74 research outputs found

    Radiation-induced growth and isothermal decay of infrared-stimulated luminescence from feldspar

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    Optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) ages can determine a wide range of geological events or processes, such as the timing of sediment deposition, the exposure duration of a rock surface, or the cooling rate of bedrock. The accuracy of OSL dating critically depends on our capability to describe the growth and decay of laboratory-regenerated luminescence signals. Here we review a selection of common models describing the response of infrared stimulated luminescence (IRSL) of feldspar to constant radiation and temperature as administered in the laboratory. We use this opportunity to introduce a general-order kinetic model that successfully captures the behaviour of different materials and experimental conditions with a minimum of model parameters, and thus appears suitable for future application and validation in natural environments. Finally, we evaluate all the presented models by their ability to accurately describe a recently published feldspar multi-elevated temperature post-IR IRSL (MET-pIRIR) dataset, and highlight each model's strengths and shortfalls

    The Twannberg iron meteorite strewn field in the Swiss Jura mountains: insights for Quaternary environmental conditions

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    The ~ 10 km2 strewn field of the Twannberg type IIG iron meteorite is located in the Swiss Jura Mountains, 30 km northwest of Bern. The strewn field has been mapped by a group of citizen scientists since 2006, yielding more than 2000 meteorite fragments with a total mass of 152.7 kg until the end of 2022. With a terrestrial age of 176 ± 19 ka and a minimum pre-atmospheric mass of ~ 250 t, the Twannberg meteorite is a local time marker in an area with a poorly-known paleoenvironmental history. The Twannberg strewn field is located just outside of the maximum extent of ice during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). On the Mont Sujet, meteorites are size-sorted in a 6-km long section of the primary strewn field (altitude 945–1370 m a.s.l.), indicating a fall direction from east-northeast to west-southwest (azimuth approximately 250°). On the Twannberg plateau and in the Twannbach gorge, meteorites are not size-sorted and occur in a ~ 5.7-km long area associated with till and recent stream sediments (altitude 430–1075 m a.s.l.). The mass distribution of meteorites on the Twannberg plateau demonstrate that these meteorites were not found where they fell but that they must have been transported up to several km by glacier ice flow after the fall. The distribution of meteorites and of glacially transported Alpine clasts on the Mont Sujet and on the Chasseral chain indicates the presence of local ice caps and of an approximately 200-m higher Alpine ice surface with respect to the LGM at the time of fall. This high ice level during MIS 6 (Marine Isotopic Stage 6, 191–130 ka) indicated by the meteorite distribution is consistent with surface exposure ages of 50–144 ka from nearby resting erratic boulders at altitudes of up to 1290 m a.s.l., including the newly dated Jobert boulder (63 ka). These boulders indicate an ice level ~ 400 m higher than during LGM at a time not later than MIS 6. Post-LGM luminescence ages of loess-containing meteorites on the Mont Sujet and 14C ages of materials associated with meteorite finds indicate relatively young pedoturbation and increased oxidation of meteorites since ~ 7300 cal BP, possibly correlated with deforestation and enhanced erosion resulting from increased human activities since the Neolithic. This study shows that Twannberg meteorites in their palaeoenvironmental context provide valuable information about ice levels and transport directions during MIS 6 and about their interaction with the post-LGM environmental conditions. The unique Twannberg strewn field has the potential to reveal more valuable information

    OSL-thermochronometry of feldspar from the KTB borehole, Germany

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    The reconstruction of thermal histories of rocks (thermochronometry) is a fundamental tool both in Earth science and in geological exploration. However, few methods are currently capable of resolving the low-temperature thermal evolution of the upper ∼2 km of the Earth's crust. Here we introduce a new thermochronometer based on the infrared stimulated luminescence (IRSL) from feldspar, and validate the extrapolation of its response to artificial radiation and heat in the laboratory to natural environmental conditions. Specifically, we present a new detailed Na-feldspar IRSL thermochronology from a well-documented thermally-stable crustal environment at the German Continental Deep Drilling Program (KTB). There, the natural luminescence of Na-feldspar extracted from twelve borehole samples (0.1–2.3 km depth, corresponding to 10–70 °C) can be either (i) predicted within uncertainties from the current geothermal gradient, or (ii) inverted into a geothermal palaeogradient of 29±2 °C km−1, integrating natural thermal conditions over the last ∼65 ka. The demonstrated ability to invert a depth–luminescence dataset into a meaningful geothermal palaeogradient opens new venues for reconstructing recent ambient temperatures of the shallow crust (200 °C Ma−1 range). Although Na-feldspar IRSL is prone to field saturation in colder or slower environments, the method's primary relevance appears to be for borehole and tunnel studies, where it may offer remarkably recent (<0.3 Ma) information on the thermal structure and history of hydrothermal fields, nuclear waste repositories and hydrocarbon reservoirs

