467 research outputs found

    To Diversify or Not? A Lesson from a Harvard Research Study

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    Not long ago in 1998, Doug Jose and I conducted 16 focus group interviews with a diverse set of beginning farmers across the state, to learn about the main constraints and opportunities for beginning farmers. Despite the diversity, a common thread seems to run across the fabric of these farmers: a strong goal to have the country lifestyle and independence. Almost all the farmers expressed a severe resource crunch. Two thirds of the producers that were interviewed expressed that they were struggling to make a decent living on the farm, netting at least $ 35,000 per year. As an economist, I began to think of a possible universal solution for all these resource strapped producers who just loved to farm. The solution I arrived at was fuzzy and unconfirmed until I read the book “The Origin of the Entrepreneurial Species,” by Dr. Amar V. Bhide (Oxford University Press)

    Návrh Rankin-Clausiových parních cyklů s mezipřihřevem přehřáté páry a bez této metody zvyšování účinnosti

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    Nishanth Valluru, Design of rankine - clausis steam cycles with the intermediate superheating of superheated steam and without this method of efficiency increasing Ostrava: VSB–Technical University of Ostrava, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Power Engineering, 2019, 109p. Supervisor: Ing. Zdeněk Šmida. My master thesis is focused on the industrial steam turbine with power output 65 MW. Theoretical part of the thesis is about steam turbines, their distribution and cooperating in Rc cycle. The last chapter of the theoretical part is focused on different ways of increasing the thermal efficiency of this cycle. The practical part consists of heat cycles design with and without steam reheating, comparison with steam consumption and thermal efficiency. In the next chapter, I described the changes in electric power and thermal efficiency depends on different input parameters. The main topic of the last chapter is about the production of power in India. The large content of electricity is produced from thermal power in India. Also the history of the production of electricity in India.Nishanth Valluru, Návrh parních cyklů rankine-clausis s přechodným přehřátím přehřáté páry a bez této metody zvyšování efektivityOstrava: VŠB – TU Ostrava, Fakulta strojního inženýrství, katedra energetiky, 2019, 109p. Vedoucí práce: Ing. ZdeněkŠmida. Diplomová práce je zaměřena na průmyslovou parní turbínu s výkonem 65 MW. Teoretická část práce se zabývá parními turbínami, jejich rozdělením a spoluprací v RC cyklu. Poslední kapitola teoretické části je zaměřena na různé způsoby zvyšování tepelné účinnosti tohoto cyklu. Praktická část je tvořena návrhem tepelných cyklů bez ohřevu a s mezipřihřevem přehřáté páry, srovnáním spotřeby páry a tepelné účinnosti cyklu. V další kapitole popisuji změny elektrické energie a tepelné účinnosti závislé na různých vstupních parametrech. Hlavním tématem poslední kapitoly je výroba elektřiny v Indii361 - Katedra energetikydobř


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    My thesis is a visual narrative expression of co-existence in relationships. As I look deep inwards, I think about what has shaped the person I am today. I realize that if it were not for my learning to adapt and co-exist and the people I have met in my life, I would not be able to appreciate my personal evolution. Whether with self, family, society or the universe - behaviors like maintaining balance, flexibility, self-introspection, respect and transformation are all some fundamental stepping stones to co-existence. For my thesis, I have crafted wearable jewelry, interactive small-scale objects and kinetic body sculptures that symbolize supporting aspects of co-existence. I have also used the physical body parts to be a sign of co-existence in my design compositions, as it offers a beautiful coordination between our thoughts and actions. Synchronization of diversities being the core concept of my thesis, I hunted for materials to translate this idea. I found that paper and plastic sheets have a similar way of molding, but are also different in how they resist change. In the same way, metal and glass are also similar in how they flow in the molten state, but once solidified, they change. These contradictions in material behaviors are some elements that I have used as an additional metaphor to my theory. Applying design elements such as repetition, rhythm, contrast and balance, I designed a collection that speaks of various phases in togetherness. I used a classic combination of black, grey and half white with transparent, matte and metallic finishes as contrasts, since the look they build together is an apt vibe that can suit my idea of unity in diversity. My thesis therefore is a visual evidence of co-existence in every sense of concept, material, color and composition as it highlights the bigger union of togetherness

    Steady state thermal stress analyses of two-dimensional and three-dimensional solid oxide fuel cells

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    Fuel cells are electrochemical devices which convert fuels directly into electrical energy without combustion. The Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC) is the most promising energy saving technology to generate electric power. The present work characterizes the thermal stresses arising during the operation of planar solid oxide fuel cells which is a critical factor in the development of an efficient fuel cell. The thermal stresses are calculated from the temperature fields using ANSYS(TM). A sequentially coupled thermal stress analysis approach is implemented for the two-dimensional five stack fuel cell model and a structural analysis for the three-dimensional single stack fuel cell. The stresses due to the difference in the thermal expansion coefficients of the components of the fuel cell, geometry of the model and temperature gradients is presented in the results

    Common transcriptional regulation of ABA and ethylene

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    Plant hormones are versatile chemical regulators of plant growth. The concept of hormone ‘interaction’[1] has gained much importance and several key players of hormonal network are uncovered for major plant hormones. The fact that hormones are structurally unrelated and their interaction elicits different genomic and non-genomic responses suggest hormone interaction involve co-regulation at multiple levels [2]. Recent studies suggest that hormonal interaction involves control over biosynthesis genes [3-6], key components of signalling pathways [7, 8], hormone distribution [9, 10], and interaction at the level of gene expression [11-13]. The spatial and temporal changes in hormone sensitivity add further complexity as they are developmental stagedependent [14]. Understanding how these mechanisms are integrated would allow us to manipulate hormone interaction-regulated growth response under environmental changes. One such prominent emerging hormone interaction is ethylene and abscisic acid (ABA) in several growth processes. In this short review, I discuss some of the common transcriptional regulators of ethylene and ABA

