311 research outputs found

    Impact of hydration status on electromyography and ratings of perceived exertion during the vertical jump

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    Copyright (c) the author(s). This is an open access article under CC BY license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) Background: The vertical jumping task is commonly used to assess lower-body power output in athletic populations, in addition to being commonly used to during investigations of hydration and anaerobic performance. Changes in neuromuscular function during a hypohydrated state have been proposed as a potential mechanism to decreases in anaerobic performance. Objectives: The primary purpose of this investigation was to examine the impact of hydration state on electromyography during the vertical jumping task. Methods: Twenty recreationally trained males were tested in three hydration conditions (hypohydrated, euhydrated, and control). Testing included maximal voluntary contractions of the vastus lateralis, vastus medialis, semitendinosus and medial gastrocnemius. Participants performed three maximal countermovement and squat jumps respectively for a total of six jumps in each condition. Both mean muscle activity and percentage of maximal voluntary contraction were calculated across the propulsive phase of each jump. Additionally, measures of RPE and the use of a mood rating scale were used as subjective measures. Results: No differences were seen in mean muscle activity and percentage of MVC in either of the jumping conditions (p \u3e 0.05). Significant differences were seen with higher ratings of perceived exertion as well as lower levels of mood ratings after the hypohydrated condition (p = 0.02 and p = 0.048 respectively). Conclusions: Decrements seen in vertical jump performance during a hypohydrated state appear to be caused from changes other than neuromuscular function and muscle activity. Differences in subjective measures may provide insight into changes in motivational levels and potentially impacting performance

    Impact of Hydration Status On Electromyography and Ratings of Perceived Exertion During the Vertical Jump

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    Background: The vertical jumping task is commonly used to assess lower-body power output in athletic populations, in addition to being commonly used to during investigations of hydration and anaerobic performance. Changes in neuromuscular function during a hypohydrated state have been proposed as a potential mechanism to decreases in anaerobic performance. Objectives: The primary purpose of this investigation was to examine the impact of hydration state on electromyography during the vertical jumping task. Methods: Twenty recreationally trained males were tested in three hydration conditions (hypohydrated, euhydrated, and control). Testing included maximal voluntary contractions of the vastus lateralis, vastus medialis, semitendinosus and medial gastrocnemius. Participants performed three maximal countermovement and squat jumps respectively for a total of six jumps in each condition. Both mean muscle activity and percentage of maximal voluntary contraction were calculated across the propulsive phase of each jump. Additionally, measures of RPE and the use of a mood rating scale were used as subjective measures. Results: No differences were seen in mean muscle activity and percentage of MVC in either of the jumping conditions (p \u3e 0.05). Significant differences were seen with higher ratings of perceived exertion as well as lower levels of mood ratings after the hypohydrated condition (p = 0.02 and p = 0.048 respectively). Conclusions: Decrements seen in vertical jump performance during a hypohydrated state appear to be caused from changes other than neuromuscular function and muscle activity. Differences in subjective measures may provide insight into changes in motivational levels and potentially impacting performance

    Should adjustment for covariates be used in prevalence estimations?

