65 research outputs found

    Entrepreneurial skills in university degrees

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    Purpose: From a skills perspective, the academic field of entrepreneurship has grown to become a key element in university studies. Determining whether these skills exist among university students and how to foster them is a key in higher education. To this effect, the aim of this study is to determine the entrepreneurial skills’ level among the students on the different bachelor’s degrees taught at the Faculty of Business and Economics Sciences of University of Girona. Design/methodology/approach: Information about the skill level was collected using a skills model called Tricuspoid, which was specifically designed for the self-assessment of entrepreneurial skills. Information about students’ sociodemographic, professional and educational profile was collected using a self-administered complementary questionnaire. Bivariate analysis and statistical contrast were applied. Findings: Being a man, doing sport, balancing studying with paid work and accessing university studies via the vocational training pathway are indicators of a greater entrepreneurial capacity. On the other hand, being a woman, accessing university studies via baccalaureate or having no knowledge of English, however, are factors associated with a deficit in entrepreneurial talent. Originality/value: Considering the fact that attitude to entrepreneurship can be modified through educational interventions, identifying these factors enables us to formulate guidelines for teaching activities that increase students’ entrepreneurial and intrapreneurial capacity for a better integration for our students into the job market

    A Double-Track Pathway to Fast Strategy in Humans and Its Personality Correlates

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    The fast-slow paradigm of life history (LH) focuses on how individuals grow, mate, and reproduce at different paces. This paradigm can contribute substantially to the field of personality and individual differences provided that it is more strictly based on evolutionary biology than it has been so far. Our study tested the existence of a fast-slow continuum underlying indicators of reproductive effort¿offspring output, age at first reproduction, number, and stability of sexual partners¿in 1,043 outpatients with healthy to severely disordered personalities. Two axes emerged reflecting a double-track pathway to fast strategy, based on restricted and unrestricted sociosexual strategies. When rotated, the fast-slow and sociosexuality axes turned out to be independent. Contrary to expectations, neither somatic effort¿investment in status, material resources, social capital, and maintenance/survival¿was aligned with reproductive effort, nor a clear tradeoff between current and future reproduction was evident. Finally, we examined the association of LH axes with seven high-order personality pathology traits: negative emotionality, impulsivity, antagonism, persistence-compulsivity, subordination, and psychoticism. Persistent and disinhibited subjects appeared as fast-restricted and fast-unrestricted strategists, respectively, whereas asocial subjects were slow strategists. Associations of LH traits with each other and with personality are far more complex than usually assumed in evolutionary psychology

    Technologies for Cost-Effective UDWDM-PONs

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    New technologies for ultradense WDM-PON (udWDM-PON), enabled by coherent techniques and low-cost devices, are developed for an efficient utilization of the optical spectrum, revealing that the 'Wavelength-to-the-User' concept can be feasible. In this paper, an udWDM-PON with only 6.25-GHz channel spacing is implemented with conventional DFB lasers, for a splitter-based PON infrastructure with 256 ONUs. The results of the analysis of udWDM access network architecture with respect to their associated complexity, cost, and migration scenarios, exhibit the potential for higher aggregate throughput, higher split ratios, and node consolidation, when compared to competing technologies

    Prevalence of sexual harassment among young Spaniards before, during, and after the COVID-19 lockdown period in Spain

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    Background: Sexual harassment is a type of coercion, including social pressure, intimidation, physical force, and verbal acts, in addition to other forms such as cyber-harassment, recognized as a major important public health problem. Methods: This cross-sectional study, based on a survey administered online to men and women aged 18 to 35 years and living in Spain throughout 15th and 28th October 2020, aims to analyze the prevalence and factors associated with sexual harassment among young people in Spain within the last 12 months, particularly according to the COVID-19 lockdown period. It has been conducted by bivariate analysis and robust Poisson regression models. The final sample includes 2.515 participants. Results: The results indicate that women were almost twice as likely as men to experience sexual harassment (49% vs 22.2%). Also, among heterosexual men and women, the estimated prevalence was lower concerning that observed among bisexuals, gays, and lesbians (31.5% vs 53, 39.2, and 34.6% respectively). The prevalence percentage in the 18–24 age group was twice high as that observed in the 30–35 age group. Finally, during the lockdown period, the harassment through electronic channels increased (32.6% vs 16.5 and 17.8% before and after this period, respectively) and decreased on public roads (22.9% vs 63.4 and 54.4% pre-lockdown and post-lockdown periods, respectively). Conclusion: These findings highlight that sexual harassment presents a high prevalence among young people, especially cyber-harassment, and workplace harassment and it is important to be aware that young women are more likely to suffer harassment and even more if they do not have a partner or have LGB orientation. During the lockdown sexual harassment has moved from public spaces to the social network.This research was supported by the CIBER of Epidemiology and Public Health of Spain; Grant ESP20PI02

