent to accelerate electrons from the thermal pool, which is challenging for DSA. Using the radio data, we characterized the eastern relic as a shock wave propagating outwards with a Mach number of Me=2.4_{-0.3}^{+0.5}, which is in agreement with MeX=2.5{}_{-0.2}^{+0.6} that we derived from Suzaku data. The eastern shock is likely to be associated with the major cluster merger. The radio halo was measured with a flux of 346 ± 64 mJy at 145 MHz. Across the halo, we observed a spectral index that remains approximately constant (α ^{145 MHz-2.3 GHz}_{{across ˜ 1 Mpc}^2}=-1.01± 0.10) after the steepening in the post-shock region of the northern relic. This suggests a generation of post-shock turbulence that re-energies aged electrons