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    Background Adjustment for covariates (also called auxiliary variables in survey sampling literature) is commonly applied in health surveys to reduce the variances of the prevalence estimators. In theory, adjusted prevalence estimators are more accurate when variance components are known. In practice, variance components needed to achieve the adjustment are unknown and their sample estimators are used instead. The uncertainty introduced by estimating variance components may overshadow the reduction in the variance of the prevalence estimators due to adjustment. We present empirical guidelines indicating when adjusted prevalence estimators should be considered, using gender adjusted and unadjusted smoking prevalence as an illustration. Methods We compare the accuracy of adjusted and unadjusted prevalence estimators via simulation. We simulate simple random samples from hypothetical populations with the proportion of males ranging from 30% to 70%, the smoking prevalence ranging from 15% to 35%, and the ratio of male to female smoking prevalence ranging from 1 to 4. The ranges of gender proportions and smoking prevalences reflect the conditions in 1999–2003 Behavioral Risk Factors Surveillance System (BRFSS) data for Massachusetts. From each population, 10,000 samples are selected and the ratios of the variance of the adjusted prevalence estimators to the variance of the unadjusted (crude) ones are computed and plotted against the proportion of males by population prevalence, as well as by population and sample sizes. The prevalence ratio thresholds, above which adjusted prevalence estimators have smaller variances, are determined graphically. Results In many practical settings, gender adjustment results in less accuracy. Whether or not there is better accuracy with adjustment depends on sample sizes, gender proportions and ratios between male and female prevalences. In populations with equal number of males and females and smoking prevalence of 20%, the adjusted prevalence estimators are more accurate when the ratios of male to female prevalences are above 2.4, 1.8, 1.6, 1.4 and 1.3 for sample sizes of 25, 50, 100, 150 and 200, respectively. Conclusion Adjustment for covariates will not result in more accurate prevalence estimator when ratio of male to female prevalences is close to one, sample size is small and risk factor prevalence is low. For example, when reporting smoking prevalence based on simple random sampling, gender adjustment is recommended only when sample size is greater than 200

    A unified in vitro evaluation for apatite-forming ability of bioactive glasses and their variants

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    The aim of this study was to propose and validate a new unified method for testing dissolution rates of bioactive glasses and their variants, and the formation of calcium phosphate layer formation on their surface, which is an indicator of bioactivity. At present, comparison in the literature is difficult as many groups use different testing protocols. An ISO standard covers the use of simulated body fluid on standard shape materials but it does not take into account that bioactive glasses can have very different specific surface areas, as for glass powders. Validation of the proposed modified test was through round robin testing and comparison to the ISO standard where appropriate. The proposed test uses fixed mass per solution volume ratio and agitated solution. The round robin study showed differences in hydroxyapatite nucleation on glasses of different composition and between glasses of the same composition but different particle size. The results were reproducible between research facilities. Researchers should use this method when testing new glasses, or their variants, to enable comparison between the literature in the future

    Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood: Comparing Intentions and Perceptions in Online Discussions

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    Discourse involves two perspectives: a person's intention in making an utterance and others' perception of that utterance. The misalignment between these perspectives can lead to undesirable outcomes, such as misunderstandings, low productivity and even overt strife. In this work, we present a computational framework for exploring and comparing both perspectives in online public discussions. We combine logged data about public comments on Facebook with a survey of over 16,000 people about their intentions in writing these comments or about their perceptions of comments that others had written. Unlike previous studies of online discussions that have largely relied on third-party labels to quantify properties such as sentiment and subjectivity, our approach also directly captures what the speakers actually intended when writing their comments. In particular, our analysis focuses on judgments of whether a comment is stating a fact or an opinion, since these concepts were shown to be often confused. We show that intentions and perceptions diverge in consequential ways. People are more likely to perceive opinions than to intend them, and linguistic cues that signal how an utterance is intended can differ from those that signal how it will be perceived. Further, this misalignment between intentions and perceptions can be linked to the future health of a conversation: when a comment whose author intended to share a fact is misperceived as sharing an opinion, the subsequent conversation is more likely to derail into uncivil behavior than when the comment is perceived as intended. Altogether, these findings may inform the design of discussion platforms that better promote positive interactions.Comment: Proceedings of The Web Conference (WWW) 202

