1,157 research outputs found

    El uso de los parques naturales como recurso didáctico: Propuesta de una visita al parque regional del sureste

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    A lo largo de este artículo se intentan exponer las bases para la realización de una actividad de campo de carácter interdisciplinar, en la que se trabajan aspectos relacionados con las ciencias sociales globalmente. Se planifica teniendo en cuenta los problemas que esta actividad genera en relación a la educación ambiental, la enseñanza de temas considerados “sensibles” o las dificultades propias del alumnado. Sin embargo, el trabajo de campo y la puesta en práctica de lo aprendido en un entorno real suponen un punto fundamental en el aprendizaje significativo, pues a través de ellos se consigue que los estudiantes den sentido a lo estudiado. Se pone de manifiesto lo que debe ser el planteamiento teórico que sustente las actividades de esta índoleThe aim of this article is to present the basis for conducting an interdisciplinary fieldwork project which different aspects of the social sciences as a whole. At the same time, it is proposed that this project should be based on previous systematic planning that takes into account the problems that this activity generates in relation to environmental education, the teaching of issues considered controversial or the difficulties of students. However, developing a fieldwork project and applying classroom knowledge in a real world situation is essential for students to achieve meaningful learning, since they manage to make sense of theoretical. The article shows what theoretical approach should be taken to develop this kind of activitie


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    Obra ressenyada: Noemí MONCUNILL MARTÍ, Els noms personals ibèrics en l'epigrafi a antiga de Catalunya. Barcelona: Institut d'Estudis Catalans, 2010

    Do same-sex unions dissolve more often than different-sex unions? : Methodological insights from Colombian data on sexual behavior

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    Background Conclusions about differences in union dissolution rates between same-sex couples and different-sex couples vary across studies and countries. Previous research identifies same-sex couples solely using information on the sex of partners. Objective To investigate how the measures used to identify same-sex couples affect conclusions regarding differences in dissolution rates between different-sex and same-sex unions in the stigmatized context of Colombia. Methods We use rich retrospective data from the Colombian DHS 2015 on the duration of 63,462 unions, including 1,051 same-sex unions. An important feature of this survey is that respondents are also asked about their sexual behavior. Results Similar to previous studies on the United States, estimates solely based on the reported sex of partners show that cohabiting same-sex couples are as likely to separate as cohabiting different-sex couples in Colombia. However, excluding same-sex unions of persons who reported never having had sex with someone of the same sex, same-sex unions are considerably more likely to end in separation than different-sex unions. Conclusions The same-sex unions of persons who report having had sex with someone of the same sex are more likely to end in separation than different-sex unions in Colombia. Contribution We show how substantive conclusions about the relative stability of same-sex unions depend on how same-sex unions are identified. To reduce the influence of possible miscoding on conclusions we recommend combining various measures to identify same sex unions

    Prospective and Mental Change in Decision-Making in Critical Scenarios of Organizations (Review Article)

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    We understand from the study of neuroscience that our mind has the power to change according to the social and cultural context in which we operate. The purpose of this research was to present epistemological theory, its importance in influencing decision-making, and strategic approaches from the perspective of complexity and neuroscience. For this, an in-depth bibliographic review was carried out based on the epistemological point of view and critical reading of published articles. The results demonstrated considerations about the presence of multiple philosophical traditions in the scientific process; the role of leadership and neuroscience as the axis of knowledge and their value for decision-making; and how, based on the paradigmatic dialectic, a new mental model and innovative foresight are useful for understanding the structures that require new models of planning for the future where possible and desirable. Thus, we conclude that a change of mentality to a new philosophy of interpretation of reality is important for the complexity of the construction of the future. Keywords: neurosciences, quality, managerial skills, neuroliderazgo. Resumen Desde la neurociencia nuestra mente tiene el poder de cambiar de acuerdo al contexto social y cultural en la que nos desenvolvemos, para ello hay que darle al cerebro la importancia de algo nuevo. El artículo tiene como propósito presentar la teoría epistemológica, y su importancia para formar mentes y pensamientos positivos para la toma de decisiones, y mejorar los enfoques estratégicos desde la perspectiva de la complejidad y la neurociencia; para ello se realizó una revisión bibliográfica a profundidad basados en dos enfoques desde lo epistemológico y la lectura crítica de artículos publicados. Frente a tal escenario, se pretende exponer consideraciones acerca de la presencia de estas tres tradiciones filosóficas en la manera científica argumentado liderazgo y neurociencia como eje del conocimiento y sobre su valor para la toma de decisiones fundamentados en la dialéctica paradigmática hacia un nuevo modelo mental e innovador, la prospectiva es útil para comprender las estructuras que requieren nuevos modelos de planificación del futuro en lo posible y lo deseable. En el nivel académico esta la respuesta a la complejidad para la construcción del futuro, es importante un cambio de mentalidad que este sujeto a una nueva filosofía de interpretación de la realidad. Palabras claves: neurociencias, calidad, habilidades directivas, neuroliderazgo