    A Semantic Data Model to Represent Building Material Data in AEC Collaborative Workflows

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    The specification of building material is required in multiple phases of engineering and construction projects towards holistic BIM implementations. Building material information plays a vital role in design decisions by enabling different simulation processes, such as energy, acoustic, lighting, etc. Utilization and sharing of building material information between stakeholders are some of the major influencing factors on the practical implementation of the BIM process. Different meta-data schemas (e.g. IFC) are usually available to represent and share material information amongst partners involved in a construction project. However, these schemas have their own constraints to enable efficient data sharing amongst stakeholders. This paper explains these constraints and proposes a methodological approach for the representation of material data using semantic web concepts aiming to support the sharing of BIM data and interoperability enhancements in collaboration workflows. As a result, the DICBM (https://w3id.org/digitalconstruction/BuildingMaterials) ontology was developed which improves the management of building material information in the BIM-based collaboration process.:Abstract 1. Introduction and Background 1.1 Building Information Modeling for collaboration 1.2 Information management in AEC using semantic web technologies 2 DICBM: Digital Construction Building Material Ontology 2.1 Building Material Data in IFC 2.2 Overview of the building material ontology 2.3 Integration of external ontology concepts and roles 2.4 Material Definition 2.5 Material, Material Type, and Material Property 2.6 Data Properties in DICBM 3 Conclusions Acknowledgments Reference

    Measuring the relationship between individual and cultural traits (ICT) and safety perceptions in manufacturing : development of a conceptual model

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    Title from PDF of title page (University of Missouri--Columbia, viewed on November 5, 2012).The entire dissertation/thesis text is included in the research.pdf file; the official abstract appears in the short.pdf file (which also appears in the research.pdf); a non-technical general description, or public abstract, appears in the public.pdf file.Thesis advisor: Dr. Linsey M. SteegeIncludes bibliographical references.M.S. University of Missouri--Columbia, 2012."July 2012"Employee safety has always been one of the most important priorities in 'high-risk' industries such as manufacturing. Recent investigations into some of the major industrial accidents have redirected the focus of safety researchers towards Safety culture (having a better underlying culture for safety) and safety climate. Most manufacturing requirements in developed nations are either outsourced or are met through an extension of the organization in economically developing countries with cheaper labor and nearly nonexistent safety regulations (Ali, 2006). While this situation opens up 'cultural challenges' for management committed towards maintaining the same underlying safety culture throughout their organization, individual level factors associated with accident rates have seldom been included in a safety culture model. This study takes the individual level approach in determining a better model for safety culture. It identifies various factors at the individual level under Individual and Cultural Traits (ICT). A total of 93 manufacturing employees from India and the United States were surveyed online as part of a pilot study. The resulting regression equation shows similarities to previously established factors that are associated with occupational injury rates. Future work using a larger stratified and controlled sample with better variance would provide a better model

    Transforming growth factor-beta and endoglin signaling orchestrate wound healing

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    Physiological wound healing is a complex process requiring the temporal and spatial co-ordination of various signaling networks, biomechanical forces, and biochemical signaling pathways in both hypoxic and non-hypoxic conditions. Although a plethora of factors are required for successful physiological tissue repair, transforming growth factor beta (TGF-β) expression has been demonstrated throughout wound healing and shown to regulate many processes involved in tissue repair, including production of ECM, proteases, protease inhibitors, migration, chemotaxis, and proliferation of macrophages, fibroblasts of the granulation tissue, epithelial and capillary endothelial cells. TGF-β mediates these effects by stimulating signaling pathways through a receptor complex which contains Endoglin. Endoglin is expressed in a broad spectrum of proliferating and stem cells with elevated expression during hypoxia, and regulates important cellular functions such as proliferation and adhesion via Smad signaling. This review focuses on how the TGF-β family and Endoglin, regulate stem cell availability, and modulate cellular behavior within the wound microenvironment, includes current knowledge of the signaling pathways involved, and explores how this information may be applicable to inflammatory and/or angiogenic diseases such as fibrosis, rheumatoid arthritis and metastatic cancer

    Retail Shop Sales Forecast by Enhanced Feature Extraction with Association Rule Learning

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    Sales is a basic standpoint for business growth. Demand for consumer products decides the success rate of every business resulting in a profit. Proper analysis of the consumer interest in a particular product decides future sales. The ordinary tactics for sales and promotion objectives no longer help businesses keep up with the speed of a challenging market because it goes out with no knowledge of consumer buying habits. As a consequence of technological developments, significant changes can be seen in the domains of marketing and selling. As a result of such developments, multiple important factors such as consumers' buying habits, target people, and forecasting sales for the coming years can be readily determined, assisting the sales crew in developing strategies to achieve an upsurge in their company. This paper investigates the use of Association Rule Learning with Feature Extraction to forecast sales performance in order to recognise buyers. The consumer's related goods are identified using the association framework. Data on buying activities are derived from purchase invoices provided by the business. The outcome of both is utilized to create a company strategy. Support, Confidence, and Lift are the metrics used for evaluating the quality of association rules produced by the model. Based on the buyers’ preferences this paper forecasts retail shop sales and predicts the association relation between the products by feature extraction with Association rule learning to improve future sales. The suggested approach is employed to discover the most common pairings of items found in the business. This will assist with promotion and revenue. This method can help you find intriguing cross-selling and connected goods. The WEKA tool was used to evaluate the correctness of the Association rule that was created