18 research outputs found

    Ultraflexible and robust graphene supercapacitors printed on textiles for wearable electronics applications

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    Printed graphene supercapacitors have the potential to empower tomorrow’s wearable electronics. We report a solid-state flexible supercapacitor device printed on textiles using graphene oxide ink and a screen-printing technique. After printing, graphene oxide was reduced in situ via a rapid electrochemical method avoiding the use of any reducing reagents that may damage the textile substrates. The printed electrodes exhibited excellent mechanical stability due to the strong interaction between the ink and textile substrate. The unique hierarchical porous structure of the electrodes facilitated ionic diffusion and maximised the surface area available for the electrolyte/ active material interface. The obtained device showed outstanding cyclic stability over 10 000 cycles and maintained excellent mechanical flexibility, which is necessary for wearable applications. The simple printing technique is readily scalable and avoids the problems associated with fabricating supercapacitor devices made of conductive yarn, as previously reported in the literature

    Noticia histórica acerca del primer ensayo de anestesia veterinaria en España

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    El presente trabajo es una investigación historiográfica que recorre el estudio de las principales fuentes escritas de conocimiento (libros y revistas profesionales) que estuvieron a disposición de los veterinarios a lo largo de las cinco últimas décadas del siglo XIX, con el fin de exponer algunas incógnitas sobre la Historia. . de la Anestesia Veterinaria española tales como: - ¿Cómo se inició el conocimiento de la anestesia en nuestro país? -¿Quién hace los primeros experimentos? - ¿Por qué medios? ¿A quién obtiene?The present work is a historiographic research running through the study of the main writen sources of knowledge (books and profesional magazines) that were available to the veterinarians throughout the five last decades of the XIXth century, in order to expose sorne unlmown facts about the History of Spanish Veterinary Anesthesia such as: - I-Iow did the knowledge of anesthesia start in our country? - Who makes the first experiments? - By what means? Whal does he obtains?peerReviewe

    El saber clínico veterinario en los doce libros de agricultura de columela a través de su primera traducción al castellano

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    Lucio Junio Moderato Columela, español y andaluz, oriundo de Cádiz, súbdito de la Roma Imperial del siglo primero después de Cristo, rico patricio al parecer, representa uno de los grandes nombres romanos cuya importancia es pareja a la de Catón, Celso, Varrón o Virgilio. Constituye un paradigma de los ilustrados personajes que, no siendo practicantes de la medicina, se constituyeron en eruditos enciclopedistas capaces de recoger, aumentar y transmitir los conocimientos grecolatinos de su época.Lucio Junio ​​Moderato Columela, Spanish and Andalusian, native of Cádiz, subject of Imperial Rome in the first century after Christ, apparently rich patrician, represents one of the great Roman names whose importance is equal to that of Cato, Celsus, Varrón or Virgil. It constitutes a paradigm of the enlightened characters who, not being practitioners of medicine, became encyclopedic scholars capable of collecting, increasing and transmitting the Greco-Latin knowledge of their time.peerReviewe

    Microspore embryogenesis induction by mannitol and TSA results in a complex regulation of epigenetic dynamics and gene expression in bread wheat

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    Reprogramming of microspores development towards embryogenesis mediated by stress treatment constitutes the basis of doubled haploid production. Recently, compounds that alter histone post-translational modifications (PTMs) have been reported to enhance microspore embryogenesis (ME), by altering histones acetylation or methylation. However, epigenetic mechanisms underlying ME induction efficiency are poorly understood. In this study, the epigenetic dynamics and the expression of genes associated with histone PTMs and ME induction were studied in two bread wheat cultivars with different ME response. Microspores isolated at 0, 3 and 5 days, treated with 0.7M mannitol (MAN) and 0.7M mannitol plus 0.4 mu M trichostatin A (TSA), which induced ME more efficiently, were analyzed. An additional control of gametophytic development was included. Microspores epigenetic state at the onset of ME induction was distinctive between cultivars by the ratio of H3 variants and their acetylated forms, the localization and percentage of labeled microspores with H3K9ac, H4K5ac, H4K16ac, H3K9me2 and H3K27me3, and the expression of genes related to pollen development. These results indicated that microspores of the high responding cultivar could be at a less advanced stage in pollen development. MAN and TSA resulted in a hyperacetylation of H3.2, with a greater effect of TSA. Histone PTMs were differentially affected by both treatments, with acetylation being most concerned. The effect of TSA was observed in the H4K5ac localization pattern at 3dT in the mid-low responding cultivar. Three gene networks linked to ME response were identified. TaHDT1, TaHAG2, TaYAO, TaNFD6-A, TabZIPF1 and TaAGO802-B, associated with pollen development, were down-regulated. TaHDA15, TaHAG3, TaHAM, TaYUC11D, Ta-2B-LBD16 TaMS1 and TaDRM3 constituted a network implicated in morphological changes by auxin signaling and cell wall modification up-regulated at 3dT. The last network included TaHDA18, TaHAC1, TaHAC4, TaABI5, TaATG18fD, TaSDG1a-7A and was related to ABA and ethylene hormone signaling pathways, DNA methylation and autophagy processes, reaching the highest expression at 5dT. The results indicated that TSA mainly modified the regulation of genes related to pollen and auxin signaling. This study represents a breakthrough in identifying the epigenetic dynamics and the molecular mechanisms governing ME induction efficiency, with relevance to recalcitrant wheat genotypes and other crops

    Pseudomonas aeruginosa: a formidable and ever-present adversary.

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    noPseudomonas aeruginosa is a versatile pathogen associated with a broad spectrum of infections in humans. In healthcare settings the bacterium is an important cause of infection in vulnerable individuals including those with burns or neutropenia or receiving intensive care. In these groups morbidity and mortality attributable to P. aeruginosa infection can be high. Management of infections is difficult as P. aeruginosa is inherently resistant to many antimicrobials. Furthermore, treatment is being rendered increasingly problematic due to the emergence and spread of resistance to the few agents that remain as therapeutic options. A notable recent development is the acquisition of carbapenemases by some strains of P. aeruginosa. Given these challenges, it would seem reasonable to identify strategies that would prevent acquisition of the bacterium by hospitalised patients. Environmental reservoirs of P. aeruginosa are readily identifiable, and there are numerous reports of outbreaks that have been attributed to an environmental source; however, the role of such sources in sporadic pseudomonal infection is less well understood. Nevertheless there is emerging evidence from prospective studies to suggest that environmental sources, especially water, may have significance in the epidemiology of sporadic P. aeruginosa infections in hospital settings, including intensive care units. A better understanding of the role of environmental reservoirs in pseudomonal infection will permit the development of new strategies and refinement of existing approaches to interrupt transmission from these sources to patients.Non