    Estructura de la psicopatologia de la personalitat, impacte clínic i eficàcia biològica

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    Premi Extraordinari de Doctorat concedit pels programes de doctorat de la UAB per curs acadèmic 2017-2018Els Trastorns de la personalitat (TP) causen patiment, dificultats de funcionament i comorbiditat psicopatològica, incloent el suïcidi. Les qüestions respecte a la seva classificació i diagnòstic encara no han estat resoltes. Conseqüentment, els TP no reben un tractament d'acord amb les necessitats reals en la pràctica clínica i el nostre coneixement sobre la natura i les causes és clarament insuficient. Els models de patologia dimensionals gaudeixen cada vegada de major acceptació per a la valoració del les alteracions de la personalitat, però la seva validesa externa encara no ha estat contrastada. Aquesta es refereix a l'habilitat per predir conseqüències clíniques negatives en la "vida real". Per tal de superar aquestes mancances, nosaltres varem realitzar dos estudis que incloïen 960 participants, que van completar tres mesures diferents de personalitat (PDQ-4+, TCI-R i DAPP-BQ), un conjunt de dades biogràfiques (clíniques i psicosocials) i una mesura d'estat mental. Les tres mesures de personalitat van ser prèviament integrades en un únic model de patologia de la personalitat que valora set dimensions principals. En el primer estudi, nosaltres varem analitzar mitjançant regressió, la relació de 36 variables clíniques amb set dimensions de la patologia de la personalitat, per tal d'examinar l'impacte de cadascuna d'elles. El nou model integrat mostrava major poder predictiu que els models categorials i dimensionals. L'Afectivitat negativa era de 6 a 14 vegades més perjudicial que les altres 6 dimensions, i fins i tot doblava els efectes perjudicials de la depressió. La resta de dimensions i les seves interaccions tenien impactes específics i comparativament molt menors. Les nostres troballes suggereixen que les dimensions bàsiques de la patologia de la personalitat s'associen amb conseqüències clíniques i nivells de perjudici molt diferents i per tant poden contribuir a reordenar les prioritats clíniques i de recerca en el camp dels trastorns de la personalitat. En el segon estudi, nosaltres varem analitzar mitjançant la regressió, les relacions de 14 variables d'història de vida (aparellament, descendència i estatus) amb les mateixes set dimensions de personalitat per tal d'esbrinar si es trobaven sota les pressions de la selecció sexual. Els anàlisis es van realitzar en la mostra sencera i per sexes separadament. Els termes quadràtics i les interaccions van ser introduïdes en un segon pas per detectar la presència de selecció estabilitzadora, disruptiva o correlacional. L'estatus va ser hipotetitzat com a mediador entre la personalitat i l'èxit d'aparellament, i l'estatus i l'èxit d'aparellament com a mediadors entre la personalitat i l'èxit reproductiu. Totes les variables de personalitat van mostrar, en alguna mesura, trobar-se sota els efectes de les pressions de la selecció sexual. L'Afectivitat Negativa, la Persistència-Compulsió i la Impulsivitat incrementaven l'èxit d'aparellament i/o reproductiu. A més a més, diversos mecanismes evolucionistes estaven involucrats en el manteniment en la població de les característiques dels Trastorns de la Personalitat. Pel que nosaltres sabem, aquest és el primer estudi de la dinàmica evolutiva de la personalitat en els seus nivells patològics. Els nostres resultats poden enquadrar l'estudi dels trastorns de la personalitat en la perspectiva Darwiniana.Personality disorders (PDs) cause considerable suffering, functional difficulties and comorbid psychopathology, including suicide. Classificatory and diagnostic issues are yet a pending question. Consequently, PDs are not treated in clinical settings according to its real needs, and our knowledge about the nature and causes of PDs is clearly insufficient. Dimensional pathology models are increasingly being accepted for the assessment of disordered personalities, but their external validity is yet to be proved. Importantly, this includes their ability to predict negative clinical outcomes. Against this background, we conducted two studies including 960 participants who completed three different measures of personality (PDQ-4+; TCI-R and DAPP-BQ), a set of biografical (clinical and psychosocial) data and a mental state measure. The three personality models had been previously integrated into a single comprehensive model of personality pathology assessing seven main dimensions. In Study 1 we regressed 36 clinical outcomes onto seven dimensions of personality pathology, in order to examine the clinical impact of each dimension. The new integrated dimensional model showed more predictive power than categorical and dimensional models. Negative Affectivity was 6-14 times as harmful as the other six dimensions, and it even doubled the harmfulness of depression. The remaining dimensions and their interactions had very specific and comparatively minor clinical consequences.,Our findings suggest that the most relevant dimensions of personality pathology are associated with very different clinical consequences and levels of harmfulness. They thus may contribute to rearrange our clinical and research priorities in the personality disorder field. In Study 2 we regressed 14 life history variables (including matting effort, offspring, and status) to the same seven dimensions of personality in order to find out whether they are under sexual selection pressures. Analyses were undertaken on the whole sample and in each sex separately. Quadratic and interaction terms were introduced in a second step to detect stabilizing, disruptive or correlational selection. Status was hypothesised to be a mediator between personality and mating success, and status and mating success were hypothesized to be mediators between personality and reproductive outcome. All personality dimensions showed to be to some extent under sexual selective pressures. Negative Emotionality, Persistence-Compulsivity and Impulsivity increased mating and/or reproductive success. Moreover, several different evolutionary mechanisms were involved in the maintenance of PD features in the population. To our knowledge, this is the first study on the evolutionary dynamics of personality at pathological levels. Our results may reframe the study of personality disorders within a Darwinian perspective