    Tectono-geomorphological evolution of the Eastern Pyrenees: Insights from thermo-kinematic modeling

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    Constraining the tectono-geomorphological evolution of the Pyrenees is still a major challenge, especially in the Eastern Pyrenees where late Neogene exhumation history and topographic evolution appear contrasted and have been debated. In this study, we performed thermo-kinematic (Pecube) modeling using a relatively dense spatial compilation of previously-published low-temperature thermochronological data for th

    Dating bedrock gorge incision in the French Western Alps (Ecrins-Pelvoux massif) using cosmogenic 10Be

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    International audienceWe report in-situ produced 10Be data from the Gorge du Diable (French Western Alps) to date and quantify bedrock gorge incision into a glacial hanging valley. We sampled gorge sidewalls and the active channel bed to derive both long-term and present-day incision rates. 10Be ages of sidewall profiles reveal rapid incision through the late Holocene (ca 5 ka) at rates ranging from 6.5 to 13 mm yr−1. Present-day incision rates are significantly lower and vary from 0.5 to 3 mm yr−1 within the gorge. Our data imply either delayed initiation of gorge incision after final ice retreat from internal Alpine valleys at ca 12 ka, or post-glacial surface reburial of the gorge. Our results suggest that fluvial incision rates >1 cm yr−1 into crystalline bedrock may be encountered in transient landscape features induced by glacial-interglacial transitions

    Rethinking low-temperature thermochronology data sampling strategies for quantification of denudation and relief histories: A case study in the French western Alps

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    International audienceWe assess the importance of thermochronometric data sampling and modeling strategies for correctly estimating mountain belt exhumation. Thermochronological age-elevation profiles have been widely used to infer orogenic exhumation histories; however, recent studies have shown that this sampling strategy may not be the most pertinent for quantifying both denudation and relief history. Here, we investigate the ability of combining different thermochronology data sampling schemes with numerical modeling to better constrain denudation rates and relief changes. We produce synthetic thermochronology datasets for real Alpine topography under a specific exhumation and relief scenario using the thermal-kinematic model Pecube. We then adopt an inverse approach based on the Neighborhood Algorithm to quantitatively assess the resolution of different thermochronology datasets collected following elevation profiles, long transects and valley bottom sampling. We also test the effect of the modeling approach on denudation and relief predictions, in particular the influence of the topographic grid resolution and of potential constraints on the geothermal gradient. Our results show that sampling along a single elevation profile does not allow to quantitatively constrain both denudation and relief histories. Numerical outputs clearly evidence tradeoffs that limit the capacity of simultaneously resolving denudation rates and relief change. Quantitative predictions are only slightly different when combining elevation profiles along different valleys, but are highly improved when using long transects or valley-bottom samples combined with an elevation profile. The resolution with which relief evolution can be predicted may be increased by a factor of 2 by using spatially distributed datasets. Results of thermal parameter inversions suggest that the geothermal gradient may be better estimated using elevation profiles or long-transect sampling rather than using valley bottom samples. Simulations with different model topography resolutions show that degrading the resolution for computational efficiency may result in a loss of quantitative information on denudation rates and relief history. In summary, we highlight that both thermochronological sampling strategies and the choice of thermal parameters or model topography resolution have a significant influence on predicted denudation and relief histories. Ideally, the sampling strategy should be designed using preliminary modeling of expected denudation and relief histories, and a sensitivity study on assumed thermal parameters and model resolution should be performed when modeling the data. Although our modeling is based on a particular case study of relief evolution in the French western Alps, we believe that these inferences have general relevance for thermochronological studies within mountain belts