    High power targets for cyclotron production of 99mTc‡

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    Introduction Technetium-99m, supplied in the form of 99Mo/99mTc generators, is the most widely used radioisotope for nuclear medical imaging. The parent isotope 99Mo is currently produced in nuclear reactors. Recent disruptions in the 99Mo supply chain [1] prompted the development of methods for the direct accelerator-based production of 99mTc. Our approach involves the 100Mo(p,2n)99mTc reaction on isotopically enriched molybdenum using small medical cyclotrons (Ep ≤ 20 MeV), which is a viable method for the production of clinically useful quantities of 99mTc [2]. Multi-Curie production of 99mTc requires a 100Mo target capable of dissipating high beam intensities [3]. We have reported the fabrication of 100Mo targets of both small and large area tar-gets by electrophoretic deposition and subsequent sintering [4]. As part of our efforts to further enhance the performance of molybdenum targets at high beam currents, we have developed a novel target system (initially de-signed for the GE PETtrace cyclotron) based on a pressed and sintered 100Mo plate brazed onto a dispersion-strengthened copper backing. Materials and Methods In the first step, a molybdenum plate is produced similarly to the method described in [5] by compacting approximately 1.5 g of commercially available 100Mo powder using a cylindrical tool of 20 mm diameter. A pressure between 25 kN/cm2 and 250 kN/cm2 is applied by means of a hydraulic press. The pressed molybdenum plate is then sintered in a reducing atmosphere (Ar/2% H2) at 1,700 oC for five hours. The resulting 100Mo plates have about 90–95 % of the molybdenum bulk density. The 100Mo plate is furnace brazed at ~750 oC onto a backing manufactured from a disperse on strengthened copper composite (e.g. Glidcop AL-15) using a high temperature silver-copper brazing filler. This process yields a unique, mechanically and thermally robust target system for high beam power irradiation. Irradiations were performed on the GE PETtrace cyclotrons at LHRI and CPDC with 16.5 MeV protons and beam currents ≥ 100 µA. Targets were visually inspected after a 6 hour, 130 µA bombardment (2.73 kW/cm2, average) and were found fully intact. Up to 4.7 Ci of 99mTc have been produced to date. The saturated production yield remained constant between 2 hour and 6 hour irradiations. Results and Conclusion These results demonstrate that our brazed tar-get assembly can withstand high beam intensities for long irradiations without deterioration. Efforts are currently underway to determine maximum performance parameters

    Precious metal carborane polymer nanoparticles: characterisation of micellar formulations and anticancer activity

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    YesWe report the encapsulation of highly hydrophobic 16-electron organometallic ruthenium and osmium carborane complexes [Ru/Os(p-cymene)(1,2-dicarba-closo-dodecarborane-1,2-dithiolate)] (1 and 2) in Pluronic® triblock copolymer P123 core–shell micelles. The spherical nanoparticles RuMs and OsMs, dispersed in water, were characterized by dynamic light scattering (DLS), cryogenic transmission electron microscopy (cryo-TEM), and synchrotron small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS; diameter ca. 15 and 19 nm, respectively). Complexes 1 and 2 were highly active towards A2780 human ovarian cancer cells (IC50 0.17 and 2.50 μM, respectively) and the encapsulated complexes, as RuMs and OsMs nanoparticles, were less potent (IC50 6.69 μM and 117.5 μM, respectively), but more selective towards cancer cells compared to normal cells.We thank the Leverhulme Trust (Early Career Fellowship no. ECF-2013-414 to NPEB), the University of Warwick (Grant no. RDF 2013-14 to NPEB), the Swiss National Science Foundation (Grant no. PA00P2_145308 to NPEB and PBNEP2_142949 to APB), the ERC (Grant no. 247450 to PJS), EPSRC (EP/G004897/ 1 to APB, and EP/F034210/1 to PJS), Institute of Advanced Study (IAS) – University of Warwick (Fellowship to JJSB), and Science City (AWM/ERDF) for support. We thank the Wellcome Trust (055663/Z/98/Z) for funding to the Electron Microscopy Facility, School of Life Sciences, University of Warwick

    Peer Effects in Drug Use and Sex Among College Students

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    Past research suggests that congregating delinquent youth increases their likelihood of problem behavior. We test for analogous peer effects in the drug use and sexual behavior of male ( n = 279) and female ( n = 435) college students, using data on the characteristics of first-year roommates to whom they were randomly assigned. We find that males who reported binge drinking in high school drink much more in college if assigned a roommate who also binge drank in high school than if assigned a nonbinge-drinking roommate. No such multiplier effect is observed for females, nor are multiplier effects observed for marijuana use or sexual behavior for either males or females. Students who did not engage in these behaviors in high school do not appear to be affected by their roommates’ high school behavior.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/44594/1/10802_2005_Article_3576.pd
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