    VUV photon induced fluorescence study of SF5CF3

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    The interaction of SF5_5CF3_3 with vacuum-UV radiation has been investigated by photon induced fluorescence spectroscopy. Total fluorescence yield and dispersed fluorescence spectra of SF5_5CF3_3 were recorded in the 200-1000 nm fluorescence window. In all cases, the fluorescence spectra resemble those of CF3_3X (X=H, F, Cl, and Br) molecules. At photon energies below 20 eV, the emission is attributed to the excited CF3_3 and CF2_2 fragments. The threshold for the CF3_3 emission is 10.2 ± 0.2 eV, giving an upper-limit estimate for the SF5_5-CF3_3 bond dissociation energy of 3.9 ± 0.3 eV. The excitation functions of the CF3 and CF2 emissions were measured in the photon energy range 13.6 – 27.0 eV. The resonant structures observed in SF5_5CF3_3 are attributed to electronic transitions from valence to Rydberg orbitals, following similar assignments in CF3_3X molecules. The photoabsorption spectrum of SF5_5CF3_3 shows features at the same energies, indicating a strong contribution from Rydberg excitations

    Differentiating Abnormal, Normal, and Ideal Personality Profiles in Multidimensional Spaces

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    Current dimensional taxonomies of personality disorder (PD) establish that intense traits do not suffice to diagnose a disorder, and additional constructs reflecting dysfunction are required. However, traits appear able to predict maladaptation by themselves, which might avoid duplications and simplify diagnosis. On the other hand, if trait-based diagnoses are feasible, it is the whole personality profile that should be considered, rather than individual traits. This takes us into multidimensional spaces, which have their own particular - but poorly understood - logic. The present study examines how profile-level differences between normal and disordered subjects can be used for diagnosis. The Dimensional Assessment of Personality Pathology - Basic Questionnaire (DAPP-BQ) and the Personality Inventory for DSM-5 (PID-5) were administered to a community and a clinical sample each (total n = 1,925 and 3,543 respectively). Intense traits proved to be common in the general population, so empirically-based thresholds are indispensable not to take as abnormal what is at most unideal. Profile-level parameters such as Euclidean and Mahalanobis distances outperformed individual traits in predicting mental problems and equaled the performance of published measures of dysfunction or severity. Personality profiles can play a more central role in identifying disorders than is currently acknowledged, provided that adequate metrics are used
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