    Trapped-charge thermochronometry and thermometry: A status review

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    Trapped-charge dating methods including luminescence and electron spin resonance dating have high potential as low temperature ( 200 °C Ma− 1), or elevated-temperature underground settings (> 30 °C). Despite this limitation, trapped-charge thermochronometry comprises a diverse suite of versatile methods, and we explore potential future applications and research directions.</p

    Inversion of thermochronological age-elevation profiles to extract independent estimates of denudation and relief history - I: Theory and conceptual model

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    International audienceWe determine to what extent low-temperature thermochronology data, in particular from age-elevation profiles, provide independent and quantitative estimates on denudation rates and relief development. Thermochronological age-elevation profiles have been widely used to infer exhumation histories. However, their interpretation has remained inherently one-dimensional, neglecting potential effects of lateral offsets between samples. Furthermore, the potential effects of transient topography on crustal isotherms and consequently on thermochronological data have not yet been addressed in detail. We investigate this problem with the aim of deriving independent estimates of both denudation rates and relief history from low-temperature thermochronometers, measuring the relative uncertainties on these parameters and finally constraining the timing of potential variations in denudation rate and/or relief development. We adopt a non-linear inversion method combining the three-dimensional thermal-kinematic model Pecube, which predicts thermal histories and thermochronological ages from an input denudation and relief history, with an inversion scheme based on the Neighbourhood Algorithm. We use synthetic data predicted from imposed denudation and relief histories and quantitatively assess the resolution of thermochronological data collected along an age-elevation profile. Our results show that apatite fission-track (AFT) ages alone do not provide sufficient quantitative information to independently constrain denudation and relief histories. Multiple thermochronometers (apatite (U-Th)/He (AHe) ages and/or track-length measurements combined with AFT ages) are generally successful in constraining denudation rates and timing of rate changes, the optimum combination of thermochronometers varying with the input scenario (relief change or varying denudation rates). However, relief changes can only be quantified and precisely constrained from thermochronological age-elevation profiles if the rate of relief growth is at least 2-3 times higher than the background denudation rate. This limited resolution is due to the depth of the closure isotherm (between ˜ 70 and 110 °C) for the AFT and AHe systems, which only partly record topographic change. New thermochronometers (such as 4He/3He or OSL) that are sensitive to lower temperatures may be the key for resolving this issue

    Apatite low-temperature chronometry and microstructures across a hydrothermally active fault zone

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    International audienceLow-temperature chronometers offer potential to gain insights into the temporal evolution of hydrothermal systems. The long-lived fault-bound Grimsel pass hydrothermal system (including a fossil and an active part) in the Central European Alps serves here as a key site to test such an application. Zircon and apatite grains were separated from samples collected along a fault transect. The resulting zircon (U-Th)/He ages are homogenous along the profile at 8-9 Ma and thus record the regional cooling evolution, remaining unaffected by the younger hydrothermal activity. In contrast, the apatite (U-Th)/He ages show three age groups: One Group (1) of ca. 5 Ma inside and outside the hydrothermal zone matches the low-temperature part of the regional cooling trend, while group (2) with ages as young as 1-2 Ma occurs in a central narrow zone associated with hydrothermal activity. One sample (group 3) displays older apparent ages compared to the regional cooling trend. Group (2) apatite samples reveal a different cathodoluminescence texture and trace-element chemistry, which we interpret together with the young age as apatite growth or re-crystallization within the hydrothermal system. Forward 1D modelling of He diffusion indicates that apatite (U-Th)/He ages should always be reset when exposed to hot thermal waters (up to ~140 • C) present over ka timescales or to intermediate temperature waters (~90 • C) over Ma timescales. Combining our measured apatite (U-Th)/He ages with forward modelling results highlight that, besides regional cooling trends, local heat anomalies within hydrothermal zones are very variable in space and time. Combined trace-element geochemistry and (U-Th)/He dating shows local occurrence of newly-formed apatites crystals, which are best described as geochronometers rather than thermochronometers. Such information is important to explore the longevity of hydrothermal systems and associated spatial distributions of heat anomalies