Passive cooling applicability mapping: A tool for designers


The applicability of passive cooling methods has been a recurring subject in architectural engineering science. The integration of these methods in architecture often requires feasibility studies and, in most cases, a deep knowledge of the climatic conditions is required to succeed in this task. The number of parameters to be evaluated will depend on the complexity of the cooling system, the physics involved and the context. This paper addresses the climatic applicability of convective and evaporative cooling systems in the context of United States (US) through the creation of a series of applicability maps deriving from processed climate data. This work is a revision of the climatic maps for downdraught cooling developed in Europe and in China with an extension to evaluate the opportunity for natural ventilation. More specifically, the studied cooling solutions are: Natural Convective Cooling (NCC), Passive Evaporative Cooling (PEC), and Active Downdraught Cooling (ADC). The maps obtained demonstrate the strong potential for the use of passive evaporative and convective cooling solutions in the US to overcome the current dependency on mechanical systems

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