    Melanie Klein, una princesa que creó su propio reino

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    Las formulaciones kleinianas no pueden ser encuadradas como un mero desarrollo del psicoanálisis freudiano, dado que suponen cambios radicales en su metapsicología, núcleo intocable del sistema. En todo caso, Melanie Klein merece un lugar de privilegio entre las mujeres pioneras que aportaron ideas originales a la psicología del inconsciente y aunque siempre se autoconsideró una fiel seguidora de Freud, terminó desarrollando su propio reino.Melanie Klein’s formulations should not be framed as a mere development of Freudian Psychoanalysis. In fact, they represent a radical change in his methapsychology, the otherwise known, as an untouchable core of the system. Nevertheless, Melanie Klein deserves to have a privileged position among those female psychoanalysts who, in one way or another, contributed with original ideas to the psychology of the unconsciousness. Although, she always considered herself simply as a Freud’s follower, she ended up developing her own reign of knowledge

    Sabina Spielrein, la primera mujer que enriqueció la teoría psicoanalítica

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    Sabina Spielrein produjo un impacto en la doctrina psicoanalítica a través de una interesante teoría de la represión que ponía en primer plano la tendencia a la destructividad que subyace en el ser humano, que Freud estimó como un antecedente de la pulsión de muerte. Además fue una fuente de inspiración para algunas de las ideas de Jung, como las de ánima y sombra, y para las teorías lingüísticas de Piaget

    Lou Andreas-Salomé, algo más que una coleccionista de genios

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    Lou Andreas-Salomé ha pasado de puntillas por la historia del psicoanálisis, resaltándose más que nada su papel de amante de grandes figuras de principios del siglo pasado o sus escritos literarios. No se ha solido dar gran valor a sus aportaciones psicoanalíticas, las cuales si bien no fueron de extraordinario valor, sí merecen un lugar digno en el recuerdo. Por ello, tratamos de recoger en este trabajo, además de un esbozo de su biografía, las ideas psicoanalíticas de mayor prevalencia de esta bella rusa, particularmente las referidas al narcisismo y a la sexualidad femenina.Lou Andreas-Salomé has been always considered a minor character in the history of Psychoanalisys. For the most part, she is remembered by her role as a lover of major figures of the beginning of the past century as well as by her literature writings yet not by any of her psychoanalytic contributions. These contributions, even though not of a great value, are worth of attention. In this work we attempt to briefly review her biography as well as to present some of her main psychoanalytic ideas, specifically those about narcisism and female sexuality

    Passive cooling applicability mapping: A tool for designers

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    The applicability of passive cooling methods has been a recurring subject in architectural engineering science. The integration of these methods in architecture often requires feasibility studies and, in most cases, a deep knowledge of the climatic conditions is required to succeed in this task. The number of parameters to be evaluated will depend on the complexity of the cooling system, the physics involved and the context. This paper addresses the climatic applicability of convective and evaporative cooling systems in the context of United States (US) through the creation of a series of applicability maps deriving from processed climate data. This work is a revision of the climatic maps for downdraught cooling developed in Europe and in China with an extension to evaluate the opportunity for natural ventilation. More specifically, the studied cooling solutions are: Natural Convective Cooling (NCC), Passive Evaporative Cooling (PEC), and Active Downdraught Cooling (ADC). The maps obtained demonstrate the strong potential for the use of passive evaporative and convective cooling solutions in the US to overcome the current dependency on mechanical systems

    Effects of the Sierra Bermeja wildfire of 2021 on soil properties and vegetation cover.

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    Sierra Bermeja is one of the most environmentally diverse Mediterranean mountains and one of the most important ultramafic outcrops in the world. Thus, the aim of this work is to analyse the short-term evolution of the area affected by the Sierra Bermeja forest fire (province of Malaga), in order to demonstrate how the regeneration and recovery of this ecosystem, which is key to the management of its territory, is progressing. The fire burned 8,401 hectares, making it one of the most devastating fires in the province in decades. It affected approximately 28% of the area of Sierra Bermeja. Spatial remote sensing techniques, field work, sampling and a search for the main eco-geomorphological characteristics (vegetation and soils) of the study area have been used. The results show that: i) moderate-high and high severity occupies about 57% of the burned area, which has caused serious environmental problems in core sectors ii) however, certain areas have experienced remarkable recoveries, especially in scrubland environments, and iii) the fire caused significant changes in certain soil properties, e.g. structural stability and organic matter.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech